ED: What the hell is Tom's problem!?!?
[JG Pulls out tranq gun and begins loading]
ED: This show has never been about substance over style!
JG: Nobody leaves.
AM: What?
ED: You're in on this after all?
JG: Somebody wake up Kreuk.
MR: [Heading for KK] OK.
AM: No! Let me. I've wanted to do this all year.
[AM smacks KK soundly in the face]
KK: Ow!!!!
JG: Get up, you shiny haired whiner.
KK: [Getting up.] My car. Dead. Pancaked.
JG: Nobody gives a fuck about your damn car. [Aims tranq at KK] Now grow the hell up and let it go or you'll be sucking Berber for the remainer of the evening.
KK: [Gulps] OK.
ED: I should have known! You're the one who killed Shelby! You son of a bitch! Tom doesn't have it in him!
JG: Don't be ridiculous. I may be a magnificent bastard but even I have my limits.
AoT: What are you going to do with us?
JG: Together we're all going to take Tom down. He's completely out of control. He has to go.
AoT: So the tranqs are for him.
JG: Yes. And anyone else who gets unruly.
MR: And then what?
JG: Kill him?
AM: You can't kill Tom!
JG: So what's your plan Miss brilliance?
AM: I...
JG: Tom is the new show-runner. He's the enemy.
AM: We can't kill him.
ED: Of course not. It's Tom! He's like family.
JG: He's like the uncle you can't agree with about anything and want to punch in the gut every Thanksgiving.
ED: But...
JG: He killed Shelby, Erica. He killed the damn dog. How does that make you feel?
ED: Like... he's like the uncle who always says I'll never make it as a serious actress?
JG: That's the one!
ED: Well I showed him, didn't I?!
[Cast looks around uncomfortably avoiding looking at ED]
ED: Right?
JG: [Clears throat] From now on we treat Tom like any other show runner.
AM: Subvert his every move as we work to overthrow him?
JG: Exactly.
ED: Think about this carefully guys. Are you sure we want to do this?
[JG shoots ED with a tranq]
ED: You shot me!
JG: You weren't following directions.
[ED falls to the ground]
AM: Why did you have to do that?
JG: She was annoying me. And she's a terrible liar. Anyone else?
AM: Michael is a terrible liar too.
MR: Allison!
[JG aims at MR]
MR: I swear I won't tell Tom a thing!
JG: You get one chance, Rosenbaum.
MR: I won't let you down.
JG: Now, is everyone with me?
KK: I'm with you 100%, John. Tom pancaked...
[JG shoots KK with a tranq]
KK: John?
JG: I wasn't kidding about the damn car.
[KK falls to the ground]
AM: I call dibs on waking her up.
JG: She's all yours. Now phase one -- make Tom think he's won.
AoT: And how are we going to do that?
JG: That's where Erica comes in.
AM: And phase two?
[JG steeples his hands in front of his face]
JG: I'm glad you asked...
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