7.20 Harbinger Part X by TW & MR

MR: Cut to Oliver's apartment.
TW: Clark is brewing.
JP: Coffee?
MR: No. Like moping.
AoT: I'm quiet you know
TW: He's brewing. It's different.
MR: Sure it is. At least he's not crying. Lois exits the elevator angry as a hornet.
AoT: You make a first impression
KK: So what's her deal now? Lingerie collection burn with Smallville?
AM: If only.
ED: That would be something to be pissed over.
TW: Clark jokes he knew she wasn't keen on rooming with him again but he had no idea she'd take it this badly.
AM: They're rooming together?
TW: They have to live somewhere.
AM: But together? What about Chloe?
MR: She's has that batcave thing going with her chlones.
JG: She lives in a cave now?
AM: A Batcave?
TW: It's an abandoned LuthorCorp facility she, uh, persuaded Lex to let her use.
AoT: How, exactly?
MR: With sex.
AM: Like hell!
MR: OK. Maybe sex with one... or more of her chlones?
AM: No!
KK: Plus they're dead. Ew.
MR: Now. The deal could have taken place weeks ago!
AM: You're such a perv!
TW: Regardless that's where Chloe lives now. Lois and Clark need a place too.
ED: Why doesn't Lois shack up with Bittleman?
JG: She's already making his work life miserable! Must she ruin his entire life!?
ED: Hey!
MR: Lois tells Clark to check his ego at the door. Her sour mood has absolutely noting to do with him.
TW: "Then who...?"
JG: Ted cut her loose, I hope.
MR: "Kal-El."
AoT: I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind
KK: Ah, irony. Gotta love it.
JG: Dammit!
AoT: Still, if Lois is so desperate for a place that she'll room with Clark...
TW: Hey!
AoT: ...Bittleman must not be too keen on her anymore.
JG: At least that's something. Can we make it canon?
TW: No. Clark assumes the worst, "Not you too?"
MR: "Today proved to everyone he's real! And those crazy women attacking Metropolis? They were stopped by him. I know it. He saved the lives of countless people!"
TW: "And you're upset about that why?"
MR: "I'm upset about this." She shoves a the Planet in Clark's face. The the front page story, "President urges calm in face of alien threat", has Bittleman's by line.
TW: "Because Bittleman got the front page and you didn't?"
MR: "No! It's because no one cares about the lives he's saved. They only care about what's going to happen next. Lex and the President are calling for his head on a silver platter and don't even get me started about my dad..."
AM & KK & AoT & JG: The general.
MR: "Worst of all Kahn has no interest in printing his side of the story."
AoT: Even the best fall down sometimes
TW: "Do you even know his side, Lois?"
AoT: Even the stars refuse to shine
MR: "What I know is today he went out of his way to save the lives of innocent people and I'm from what I've been able to dig up I'm pretty sure he's been doing the same thing in anonymity for who knows how long."
AoT: Out of the back you fall in time
MR: "What we need to do is tell this over-sized bully Darkbottom to take a hike."
AoT: I somehow find
TW: "Darkseid."
AM: Her reporter's attention to detail is astounding.
ED: Hush.
MR: "Whatever. He needs a big punch in the nose."
TW: "Lois, has it occurred to you maybe Lex has a point? Maybe this Kal-El should turn himself in? Maybe whatever good he's done in the past isn't worth the destruction Darkseid might bring."
AoT: You and I collide
MR: "Have you not been listening to me, Clark?"
AoT: Don't stop here
MR: "Kal-El has been out there saving our lives and asking nothing in return. For years."
AoT: I lost my place
MR: "What kind of people would we be if we turned our back on him at the first sign of trouble?"
AoT: I'm close behind

TW: Cut to Lionel's office.
JG: Ha! We would be magnificent bastards, that's what!
MR: A few Kryptonian mementos litter his desk.
TW: Lionel, "And if I'm able to deliver Kal-El Earth will not be destroyed?"
AoT: Even the best fall down sometimes
MR: Pull back to show a hologram of Steppenwolf, "Why should we believe you will succeed where Lord Darkseid's furies have failed?"
AoT: Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
TW: "You will find I am uniquely resourceful." Lionel holds up Fake Bake's crystal dagger.
KK: Um, how exactly did he get that?
JG: He's uniquely resourceful.
AM: He's not that resourceful.
JG: Bite your tongue!
TW: A wizard did it, OK.
AM: Come on!
JG: Lionel is a bit of a wizard.
AoT: In bed!
JG: Tom, You don't think that after Bounty Lionel isn't having Clark followed?
KK: And the audience is supposed to figure that out how?
AoT: The same way they figure out everything else important, the good old fashion fan wank.
TW: [Sighs] We'll add a scene for Otis right after Chloe disappears. He'll phone in Foe's failure and pick up the dagger. Happy now?
AM: Not really. But it's not about the dagger anymore.
MR: "If Earth surrenders the son of Jor-El I assure you the Lord Darkseid will view your world with favor. I need not remind you time runs short."
AoT: Out of the doubt that fills your mind
TW: Indicating the dagger, "I'd hoped this gift would buy more time."
MR: "The gift is appreciated. But no more time will be afforded, Lionel Luthor."
TW: "You shall have him."
MR: "For your sake, I hope so."
AoT: You finally find
TW: The hologram disappears. Lionel takes a stiff drink and picks up a trinket bearing the house of El emblem.
MR: He mutters something about Kal-El forgiving him.
AoT: You and I collide
JG: Must you ruin my MB moment?
MR: If I have any say, yes.
AoT: No mythology?
AM: I know! Something about Pandora's box!
JG: Whatever, as long as it's not hoping for forgiveness.
TW: Come up with a good mythological allegory and no hoping for forgiveness.
MR: Tom!?!?
TW: What? I just stuck that in there because I was too busy research it myself.
MR: You disappoint me.
AM: Join the club.
TW: And get in line.

MR: Hope and Lex at LuthorCorp.
TW: She briefing him on damages to corporate interests.
AoT: You finally find
MR: Lex pays no attention. He's focused on a fuzzy video feed...
KK: Of chlones?
MR: No. Unfortunately.
AoT: Chloe's batcave?
MR: Not a bad idea either. But no.
TW: It's of Clark and Chloe. Clark is obviously out of the frame and the camera was damaged when Chloe blew up Foe so the audio goes in and out.
AoT: You and I collide
KK: Well that's boring.
MR: You're telling me.
TW: We hear her little speech about Darkseid coming because of Clark and how Clark used to be Chloe's hero.
AoT: You finally find
MR: But reference to Clark's name are just static.
AoT: You and I collide
KK: And incredibly convenient. You think anyone is going to buy that?
MR: It worked for us when Lex was in the Asylum.
TW: And the bit about Clark not being able to save her, Lana, or Smallville and asking if he'll be able to save the world.

MR: Which cuts directly to Clark at the fortress. Jor-El is telling Clark there is nothing he can do to help. It's up to Clark to defeat Darkseid.
JG: In that case the world is SOL.
TW: Shut up.
KK: I thought the whole point of the episode is Clark doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of beating Darkseid?
TW: Shut up!
MR: Go to black.


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