7.19 Confession (Part X) by TW and JG

as retold by Bill C

AoT: I'm assuming that Lois and Evelyn's short-term memories were erased and they weren't lobotomized...
KK: Go ahead, lobotomize her. Then Lex can use her as a sex toy.
JG: I tried to get Tom to make Chloe regress Lois back to childhood, but he wouldn't hear of it.
TW: I told you, John, the last thing we need is another story with someone who's lost most of their memories. It's beyond overdone.
KK: I hate to say it, but Tom's right. Hell, at this point we might as well bring in a Cousin Oliver and wipe their brain just to milk it for all it's worth.
MR: Can the Cousin Oliver be hot?
TW+JG: No.
MR: Shit.
JG: So after Chloe--
ED: Hold it! Chloe just wiped the last few minutes of their memories, right?
JG: Right.
ED: But she didn't touch the videotape! So when they wake up and see the tape...
[Everybody looks at TW]
TW: Okay, yeah, I forgot about that. [scribbles in script] So...Chloe, after taking care of Lois and Evelyn.....she...proceeds to wipe the videotape.
[Everybody but TW looks at ED]
MR: Erica, you picked the wrong time to be intelligent.
ED [smacks the tabletop]: God damn it!
JG: And on that positive note, we cut back to the Luthor study. Lex stalks in through the main doors, flexing his punching hand. He stops about six paces into the room, looking off-camera-left, and we pan over to see Lionel sitting at the desk. "Hello, son."
MR: Iron Lex doesn't need this shit right now. "Hi, Dad." He looks at his watch. "Let me guess. You couldn't sleep, so you're up surfing the Internet for dates."
AM: Please. He'd just be looking at Martha's blog and webcam on MySpace.
AoT: As he should.
JG: Lionel shakes his head. "Lex, there's a time for levity and this isn't it. I found something out tonight...and I thought you should know about it."
MR: "That's funny. I found something out too. I found out that Clark is a mutant."
JG: Lionel, as always, looks thoughtful. "I see. And you came about this information how?"
MR: "A security camera outside the wine cellar." Lex narrows his eyes at Lionel. "You don't seem very surprised to hear that your adopted other son is a mutant, Dad."
JG: Lionel leans back in the chair. "To be honest, I'm not."
MR: Closeup on Lex as he absorbs that. Then looks surprised. "How long have you known?"
AM: Oh, about three years. Give or take a week.
JG: As if it would be that easy. "I just found out tonight, actually."
MR: And now Lex's "riiiight" face. "And how did you find out?"
JG: Extreme closeup on the mini-CD from earlier being held in mid-air, then pull back to show Lionel is holding it. "I think you may find this...enlightening."
TW: Music swells as we go to commercial.
MR: What? Oh no. Oh hell no! You are not going to skip over Lex finding out Chloe killed Lana!
AM: Skip it! Skip it!
AoT: We don't need another flashback. Skip it.
KK: Skip the fuck out of it!
MR: Shut up! Lex was married to Lana! He needs a scene where he flips out over this!
JG [to TW]: Told you.
TW: Yeah, yeah. [to MR] Okay, look. You can have a Lex-flips-out scene now, before this commercial break, or later. The catch is that if you have your scene now, that's it.
MR: And if it's later?
TW: It's different. It still happens, but it's different.
MR [flips through script]: There's no "now" scene in here!
TW: Well, no.
MR: You know what? Fuck it, let's go with this "later" scene. Just to see how you're going to cheat Lex out of this.
AM: Careful what you wish for, Michael.
TW: Okay. So we come back from commercials on a morning shot of the farm--
AoT: For God's sake, Tom, another shot of the farm?
TW: Don't worry. This is the last time. The establishing shot, then cut to Clark pushing a tractor behind the barn.
ED: Wifebeater?
TW: Blue T-shirt.
ED: Still got arm porn. I'm good.
TW: Clark finishes moving the tractor, then we go to a--
MR+ED+AoT+AM+KK [sing-song]: Tracking shot!
TW: --swear to God, the last one, of him walking around the side of the barn and then stopping as he notices something off-camera.
JG: Cut to a ground-level shot of Lex's black convertible roaring up the access road and skidding to a sideways stop from high speed. Cut again as Lex all but lunges out of the car and power-walks up to Clark, looking pissed and a little crazed--which fits, considering he's still wearing the clothes he had on the night before.
MR: He's not drunk, is he?
JG: No, just crazy.
MR: Okay, I'll take it from here. "Where's Chloe?"
TW: Clark: "I have no idea, Lex. You could call her--"
MR: Lex pulls a pistol from inside his jacket and levels it at Clark's head. "Dammit, where's Chloe?"
ED [surprised]: Okay. This isn't boring.
TW: Clark is now surprised. "Lex, what the hell are you doing?"
MR: Lex moves the gun slightly to the right and puts a round into the barn wall, just to one side of Clark's head. [to TW] Okay, okay, not bad so far.
TW: Clark flinches a bit. "What the--"
MR: "Damn you, Clark Kent! Damn you, you...you freak! You were there! You saw it all!"
TW: "I saw what? Where--wh-what?"
MR: "Don't you dare lie to me, dammit! I know it all now!" Crazy laugh. "You couldn't stop at just keeping your own secrets, you had to keep hers too?"
TW: Clark spreads his arms a bit. "Lex, calm down. What are you talking about?"
MR: "I'm talking about Chloe and Lana, Clark! You're going to continue to stand there and lie to my face?!?"
TW: "Lie about what?"
AoT+KK+AM: Everything.
MR: "You bastard! You saw Chloe kill Lana!"
TW: Clark goes from angry surprise to shock in about two seconds. "Chloe did what?"
MR: Lex puts another bullet in the barn wall on the other side of Clark's head. "She killed Lana! I saw the security video! She killed my wife and you saw her do it and you didn't do anything to stop her!"
ED: Well, Chloe did kind of throw Clark into the wall at the time.
AoT: Ceiling.
ED: Whatever.
TW: Closeup on Clark as he half-turns away from Lex, looking down at the ground. "Chloe......she killed Lana? But--but she--"
MR: "Oh, for God's sake, Clark--stop playing the fool, you're horrible at it. I finally know the truth about you, and about how she died, and I swear to God--" Lex makes a sweeping motion with his free hand. Huh?
TW: Cut to a frontal shot of Clark as he turns back to face Lex, looking stricken--and then a huge green blur rushes in from camera-left and sweeps him away. Hold on the now empty shot for a couple of seconds, then pan right to show three Spartans holding Clark by the arms and neck against a metal pole.
AM: Lex is crazy, but smart enough to bring along backup?
MR: Hell yeah! "I swear to God, if you don't tell me where Chloe is right now--"
TW: "Lex, I have no idea where she is! And where did you get the idea she had anything to do with Lana's death? Someone must have been trying to set her up! How the hell can I believe you?"
MR: Cut to an over-the-shoulder shot of Clark that pans into a profile shot as Lex walks up to him and puts the gun under his chin. "You may be faster than a speeding bullet, Clark--but only if the bullet has to spend the time to get to your skull."
KK [groans]: Oh, God!
AM: That's just bad.
AoT: Which is the Smallville way.
JG: Isn't it, though?
AM: Smallville. Bad to the bone since 2001.

JG: Cut to a closeup of Lex holding the gun under Clark's chin, and then Chloe's voice rings out. "I'm right here, Lex." Lex almost immediately spins around with the gun out, and the camera pans over fast to Chloe--who is now standing in almost the exact spot Clark was at before the Spartans jumped him.
MR: Lex's face is all twisted up in rage. "You!"
AM: Okay. Chloe nods slowly. "I heard you were looking for me."
MR: "You killed Lana."
AM: "That's right. I did it. I don't remember doing it, though. But I'm guessing that security recording wasn't erased after all."
KK: When did she find out Lois erased the original recording?
AoT: Damnable Offscreenville.
MR: Cue outraged and astonished Lex. "What do you mean 'you don't remember'? You don't remember killing my wife, but you admit you did it?!?"
TW: Pan past Lex to Clark as his mouth drops open. "Chloe? You...you did--"
AM: Chloe looks very sad. Which is a lie, but hey. "I'm sorry, Clark. Lois and I broke into LuthorCorp before I...well, before."
ED: Before the dark times. Before Caprica.
AM: Yeah, close enough. "And that's where I saw the security video. The thing is that I don't remember anything from a little before...killing her...to a couple of minutes later, when Clark took me out of there."
MR: "Lois knows?!?" Lex's voice cracks? Oh, come on, don't make him that crazy!
JG: Hey, you wanted a Lex freakout.
MR: I wanted a manly freakout! With lots of alcohol and brooding to nu-rock music!
AoT: We don't always get what we want.
JG: Well, I come closer than most, but still.
MR [sighs]: Lex looks away for a minute, eyes scrunched shut with just a hint of man-tears--and then he looks at Chloe, levels the gun, and pulls the trigger. Repeatedly. "Damn you!"
KK: Yeah, that's really going to do something.
TW: And we cut to a three-quarter shot of Chloe holding up a hand and stopping the bullets in midair about a foot from her body as Lex burns through the rest of the bullets in his gun. When he's done, we cut back to him still pointing the empty gun, then back to Chloe as she drops her hand and the bullets fall to the ground in front of her.
AM [after a beat]: You did not just turn Chloe into Neo.
JG: After the Matrix line earlier, it seemed appropriate.
AM [thinks]: Okay, fine.
ED [to AM]: You're kidding.
AM: If Chloe is Neo, then that makes Clark her Trinity. Cool--well, in his way--but in the end pretty much useless.
KK: Okay, I'm impressed.
AM: Thank you.
MR: Can we get back to the freakout, please?
AM: Sorry.
MR: Lex lowers the now empty gun, eyes wild, then turns and yells at the Spartans. "Take her!"
ED: Over the tractor!
KK: In the loft!
JG: Cut to Chloe looking almost bemusedly at Lex, then to the Spartans as they slowly let go of Clark. Back to Chloe as she raises her hand again, then back to Lex looking back and forth from Chloe to the Spartans, and finally to the Spartans as they do this fist-to-chest salute to Chloe and growl through those damn vocoders, "Never shall we die."
AM: Oh, sweet! I finally have a catchphrase!
KK: I guess we'll have to call you Captain Sullivan now.
ED: Or the Dove Lady.
MR: Pirates of the Corn Belt?
TW: And at this point the Spartans all fly off. Cut to Clark looking after them, thoroughly confused, then to Lex furious but with that I-should-have-known look on his face--and finally to Chloe, who now looks plenty pissed in her own right. She walks up to Lex, winds up a little, and smacks the taste out of his mouth.
MR: What? This is Lex's freakout!
AM: Yeah, well...in Soviet Kansas, bitch slaps you.
ED: Did you hear they want to remake Red Dawn? That's going to suck so bad...
KK: Hey, if the Bikini Justice thing falls through you can try for that.
ED: ...That's right, I can!
AM: Chloe gets her own rant on.
ED: Wolveriiiiines!
AM: That's not it. "Lex, I should be sorry about Lana. I should be. But I'm not. And do you know why? Because you're responsible. You experimented on me in the first place, you bastard. You opened Pandora's box, all on your own. I have no idea what the hell led to her death in earnest, Lex, except your grand plan to save humanity by screwing with a tiny little piece of it."
TW: At this point Clark walks up next to Lex, still looking confused. "Chloe, I--"
AM: "Clark, I know. God, I know. I should have told you. But I didn't. And I'm only a little sorry about that, pretty much because of what just happened in the last ninety seconds." She goes back to looking at Lex. "Lana didn't have to die. But you had to go screwing around in the name of 'the greater good.'"
KK: This is another semi-irrational freakout, isn't it?
AM: It's plenty rational, thank you.
TW: We switch to a wide shot as Chloe finally looks a little sad at Lex, then takes off and flies away. Cut to a frontal shot of Lex and Clark, Lex's face a mixture of rage and sorrow and Clark's--
AoT: The usual.
KK: "What the hell just happened?"
ED: "Uhhh..."
MR: You totally killed Lex's freakout! That's bullshit!
AM: And I'm so glad you did. Thanks, guys.
TW: Lex then turns and stomps off back to his car, and we go to a three-quarter overhead shot as he pulls out and roars away--leaving Clark alone in the center of the shot. And go to commercials.
MR: Bullshit!


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