MR: Cut to Oliver's apartment.
TW: Clark is brewing.
JP: Coffee?
MR: No. Like moping.
AoT: I'm quiet you know
TW: He's brewing. It's different.
MR: Sure it is. At least he's not crying. Lois exits the elevator angry as a hornet.
AoT: You make a first impression
KK: So what's her deal now? Lingerie collection burn with Smallville?
AM: If only.
ED: That would be something to be pissed over.
TW: Clark jokes he knew she wasn't keen on rooming with him again but he had no idea she'd take it this badly.
AM: They're rooming together?
TW: They have to live somewhere.
AM: But together? What about Chloe?
MR: She's has that batcave thing going with her chlones.
JG: She lives in a cave now?
AM: A Batcave?
TW: It's an abandoned LuthorCorp facility she, uh, persuaded Lex to let her use.
AoT: How, exactly?
MR: With sex.
AM: Like hell!
MR: OK. Maybe sex with one... or more of her chlones?
AM: No!
KK: Plus they're dead. Ew.
MR: Now. The deal could have taken place weeks ago!
AM: You're such a perv!
TW: Regardless that's where Chloe lives now. Lois and Clark need a place too.
ED: Why doesn't Lois shack up with Bittleman?
JG: She's already making his work life miserable! Must she ruin his entire life!?
ED: Hey!
MR: Lois tells Clark to check his ego at the door. Her sour mood has absolutely noting to do with him.
TW: "Then who...?"
JG: Ted cut her loose, I hope.
MR: "Kal-El."
AoT: I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind
KK: Ah, irony. Gotta love it.
JG: Dammit!
AoT: Still, if Lois is so desperate for a place that she'll room with Clark...
TW: Hey!
AoT: ...Bittleman must not be too keen on her anymore.
JG: At least that's something. Can we make it canon?
TW: No. Clark assumes the worst, "Not you too?"
MR: "Today proved to everyone he's real! And those crazy women attacking Metropolis? They were stopped by him. I know it. He saved the lives of countless people!"
TW: "And you're upset about that why?"
MR: "I'm upset about this." She shoves a the Planet in Clark's face. The the front page story, "President urges calm in face of alien threat", has Bittleman's by line.
TW: "Because Bittleman got the front page and you didn't?"
MR: "No! It's because no one cares about the lives he's saved. They only care about what's going to happen next. Lex and the President are calling for his head on a silver platter and don't even get me started about my dad..."
AM & KK & AoT & JG: The general.
MR: "Worst of all Kahn has no interest in printing his side of the story."
AoT: Even the best fall down sometimes
TW: "Do you even know his side, Lois?"
AoT: Even the stars refuse to shine
MR: "What I know is today he went out of his way to save the lives of innocent people and I'm from what I've been able to dig up I'm pretty sure he's been doing the same thing in anonymity for who knows how long."
AoT: Out of the back you fall in time
MR: "What we need to do is tell this over-sized bully Darkbottom to take a hike."
AoT: I somehow find
TW: "Darkseid."
AM: Her reporter's attention to detail is astounding.
ED: Hush.
MR: "Whatever. He needs a big punch in the nose."
TW: "Lois, has it occurred to you maybe Lex has a point? Maybe this Kal-El should turn himself in? Maybe whatever good he's done in the past isn't worth the destruction Darkseid might bring."
AoT: You and I collide
MR: "Have you not been listening to me, Clark?"
AoT: Don't stop here
MR: "Kal-El has been out there saving our lives and asking nothing in return. For years."
AoT: I lost my place
MR: "What kind of people would we be if we turned our back on him at the first sign of trouble?"
AoT: I'm close behind
TW: Cut to Lionel's office.
JG: Ha! We would be magnificent bastards, that's what!
MR: A few Kryptonian mementos litter his desk.
TW: Lionel, "And if I'm able to deliver Kal-El Earth will not be destroyed?"
AoT: Even the best fall down sometimes
MR: Pull back to show a hologram of Steppenwolf, "Why should we believe you will succeed where Lord Darkseid's furies have failed?"
AoT: Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
TW: "You will find I am uniquely resourceful." Lionel holds up Fake Bake's crystal dagger.
KK: Um, how exactly did he get that?
JG: He's uniquely resourceful.
AM: He's not that resourceful.
JG: Bite your tongue!
TW: A wizard did it, OK.
AM: Come on!
JG: Lionel is a bit of a wizard.
AoT: In bed!
JG: Tom, You don't think that after Bounty Lionel isn't having Clark followed?
KK: And the audience is supposed to figure that out how?
AoT: The same way they figure out everything else important, the good old fashion fan wank.
TW: [Sighs] We'll add a scene for Otis right after Chloe disappears. He'll phone in Foe's failure and pick up the dagger. Happy now?
AM: Not really. But it's not about the dagger anymore.
MR: "If Earth surrenders the son of Jor-El I assure you the Lord Darkseid will view your world with favor. I need not remind you time runs short."
AoT: Out of the doubt that fills your mind
TW: Indicating the dagger, "I'd hoped this gift would buy more time."
MR: "The gift is appreciated. But no more time will be afforded, Lionel Luthor."
TW: "You shall have him."
MR: "For your sake, I hope so."
AoT: You finally find
TW: The hologram disappears. Lionel takes a stiff drink and picks up a trinket bearing the house of El emblem.
MR: He mutters something about Kal-El forgiving him.
AoT: You and I collide
JG: Must you ruin my MB moment?
MR: If I have any say, yes.
AoT: No mythology?
AM: I know! Something about Pandora's box!
JG: Whatever, as long as it's not hoping for forgiveness.
TW: Come up with a good mythological allegory and no hoping for forgiveness.
MR: Tom!?!?
TW: What? I just stuck that in there because I was too busy research it myself.
MR: You disappoint me.
AM: Join the club.
TW: And get in line.
MR: Hope and Lex at LuthorCorp.
TW: She briefing him on damages to corporate interests.
AoT: You finally find
MR: Lex pays no attention. He's focused on a fuzzy video feed...
KK: Of chlones?
MR: No. Unfortunately.
AoT: Chloe's batcave?
MR: Not a bad idea either. But no.
TW: It's of Clark and Chloe. Clark is obviously out of the frame and the camera was damaged when Chloe blew up Foe so the audio goes in and out.
AoT: You and I collide
KK: Well that's boring.
MR: You're telling me.
TW: We hear her little speech about Darkseid coming because of Clark and how Clark used to be Chloe's hero.
AoT: You finally find
MR: But reference to Clark's name are just static.
AoT: You and I collide
KK: And incredibly convenient. You think anyone is going to buy that?
MR: It worked for us when Lex was in the Asylum.
TW: And the bit about Clark not being able to save her, Lana, or Smallville and asking if he'll be able to save the world.
MR: Which cuts directly to Clark at the fortress. Jor-El is telling Clark there is nothing he can do to help. It's up to Clark to defeat Darkseid.
JG: In that case the world is SOL.
TW: Shut up.
KK: I thought the whole point of the episode is Clark doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of beating Darkseid?
TW: Shut up!
MR: Go to black.
7.20 Harbinger Part IX by TW & MR
MR: No. It's not that stupid glow power you gave her. It's the explosive nuclear climax.
AM: Sad thing is I'm not sure which is worse.
TW: Chloe uses her cool nuclear power to blow Fake Shake to bits. Cut back to the Metropolis skyline. A bright dot ascends and explodes into a fiery ball.
AoT: So now we have naked exploding women clones?
JG: "N.E.W.C."s. Clever.
MR: Nearly naked.
ED: Seems Clark isn't the only one who needs to be worried about hurting someone mid coitus.
AM: Shut up!
KK: Still, it's makes for some pretty hot sex, though.
AM: Shut up!
MR: Cut to Clark in a field somewhere in cow country picking himself out of a crater. Far off into the distance he sees the explosion.
TW: "Chloe!" He super speeds towards it.
MR: Cut to an unconscious Chloe free-falling over the Metropolis skyline.
AM: At least Clark is going to catch her.
MR: Actually no. She lands with a huge thud buckling the street pavement.
AM: Clark couldn't catch her?
MR: Been there, done that. But we've never had Chloe buckle pavement before.
AM: [Threatening] We've never seen Lex beat up by a five year old either.
MR: True. But fortunately you're out of episodes this season.
AM: There's always next season.
JG: Unfortunately.
MR: Not for me. My contract is up.
JG: Lucky bastard.
TW: Clark speeds in and kneels. He lifts her limp body and cradles it. "Chloe. Are you OK?"
KK: She just created a huge Chloe shaped pot hole. What you do think?
MR: Don't forget the music.
TW: What? Oh, yeah.
MR: Howie Day's Collide. Annette?
ED: You can afford music but not Clive Owen!?!?
KK: Do you have any idea how much Clive Owen costs?
ED: I... uh...
AM: [Raising an eyebrow] You do?
[KK blushes]
AoT: Hush everybody, Mama Kent is singing. The dawn is breaking
TW: After no answer, "Please be OK." Another moment of no response. Clark stands with her in his arms. "I'm getting you to a hospital."
AoT: A light shining through
MR: "Don't."
AoT: You're barely waking
TW: Clark brightens up.
MR: "I'll be OK."
AoT: And I'm tangled up in you
TW: "Chloe, I thought I'd lost you. Again."
MR: Chloe asks Clark to put her down. She stands facing aways from him. "You might still."
TW: "Don't say that Chloe."
MR: "I heard you talking. Darkseid intends to destroy the planet!"
TW: "I won't let that happen. We won't let that happen."
MR: "How, Clark? She said he destroyed Krypton.
TW: "I don't know, Chloe. We'll think of something."
AoT: I'm open, you're closed
MR: This annoys Chloe to no end. "That's the best you've got? You bring armageddon to our doorstep and the best you have is we'll think of something?!!? Maybe you haven't you noticed, Clark, but there is no 'us' anymore. And my magic eight ball is all out of ideas because right now killing you is the best I've got." Chloe points the dagger towards Clark.
AM: What?
TW: Not maliciously.
AM: So she's joking?
TW: Well not really.
MR: It's malicious.
TW: It is not!
AM: Better not be.
TW: It's like she's presenting it as an idea.
AM: Killing her best friend?
MR: And in a very threatening way.
TW: No she is not.
KK: If I were Clark I'd feel threatened.
ED: Why?
KK: She already killed her best friend once.
AM: Shut up!
MR: So she ought to be pretty good at it by now.
AM: Stop it!
TW: Clark is surprised, "Killing me?"
AoT: Where I follow, you'll go
MR: "Yeah. Did you not catch the part where she said the only reason we matter is to make you suffer?"
AoT: There's a lot Clark doesn't catch.
TW: "I..." Clark realizes the truth and is no longer able to meets Chloe's gaze.
AoT: I worry I won't see your face
MR: "You were my hero, Clark, but death and destruction follow you where ever you go. Maybe you were right all along, no hero puts the world at risk on a yearly basis. I may not know the reasons why but it's because of you these monsters want to kill us. If you can't save Lana... if you can't save me... if you can't save Smallville." Chloe pauses as if her thought is too painful to repeat out load, "How can we trust you to save the world?"
AoT: Light up again
KK: Not "If you can't save the cheerleader you can't save the world."?
ED: As far as rip offs go...
KK: Tribute!
ED: ...whatever that one's not too bad.
AM: Except that Lana hasn't been a cheerleader since season one.
TW: But Clark has embraced the crazy logic too. "Maybe you're right, Chloe. Maybe the world would be better off without me."
TW: He echoes his own words to Lex, "Even the best of intentions are worthless when they end up putting innocent lives at stake. If I were gone... maybe Darkseid would leave Earth alone."
TW: He looks back up at Chloe, "If you think that's the only way..." He exposes his chest to the dagger she's still holding. "...I wouldn't blame you."
AM: Chloe would never do that.
TW: Clark would never stand by and watch a kid's parents get shot.
ED: You're not seriously thinking about having Chloe kill Clark are you?
AoT: He blew up Smallville. He's liable to do anything.
TW: True.
JG: OK with me. I know I'm up for the extra screen time.
ED: But if Clark is dead we wouldn't be left with much of a show would we?
KK: It's not like we have much of a show as it is.
JG: And we'd still have Lionel. What more do we need?
AM: If you have Chloe kill Clark I quit.
MR: You can't quit. You're still under contract!
AM: Then I'll drug you and Tom and leave the country.
ED: You'd move back to LA? Can I visit?
AM: Don't be silly. I'd have to go somewhere without extradition.
ED: San Bernardino?
AM: [Rolls eyes]
TW: No one asked for your opinions. But fortunately for Allison's lawyers Chloe throws the dagger away in a fit of rage, "No."
AoT: Even the best fall down sometimes
TW: Clark is relieved.
AM: So am I.
MR: But Chloe is pissed.
ED: Why exactly is Chloe pissed?
MR: "Damn you, Clark. How dare you!?!?"
AoT: Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
MR: "Do you have any idea what I've become because of you, Clark?"
ED: Oh! I know! A meteor freak?
MR: Yes. But not what I'm looking for.
KK: A pathetic pining loser?
AM: Hey!
MR: Right as well, but still not what I'm looking for. "The one thing I never thought I'd be... the one thing I never wanted to be... I killed for you today, Clark. Maybe those women weren't innocent and maybe they would have killed others if I hadn't stopped them but today I crossed a line I never thought I would. But to kill you? My best friend? I can't do it. Even to save the world."
AoT: Out of the doubt that fills my mind
JG: Lionel would do it to save the world.
AM: Lionel would do it just for jollies.
JG: True.
MR: "Before today I could always rationalize I couldn't help some of the things what I've done. I was out of control. But today... today I knew exactly what I was doing. I killed to clean up after your mess and I killed to protect you. But I'm through with cleaning up after your messes... if this is what it's going to take." Chloe fades into invisibility and is gone.
AoT: I somehow find
TW: Clark calls out to her but there is no answer.
AoT: You and I collide
KK: This song seems... familiar.
MR: Yeah we used it before.
AoT: Hush. I'm singing!
AM: You can't use the same song more that once!
MR: Why not? Afraid we'll lose our fans' respect?
AM: Um... Point.
TW: I don't think I care.
AM: Sad thing is I'm not sure which is worse.
TW: Chloe uses her cool nuclear power to blow Fake Shake to bits. Cut back to the Metropolis skyline. A bright dot ascends and explodes into a fiery ball.
AoT: So now we have naked exploding women clones?
JG: "N.E.W.C."s. Clever.
MR: Nearly naked.
ED: Seems Clark isn't the only one who needs to be worried about hurting someone mid coitus.
AM: Shut up!
KK: Still, it's makes for some pretty hot sex, though.
AM: Shut up!
MR: Cut to Clark in a field somewhere in cow country picking himself out of a crater. Far off into the distance he sees the explosion.
TW: "Chloe!" He super speeds towards it.
MR: Cut to an unconscious Chloe free-falling over the Metropolis skyline.
AM: At least Clark is going to catch her.
MR: Actually no. She lands with a huge thud buckling the street pavement.
AM: Clark couldn't catch her?
MR: Been there, done that. But we've never had Chloe buckle pavement before.
AM: [Threatening] We've never seen Lex beat up by a five year old either.
MR: True. But fortunately you're out of episodes this season.
AM: There's always next season.
JG: Unfortunately.
MR: Not for me. My contract is up.
JG: Lucky bastard.
TW: Clark speeds in and kneels. He lifts her limp body and cradles it. "Chloe. Are you OK?"
KK: She just created a huge Chloe shaped pot hole. What you do think?
MR: Don't forget the music.
TW: What? Oh, yeah.
MR: Howie Day's Collide. Annette?
ED: You can afford music but not Clive Owen!?!?
KK: Do you have any idea how much Clive Owen costs?
ED: I... uh...
AM: [Raising an eyebrow] You do?
[KK blushes]
AoT: Hush everybody, Mama Kent is singing. The dawn is breaking
TW: After no answer, "Please be OK." Another moment of no response. Clark stands with her in his arms. "I'm getting you to a hospital."
AoT: A light shining through
MR: "Don't."
AoT: You're barely waking
TW: Clark brightens up.
MR: "I'll be OK."
AoT: And I'm tangled up in you
TW: "Chloe, I thought I'd lost you. Again."
MR: Chloe asks Clark to put her down. She stands facing aways from him. "You might still."
TW: "Don't say that Chloe."
MR: "I heard you talking. Darkseid intends to destroy the planet!"
TW: "I won't let that happen. We won't let that happen."
MR: "How, Clark? She said he destroyed Krypton.
TW: "I don't know, Chloe. We'll think of something."
AoT: I'm open, you're closed
MR: This annoys Chloe to no end. "That's the best you've got? You bring armageddon to our doorstep and the best you have is we'll think of something?!!? Maybe you haven't you noticed, Clark, but there is no 'us' anymore. And my magic eight ball is all out of ideas because right now killing you is the best I've got." Chloe points the dagger towards Clark.
AM: What?
TW: Not maliciously.
AM: So she's joking?
TW: Well not really.
MR: It's malicious.
TW: It is not!
AM: Better not be.
TW: It's like she's presenting it as an idea.
AM: Killing her best friend?
MR: And in a very threatening way.
TW: No she is not.
KK: If I were Clark I'd feel threatened.
ED: Why?
KK: She already killed her best friend once.
AM: Shut up!
MR: So she ought to be pretty good at it by now.
AM: Stop it!
TW: Clark is surprised, "Killing me?"
AoT: Where I follow, you'll go
MR: "Yeah. Did you not catch the part where she said the only reason we matter is to make you suffer?"
AoT: There's a lot Clark doesn't catch.
TW: "I..." Clark realizes the truth and is no longer able to meets Chloe's gaze.
AoT: I worry I won't see your face
MR: "You were my hero, Clark, but death and destruction follow you where ever you go. Maybe you were right all along, no hero puts the world at risk on a yearly basis. I may not know the reasons why but it's because of you these monsters want to kill us. If you can't save Lana... if you can't save me... if you can't save Smallville." Chloe pauses as if her thought is too painful to repeat out load, "How can we trust you to save the world?"
AoT: Light up again
KK: Not "If you can't save the cheerleader you can't save the world."?
ED: As far as rip offs go...
KK: Tribute!
ED: ...whatever that one's not too bad.
AM: Except that Lana hasn't been a cheerleader since season one.
TW: But Clark has embraced the crazy logic too. "Maybe you're right, Chloe. Maybe the world would be better off without me."
TW: He echoes his own words to Lex, "Even the best of intentions are worthless when they end up putting innocent lives at stake. If I were gone... maybe Darkseid would leave Earth alone."
TW: He looks back up at Chloe, "If you think that's the only way..." He exposes his chest to the dagger she's still holding. "...I wouldn't blame you."
AM: Chloe would never do that.
TW: Clark would never stand by and watch a kid's parents get shot.
ED: You're not seriously thinking about having Chloe kill Clark are you?
AoT: He blew up Smallville. He's liable to do anything.
TW: True.
JG: OK with me. I know I'm up for the extra screen time.
ED: But if Clark is dead we wouldn't be left with much of a show would we?
KK: It's not like we have much of a show as it is.
JG: And we'd still have Lionel. What more do we need?
AM: If you have Chloe kill Clark I quit.
MR: You can't quit. You're still under contract!
AM: Then I'll drug you and Tom and leave the country.
ED: You'd move back to LA? Can I visit?
AM: Don't be silly. I'd have to go somewhere without extradition.
ED: San Bernardino?
AM: [Rolls eyes]
TW: No one asked for your opinions. But fortunately for Allison's lawyers Chloe throws the dagger away in a fit of rage, "No."
AoT: Even the best fall down sometimes
TW: Clark is relieved.
AM: So am I.
MR: But Chloe is pissed.
ED: Why exactly is Chloe pissed?
MR: "Damn you, Clark. How dare you!?!?"
AoT: Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
MR: "Do you have any idea what I've become because of you, Clark?"
ED: Oh! I know! A meteor freak?
MR: Yes. But not what I'm looking for.
KK: A pathetic pining loser?
AM: Hey!
MR: Right as well, but still not what I'm looking for. "The one thing I never thought I'd be... the one thing I never wanted to be... I killed for you today, Clark. Maybe those women weren't innocent and maybe they would have killed others if I hadn't stopped them but today I crossed a line I never thought I would. But to kill you? My best friend? I can't do it. Even to save the world."
AoT: Out of the doubt that fills my mind
JG: Lionel would do it to save the world.
AM: Lionel would do it just for jollies.
JG: True.
MR: "Before today I could always rationalize I couldn't help some of the things what I've done. I was out of control. But today... today I knew exactly what I was doing. I killed to clean up after your mess and I killed to protect you. But I'm through with cleaning up after your messes... if this is what it's going to take." Chloe fades into invisibility and is gone.
AoT: I somehow find
TW: Clark calls out to her but there is no answer.
AoT: You and I collide
KK: This song seems... familiar.
MR: Yeah we used it before.
AoT: Hush. I'm singing!
AM: You can't use the same song more that once!
MR: Why not? Afraid we'll lose our fans' respect?
AM: Um... Point.
TW: I don't think I care.
7.20 Harbinger Part VIII by TW & MR
MR: Quick cut to Clark. Chloe's cry of pain sets off his super hearing. He speeds off to help but when he arrives he can't tell who's who. When Fake Shake sees Clark she lays Chloe back down and backs away, "I stopped her, Clark. So you wouldn't have to."
TW: Clark glances around, blankly taking in the broken bodies of the Spartans.
MR: Foe notices and adds, "She put up quite a fight."
TW: "Chloe..."
MR: "But after all she's done... if you want to be the one to finish her off... " she offers the dagger, "I understand."
KK: So she's offering Clark sloppy seconds? Ew.
TW: Clark hesitates.
MR: "What are you waiting for? After all those people she's killed? I know you want to."
TW: Clark looks down at Chloe's body in anger. His eyes glow red. But they turn back to normal and he turns away.
MR: "What's the matter?"
TW: "I... I can't."
MR: "Why not?"
KK: Chloe isn't not hot enough to trigger eye-jaculation?
AM: Hush.
KK: Or is he insulted Chloe took her turn first?
AM: I said hush.
MR: "Because she looks too much like me?"
KK: Ah, so the problem is with the eye-jaculation.
MR: "She's nothing more than a copy. A clone. She's not even real."
TW: "It's not right."
AoT: You're telling me. This is like virtual clone porn. I'm officially creeped out now.
ED: So when did it "not being right" ever stop Clark from snogging Lex?
JG: Who said anything was wrong with that?
ED: OK, you got me there.
MR: "You want to talk about right? An entire town is in ruins. We need to finish this." She forces the dagger into Clark's hand. "You need to finish this."
TW: Won't take the dagger. He turns away. "No."
MR: Fake shake turns and heads for Chloe. "If you're not man enough to do it then I will, Kal-El."
AoT: And we're back to the chlone-yay.
TW: "What?"
MR: "You heard me. At least one of us has what it takes to do it." She kneels above Chloe's body, dagger ready.
TW: "You called me Kal-El."
MR: Looking a Clark with a smile, "I did, didn't I?" The dagger comes down.
TW: Clark super-speeds to stop her, slamming her up against a wall before she can stab his friend, "You're not Chloe!"
ED: Nothing gets by Clark, does it?
MR: "No." About this time the real Chloe finally begins regaining consciousness.
TW: "Tell Darkseid it's over! I won't let him do to Earth what he did to Krypton."
MR: Quick cut to Chloe reacting then to Fake Shake, "You're hardly in a position to dictate Lord Darkseid. This world will fall, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."
TW: Clark is enraged, "I'll die before I let that happen!"
MR: Amused by Clark's determination, "Well we couldn't have that. Having to watching this world burn is part of your punishment."
TW: Clark throws Foe through a brick wall in anger.
MR: She gets up and wipes a bit of blood from her lips, "Make no mistake, Kal-El. I was speaking the truth when I said Smallville was just the beginning. We're going to destroy everything and everyone you've ever loved."
TW: Clark makes a run at Foe.
MR: But she extends out her hand and stops him cold with telekinesis.
TW: "I will stop you!"
MR: "Or at least you'll try. And that's the point. Now if you'll excuse me I have a city to terrorize." She flings Clark away with her telekinesis.
ED: Like into a building?
TW: No. Far away.
AoT: Like out of Metropolis?
TW: Far, far away.
MR: Like out of Kansas.
ED & AoT: Oh.
TW: Fake Bake smirks. In the background, Chloe slowly stands. "I won't let you do this."
ED: I thought Chloe was getting her ass kicked.
TW: Not anymore. She's pissed now.
MR: Fake Shake smiles, "I knew there was a loose end I had forgotten." She grabs Chloe by the arm. "It's a shame Kal-El isn't around to watch the big climax. But don’t worry - when it's just me and him I'll be happily to describe every detail."
TW: Chloe grabs Fake Bake’s wrist, holding the knife away from her body. "I won’t let you hurt anyone else."
MR: Fake Bake laughs in her face. "Oh, come on. What fun would that be? You are so repressed, it is no wonder Kal-El was never interested in you."
TW: "I won’t let you hurt him."
MR: "And how are you going to stop me?"
TW: There is a crack, and Chloe breaks Fake Bake’s wrist, forcing her to drop the knife. Fake Bake releases Chloe’s arm and tries to throw a fireball. Chloe ducks, and spins behind Fake Bake, putting one arm around her neck in a choke hold and the other around her waist.
MR: Fake Bake smiles, and grinds her hips back against Chloe. "That’s more like it. Are you finally ready to play?"
AM: Like hell I'm going to do that!
TW: Chloe scowls and flies straight up. "I don’t play games. Not anymore."
MR: Fake Bake is still smiling. "If you'd loosen up a little, show some of that fire and stop repressing so much, Lord Darkseid could find a place for you too." Fake Bake looks over her shoulder at Chloe with a big sexy smile. "Imagine the fun we could have together."
AM: Gross!
TW: Chloe's body starts to glow.
ED: She's not, like, turned on is she?
JG: [Smiling] No. Heh, that's just the glowing power Kristin gave her.
KK: It triggers when she's turned on.
AM: Baloney!
MR: Foe's smile drops "Ow! What do you think you are doing?"
TW: "I thought you liked it rough."
KK: The black leather could give that impression.
TW: Chloe's body continues getting brighter. "Is it just me, or is it getting hot out here?"
MR: Getting slightly worried Foe struggles to free herself, "Let me go!"
AoT: She really should lose the leather if she's not into bondage or S&M.
TW: Chloe smiles, "I think it is me."
MR: "I was built for Kal-El! Do you really think you can handle me?"
AM: Great, a Lanabot for Lex and a chlone for Clark, talk about your stereotypical chauvinistic sci-fi male wish fulfillment scenarios.
MR: I do what I can for the fans.
TW: "Handle you? I can do more than that. I've seen my future. And you're not in it."
MR: Fake Bake grimaces in pain. "Do you think this matters? Even if you kill me, mighty Darkseid will come! Smallville was just the beginning! He will kill everyone Kal-El cares about, you stupid little bitch! Mighty Darkseid will kill Kal-El’s friends, his family, and if you somehow survive this he will kill you too!"
TW: Chloe now glows so brightly the camera blurs, like you are looking into the sun. "Either way, you won’t be around to see it. What was that you were saying about a climax?"
AM: Really, you two, is that necessary?
TW: I've been told the last episode was too dark.
ED: You killed Shelby!
TW: I decided to let Michael lighten things up with some HoYay.
MR: "ChloneYay."
[ED smacks MR on the back of the head]
MR: Ow!
AM: Thanks again.
ED: Don't mention it.
MR: "Let me live and Darkseid will spare you!"
TW: "Too late. We're way past the point of no return."
[AM rolls her eyes.]
MR: Then BOOM!
AM: Excuse me?
ED: Don't tell me. An earth shattering climax?
KK: Maybe it wasn't the power I gave her.
TW: Clark glances around, blankly taking in the broken bodies of the Spartans.
MR: Foe notices and adds, "She put up quite a fight."
TW: "Chloe..."
MR: "But after all she's done... if you want to be the one to finish her off... " she offers the dagger, "I understand."
KK: So she's offering Clark sloppy seconds? Ew.
TW: Clark hesitates.
MR: "What are you waiting for? After all those people she's killed? I know you want to."
TW: Clark looks down at Chloe's body in anger. His eyes glow red. But they turn back to normal and he turns away.
MR: "What's the matter?"
TW: "I... I can't."
MR: "Why not?"
KK: Chloe isn't not hot enough to trigger eye-jaculation?
AM: Hush.
KK: Or is he insulted Chloe took her turn first?
AM: I said hush.
MR: "Because she looks too much like me?"
KK: Ah, so the problem is with the eye-jaculation.
MR: "She's nothing more than a copy. A clone. She's not even real."
TW: "It's not right."
AoT: You're telling me. This is like virtual clone porn. I'm officially creeped out now.
ED: So when did it "not being right" ever stop Clark from snogging Lex?
JG: Who said anything was wrong with that?
ED: OK, you got me there.
MR: "You want to talk about right? An entire town is in ruins. We need to finish this." She forces the dagger into Clark's hand. "You need to finish this."
TW: Won't take the dagger. He turns away. "No."
MR: Fake shake turns and heads for Chloe. "If you're not man enough to do it then I will, Kal-El."
AoT: And we're back to the chlone-yay.
TW: "What?"
MR: "You heard me. At least one of us has what it takes to do it." She kneels above Chloe's body, dagger ready.
TW: "You called me Kal-El."
MR: Looking a Clark with a smile, "I did, didn't I?" The dagger comes down.
TW: Clark super-speeds to stop her, slamming her up against a wall before she can stab his friend, "You're not Chloe!"
ED: Nothing gets by Clark, does it?
MR: "No." About this time the real Chloe finally begins regaining consciousness.
TW: "Tell Darkseid it's over! I won't let him do to Earth what he did to Krypton."
MR: Quick cut to Chloe reacting then to Fake Shake, "You're hardly in a position to dictate Lord Darkseid. This world will fall, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."
TW: Clark is enraged, "I'll die before I let that happen!"
MR: Amused by Clark's determination, "Well we couldn't have that. Having to watching this world burn is part of your punishment."
TW: Clark throws Foe through a brick wall in anger.
MR: She gets up and wipes a bit of blood from her lips, "Make no mistake, Kal-El. I was speaking the truth when I said Smallville was just the beginning. We're going to destroy everything and everyone you've ever loved."
TW: Clark makes a run at Foe.
MR: But she extends out her hand and stops him cold with telekinesis.
TW: "I will stop you!"
MR: "Or at least you'll try. And that's the point. Now if you'll excuse me I have a city to terrorize." She flings Clark away with her telekinesis.
ED: Like into a building?
TW: No. Far away.
AoT: Like out of Metropolis?
TW: Far, far away.
MR: Like out of Kansas.
ED & AoT: Oh.
TW: Fake Bake smirks. In the background, Chloe slowly stands. "I won't let you do this."
ED: I thought Chloe was getting her ass kicked.
TW: Not anymore. She's pissed now.
MR: Fake Shake smiles, "I knew there was a loose end I had forgotten." She grabs Chloe by the arm. "It's a shame Kal-El isn't around to watch the big climax. But don’t worry - when it's just me and him I'll be happily to describe every detail."
TW: Chloe grabs Fake Bake’s wrist, holding the knife away from her body. "I won’t let you hurt anyone else."
MR: Fake Bake laughs in her face. "Oh, come on. What fun would that be? You are so repressed, it is no wonder Kal-El was never interested in you."
TW: "I won’t let you hurt him."
MR: "And how are you going to stop me?"
TW: There is a crack, and Chloe breaks Fake Bake’s wrist, forcing her to drop the knife. Fake Bake releases Chloe’s arm and tries to throw a fireball. Chloe ducks, and spins behind Fake Bake, putting one arm around her neck in a choke hold and the other around her waist.
MR: Fake Bake smiles, and grinds her hips back against Chloe. "That’s more like it. Are you finally ready to play?"
AM: Like hell I'm going to do that!
TW: Chloe scowls and flies straight up. "I don’t play games. Not anymore."
MR: Fake Bake is still smiling. "If you'd loosen up a little, show some of that fire and stop repressing so much, Lord Darkseid could find a place for you too." Fake Bake looks over her shoulder at Chloe with a big sexy smile. "Imagine the fun we could have together."
AM: Gross!
TW: Chloe's body starts to glow.
ED: She's not, like, turned on is she?
JG: [Smiling] No. Heh, that's just the glowing power Kristin gave her.
KK: It triggers when she's turned on.
AM: Baloney!
MR: Foe's smile drops "Ow! What do you think you are doing?"
TW: "I thought you liked it rough."
KK: The black leather could give that impression.
TW: Chloe's body continues getting brighter. "Is it just me, or is it getting hot out here?"
MR: Getting slightly worried Foe struggles to free herself, "Let me go!"
AoT: She really should lose the leather if she's not into bondage or S&M.
TW: Chloe smiles, "I think it is me."
MR: "I was built for Kal-El! Do you really think you can handle me?"
AM: Great, a Lanabot for Lex and a chlone for Clark, talk about your stereotypical chauvinistic sci-fi male wish fulfillment scenarios.
MR: I do what I can for the fans.
TW: "Handle you? I can do more than that. I've seen my future. And you're not in it."
MR: Fake Bake grimaces in pain. "Do you think this matters? Even if you kill me, mighty Darkseid will come! Smallville was just the beginning! He will kill everyone Kal-El cares about, you stupid little bitch! Mighty Darkseid will kill Kal-El’s friends, his family, and if you somehow survive this he will kill you too!"
TW: Chloe now glows so brightly the camera blurs, like you are looking into the sun. "Either way, you won’t be around to see it. What was that you were saying about a climax?"
AM: Really, you two, is that necessary?
TW: I've been told the last episode was too dark.
ED: You killed Shelby!
TW: I decided to let Michael lighten things up with some HoYay.
MR: "ChloneYay."
[ED smacks MR on the back of the head]
MR: Ow!
AM: Thanks again.
ED: Don't mention it.
MR: "Let me live and Darkseid will spare you!"
TW: "Too late. We're way past the point of no return."
[AM rolls her eyes.]
MR: Then BOOM!
AM: Excuse me?
ED: Don't tell me. An earth shattering climax?
KK: Maybe it wasn't the power I gave her.
7.20 Harbinger Part VII by TW & MR
MR: At the site of the bridge Clark is attempting to save people but the Fury is making things difficult. Every time Clark gets close to taking her our she puts more people in danger.
TW: Cut back to FauxChloe, "You can't hide forever. I can tell you haven't gone far. Can you hear the screams?"
MR: There are screams in the background, by the way.
TW: Right. "It's the sound your comrades as my Furies tearing this city apart. Just like Darkseid will tear apart this planet. Trust me, my dear, before we're done I'm going to make you scream too."
AM: Chloe doesn't swing that way.
TW: Pull back to Chloe. She closes her eyes and appears to be concentrating.
MR: You mean fantasizing about how Fake Shake is going to make her scream.
AM: Shut up.
MR: Back to the bridge. Two PAS show up and kill the Fury without hesitation.
KK: Go Chloe!
AM: She just kills them?
AoT: Eh, they're evil. They deserve it.
AM: Chloe shouldn't be killing people!
MR: Especially when she has a chlone she could be shagging.
AM: Shut up!
MR: Relax. They're aliens. And a Chlone.
AM: Still...
MR: Just hear us out, OK?
ED: Like we heard out the destruction of Smallville?
AoT: She has a point. Shockingly.
KK: A agree. I mean Chloe is no Mother Teressa, but I don't think even she would...
AM: Even she!?!?!
JG: She did kill Lana.
AM: Lana?! Why does she have anything to do with this?
TW: Sadly I've asked myself the same question nearly every time I've read a script for this show.
KK: Shut up, Tom. John has a point. Somebody who'd kill Lana is liable to kill anybody.
AM: She didn't... [takes a deep breath] ... you know what? I doesn't matter. This gig will be over soon enough and I'll be back on Battlestar.
KK: So say we all.
JG: Lucky bitch.
TW: Clark looks on in horror and is distracted by the fact there are still people in danger.
MR: He super-speeds to save them and when he looks back the PAS have gone.
TW: Clark looks at the body of the fury for a moment and then proceeds to wielding the bridge back with his heat vision.
MR: Pull back to show Lois pulling up in her car. Clark flies off before she sees him.
TW: Lois gets out and looks up at the bridge. She starts asking by-standers questions about a flying man shooting fire from his eyes.
MR: One bystander thinks she's crazy, "Yeah, right, lady." Lois is frustrated.
TW: Cut to Clark hitting the scene of another disaster only to find a slaughtered fury.
AM: [Takes a deep breath and mutters]
MR: The PAS left the scene without helping any civilians.
AM: [Takes a deep breath and mutters faster]
TW: Again Clark helps out.
MR: Back to the Chloe-FauxChloe show down.
TW: Fake Shake has found Chloe sitting in the alley and starts monologuing.
MR: Some heavy chlone-yay monologuing.
AM: You're sick.
MR: We have to always be pushing boundaries.
AM: No we don't.
TW: And when Fake Shake is done Chloe just smiles and claims she's going to kill FauxChloe.
MR: You mean "Now that it's my turn the teasing is over. It's time to finish you off.".
AM: You're kidding, right?
ED: Wait. Don't we get to hear Foe's chlone-yay?
AM: Are you serious, Erica?
ED: I'm just curious. It's not everyday I get to hear chlone-yay.
MR: Hmm, let's see, "I can appreciate a woman who's not afraid to put her abilities to good use, especially on her way down."
ED: Not bad.
AM: It's stuff like this that'll get us booted off the ABC Family channel.
JG: We're on ABC Family? What's next, the Disney channel?
KK: I'm pretty sure we were already booted off ABC Family.
ED: For chlone-yay?
KK: No, lousy writing.
MR: Foe gets in a cheesy line about "you and what army?"
KK: So she wants an orgy?
TW: Which is answered by the arrival of a half dozen PAS 2.0 showing up.
AoT: And it looks like she's getting one.
TW: As they advance on FauxChloe Chloe revels in informing her enemy that all her Furies are dead.
AM: OK. Now this is just wrong.
ED: What happened to thinking about the Battlestar gig?
AM: Sadly it's not making suffering through this show any easier.
KK: So say we all.
AM: At least Lana is...
KK: An emotionless sexbot!?!?
AM: OK, point.
MR: We didn't want to stretch you too much by giving her emotions. But on the bright side at least the sex part gives you something new to work with.
KK: Shut up!
MR: Back to Clark finishing cleaning up the latest Fury created disaster. He's obviously agitated that he hasn't gotten to Chloe yet.
TW: Back to the ally and a Matrixesque fight scene as Fake Shake offs the PAS 2.0 one by one. When the last one is gone Foe is winded and cut up but in much better shape than Chloe, "Looks like we're back to where we started."
MR: Chloe is defiant. "I'll never let you kill Clark!"
TW: Foe is amused, "Kill him? I'm not here to kill him, my dear. Without Kal-El around to morn its destruction what would the point in wasting our time laying waste to this pathetic little mud ball?"
MR: She plunges her dagger into Chloe's leg.
TW: Chloe takes in a sudden breath."His name is Clark. And he will stop you."
MR: "You think Kal-El stands a chance against Darkseid? A single Kryptonian? I'll let you in on a secrt. Lord Darkseid already put an end to an entire world of his kind. Kal-El is nothing more than a wandering calf who escaped the slaughter. Kal-El will live only long enough to witness the complete annihilation of his home-world -- just like his father. It doesn't matter what Kal-El does: run, turn himself in, or fight back. The end result will be the same. And there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it." Fake Shake leans in an whispers in Chloe's ear, "Unless, of course, you kill him first."
TW: "I'd never hurt Clark!"
MR: "Compared to what I have planned for him death would be a kindness. Simply put, I'm here to ensure everything he loves is destroyed."
KK: Too late for the most part.
JG: Yeah, why don't they just leave him alone? Clark does a pretty good job of that without any help.
TW: Shut up. "You're insane!"
MR: "And if I can get him to destroy it himself... then all the better."
TW: Chloe, "What are you talking about?"
MR: Foe smiles cruelly. Chloe and Fake Shake's outfits morph to make it look like they've traded places.
TW: Chloe's eyes widen, "No!"
AM: SWFed by her own clone.
MR: "Silly me. I've ruined the surprise." She twists the blade embedded in Chloe's leg.
TW: Chloe grimaces and cries out in agony.
MR: "I told you I'd make you scream." She then strikes Chloe with the butt of the dagger, knocking her out.
TW: Cut back to FauxChloe, "You can't hide forever. I can tell you haven't gone far. Can you hear the screams?"
MR: There are screams in the background, by the way.
TW: Right. "It's the sound your comrades as my Furies tearing this city apart. Just like Darkseid will tear apart this planet. Trust me, my dear, before we're done I'm going to make you scream too."
AM: Chloe doesn't swing that way.
TW: Pull back to Chloe. She closes her eyes and appears to be concentrating.
MR: You mean fantasizing about how Fake Shake is going to make her scream.
AM: Shut up.
MR: Back to the bridge. Two PAS show up and kill the Fury without hesitation.
KK: Go Chloe!
AM: She just kills them?
AoT: Eh, they're evil. They deserve it.
AM: Chloe shouldn't be killing people!
MR: Especially when she has a chlone she could be shagging.
AM: Shut up!
MR: Relax. They're aliens. And a Chlone.
AM: Still...
MR: Just hear us out, OK?
ED: Like we heard out the destruction of Smallville?
AoT: She has a point. Shockingly.
KK: A agree. I mean Chloe is no Mother Teressa, but I don't think even she would...
AM: Even she!?!?!
JG: She did kill Lana.
AM: Lana?! Why does she have anything to do with this?
TW: Sadly I've asked myself the same question nearly every time I've read a script for this show.
KK: Shut up, Tom. John has a point. Somebody who'd kill Lana is liable to kill anybody.
AM: She didn't... [takes a deep breath] ... you know what? I doesn't matter. This gig will be over soon enough and I'll be back on Battlestar.
KK: So say we all.
JG: Lucky bitch.
TW: Clark looks on in horror and is distracted by the fact there are still people in danger.
MR: He super-speeds to save them and when he looks back the PAS have gone.
TW: Clark looks at the body of the fury for a moment and then proceeds to wielding the bridge back with his heat vision.
MR: Pull back to show Lois pulling up in her car. Clark flies off before she sees him.
TW: Lois gets out and looks up at the bridge. She starts asking by-standers questions about a flying man shooting fire from his eyes.
MR: One bystander thinks she's crazy, "Yeah, right, lady." Lois is frustrated.
TW: Cut to Clark hitting the scene of another disaster only to find a slaughtered fury.
AM: [Takes a deep breath and mutters]
MR: The PAS left the scene without helping any civilians.
AM: [Takes a deep breath and mutters faster]
TW: Again Clark helps out.
MR: Back to the Chloe-FauxChloe show down.
TW: Fake Shake has found Chloe sitting in the alley and starts monologuing.
MR: Some heavy chlone-yay monologuing.
AM: You're sick.
MR: We have to always be pushing boundaries.
AM: No we don't.
TW: And when Fake Shake is done Chloe just smiles and claims she's going to kill FauxChloe.
MR: You mean "Now that it's my turn the teasing is over. It's time to finish you off.".
AM: You're kidding, right?
ED: Wait. Don't we get to hear Foe's chlone-yay?
AM: Are you serious, Erica?
ED: I'm just curious. It's not everyday I get to hear chlone-yay.
MR: Hmm, let's see, "I can appreciate a woman who's not afraid to put her abilities to good use, especially on her way down."
ED: Not bad.
AM: It's stuff like this that'll get us booted off the ABC Family channel.
JG: We're on ABC Family? What's next, the Disney channel?
KK: I'm pretty sure we were already booted off ABC Family.
ED: For chlone-yay?
KK: No, lousy writing.
MR: Foe gets in a cheesy line about "you and what army?"
KK: So she wants an orgy?
TW: Which is answered by the arrival of a half dozen PAS 2.0 showing up.
AoT: And it looks like she's getting one.
TW: As they advance on FauxChloe Chloe revels in informing her enemy that all her Furies are dead.
AM: OK. Now this is just wrong.
ED: What happened to thinking about the Battlestar gig?
AM: Sadly it's not making suffering through this show any easier.
KK: So say we all.
AM: At least Lana is...
KK: An emotionless sexbot!?!?
AM: OK, point.
MR: We didn't want to stretch you too much by giving her emotions. But on the bright side at least the sex part gives you something new to work with.
KK: Shut up!
MR: Back to Clark finishing cleaning up the latest Fury created disaster. He's obviously agitated that he hasn't gotten to Chloe yet.
TW: Back to the ally and a Matrixesque fight scene as Fake Shake offs the PAS 2.0 one by one. When the last one is gone Foe is winded and cut up but in much better shape than Chloe, "Looks like we're back to where we started."
MR: Chloe is defiant. "I'll never let you kill Clark!"
TW: Foe is amused, "Kill him? I'm not here to kill him, my dear. Without Kal-El around to morn its destruction what would the point in wasting our time laying waste to this pathetic little mud ball?"
MR: She plunges her dagger into Chloe's leg.
TW: Chloe takes in a sudden breath."His name is Clark. And he will stop you."
MR: "You think Kal-El stands a chance against Darkseid? A single Kryptonian? I'll let you in on a secrt. Lord Darkseid already put an end to an entire world of his kind. Kal-El is nothing more than a wandering calf who escaped the slaughter. Kal-El will live only long enough to witness the complete annihilation of his home-world -- just like his father. It doesn't matter what Kal-El does: run, turn himself in, or fight back. The end result will be the same. And there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it." Fake Shake leans in an whispers in Chloe's ear, "Unless, of course, you kill him first."
TW: "I'd never hurt Clark!"
MR: "Compared to what I have planned for him death would be a kindness. Simply put, I'm here to ensure everything he loves is destroyed."
KK: Too late for the most part.
JG: Yeah, why don't they just leave him alone? Clark does a pretty good job of that without any help.
TW: Shut up. "You're insane!"
MR: "And if I can get him to destroy it himself... then all the better."
TW: Chloe, "What are you talking about?"
MR: Foe smiles cruelly. Chloe and Fake Shake's outfits morph to make it look like they've traded places.
TW: Chloe's eyes widen, "No!"
AM: SWFed by her own clone.
MR: "Silly me. I've ruined the surprise." She twists the blade embedded in Chloe's leg.
TW: Chloe grimaces and cries out in agony.
MR: "I told you I'd make you scream." She then strikes Chloe with the butt of the dagger, knocking her out.
7.20 Harbinger Part VI by TW & MR
MR: "The typical second generation soldier possessed six, maybe seven abilities. That was the most Richards could transfer and still maintain control of the subject. All we know is that the prototype was decommissioned because it had become uncontrollable. Someone finally found a way around that." The screen shows video of FauxChloe using telekinesis to move debris around the warehouse of the destroyed portal. Security guards come in and she incinerates them. A second later the video feed is lost. "I sent in what was left of my generation one soldiers but... they were no match for her. Chloe may be our only hope of defeating her."
TW: "Leave Chloe out of this!"
MR: "Whether you like it or not she's already part of it, Clark."
TW: Clark doesn't answer. He gets up and turns to leave.
MR: "Look, I know you want to help but that thing tore twenty generation one solders limb from limb. A garden variety meteor freak doesn't stand a chance against her. I hope you don't plan on facing her."
TW: "Maybe I'm not garden variety."
AM: He's organic!
MR: "Don't fool yourself, Clark. If Chloe isn't willing to help... Kal-El may be the only one who stands a chance against her."
TW: "Then maybe it's up to Kal-El to make things right."
MR: Lex doesn't answer.
TW: "It must gall you to no end, Lex, to find yourself dependant on your nemesis for salvation."
MR: "She killed by wife, Clark! If I remember correctly you were quite fond of Lana yourself, once."
TW: "I wasn't talking about Chloe."
MR: Lex chuckles bitterly, "Salvation? Suppose Kal-El does save the day today. What then, Clark? We continue to live in fear, hoping against hope mankind isn't trampled over like so many bugs underneath his feet in his next clash of titans?
TW: "Lex..."
MR: "No, Clark! Kal-El ruined my life and the lives of a lot of other people in Smallville the day he arrived with the first meteor shower. But the meteor show is just be a drop in the bucket compared to the lives he'll ruin if he doesn't man up and turn himself in." Lex gets up in Clark's face, "You can side with Lois and pretend Kal-El is some sort of extra-terrestrial savior if you want. But I know the truth. Kal-El is nothing but an albatross hung around the planet's neck."
TW: FauxChloe addresses her minions. "Now is the time, Furies. Show Kal-El the true meaning of suffering. Raze his city like he razed that of our Lord Darkseid."
MR: "No so fast." Cut to Chloe.
TW: FauxChloe, "Go Furies, do your duty! I'll take her."
MR: The Furies try to run but Chloe plucks them up with her telekinesis, "I said, not so fast."
TW: FauxChloe rushes Chloe and Chloe tries to control her with her mind but is unsuccessful. FauxChloe stabs her in the gut and cruelly twists the weapon before pulling it out. Chloe falls to her knees, gasping for air.
MR: "Go Furies, tarry no longer." The Furies scurry off.
AM: "Tarry no longer?" A bit stilted don't you think?
TW: Don't think you can pull it off?
AM: Oh, I can pull it off. Just watch me pull it off. I'll pull the hell off of it.
TW: Good. Stop complaining.
MR: Foe smirks, "Didn't think I could penetrate your defenses? You can't control me, I've been given a will of my own." She circles and kicks Chloe in the back knocking her to the ground.
AM: Foe?
MR: You prefer Xerox?
AM: No!
MR: Fake Shake Chloe?
AM: Hell no!
MR: Then Fake Shake it is.
AM: [deadpan] Great.
MR: Fake Shake kicks Chloe to the ground. "You're wondering, I'm sure, why your wound won't heal."
TW: Chloe tries to push herself back up but Foe stabs her through the hand. Chloe cries out in pain.
MR: "My blade is not of this earth. It was crafted to penetrate Kal-El. I can't wait to see what I can do with it to you."
TW: Chloe lies, cheek against the ground staring at the dagger embedded in her hand. Blood flows from her mouth.
MR: Fake Shake pulls it out rolls Chloe over on to her back. She raises the dagger over Chloe's chest, "To be honest I was hoping for a good roll with you before moving on to Kal-El."
AM: The clone is engaging ho-yay?
MR: I call it "chlone-yay".
[ED smacks MR on the back of the head.]
MR: Ow!
AM: Thank you.
ED: Had to be done.
KK: Tough crowd.
AM: Why didn't you do Lanabot-yay?
TW: I wanted it but...
MR: I thought it'd be a little too creepy for Lex to have more than one Lana sex bot.
ED: More than one Chloe clone isn't creepy?
MR: A different kind of creepy.
TW: FauxChloe brings her dagger down and it stops short a fraction of an inch from Chloe's chest.
MR: Chloe strains to keep the blade away with telekinesis, "I'd hate to disappoint."
TW: FauxChloe smiles, "Let's make it last." Telekinesis throws Fake Shake back. Chloe disappears and three standing versions take her place. The center one, "Call your minions back or surely you will die!"
AM: "Surely you will die"?
TW: I thought you didn't mind stilted?
AM: For an alien trained pod person maybe. But that's not how Chloe talks.
TW: Fine. Go with what feels right.
ED: How about "Call back your skanky monkeys of doom before I kick your pathetic leather-clad ass!"
[Cast stares at ED]
ED: No? I thought it was good?
AM: I'll figure something out.
MR: Fake Shake smiles, "What's the Earth saying, three's a crowd? Though I always subscribed to the theory of the more the merrier." Two more Foes appear. "How long do you think you can keep it up? Your wound must be catching up to you."
ED: You do know "keeping it up" typically is the guy's problem, right?
JG: Not mine!
MR: I know. Writing ho-yay for men is so much easier!
KK: Thus explaining the need for a dagger.
MR: The presence of a phallic symbol was helpful.
TW: That's why you wanted the dagger? [shakes head] The images of Chloe flicker. Cut to a neighboring alley. Chloe sits pressing her arm against her wound to stop the bleeding. Her wounded hand hangs limp. She breathes unsteadily and shakes. She whispers, "Clark, if you can hear me, I could really use your help right about now."
KK: Time for a threesome?
MR: Like they say, the more the merrier.
TW: As Chloe speaks cut to Clark and his super hearing. He turns his head in the direction of Chloe's voice just as we hear the screams of dozens of people.
KK: I thought Clark was in Lex's office.
TW: He left.
KK: So where is he?
MR: In the city looking for Fake Shake Chloe.
TW: Zoom to an overpass hanging by one side. Clark looks again in the direction of Chloe's voice before he resolutely turns back toward the bridge and super-speeds to help.
MR: Diner. A waitress pats Lois' head with a wash cloth. Lois comes to and looks around, "Where'd she go, my friend?"
ED: Friend? She knocked Lois out!
KK: It says something about a person when even her friends find her so annoying they slam her against the wall.
ED: Oh really? Would that be as annoying as the friend you decapitate?
KK: Shut up.
MR: Or even worse pancake her car.
KK: Stop making fun of my pancaked car!!!
TW: Lois rises and notices the other patrons glued to a small TV mounted behind the counter. The various Fury attacks are on live TV. Lois watches in horror.
TW: "Leave Chloe out of this!"
MR: "Whether you like it or not she's already part of it, Clark."
TW: Clark doesn't answer. He gets up and turns to leave.
MR: "Look, I know you want to help but that thing tore twenty generation one solders limb from limb. A garden variety meteor freak doesn't stand a chance against her. I hope you don't plan on facing her."
TW: "Maybe I'm not garden variety."
AM: He's organic!
MR: "Don't fool yourself, Clark. If Chloe isn't willing to help... Kal-El may be the only one who stands a chance against her."
TW: "Then maybe it's up to Kal-El to make things right."
MR: Lex doesn't answer.
TW: "It must gall you to no end, Lex, to find yourself dependant on your nemesis for salvation."
MR: "She killed by wife, Clark! If I remember correctly you were quite fond of Lana yourself, once."
TW: "I wasn't talking about Chloe."
MR: Lex chuckles bitterly, "Salvation? Suppose Kal-El does save the day today. What then, Clark? We continue to live in fear, hoping against hope mankind isn't trampled over like so many bugs underneath his feet in his next clash of titans?
TW: "Lex..."
MR: "No, Clark! Kal-El ruined my life and the lives of a lot of other people in Smallville the day he arrived with the first meteor shower. But the meteor show is just be a drop in the bucket compared to the lives he'll ruin if he doesn't man up and turn himself in." Lex gets up in Clark's face, "You can side with Lois and pretend Kal-El is some sort of extra-terrestrial savior if you want. But I know the truth. Kal-El is nothing but an albatross hung around the planet's neck."
TW: FauxChloe addresses her minions. "Now is the time, Furies. Show Kal-El the true meaning of suffering. Raze his city like he razed that of our Lord Darkseid."
MR: "No so fast." Cut to Chloe.
TW: FauxChloe, "Go Furies, do your duty! I'll take her."
MR: The Furies try to run but Chloe plucks them up with her telekinesis, "I said, not so fast."
TW: FauxChloe rushes Chloe and Chloe tries to control her with her mind but is unsuccessful. FauxChloe stabs her in the gut and cruelly twists the weapon before pulling it out. Chloe falls to her knees, gasping for air.
MR: "Go Furies, tarry no longer." The Furies scurry off.
AM: "Tarry no longer?" A bit stilted don't you think?
TW: Don't think you can pull it off?
AM: Oh, I can pull it off. Just watch me pull it off. I'll pull the hell off of it.
TW: Good. Stop complaining.
MR: Foe smirks, "Didn't think I could penetrate your defenses? You can't control me, I've been given a will of my own." She circles and kicks Chloe in the back knocking her to the ground.
AM: Foe?
MR: You prefer Xerox?
AM: No!
MR: Fake Shake Chloe?
AM: Hell no!
MR: Then Fake Shake it is.
AM: [deadpan] Great.
MR: Fake Shake kicks Chloe to the ground. "You're wondering, I'm sure, why your wound won't heal."
TW: Chloe tries to push herself back up but Foe stabs her through the hand. Chloe cries out in pain.
MR: "My blade is not of this earth. It was crafted to penetrate Kal-El. I can't wait to see what I can do with it to you."
TW: Chloe lies, cheek against the ground staring at the dagger embedded in her hand. Blood flows from her mouth.
MR: Fake Shake pulls it out rolls Chloe over on to her back. She raises the dagger over Chloe's chest, "To be honest I was hoping for a good roll with you before moving on to Kal-El."
AM: The clone is engaging ho-yay?
MR: I call it "chlone-yay".
[ED smacks MR on the back of the head.]
MR: Ow!
AM: Thank you.
ED: Had to be done.
KK: Tough crowd.
AM: Why didn't you do Lanabot-yay?
TW: I wanted it but...
MR: I thought it'd be a little too creepy for Lex to have more than one Lana sex bot.
ED: More than one Chloe clone isn't creepy?
MR: A different kind of creepy.
TW: FauxChloe brings her dagger down and it stops short a fraction of an inch from Chloe's chest.
MR: Chloe strains to keep the blade away with telekinesis, "I'd hate to disappoint."
TW: FauxChloe smiles, "Let's make it last." Telekinesis throws Fake Shake back. Chloe disappears and three standing versions take her place. The center one, "Call your minions back or surely you will die!"
AM: "Surely you will die"?
TW: I thought you didn't mind stilted?
AM: For an alien trained pod person maybe. But that's not how Chloe talks.
TW: Fine. Go with what feels right.
ED: How about "Call back your skanky monkeys of doom before I kick your pathetic leather-clad ass!"
[Cast stares at ED]
ED: No? I thought it was good?
AM: I'll figure something out.
MR: Fake Shake smiles, "What's the Earth saying, three's a crowd? Though I always subscribed to the theory of the more the merrier." Two more Foes appear. "How long do you think you can keep it up? Your wound must be catching up to you."
ED: You do know "keeping it up" typically is the guy's problem, right?
JG: Not mine!
MR: I know. Writing ho-yay for men is so much easier!
KK: Thus explaining the need for a dagger.
MR: The presence of a phallic symbol was helpful.
TW: That's why you wanted the dagger? [shakes head] The images of Chloe flicker. Cut to a neighboring alley. Chloe sits pressing her arm against her wound to stop the bleeding. Her wounded hand hangs limp. She breathes unsteadily and shakes. She whispers, "Clark, if you can hear me, I could really use your help right about now."
KK: Time for a threesome?
MR: Like they say, the more the merrier.
TW: As Chloe speaks cut to Clark and his super hearing. He turns his head in the direction of Chloe's voice just as we hear the screams of dozens of people.
KK: I thought Clark was in Lex's office.
TW: He left.
KK: So where is he?
MR: In the city looking for Fake Shake Chloe.
TW: Zoom to an overpass hanging by one side. Clark looks again in the direction of Chloe's voice before he resolutely turns back toward the bridge and super-speeds to help.
MR: Diner. A waitress pats Lois' head with a wash cloth. Lois comes to and looks around, "Where'd she go, my friend?"
ED: Friend? She knocked Lois out!
KK: It says something about a person when even her friends find her so annoying they slam her against the wall.
ED: Oh really? Would that be as annoying as the friend you decapitate?
KK: Shut up.
MR: Or even worse pancake her car.
KK: Stop making fun of my pancaked car!!!
TW: Lois rises and notices the other patrons glued to a small TV mounted behind the counter. The various Fury attacks are on live TV. Lois watches in horror.
7.20 Harbinger Part V by TW & MR
TW: Air Force One. The president sits at his desk and Martha enters the office. "Senator Kent... I'm glad you were able to stand with us today. I know how hard it must be to..."
MR: Martha interrupts, "How could you, Mr. President?"
TW: The president seems stunned.
MR: "Just hand off national security to Lex Luthor?"
AoT: I get to tell off the president?
TW: Yes, you do. Martha lays into him pretty well.
AoT: Cool.
MR: But he makes it clear that it's his intent to find Kal-El and hand him over to Darkseid.
TW: Martha counters that the United States has never negotiated with terrorists.
MR: The President points out that they aren't dealing with terrorists and they aren't negotiating. They're doing whatever it takes to protect the world from destruction.
TW: Martha tries to argue they should give Kal-El the benefit of the doubt.
MR: "I can't afford to give anyone the benefit of the doubt if it might lead to want what happened to Smallville to happening to the rest of the world."
TW: Cut to Lex's office.
MR: Clark bursts through the double doors as if he owns the place and heads straight for Lex. Lex makes a crack about planning to entertain the president but that Clark will do.
TW: "You cloned Chloe!"
MR: As Clark pins him up against the wall. "Clark, I told you I had nothing to do with that..."
KK: In off-screenville.
TW: "I talked to Chloe. She told me everything."
MR: "Including how she's turned them into her own personal super powered strike team?"
TW: Clark lets Lex down, "What are you talking about?"
MR: "Funny how she just happened to leave out the part about retaining her own personal mutant army. Richards believed Chloe's DNA could enhance meteor power absorption in the project Aries soldiers. Turs out he was right but because the Spartan's share Chloe's DNA she is somehow able to control them."
TW: "Not all of them, Lex. One knocked out Lois this morning and then burned down an apartment building. I know you have issues with Lois but didn't think even you would endanger innocent people."
MR: "Should I feel honored you still give me the smallest benefit of the doubt? The truth is I don't have anything to do with Chloe! Smash!"
AM: Chloe Smash?
KK: Incredible Hulk tribute.
ED: Rip off.
MR: Don't like it? How about "Neanderthal Chloe"?
AM: Definitely not.
KK: She dresses like one though.
AM: Shut up.
KK: I like "Darth" Chloe.
AoT: She is wearing black leather.
TW: Darth Chloe it is.
AM: Tom!?
TW: I like it.
MR: "The truth is I don't have anything to do with Darth Chloe. Richards created her and the others without my knowledge. I was going to have all the clones destroyed but Chloe appropriated them first. As for Lois, why would I hurt her? We may disagree on the specifics but at the end of the day we share the same goal, tracking down the scourge known as Kal-El."
TW: "I won't believe that Chloe was behind it!"
MR: "Actually, I don't either, Clark."
TW: "Then who is?"
MR: The press of a button brings down a projection screen, "I know you've never been one for comics or even science fiction but you're going to have to suspend your disbelief for a second." Lex pauses and looks into Clark's eyes, "Do you believe in aliens?"
TW: Back at the Diner Chloe packs her purse. "I'm not sitting around and waiting."
MR: Lois blocks the door. "Just because Clark hasn't come back doesn't mean I'm letting you out of here. After what Lex did the last time he had you alone it's going to be a cold day in hell before I'll let him within ten feet of you."
TW: As Chloe puts on her coat her temper flares, "Check the news, Lois. It is a cold day in hell." She uses her telekinesis to throw Lois away from the door. Lois slams against the wall and is knocked unconscious. Again.
ED: Lovely. I would almost prefer another mind wipe.
AoT: Chloe would have to mind wipe the whole restaurant.
ED: And that's somehow worse than throwing her cousin up against a wall!?!?
MR: She's in a hurry. Mind wiping the entire restaurant would take too long.
TW: Chloe looks simultaneously shocked and regretful by her temper. The other patrons back away in fear. Chloe's resolve returns quickly, "I'm sorry Lois. Some things I just have to handle myself."
MR: Back to LuthorCorp. A picture of Chloe and her entourage from the teaser appears on the screen. "Let me introduce you to our latest cadre of extra terrestrial visitors. They're here to find Kal-El."
TW: "So you are behind this after all."
MR: "You never tire of jumping to the wrong conclusion, do you Clark? Unfortunately these lovely ladies report to someone else."
TW: "And how are they connected to Chloe?"
MR: "As best as my men can piece things together Dr. Richards and another former employee..." A picture of Richards with Hassad is shown on the screen. "... had a clandestine business relationship. Not only was this other man alien, he was a sworn enemy of Kal-El. I believe Richards sold this man the prototype clone and it was transported it to another world."
TW: "And now it's back."
MR: "A lab explosion destroyed nearly all of Richard's records so there's no way to know how many of Chloe's abilities were transferred to the prototype. Perhaps all of them." Seeing Clark's level of agitation Lex pauses. He touches Clark's shoulder, "Look, Clark, I knew Richards had made a breakthrough with the second generation project Aries Soldiers. But you have to believe me, I had no idea they were cloned from your friend. You believe me, don't you?"
TW: "What I believe is thanks to you that clone is endangering innocent lives. I doesn't matter what you knew."
MR: Lex gets angry, "The only reason she's here is for Kal-El. If Kal-El would just turn himself in for his crimes no one else would have to die. That last thing we need is another Smallville."
KK: Amen.
AoT: So now you're against the nuking of another town too?
KK: I was talking another show like Smallville.
TW: "Crimes? Kal-El wasn't the one who destroyed an entire town! Or even give someone the means to do it."
MR: "My intention all along has been to protect people, Clark. You know that."
TW: "To protect people from exactly the sort for things that, thanks to you, are happening as we speak? Even the best of intentions are worthless when they end up putting innocent lives at risk, Lex."
MR: Lex frowns, obviously hurt.
TW: Clark turns away to focus back on the screen, "Just tell me what we're up against."
MR: Martha interrupts, "How could you, Mr. President?"
TW: The president seems stunned.
MR: "Just hand off national security to Lex Luthor?"
AoT: I get to tell off the president?
TW: Yes, you do. Martha lays into him pretty well.
AoT: Cool.
MR: But he makes it clear that it's his intent to find Kal-El and hand him over to Darkseid.
TW: Martha counters that the United States has never negotiated with terrorists.
MR: The President points out that they aren't dealing with terrorists and they aren't negotiating. They're doing whatever it takes to protect the world from destruction.
TW: Martha tries to argue they should give Kal-El the benefit of the doubt.
MR: "I can't afford to give anyone the benefit of the doubt if it might lead to want what happened to Smallville to happening to the rest of the world."
TW: Cut to Lex's office.
MR: Clark bursts through the double doors as if he owns the place and heads straight for Lex. Lex makes a crack about planning to entertain the president but that Clark will do.
TW: "You cloned Chloe!"
MR: As Clark pins him up against the wall. "Clark, I told you I had nothing to do with that..."
KK: In off-screenville.
TW: "I talked to Chloe. She told me everything."
MR: "Including how she's turned them into her own personal super powered strike team?"
TW: Clark lets Lex down, "What are you talking about?"
MR: "Funny how she just happened to leave out the part about retaining her own personal mutant army. Richards believed Chloe's DNA could enhance meteor power absorption in the project Aries soldiers. Turs out he was right but because the Spartan's share Chloe's DNA she is somehow able to control them."
TW: "Not all of them, Lex. One knocked out Lois this morning and then burned down an apartment building. I know you have issues with Lois but didn't think even you would endanger innocent people."
MR: "Should I feel honored you still give me the smallest benefit of the doubt? The truth is I don't have anything to do with Chloe! Smash!"
AM: Chloe Smash?
KK: Incredible Hulk tribute.
ED: Rip off.
MR: Don't like it? How about "Neanderthal Chloe"?
AM: Definitely not.
KK: She dresses like one though.
AM: Shut up.
KK: I like "Darth" Chloe.
AoT: She is wearing black leather.
TW: Darth Chloe it is.
AM: Tom!?
TW: I like it.
MR: "The truth is I don't have anything to do with Darth Chloe. Richards created her and the others without my knowledge. I was going to have all the clones destroyed but Chloe appropriated them first. As for Lois, why would I hurt her? We may disagree on the specifics but at the end of the day we share the same goal, tracking down the scourge known as Kal-El."
TW: "I won't believe that Chloe was behind it!"
MR: "Actually, I don't either, Clark."
TW: "Then who is?"
MR: The press of a button brings down a projection screen, "I know you've never been one for comics or even science fiction but you're going to have to suspend your disbelief for a second." Lex pauses and looks into Clark's eyes, "Do you believe in aliens?"
TW: Back at the Diner Chloe packs her purse. "I'm not sitting around and waiting."
MR: Lois blocks the door. "Just because Clark hasn't come back doesn't mean I'm letting you out of here. After what Lex did the last time he had you alone it's going to be a cold day in hell before I'll let him within ten feet of you."
TW: As Chloe puts on her coat her temper flares, "Check the news, Lois. It is a cold day in hell." She uses her telekinesis to throw Lois away from the door. Lois slams against the wall and is knocked unconscious. Again.
ED: Lovely. I would almost prefer another mind wipe.
AoT: Chloe would have to mind wipe the whole restaurant.
ED: And that's somehow worse than throwing her cousin up against a wall!?!?
MR: She's in a hurry. Mind wiping the entire restaurant would take too long.
TW: Chloe looks simultaneously shocked and regretful by her temper. The other patrons back away in fear. Chloe's resolve returns quickly, "I'm sorry Lois. Some things I just have to handle myself."
MR: Back to LuthorCorp. A picture of Chloe and her entourage from the teaser appears on the screen. "Let me introduce you to our latest cadre of extra terrestrial visitors. They're here to find Kal-El."
TW: "So you are behind this after all."
MR: "You never tire of jumping to the wrong conclusion, do you Clark? Unfortunately these lovely ladies report to someone else."
TW: "And how are they connected to Chloe?"
MR: "As best as my men can piece things together Dr. Richards and another former employee..." A picture of Richards with Hassad is shown on the screen. "... had a clandestine business relationship. Not only was this other man alien, he was a sworn enemy of Kal-El. I believe Richards sold this man the prototype clone and it was transported it to another world."
TW: "And now it's back."
MR: "A lab explosion destroyed nearly all of Richard's records so there's no way to know how many of Chloe's abilities were transferred to the prototype. Perhaps all of them." Seeing Clark's level of agitation Lex pauses. He touches Clark's shoulder, "Look, Clark, I knew Richards had made a breakthrough with the second generation project Aries Soldiers. But you have to believe me, I had no idea they were cloned from your friend. You believe me, don't you?"
TW: "What I believe is thanks to you that clone is endangering innocent lives. I doesn't matter what you knew."
MR: Lex gets angry, "The only reason she's here is for Kal-El. If Kal-El would just turn himself in for his crimes no one else would have to die. That last thing we need is another Smallville."
KK: Amen.
AoT: So now you're against the nuking of another town too?
KK: I was talking another show like Smallville.
TW: "Crimes? Kal-El wasn't the one who destroyed an entire town! Or even give someone the means to do it."
MR: "My intention all along has been to protect people, Clark. You know that."
TW: "To protect people from exactly the sort for things that, thanks to you, are happening as we speak? Even the best of intentions are worthless when they end up putting innocent lives at risk, Lex."
MR: Lex frowns, obviously hurt.
TW: Clark turns away to focus back on the screen, "Just tell me what we're up against."
7.20 Harbinger Part IV by TW & MR
MR: "You had me worried to death."
JG: She even cried.
MR: "So I called Clark for help..."
AoT: That's how bad it was. She was reduced to asking Clark for help.
TW: Shut up.
MR: "...and there you were."
AM: "Back up a minute. You were worried about me? Why?"
TW: Lois and Clark exchange glances.
AM: To Clark, "Why? Why was Lois worried about me?"
TW: Cut to the President introducing Lex Luthor at a press conference. Lex is dressed in his white suit. A black glove covers his damaged hand.
MR: "In light of the recent events..." yada yada yada. Typical political dreck.
TW: We pull back to show Chloe is watching video of Lex on Clark's product placement phone. Clark and Lois sit on either side.
MR: Lex says there's an aliean threat behind the attack on Smallville and that things are likely to get worse before they get better.
TW: Because of Lex's prior experience with aliens the president has given LuthorCorp broad authority to respond.
MR: A reporter shouts, "Respond to who?"
TW: Lex tells the reporter he's glad she asked.
MR: Lois says she could have asked that question.
TW: Clark and Chloe roll their eyes.
MR: From the phone tiny Lex asks a lackey to play the video he brought with him.
TW: There's a short clip from the teaser.
MR: Lex gives a little exposition about Apokoplis.
TW: Apparently Earth in now caught in the middle of an extra-terrestrial grudge match between Darksied and an alien hiding on earth named Kal-El.
MR: Lois is shocked, "He's after Kal-El?"
TW: Chloe and Clark exchange nervous glances.
MR: Close up of Lex, "Wherever you are Kal-El, if you are listening, I urge you on the behalf of everyone on earth, take a hard look at the destruction of Smallville. Look into your heart. If you have a shred of decency you'll turn yourself in before anyone else gets hurt."
TW: Chloe looks up at Clark, wondering what he'll decide to do next.
MR: Lois, "So you didn't know anything about Smallville going boom? Have you been in a cave or something?"
AM: "No. I..." Thinking quickly, "I was listening to an iPod play list Jimmy made for me just before I left. It was still playing as I pulled up to park."
MR: "We just left the scene of a five alarm fire that says otherwise, cousin. Now are you going to tell us what's going on?"
AM: "Why do I feel like I am on trial here? I didn't start any fires."
MR: "And would it have killed you to let us in on the tiny little fact you have your powers back?"
TW: "You... or someone who looked like you knocked out Lois..."
MR: "It was a lucky punch!"
TW: "...and set a building on fire."
MR: "Not to mention she destroyed that poor old man's newsstand."
AM: "Someone who looked like me?" Chloe is thoughtful, "But that's... impossible."
MR: "I saw it with my own eyes." She pulls up her shirt to show a bruise on her abdomen. "And felt it with my gut. That's your fist print in technicolor black and blue, Missy!"
TW: "What do you mean, impossible?"
AM: "I thought... I thought I'd found them all."
MR: "Found what?"
AM: "Lois, Clark and I have to talk."
MR: Incredulous, "Clark? Clark wasn't the one you body slammed into the side of a building!"
TW: Chloe gives Lois the evil eye.
MR: But Lois doesn't back down. "I'm tired of being the last one to find out what's going on with you, Chloe. I'm not going away this time."
AM: Relenting, "Remember the clone Lex tried to pass off as me?"
MR: "The dead one, Yeah."
TW: "Lex said Dr. Richards was responsible."
AM: Dr. Richards? When was this?
MR: Um, Offscreenville?
AM: Whatever.
MR: Chloe is annoyed at Clark's need to defend his ex-boyfriend.
AM: "Turns out that wasn't the only copy."
TW: "Chloe, why didn't you tell me this?"
AM: "It's not like we've been on the best of terms since..." Chloe looks down, "...since you found out Lana."
TW: Clark looks away too, obviously upset.
AM: "Besides, I thought I'd already taken care of it. Obviously Lex had one I didn't know about."
TW: "One!?!? How many clones did he make?"
AM: "What does it matter? I said I took care of it."
MR: "What does matter is this copy has more than a few wires crossed. You think she's responsible for what happened to Smallville?"
AM: Chloe thinks for a second. "I don't know."
MR: Lois pulls out her phone, "I'm calling the police." Chloe moves to stop her.
TW: Clark pulls Chloe aside first, "Are you sure Lex is behind this?"
AM: "Of course he is, Clark!"
TW: "You... she called me Kal-El. How would a clone know to call me that?"
AM: "I don't know, Clark. Maybe Lex retained more from our re-enactment of Freaky Friday I did. Maybe he knows the truth... about you."
MR: Lois is on the phone, "Look, Hi! I'd like to report a case of illegal cloning!"
TW: Chloe focuses on Lois' phone.
MR: "Hello? Hello?" Her starts smoking. She turns toward Chloe and Clark, "What the hell? This was brand new!" She mashes various buttons before giving up and throwing the phone into the trash and heading for a pay phone at the end of the bar.
TW: Clark looks at Chloe accusingly "Are you sure you didn't...?"
AM: Chloe belligerently whispers back, "Freak out again and this time nearly kill Lois? I'm positive! I can't believe you'd even think that!"
TW: "I'm sorry... It's just that... I don't know what to think anymore."
MR: Chloe focuses on the receiver in Lois' hand. Lois sighs as she tries to get a dial tone, "Does nothing in this dump work!?!?!"
TW: The waitress gives Lois a dirty look.
MR: Lois sticks out her hand, "OK, Smallville, hand over your phone."
AM: Chloe ignores Clark's question and interrupts Lois, "No!" She pauses, "This is between me an Lex."
MR: "You're going to handle it? Are you crazy? You don't work at the Planet anymore, you don't have your powers, and because you don't even want to admit you used to be meteor infected you're still legally dead.... meanwhile Lex has maneuvered himself into the president's inner circle."
AoT: Was that supposed to sound dirty?
MR: Like it? I had a hard time choosing between that and Lex having embedded himself inside the walls of power.
AoT: That's not bad either.
TW: Chloe looks like she's about to open a can of whoop ass. Clark butts in, "Lois is right."
MR: Now Chloe looks like she's going to open a can of whoop ass on Clark.
AM: "But..."
TW: To Chloe, "I'm not going to let you do something you're regret later."
JG: There's a low blow.
TW: "Lois, you make sure Chloe doesn't go anywhere. I've known Lex and lot longer and a lot better than either of you two."
KK: Longer and better? Weren't Chloe and Lex screwing?
TW: Doesn't mean Chloe knows Lex better.
KK: True. Clark and Lex have been screwing a lot longer.
TW: Shut up!
ED: And probably better.
TW & AM: Shut up!
KK: Heh. There seems to be a dispute as to who's the better lay.
AM: There is not!
TW: Ignore her.
AM: Trying.
MR: Lois pauses, "OK. You're actually making a bit of sense for once, Small... Clark."
TW: Chloe taps her feet and rolls her eyes as Clark exits.
AM: "You realize he's not coming back, don't you?"
MR: Lois scoffs, "Don't be ridiculous, of course he is. Clark couldn't screw a light bulb without our help."
ED: Yay! Lois is back in character!
JG: By in character you mean dumb?
ED: Shut up!
JG: She even cried.
MR: "So I called Clark for help..."
AoT: That's how bad it was. She was reduced to asking Clark for help.
TW: Shut up.
MR: "...and there you were."
AM: "Back up a minute. You were worried about me? Why?"
TW: Lois and Clark exchange glances.
AM: To Clark, "Why? Why was Lois worried about me?"
TW: Cut to the President introducing Lex Luthor at a press conference. Lex is dressed in his white suit. A black glove covers his damaged hand.
MR: "In light of the recent events..." yada yada yada. Typical political dreck.
TW: We pull back to show Chloe is watching video of Lex on Clark's product placement phone. Clark and Lois sit on either side.
MR: Lex says there's an aliean threat behind the attack on Smallville and that things are likely to get worse before they get better.
TW: Because of Lex's prior experience with aliens the president has given LuthorCorp broad authority to respond.
MR: A reporter shouts, "Respond to who?"
TW: Lex tells the reporter he's glad she asked.
MR: Lois says she could have asked that question.
TW: Clark and Chloe roll their eyes.
MR: From the phone tiny Lex asks a lackey to play the video he brought with him.
TW: There's a short clip from the teaser.
MR: Lex gives a little exposition about Apokoplis.
TW: Apparently Earth in now caught in the middle of an extra-terrestrial grudge match between Darksied and an alien hiding on earth named Kal-El.
MR: Lois is shocked, "He's after Kal-El?"
TW: Chloe and Clark exchange nervous glances.
MR: Close up of Lex, "Wherever you are Kal-El, if you are listening, I urge you on the behalf of everyone on earth, take a hard look at the destruction of Smallville. Look into your heart. If you have a shred of decency you'll turn yourself in before anyone else gets hurt."
TW: Chloe looks up at Clark, wondering what he'll decide to do next.
MR: Lois, "So you didn't know anything about Smallville going boom? Have you been in a cave or something?"
AM: "No. I..." Thinking quickly, "I was listening to an iPod play list Jimmy made for me just before I left. It was still playing as I pulled up to park."
MR: "We just left the scene of a five alarm fire that says otherwise, cousin. Now are you going to tell us what's going on?"
AM: "Why do I feel like I am on trial here? I didn't start any fires."
MR: "And would it have killed you to let us in on the tiny little fact you have your powers back?"
TW: "You... or someone who looked like you knocked out Lois..."
MR: "It was a lucky punch!"
TW: "...and set a building on fire."
MR: "Not to mention she destroyed that poor old man's newsstand."
AM: "Someone who looked like me?" Chloe is thoughtful, "But that's... impossible."
MR: "I saw it with my own eyes." She pulls up her shirt to show a bruise on her abdomen. "And felt it with my gut. That's your fist print in technicolor black and blue, Missy!"
TW: "What do you mean, impossible?"
AM: "I thought... I thought I'd found them all."
MR: "Found what?"
AM: "Lois, Clark and I have to talk."
MR: Incredulous, "Clark? Clark wasn't the one you body slammed into the side of a building!"
TW: Chloe gives Lois the evil eye.
MR: But Lois doesn't back down. "I'm tired of being the last one to find out what's going on with you, Chloe. I'm not going away this time."
AM: Relenting, "Remember the clone Lex tried to pass off as me?"
MR: "The dead one, Yeah."
TW: "Lex said Dr. Richards was responsible."
AM: Dr. Richards? When was this?
MR: Um, Offscreenville?
AM: Whatever.
MR: Chloe is annoyed at Clark's need to defend his ex-boyfriend.
AM: "Turns out that wasn't the only copy."
TW: "Chloe, why didn't you tell me this?"
AM: "It's not like we've been on the best of terms since..." Chloe looks down, "...since you found out Lana."
TW: Clark looks away too, obviously upset.
AM: "Besides, I thought I'd already taken care of it. Obviously Lex had one I didn't know about."
TW: "One!?!? How many clones did he make?"
AM: "What does it matter? I said I took care of it."
MR: "What does matter is this copy has more than a few wires crossed. You think she's responsible for what happened to Smallville?"
AM: Chloe thinks for a second. "I don't know."
MR: Lois pulls out her phone, "I'm calling the police." Chloe moves to stop her.
TW: Clark pulls Chloe aside first, "Are you sure Lex is behind this?"
AM: "Of course he is, Clark!"
TW: "You... she called me Kal-El. How would a clone know to call me that?"
AM: "I don't know, Clark. Maybe Lex retained more from our re-enactment of Freaky Friday I did. Maybe he knows the truth... about you."
MR: Lois is on the phone, "Look, Hi! I'd like to report a case of illegal cloning!"
TW: Chloe focuses on Lois' phone.
MR: "Hello? Hello?" Her starts smoking. She turns toward Chloe and Clark, "What the hell? This was brand new!" She mashes various buttons before giving up and throwing the phone into the trash and heading for a pay phone at the end of the bar.
TW: Clark looks at Chloe accusingly "Are you sure you didn't...?"
AM: Chloe belligerently whispers back, "Freak out again and this time nearly kill Lois? I'm positive! I can't believe you'd even think that!"
TW: "I'm sorry... It's just that... I don't know what to think anymore."
MR: Chloe focuses on the receiver in Lois' hand. Lois sighs as she tries to get a dial tone, "Does nothing in this dump work!?!?!"
TW: The waitress gives Lois a dirty look.
MR: Lois sticks out her hand, "OK, Smallville, hand over your phone."
AM: Chloe ignores Clark's question and interrupts Lois, "No!" She pauses, "This is between me an Lex."
MR: "You're going to handle it? Are you crazy? You don't work at the Planet anymore, you don't have your powers, and because you don't even want to admit you used to be meteor infected you're still legally dead.... meanwhile Lex has maneuvered himself into the president's inner circle."
AoT: Was that supposed to sound dirty?
MR: Like it? I had a hard time choosing between that and Lex having embedded himself inside the walls of power.
AoT: That's not bad either.
TW: Chloe looks like she's about to open a can of whoop ass. Clark butts in, "Lois is right."
MR: Now Chloe looks like she's going to open a can of whoop ass on Clark.
AM: "But..."
TW: To Chloe, "I'm not going to let you do something you're regret later."
JG: There's a low blow.
TW: "Lois, you make sure Chloe doesn't go anywhere. I've known Lex and lot longer and a lot better than either of you two."
KK: Longer and better? Weren't Chloe and Lex screwing?
TW: Doesn't mean Chloe knows Lex better.
KK: True. Clark and Lex have been screwing a lot longer.
TW: Shut up!
ED: And probably better.
TW & AM: Shut up!
KK: Heh. There seems to be a dispute as to who's the better lay.
AM: There is not!
TW: Ignore her.
AM: Trying.
MR: Lois pauses, "OK. You're actually making a bit of sense for once, Small... Clark."
TW: Chloe taps her feet and rolls her eyes as Clark exits.
AM: "You realize he's not coming back, don't you?"
MR: Lois scoffs, "Don't be ridiculous, of course he is. Clark couldn't screw a light bulb without our help."
ED: Yay! Lois is back in character!
JG: By in character you mean dumb?
ED: Shut up!
7.20 Harbinger Part III by TW & MR
MR: Smallville. Lex surveys the damage while nursing the hand hurt when the mansion collapsed.
TW: A minion approaches with a laptop, "We've found something."
MR: On screen a slightly garbled video from the teaser.
TW: As the video finishes up a second lacky hands Lex a phone, "The president, Mr. Luthor."
MR: Lex takes the phone, "Yes, Mr. President." There's a pause and then, "Safe? Based on my intel nowhere is safe. It's a brave new world, Mr. President. You're no safer on Air Force One than in Smallville." After another pause, "Understood." Lex hangs up and address Lackey number two. "Get a bull horn ready. The President is coming to Smallville."
TW: Back to the building Chloe set on fire.
MR: The fire is now out.
TW: Firemen are cleaning up the mess.
MR: Evelyn is reporting live, "It's a miracle no one died in this conflagration..."
TW: Cut to Bittleman jotting down notes as he talks with the fire chief.
MR: "Thanks, Karl, you're a doll!"
TW: "Shouldn't you be a the hospital?" Erica?
ED: "I'm just glad Chloe didn't hit me with her fist of fire." Inspecting the charred building, "Looks like Lex's cure didn't take. What do you think is up with her?"
TW: "I'm just glad you're safe." He nods toward Bittleman, "Are you really going to do a story on Chloe?"
ED: "It's me, Clark, I'm not going to turn in a story about my own cousin gone pyromaniac. Besides, after what happened to Smallville no one is going to care about this."
TW: "If no one cares why are you two so interested?"
ED: "A five alarm fire in the middle of rush hour and not a single person injured? Most don't even know how they got out! One minute they're in their apartment and the next..."
TW: "What are you getting at Lois?"
ED: "There's more to this fire than what meets the eye." She pauses, "Someone saved these people." Lois whispers, "I think it might have been Kal-El."
TW: Clark is angry, "Smallville is in ruins, something is seriously wrong with Chloe... and all you can think about is... alien conspiracies!?!?"
MR: Bittleman moseys over to butt in. "Is there anything aliens aren't behind these days, Chicken Little? Besides, this Kal-El, he's a bad guy now, no?"
TW: Lois gets a really angry look.
ED: "Back off, Ted. Kal-El wasn't the one who just nuked middle America." Then to Clark, "You're right, Clark. As usual. So are you going to help me find Chloe or not?"
TW: "Help? I was thinking more that you go get an x-ray while I find her."
ED: "Nice try but in case you haven't noticed the new but not so improved Chloe is dangerous. It's going to take more than an aw' shucks attitude and good hair to set her straight."
TW: Clark looks annoyed.
AM: For good reason.
TW: "Lois, she knocked you out."
ED: "It was a lucky punch!"
MR: "Into a wall?"
ED: "Stay out of this, Ted!"
MR: "Just calling it like I see it."
ED: "And you think pretty boy here would fare any better?"
TW: Clark and Bittleman together, "Pretty boy!?!?"
ED: "All the more reason the two of us need to stick together on this!"
MR: Bittleman is baffled, "Hello!?! You have a story to do, major Blonde!"
ED: Lois, "You're a big boy, Ted. I'm sure you can handle a story on your own for once."
JG: That self righteous bitch!
AoT: Stop it, John. You're starting to identify with Bittleman a little too much.
JG: Out side of Lionel he was my favorite character!
TW: Cut to the DP elevator opening up on outside Lois and Bittleman's office.
MR: Clark and Bittleman follow Lois out.
TW: "I still think we should split up. We could cover more ground that way."
ED: "And let Chloe pummel you like she did me? Sorry, I'm not about to let that happen to that pretty little face of yours."
TW: Clark and Bittleman simultaneously, "Pretty?!?"
MR: Lois grabs the keys off her desk.
ED: "Cover for me, Ted. I'll be back as soon as we've found Chloe."
MR: Ted is flabbergasted, "Barbie, you don't have to be the princess and the pea to realize your lily white ass is sitting on the story of a lifetime! Some asshole with a vendetta against the pet alien you've been trying to track down for months just nuked an entire town and you're going to run off with this vacant eyed farm boy?"
JG: Heh. Two birds with one stone.
ED: "Number one, jealously really doesn't suit you, Ted. And number two, I put a story above family once before and I'm not going to do it again."
JG: Jealously? The man is finally getting his balls back!
TW: Lois leaves as Clark gives Bittleman non-verbals that he's not involved with her.
MR: Ted is pissed anyway, "Get the hell out of my face Farmer Brown and take Benedict Arnolda with you!"
JG: Bravo, Bittleman!
TW: Lois yells from the elevator, "Small..." she stops herself, "Kent, are you comming or not?!?!"
MR: Clark gives Bittleman a weak smiles and heads to join Lois.
TW: Stock footage of Lex's dream sequence nuclear attack.
MR: Pull back to show Chloe watching it on a computer monitor in her bunker.
TW: She wearily rubbers her temples, "Replay scenario seven two zero. This time with three Spartans in DC, two in Metropolis."
MR: She looks over at her phone an notices there's a message waiting from Lois.
TW: Returning to her attention to the screen nukes are flying everywhere again, "Dammit! Re-run all scenarios with the following modification." She pauses, with a heavy sigh, "LuthorCorp assets protect densely populated areas only."
MR: The computer answers, "Estimated time to completion, six hours."
TW: A wide shot reveals the other Spartans are all running various simulations as well.
MR: Chloe addresses the one closest her, "I'm going to check on my cousin. Let me know if we make a break through."
TW: Cut to an alley. Chloe "lands" and heads around the corner just as Lois and Clark come out of the revolving doors of the Planet building. "Lois!" She spots Clark and her voice falls, "Clark."
TW: Clark and Lois stop dead in their tracks.
MR: Chloe picks up on their concern, "What's going on?"
TW: Clark, "That's what we were going to ask you."
MR: Lois is less diplomatic. "I hoping the fact you ditched the black leather for a pantsuit means you've re-embraced sanity, Chlo."
TW: Chloe looks back and forth between Clark and Lois more confused than ever.
MR: Cut to Clark and Lois escorting Chloe into a diner. Allison?
AM: "Black leather?"
MR: I'll do Lois.
ED: Don't you wish.
MR: "And not much of it."
TW: "Sit down. We need to talk."
AM: "Why here? Why not at the..."
MR: "Because for all we know the FBI has you on their most wanted list." Chloe looks guilty and gulps.
TW: "Chloe, where were you about an hour ago?"
AM: Chloe tenses, "I was... driving from here from Smallville."
MR: "Are you sure?"
AM: With a strained smile, "Positive."
TW: Lois and Clark exchange looks.
AM: "Is something wrong?"
MR: "You remember the bright shiny new condos I was hoping to afford someday?"
AM: "Yes?"
MR: "Thanks to you they're nothing more than a burnt husk."
AM: Chloe looks at Clark, "What is she talking about?"
MR: "It happened right after we heard about Smallville. I called your cell. You didn't answer and..."
AM: "I must not have heard it ring. Jimmy made me a play list."
AoT: Aw. Now I almost feel bad for Jimmy.
KK: Almost.
TW: A minion approaches with a laptop, "We've found something."
MR: On screen a slightly garbled video from the teaser.
TW: As the video finishes up a second lacky hands Lex a phone, "The president, Mr. Luthor."
MR: Lex takes the phone, "Yes, Mr. President." There's a pause and then, "Safe? Based on my intel nowhere is safe. It's a brave new world, Mr. President. You're no safer on Air Force One than in Smallville." After another pause, "Understood." Lex hangs up and address Lackey number two. "Get a bull horn ready. The President is coming to Smallville."
TW: Back to the building Chloe set on fire.
MR: The fire is now out.
TW: Firemen are cleaning up the mess.
MR: Evelyn is reporting live, "It's a miracle no one died in this conflagration..."
TW: Cut to Bittleman jotting down notes as he talks with the fire chief.
MR: "Thanks, Karl, you're a doll!"
TW: "Shouldn't you be a the hospital?" Erica?
ED: "I'm just glad Chloe didn't hit me with her fist of fire." Inspecting the charred building, "Looks like Lex's cure didn't take. What do you think is up with her?"
TW: "I'm just glad you're safe." He nods toward Bittleman, "Are you really going to do a story on Chloe?"
ED: "It's me, Clark, I'm not going to turn in a story about my own cousin gone pyromaniac. Besides, after what happened to Smallville no one is going to care about this."
TW: "If no one cares why are you two so interested?"
ED: "A five alarm fire in the middle of rush hour and not a single person injured? Most don't even know how they got out! One minute they're in their apartment and the next..."
TW: "What are you getting at Lois?"
ED: "There's more to this fire than what meets the eye." She pauses, "Someone saved these people." Lois whispers, "I think it might have been Kal-El."
TW: Clark is angry, "Smallville is in ruins, something is seriously wrong with Chloe... and all you can think about is... alien conspiracies!?!?"
MR: Bittleman moseys over to butt in. "Is there anything aliens aren't behind these days, Chicken Little? Besides, this Kal-El, he's a bad guy now, no?"
TW: Lois gets a really angry look.
ED: "Back off, Ted. Kal-El wasn't the one who just nuked middle America." Then to Clark, "You're right, Clark. As usual. So are you going to help me find Chloe or not?"
TW: "Help? I was thinking more that you go get an x-ray while I find her."
ED: "Nice try but in case you haven't noticed the new but not so improved Chloe is dangerous. It's going to take more than an aw' shucks attitude and good hair to set her straight."
TW: Clark looks annoyed.
AM: For good reason.
TW: "Lois, she knocked you out."
ED: "It was a lucky punch!"
MR: "Into a wall?"
ED: "Stay out of this, Ted!"
MR: "Just calling it like I see it."
ED: "And you think pretty boy here would fare any better?"
TW: Clark and Bittleman together, "Pretty boy!?!?"
ED: "All the more reason the two of us need to stick together on this!"
MR: Bittleman is baffled, "Hello!?! You have a story to do, major Blonde!"
ED: Lois, "You're a big boy, Ted. I'm sure you can handle a story on your own for once."
JG: That self righteous bitch!
AoT: Stop it, John. You're starting to identify with Bittleman a little too much.
JG: Out side of Lionel he was my favorite character!
TW: Cut to the DP elevator opening up on outside Lois and Bittleman's office.
MR: Clark and Bittleman follow Lois out.
TW: "I still think we should split up. We could cover more ground that way."
ED: "And let Chloe pummel you like she did me? Sorry, I'm not about to let that happen to that pretty little face of yours."
TW: Clark and Bittleman simultaneously, "Pretty?!?"
MR: Lois grabs the keys off her desk.
ED: "Cover for me, Ted. I'll be back as soon as we've found Chloe."
MR: Ted is flabbergasted, "Barbie, you don't have to be the princess and the pea to realize your lily white ass is sitting on the story of a lifetime! Some asshole with a vendetta against the pet alien you've been trying to track down for months just nuked an entire town and you're going to run off with this vacant eyed farm boy?"
JG: Heh. Two birds with one stone.
ED: "Number one, jealously really doesn't suit you, Ted. And number two, I put a story above family once before and I'm not going to do it again."
JG: Jealously? The man is finally getting his balls back!
TW: Lois leaves as Clark gives Bittleman non-verbals that he's not involved with her.
MR: Ted is pissed anyway, "Get the hell out of my face Farmer Brown and take Benedict Arnolda with you!"
JG: Bravo, Bittleman!
TW: Lois yells from the elevator, "Small..." she stops herself, "Kent, are you comming or not?!?!"
MR: Clark gives Bittleman a weak smiles and heads to join Lois.
TW: Stock footage of Lex's dream sequence nuclear attack.
MR: Pull back to show Chloe watching it on a computer monitor in her bunker.
TW: She wearily rubbers her temples, "Replay scenario seven two zero. This time with three Spartans in DC, two in Metropolis."
MR: She looks over at her phone an notices there's a message waiting from Lois.
TW: Returning to her attention to the screen nukes are flying everywhere again, "Dammit! Re-run all scenarios with the following modification." She pauses, with a heavy sigh, "LuthorCorp assets protect densely populated areas only."
MR: The computer answers, "Estimated time to completion, six hours."
TW: A wide shot reveals the other Spartans are all running various simulations as well.
MR: Chloe addresses the one closest her, "I'm going to check on my cousin. Let me know if we make a break through."
TW: Cut to an alley. Chloe "lands" and heads around the corner just as Lois and Clark come out of the revolving doors of the Planet building. "Lois!" She spots Clark and her voice falls, "Clark."
TW: Clark and Lois stop dead in their tracks.
MR: Chloe picks up on their concern, "What's going on?"
TW: Clark, "That's what we were going to ask you."
MR: Lois is less diplomatic. "I hoping the fact you ditched the black leather for a pantsuit means you've re-embraced sanity, Chlo."
TW: Chloe looks back and forth between Clark and Lois more confused than ever.
MR: Cut to Clark and Lois escorting Chloe into a diner. Allison?
AM: "Black leather?"
MR: I'll do Lois.
ED: Don't you wish.
MR: "And not much of it."
TW: "Sit down. We need to talk."
AM: "Why here? Why not at the..."
MR: "Because for all we know the FBI has you on their most wanted list." Chloe looks guilty and gulps.
TW: "Chloe, where were you about an hour ago?"
AM: Chloe tenses, "I was... driving from here from Smallville."
MR: "Are you sure?"
AM: With a strained smile, "Positive."
TW: Lois and Clark exchange looks.
AM: "Is something wrong?"
MR: "You remember the bright shiny new condos I was hoping to afford someday?"
AM: "Yes?"
MR: "Thanks to you they're nothing more than a burnt husk."
AM: Chloe looks at Clark, "What is she talking about?"
MR: "It happened right after we heard about Smallville. I called your cell. You didn't answer and..."
AM: "I must not have heard it ring. Jimmy made me a play list."
AoT: Aw. Now I almost feel bad for Jimmy.
KK: Almost.
7.20 Harbinger Part II by TW & MR
AM: Sluttier than the Pussycat Dolls?
AoT: Is there such a thing?
KK: As if a WWE diva should talk.
AoT: Watch it, Kreuk. I'll pancake you.
TW: Then you and your car'll be a matching set.
KK: That's not funny!
ED: The Pussycat Dolls aren't slutty. They're liberated.
KK: Of taste.
TW: An entourage of four similarly dressed femmes fatales follow. Chloe enjoys the attention of heads turning as she walks.
AM: Wait. What?
ED: Yeah. Turning heads in skimpy outfits is my job!
AM: [rolls eyes]
MR: You'll both get over it. Speaking of PCD, "Don't Cha" plays in the background.
ED: That's from my promo! Chloe can't use it!
AM: She has a point.
MR: Then we'll go with "My humps" instead.
AM: "My humps"? Is that like my peeps or something?
MR: Something like that.
ED: No way! Lois is the one with lovely lady lumps!
AM: The lovely who's what now?
ED: [Stands up to dance and point while singing] My humps. My humps. My humps. My humps.
KK: [to AM] You should know better.
ED: My lovely lady lumps.
AM: [to KK] I've never heard the song before, honest.
ED: My lovely lady lumps.
AM: "Don't cha" is fine, really.
ED: In the back and in the front!
[AM's jaw drops]
AM: Oh my.
KK: We get the point, Erica.
AM: Don't cha, definitely Don't cha.
ED: [Sitting] Love that song!
TW: Chloe grabs a Planet from a newsstand without paying.
MR: When the vendor yells she points her arm at the stand and lets loose a bolt of energy.
AM: Huh?
TW: Down the street Lois and Bittleman exit the Planet Building.
MR: "OK Ariel, a couple minutes to 'get some air' but then we have a story to write!"
TW: Lois ignores him. She's calling Clark, "Maybe he can help us find Chloe."
ED: Totally out of character, but whatever.
AM: You're complaining about being out of character behavior?
MR: Erica, will you read for Lois?
ED: Sure. "Where the hell did you disappear to?" Better.
TW: Clark lies, "I stepped out for some air."
ED: "I need you to help me find Chloe. Surely she's..."
MR: Lois spots Chloe and freezes.
TW: "She's what, Lois?"
ED: "Never mind, Clark. She's right here."
MR: Lois hangs up. Clark super speeds in between Lois and Bittleman and Bittleman asks him where he came from.
TW: "I was... just around the corner." Lois blocks Chloe's path.
ED: "Wow, Chloe. You're just begging for a wardrobe malfunction in that getup."
AM: Wardrobe malfunction!? God, Tom!
TW: Michael actually.
AM: God, Michael.
MR: I knew you'd like it. Chloe is dismissive, "Do I know you?" Lois eyes Chloe's entourage.
ED: "Seems the rumours of the end of the world haven't been exaggerated. Chloe Sullivan joined a Pussycat Dolls tribute band."
AM: You've got to be kidding!
MR: Cross promotion week. They make an appearance on our show and...
KK & AM: There's no way I'm...
ED: We get to be Pussycat Dolls!?!?!
MR: No. They're gonna dress in skimpy super girl outfits on their show.
[AM & KK sigh with relief, ED with disappointment]
MR: The newsstand guy runs up, "She destroyed my newsstand!"
ED: "Is this true?"
MR: Chloe rolls her eyes and moves to pass. Lois puts her hand on Chloe's shoulder.
ED: "Wait."
MR: "Don't. Touch. Me."
ED: "Not until you tell us what's going on."
MR: Chloe gives Lois a defiant glare before reaching for a dagger strapped to her hip.
TW: Those with a sharp eye will notice it's made from the crystal stolen in the teaser.
MR: She moves to stab Lois.
AM & ED: Huh?
JG: Today's lesson. Don't try to Single White Female Chloe.
ED: Excuse me but Chloe is the one wearing Lois' fashion sense.
AoT: Maybe it's a more like Trading Places.
AM & ED: I want to trade back!
TW: Clark goes into super speed mode pulling the dagger from Chloe's hand.
MR: Back in real time Chloe's "stab" becomes a gut punch sending Lois flying into the nearby wall and knocking her unconscious.
ED: Unconscious again. Let me guess. Clark uses his powers now.
TW: You're not as dumb as you let on Erica. When Bittleman goes to check on Lois Clark grabs Chloe's wrist, "Chloe, what are you doing?"
MR: Chloe looks at her empty hand and then spots the dagger in Clark's other hand. "The son of Jor-El. I did not expect we would meet so soon." She smiles evilly, "Prepare to learn the true meaning of pain." And we end the first act.
TW: Clark pulls Chloe by the arm, "You're not well."
MR: "What do you think you're doing?"
TW: "I'm taking you somewhere you can't hurt anyone."
MR: Chloe opens her hand and shoots a out a stream of fire. It engulfs a building in flames.
AM: Now wait a...
MR: "The time is not yet right, Kal-El."
TW: In slow motion Chloe goes into super speed mode herself. She bends down under Clark, pulls the dagger from his other hand, pulls away, and kicks him in the mid section. Clark loses his grip on her wrist as he flies ass first into the burning building.
MR: As Clark hits the wall it partially collapses.
TW: He pulls free of the debris and faces Chloe but cries of help take his his attention.
AM: You can't do this to Chloe!
KK: When I said she was seriously disturbed I was just kidding. Wow. What did Allison do to you?
TW: Patience. Inside the building Clark finds a little girl and super-speeds her into the back alley. Kneeling down to her level, "It's going to be OK."
MR: The child nods and we hear a chuckle. It's Chloe standing over him. "No. It's not going to be OK."
TW: Clark stands, his body shielding the girl. "Stop this, now."
AM: Yes. Stop it.
KK: Is Chloe on Red K or something?
ED: I thought Red K just made you horny.
MR: In which case Lois must be...
ED: Shut up.
TW: All will be explained soon enough.
AM: It better be.
MR: "And spoil all my fun? I've just begun, Kal-El. Smallville was just the beginning."
TW: Clark looks like he's been punched in the gut, "That was you?"
ED: Chloe nuked Smallville? Day-um.
AM: I hope we get a good "day-um" explanation.
MR: Don't worry.
AM: Why don't I feel any better?
MR: Chloe smirks. "Consider it a gift. To get you motivated."
AoT: If that doesn't motivate him I don't know what will.
TW: Clark stares at Chloe in horror. There are more cries from the building and Clark glances from Chloe to the building and back.
MR: Chloe, "Don't let me keep you."
TW: Clark is reluctant to leave Chloe alone.
MR: "We will meet again, Kal-El." She flies straight up in the air.
TW: Clark stares up after her for a moment but another cry for help snaps him out of it. He heads back into the building.
MR: Pull back to Otis on an alleyway looking up onto the sky. He's on the phone. "Uh, boss, you're not going to believe this."
TW: Cut to Lionel at his desk on the phone, "Are you sure?" He's agitated by the response, "This could ruin everything! Keep an eye on Clark but don't interfere unless it's absolutely necessary."
AoT: Is there such a thing?
KK: As if a WWE diva should talk.
AoT: Watch it, Kreuk. I'll pancake you.
TW: Then you and your car'll be a matching set.
KK: That's not funny!
ED: The Pussycat Dolls aren't slutty. They're liberated.
KK: Of taste.
TW: An entourage of four similarly dressed femmes fatales follow. Chloe enjoys the attention of heads turning as she walks.
AM: Wait. What?
ED: Yeah. Turning heads in skimpy outfits is my job!
AM: [rolls eyes]
MR: You'll both get over it. Speaking of PCD, "Don't Cha" plays in the background.
ED: That's from my promo! Chloe can't use it!
AM: She has a point.
MR: Then we'll go with "My humps" instead.
AM: "My humps"? Is that like my peeps or something?
MR: Something like that.
ED: No way! Lois is the one with lovely lady lumps!
AM: The lovely who's what now?
ED: [Stands up to dance and point while singing] My humps. My humps. My humps. My humps.
KK: [to AM] You should know better.
ED: My lovely lady lumps.
AM: [to KK] I've never heard the song before, honest.
ED: My lovely lady lumps.
AM: "Don't cha" is fine, really.
ED: In the back and in the front!
[AM's jaw drops]
AM: Oh my.
KK: We get the point, Erica.
AM: Don't cha, definitely Don't cha.
ED: [Sitting] Love that song!
TW: Chloe grabs a Planet from a newsstand without paying.
MR: When the vendor yells she points her arm at the stand and lets loose a bolt of energy.
AM: Huh?
TW: Down the street Lois and Bittleman exit the Planet Building.
MR: "OK Ariel, a couple minutes to 'get some air' but then we have a story to write!"
TW: Lois ignores him. She's calling Clark, "Maybe he can help us find Chloe."
ED: Totally out of character, but whatever.
AM: You're complaining about being out of character behavior?
MR: Erica, will you read for Lois?
ED: Sure. "Where the hell did you disappear to?" Better.
TW: Clark lies, "I stepped out for some air."
ED: "I need you to help me find Chloe. Surely she's..."
MR: Lois spots Chloe and freezes.
TW: "She's what, Lois?"
ED: "Never mind, Clark. She's right here."
MR: Lois hangs up. Clark super speeds in between Lois and Bittleman and Bittleman asks him where he came from.
TW: "I was... just around the corner." Lois blocks Chloe's path.
ED: "Wow, Chloe. You're just begging for a wardrobe malfunction in that getup."
AM: Wardrobe malfunction!? God, Tom!
TW: Michael actually.
AM: God, Michael.
MR: I knew you'd like it. Chloe is dismissive, "Do I know you?" Lois eyes Chloe's entourage.
ED: "Seems the rumours of the end of the world haven't been exaggerated. Chloe Sullivan joined a Pussycat Dolls tribute band."
AM: You've got to be kidding!
MR: Cross promotion week. They make an appearance on our show and...
KK & AM: There's no way I'm...
ED: We get to be Pussycat Dolls!?!?!
MR: No. They're gonna dress in skimpy super girl outfits on their show.
[AM & KK sigh with relief, ED with disappointment]
MR: The newsstand guy runs up, "She destroyed my newsstand!"
ED: "Is this true?"
MR: Chloe rolls her eyes and moves to pass. Lois puts her hand on Chloe's shoulder.
ED: "Wait."
MR: "Don't. Touch. Me."
ED: "Not until you tell us what's going on."
MR: Chloe gives Lois a defiant glare before reaching for a dagger strapped to her hip.
TW: Those with a sharp eye will notice it's made from the crystal stolen in the teaser.
MR: She moves to stab Lois.
AM & ED: Huh?
JG: Today's lesson. Don't try to Single White Female Chloe.
ED: Excuse me but Chloe is the one wearing Lois' fashion sense.
AoT: Maybe it's a more like Trading Places.
AM & ED: I want to trade back!
TW: Clark goes into super speed mode pulling the dagger from Chloe's hand.
MR: Back in real time Chloe's "stab" becomes a gut punch sending Lois flying into the nearby wall and knocking her unconscious.
ED: Unconscious again. Let me guess. Clark uses his powers now.
TW: You're not as dumb as you let on Erica. When Bittleman goes to check on Lois Clark grabs Chloe's wrist, "Chloe, what are you doing?"
MR: Chloe looks at her empty hand and then spots the dagger in Clark's other hand. "The son of Jor-El. I did not expect we would meet so soon." She smiles evilly, "Prepare to learn the true meaning of pain." And we end the first act.
TW: Clark pulls Chloe by the arm, "You're not well."
MR: "What do you think you're doing?"
TW: "I'm taking you somewhere you can't hurt anyone."
MR: Chloe opens her hand and shoots a out a stream of fire. It engulfs a building in flames.
AM: Now wait a...
MR: "The time is not yet right, Kal-El."
TW: In slow motion Chloe goes into super speed mode herself. She bends down under Clark, pulls the dagger from his other hand, pulls away, and kicks him in the mid section. Clark loses his grip on her wrist as he flies ass first into the burning building.
MR: As Clark hits the wall it partially collapses.
TW: He pulls free of the debris and faces Chloe but cries of help take his his attention.
AM: You can't do this to Chloe!
KK: When I said she was seriously disturbed I was just kidding. Wow. What did Allison do to you?
TW: Patience. Inside the building Clark finds a little girl and super-speeds her into the back alley. Kneeling down to her level, "It's going to be OK."
MR: The child nods and we hear a chuckle. It's Chloe standing over him. "No. It's not going to be OK."
TW: Clark stands, his body shielding the girl. "Stop this, now."
AM: Yes. Stop it.
KK: Is Chloe on Red K or something?
ED: I thought Red K just made you horny.
MR: In which case Lois must be...
ED: Shut up.
TW: All will be explained soon enough.
AM: It better be.
MR: "And spoil all my fun? I've just begun, Kal-El. Smallville was just the beginning."
TW: Clark looks like he's been punched in the gut, "That was you?"
ED: Chloe nuked Smallville? Day-um.
AM: I hope we get a good "day-um" explanation.
MR: Don't worry.
AM: Why don't I feel any better?
MR: Chloe smirks. "Consider it a gift. To get you motivated."
AoT: If that doesn't motivate him I don't know what will.
TW: Clark stares at Chloe in horror. There are more cries from the building and Clark glances from Chloe to the building and back.
MR: Chloe, "Don't let me keep you."
TW: Clark is reluctant to leave Chloe alone.
MR: "We will meet again, Kal-El." She flies straight up in the air.
TW: Clark stares up after her for a moment but another cry for help snaps him out of it. He heads back into the building.
MR: Pull back to Otis on an alleyway looking up onto the sky. He's on the phone. "Uh, boss, you're not going to believe this."
TW: Cut to Lionel at his desk on the phone, "Are you sure?" He's agitated by the response, "This could ruin everything! Keep an eye on Clark but don't interfere unless it's absolutely necessary."
7.20 Harbinger Part I by TW & MR
Jor-El warns Clark that his greatest test is nearly upon him.
TW: Previously on Smallville...
MR: You blew up the whole damn town!
TW: But before that...
MR: Lex tells Lionel he knows Clark is a mutant.
TW: Chloe tells Clark she killed Lana.
MR: That didn't go so well.
TW: Then pan across the rubble which was once Smallville. Clark looks around in shock, barely believing his eyes.
MR: He falls to his knees and weeps. Overlay Clark's anguish with the end of the announcement we started from Darkseid's lackey in our last episode. "People of Earth... may I have your attention please. Greetings from Apokolips. As force commander of the Apokolips Empire I, General Steppenwolf, speak to you now as the voice of Lord Darseid."
ED: Who's going to be this Steppenwolf guy?
TW: I wanted to get Clive Owen...
ED: Really!?!?!
TW: But unfortunately someone busted our budget on male strippers.
ED: Guh?!?
TW: Sorry. I think we're stuck with Ashmore and a fake goatee.
ED: Dammit!!!!!! [Bangs head on table]
TW: Shots of the "man on the street" watching the destruction and warning on TV.
MR: "Lord Darkseid hereby finds the populous of earth guilty of harboring the dangerous and vile intergalactic criminal terrorist known as Kal-El of Krypton. Though he lives among you here, on his adopted home-world, he is not one of you. The unspeakable atrocities Kal-El has committed against the normally peaceful people of Apokolips belie his true nature -- as the sole survivor of the savage and brutal Kryptonian race."
TW: Then to the DP news room with people gathered around a TV as well. Bittleman, under his breath to Lois, "Intergalactic terrorist? Boy did you have his number wrong."
MR: In the remains of the Luthor mansion a close up of a hand sifts through some debris. The crystal from Escape is uncovered.
TW: Offscreen, "Mr. Luthor! Mr. Luthor!"
MR: Continued voice over, "Lord Darkseid is not a cruel God. But he is a fair and just God. Apokolips has suffered much over the years at the hands of Kal-El and his brethren. His heinous actions cannot go unpunished. Justice must be served."
TW: The POV twists to focus on security entering the ruins of the study. Pull back as they enter and search for Lex amid the rubble.
MR: The crystal is gone.
TW: At LuthorCorp Lionel takes in the news with concern.
MR: "Let me be clear. Kal-El is a criminal of the lowest regard; deliver him to us, and the noble Darkseid will absolve your world of any complicity in Kal-El's crimes against Darkseid's beloved people. Deliver him unto us, and your world shall be left in peace. Hide Kal-El...shelter him...protect him...deny the Empire the justice we seek, and his punishment shall be yours. Your world will share his fate."
TW: Lionel picks up his office phone and dials.
MR: Back to the DP, "The destruction of the community known as Smallville Kansas is your first and only warning. Do not test our resolve. You have seven earth days to produce Kal-El. Choose wisely."
TW: Lois is crying. She fumbles with her phone to dial Chloe.
KK: Lots of crying going on.
AM: Yeah. What's the deal, Michael? Didn't you use to say us women screwed up the show up with too much crying?
MR: Women, Tom. Same difference.
TW: Clark's hometown is in ashes.
AoT: Thanks to you.
TW: I think he's entitled.
MR: Whatever. Clark's a crybaby.
KK: And Lois?
MR: Crybaby too.
TW: In Washington an aid interrupts a committee meeting to hand Martha a slip of paper. Her face goes white and she excuses herself.
MR: As Martha exists the other senators look sternly at the aide.
TW: One senator asks, "What is the meaning of this, young man?"
MR: "The country is under attack. The capital must be evacuated."
TW: Back to Clark wandering amid the wreckage as seen through binoculars.
MR: Cut to the person watching Clark. She lowers the binoculars revealing it's Chloe.
AM: What?
TW: She smiles.
AM: What?
MR: A military helicopter passes overhead. Over a bull horn, "All survivors please remain calm."
TW: Still smiling Chloe fades into invisibility. Cue the credits.
AM: Chloe is happy Smallville was nuked?
KK: The girl is seriously disturbed.
ED: Maybe she's happy Clark is still alive?
JG: Like Kristin said, she's seriously disturbed.
TW & AM: Hey!
MR: Open act one with men digging Lex out from under what's left of his mansion.
KK: The one room?
MR: There's a hallway too.
TW: When they finally dig him out Lex is pissed.
KK: His CoCK was destroyed in the blast?
JG: Ouch.
ED: If his cock was destroyed wouldn't he, I don't know, be in too much pain to be pissed?
AoT: I think Kristin was referring to Lex's Chamber of Clark Kent.
ED: What?
AoT: Before your time, Erica.
ED: Lex has a... CoCK?
KK: You seem surprised.
MR: You should see it. It's huge!
ED: No thanks.
AM: I thought he got rid of it?
MR: Well, yeah.
KK: When Clark saw it...
TW: He was disgusted.
JG: Scared.
TW: Huh?
JG: That Lex had a CoCK...
MR: A huge CoCK!
JG: Just for Clark.
ED: Clark just didn't know "how to handle it", if you know what I mean. [cracks herself up and snort laughs]
[Cast stare at ED]
ED: Sorry. Why is he pissed?
MR: Because the crystal is gone.
TW: Back at the planet Lois' call hits voice mail. She leaves a desperate message and looks for Bittleman, "Chloe was in our apartment." Picking up her purse, "I've got to go find her."
MR: Bittleman blocks the way.
TW: We have a moment of Lois in stereotypical irrational denial.
KK: That Chloe is dead?
ED: She did cheat death twice before.
TW: Never the less, Bittleman tries to talk some sense into her.
JG: Lois? Sense? Good luck.
MR: Eventually the morbid truth sinks in and Lois does that thing where people irrationally lash out at the bearer of bad news.
TW: Bitteman hugs Lois.
JG: Bittleman wouldn't do that!
KK: True. Bittleman would tell her to suck it up.
TW: Sorry. He hugs her.
JG: You've ruined the man! Does he check his balls in at her desk every morning now?
MR: Apparently yes. Finally she hugs back, "She has to be alive. She has to."
TW: The streets of Metropolis.
MR: Focus on sexy black leather boots worn by someone making her way down a sidewalk.
ED: Sweet! Where's Lois going?
MR: Pull back to show those sexy, sexy boots are worn by none other than Chloe Sullivan.
ED: What?!
MR: Oh, and she's wearing a rather revealing black leather outfit.
AM & ED: What!?!?
KK: How revealing, exactly?
MR: Think Pussycat Dolls but sluttier.
TW: Previously on Smallville...
MR: You blew up the whole damn town!
TW: But before that...
MR: Lex tells Lionel he knows Clark is a mutant.
TW: Chloe tells Clark she killed Lana.
MR: That didn't go so well.
TW: Then pan across the rubble which was once Smallville. Clark looks around in shock, barely believing his eyes.
MR: He falls to his knees and weeps. Overlay Clark's anguish with the end of the announcement we started from Darkseid's lackey in our last episode. "People of Earth... may I have your attention please. Greetings from Apokolips. As force commander of the Apokolips Empire I, General Steppenwolf, speak to you now as the voice of Lord Darseid."
ED: Who's going to be this Steppenwolf guy?
TW: I wanted to get Clive Owen...
ED: Really!?!?!
TW: But unfortunately someone busted our budget on male strippers.
ED: Guh?!?
TW: Sorry. I think we're stuck with Ashmore and a fake goatee.
ED: Dammit!!!!!! [Bangs head on table]
TW: Shots of the "man on the street" watching the destruction and warning on TV.
MR: "Lord Darkseid hereby finds the populous of earth guilty of harboring the dangerous and vile intergalactic criminal terrorist known as Kal-El of Krypton. Though he lives among you here, on his adopted home-world, he is not one of you. The unspeakable atrocities Kal-El has committed against the normally peaceful people of Apokolips belie his true nature -- as the sole survivor of the savage and brutal Kryptonian race."
TW: Then to the DP news room with people gathered around a TV as well. Bittleman, under his breath to Lois, "Intergalactic terrorist? Boy did you have his number wrong."
MR: In the remains of the Luthor mansion a close up of a hand sifts through some debris. The crystal from Escape is uncovered.
TW: Offscreen, "Mr. Luthor! Mr. Luthor!"
MR: Continued voice over, "Lord Darkseid is not a cruel God. But he is a fair and just God. Apokolips has suffered much over the years at the hands of Kal-El and his brethren. His heinous actions cannot go unpunished. Justice must be served."
TW: The POV twists to focus on security entering the ruins of the study. Pull back as they enter and search for Lex amid the rubble.
MR: The crystal is gone.
TW: At LuthorCorp Lionel takes in the news with concern.
MR: "Let me be clear. Kal-El is a criminal of the lowest regard; deliver him to us, and the noble Darkseid will absolve your world of any complicity in Kal-El's crimes against Darkseid's beloved people. Deliver him unto us, and your world shall be left in peace. Hide Kal-El...shelter him...protect him...deny the Empire the justice we seek, and his punishment shall be yours. Your world will share his fate."
TW: Lionel picks up his office phone and dials.
MR: Back to the DP, "The destruction of the community known as Smallville Kansas is your first and only warning. Do not test our resolve. You have seven earth days to produce Kal-El. Choose wisely."
TW: Lois is crying. She fumbles with her phone to dial Chloe.
KK: Lots of crying going on.
AM: Yeah. What's the deal, Michael? Didn't you use to say us women screwed up the show up with too much crying?
MR: Women, Tom. Same difference.
TW: Clark's hometown is in ashes.
AoT: Thanks to you.
TW: I think he's entitled.
MR: Whatever. Clark's a crybaby.
KK: And Lois?
MR: Crybaby too.
TW: In Washington an aid interrupts a committee meeting to hand Martha a slip of paper. Her face goes white and she excuses herself.
MR: As Martha exists the other senators look sternly at the aide.
TW: One senator asks, "What is the meaning of this, young man?"
MR: "The country is under attack. The capital must be evacuated."
TW: Back to Clark wandering amid the wreckage as seen through binoculars.
MR: Cut to the person watching Clark. She lowers the binoculars revealing it's Chloe.
AM: What?
TW: She smiles.
AM: What?
MR: A military helicopter passes overhead. Over a bull horn, "All survivors please remain calm."
TW: Still smiling Chloe fades into invisibility. Cue the credits.
AM: Chloe is happy Smallville was nuked?
KK: The girl is seriously disturbed.
ED: Maybe she's happy Clark is still alive?
JG: Like Kristin said, she's seriously disturbed.
TW & AM: Hey!
MR: Open act one with men digging Lex out from under what's left of his mansion.
KK: The one room?
MR: There's a hallway too.
TW: When they finally dig him out Lex is pissed.
KK: His CoCK was destroyed in the blast?
JG: Ouch.
ED: If his cock was destroyed wouldn't he, I don't know, be in too much pain to be pissed?
AoT: I think Kristin was referring to Lex's Chamber of Clark Kent.
ED: What?
AoT: Before your time, Erica.
ED: Lex has a... CoCK?
KK: You seem surprised.
MR: You should see it. It's huge!
ED: No thanks.
AM: I thought he got rid of it?
MR: Well, yeah.
KK: When Clark saw it...
TW: He was disgusted.
JG: Scared.
TW: Huh?
JG: That Lex had a CoCK...
MR: A huge CoCK!
JG: Just for Clark.
ED: Clark just didn't know "how to handle it", if you know what I mean. [cracks herself up and snort laughs]
[Cast stare at ED]
ED: Sorry. Why is he pissed?
MR: Because the crystal is gone.
TW: Back at the planet Lois' call hits voice mail. She leaves a desperate message and looks for Bittleman, "Chloe was in our apartment." Picking up her purse, "I've got to go find her."
MR: Bittleman blocks the way.
TW: We have a moment of Lois in stereotypical irrational denial.
KK: That Chloe is dead?
ED: She did cheat death twice before.
TW: Never the less, Bittleman tries to talk some sense into her.
JG: Lois? Sense? Good luck.
MR: Eventually the morbid truth sinks in and Lois does that thing where people irrationally lash out at the bearer of bad news.
TW: Bitteman hugs Lois.
JG: Bittleman wouldn't do that!
KK: True. Bittleman would tell her to suck it up.
TW: Sorry. He hugs her.
JG: You've ruined the man! Does he check his balls in at her desk every morning now?
MR: Apparently yes. Finally she hugs back, "She has to be alive. She has to."
TW: The streets of Metropolis.
MR: Focus on sexy black leather boots worn by someone making her way down a sidewalk.
ED: Sweet! Where's Lois going?
MR: Pull back to show those sexy, sexy boots are worn by none other than Chloe Sullivan.
ED: What?!
MR: Oh, and she's wearing a rather revealing black leather outfit.
AM & ED: What!?!?
KK: How revealing, exactly?
MR: Think Pussycat Dolls but sluttier.
Prelude to Harbinger
[TW's trailer, ED knocks on the door and TW answers]
ED: Hey, Tom, we need to talk.
TW: [Lets ED in and hands her a sheet of paper] Here read this.
ED: It's about the last episode. Are you sure blowing up Smallville was a good idea?
TW: Of course it was a good idea. It's all part of the plan.
ED: [Tear in her eye.] Killing Shelby is part of a plan? How could you?
TW: Are you going to read it or are you just here to whine about a fictional dog?
ED: [Wiping away a tear] He was real to me. [Looks at the paper] What is this?
TW: The promo for the next episode.
ED: I thought you and Michael...
TW: Just read it.
ED: Michael doesn't get any input?
[TW glares]
TW: I will consider Michael's input but the wheel is already in motion. Now read.
TW: What do you think?
ED: You're going to kill Chloe again?
TW: No. Well, maybe sort of. Look -- don't worry. Chloe will still be around in one form or anther and that's all I'm going to say.
ED: Lana is around in one form or another.
TW: She won't be around as Lex's sex toy if that's what you're worried about.
ED: I don't know what I should be worried about anymore, Tom. You blew up Smallville! Who the hell knows what you might do next. I think you need help.
TW: So you're here to warn me, huh? That if I don't back down the rest of the cast is going to try to take me down just like the we did other show runners.
ED: Actually, no. I've been sent to tell you you've won.
[TW studies ED's face.]
TW: You've really improved at lying. I almost believe you.
ED: I'm telling the truth.
TW: You're all just going to sit there and take it? All of you?
ED: Not everyone. John wanted to lead a revolt. He made his case and there was a vote.
TW: And?
ED: He lost one for and three against. They're afraid of you Tom.
TW: But that's only four votes.
ED: Kristin and I were... ineligible.
TW: Ineligible?
ED: Actually unconscious. There was a disagreement. And then apparently a skirmish. John tranqued me and before the others were able to restrain him he got Kristin too. As I hear it they held him down until he swore to be abide by a vote. They think we should put this all this behind us and pretend like nothing happened.
TW: And you?
ED: Shelby...
TW: I'm not changing anything.
ED: You killed the dog, Tom. You need help.
TW: I did need help. But not anymore. When I needed it none of you guys would give it to me. So now I'm shaping my own destiny!
ED: If you ask me you're shaping yourself -- and the rest of us -- out of a job.
TW: Don't worry, Erica, there's life after Smallville.
ED: Bit parts in Steve Martin movies and really bad horror movie re-makes? What kind of life is that?
TW: What kind of life is working on this show?
ED: I just never figured you as the scorched earth type. Maybe if it was just a clone of Shelby...
TW: Desperate times call for desperate measures, Erica. Four years on this show and you still haven't learned that by now?
ED: I guess I had more faith in you. At least the cast is willing to let bygones be bygones.
ED: Hey, Tom, we need to talk.
TW: [Lets ED in and hands her a sheet of paper] Here read this.
ED: It's about the last episode. Are you sure blowing up Smallville was a good idea?
TW: Of course it was a good idea. It's all part of the plan.
ED: [Tear in her eye.] Killing Shelby is part of a plan? How could you?
TW: Are you going to read it or are you just here to whine about a fictional dog?
ED: [Wiping away a tear] He was real to me. [Looks at the paper] What is this?
TW: The promo for the next episode.
ED: I thought you and Michael...
TW: Just read it.
ED: Michael doesn't get any input?
[TW glares]
TW: I will consider Michael's input but the wheel is already in motion. Now read.
[Shot of the smoking ruins of Smallville]
PompousCWVoice: Smallville was just the beginning.
[Shot of KTMP reporter Evelyn at the scene of a fire]
Evelyn: Several similar attacks all over the city have been reported.
[Shot of Martha entering an office. She walks over the seal of the PotUS and addresses the president behind a desk.]
Martha: How could you, Mr. President?
PompousCWVoice: Everything Clark knows.
[Press conference. The President stands next to Lex Luthor]
President: Until this situation is under control I'm declaring martial law and placing Lex Luthor in charge of national security.
PompousCWVoice: Everything Clark loves.
[Luthorcorp office. Clark glares at Lex]
Clark: Leave Chloe out of this!
Lex: Whether you like it or not she's already part of it, Clark.
PompousCWVoice: Hangs in the balance.
[Chloe sits up against a building in an alley, severely wounded]
Chloe: [whipering] Clark, if you can hear me, I could really use your help right about now.
[A second shot of Evelyn.]
Evelyn: Metropolis is being torn apart piece by piece!
[Black screen. Audio of the deep and menacing laugh of Darkseid. The Smallvile logo fades in and out followed by word "Harbinger" in the Smallville font.]
PompousCWVoice: Smallville was just the beginning.
[Shot of KTMP reporter Evelyn at the scene of a fire]
Evelyn: Several similar attacks all over the city have been reported.
[Shot of Martha entering an office. She walks over the seal of the PotUS and addresses the president behind a desk.]
Martha: How could you, Mr. President?
PompousCWVoice: Everything Clark knows.
[Press conference. The President stands next to Lex Luthor]
President: Until this situation is under control I'm declaring martial law and placing Lex Luthor in charge of national security.
PompousCWVoice: Everything Clark loves.
[Luthorcorp office. Clark glares at Lex]
Clark: Leave Chloe out of this!
Lex: Whether you like it or not she's already part of it, Clark.
PompousCWVoice: Hangs in the balance.
[Chloe sits up against a building in an alley, severely wounded]
Chloe: [whipering] Clark, if you can hear me, I could really use your help right about now.
[A second shot of Evelyn.]
Evelyn: Metropolis is being torn apart piece by piece!
[Black screen. Audio of the deep and menacing laugh of Darkseid. The Smallvile logo fades in and out followed by word "Harbinger" in the Smallville font.]
TW: What do you think?
ED: You're going to kill Chloe again?
TW: No. Well, maybe sort of. Look -- don't worry. Chloe will still be around in one form or anther and that's all I'm going to say.
ED: Lana is around in one form or another.
TW: She won't be around as Lex's sex toy if that's what you're worried about.
ED: I don't know what I should be worried about anymore, Tom. You blew up Smallville! Who the hell knows what you might do next. I think you need help.
TW: So you're here to warn me, huh? That if I don't back down the rest of the cast is going to try to take me down just like the we did other show runners.
ED: Actually, no. I've been sent to tell you you've won.
[TW studies ED's face.]
TW: You've really improved at lying. I almost believe you.
ED: I'm telling the truth.
TW: You're all just going to sit there and take it? All of you?
ED: Not everyone. John wanted to lead a revolt. He made his case and there was a vote.
TW: And?
ED: He lost one for and three against. They're afraid of you Tom.
TW: But that's only four votes.
ED: Kristin and I were... ineligible.
TW: Ineligible?
ED: Actually unconscious. There was a disagreement. And then apparently a skirmish. John tranqued me and before the others were able to restrain him he got Kristin too. As I hear it they held him down until he swore to be abide by a vote. They think we should put this all this behind us and pretend like nothing happened.
TW: And you?
ED: Shelby...
TW: I'm not changing anything.
ED: You killed the dog, Tom. You need help.
TW: I did need help. But not anymore. When I needed it none of you guys would give it to me. So now I'm shaping my own destiny!
ED: If you ask me you're shaping yourself -- and the rest of us -- out of a job.
TW: Don't worry, Erica, there's life after Smallville.
ED: Bit parts in Steve Martin movies and really bad horror movie re-makes? What kind of life is that?
TW: What kind of life is working on this show?
ED: I just never figured you as the scorched earth type. Maybe if it was just a clone of Shelby...
TW: Desperate times call for desperate measures, Erica. Four years on this show and you still haven't learned that by now?
ED: I guess I had more faith in you. At least the cast is willing to let bygones be bygones.
The Fallout
ED: What the hell is Tom's problem!?!?
[JG Pulls out tranq gun and begins loading]
ED: This show has never been about substance over style!
JG: Nobody leaves.
AM: What?
ED: You're in on this after all?
JG: Somebody wake up Kreuk.
MR: [Heading for KK] OK.
AM: No! Let me. I've wanted to do this all year.
[AM smacks KK soundly in the face]
KK: Ow!!!!
JG: Get up, you shiny haired whiner.
KK: [Getting up.] My car. Dead. Pancaked.
JG: Nobody gives a fuck about your damn car. [Aims tranq at KK] Now grow the hell up and let it go or you'll be sucking Berber for the remainer of the evening.
KK: [Gulps] OK.
ED: I should have known! You're the one who killed Shelby! You son of a bitch! Tom doesn't have it in him!
JG: Don't be ridiculous. I may be a magnificent bastard but even I have my limits.
AoT: What are you going to do with us?
JG: Together we're all going to take Tom down. He's completely out of control. He has to go.
AoT: So the tranqs are for him.
JG: Yes. And anyone else who gets unruly.
MR: And then what?
JG: Kill him?
AM: You can't kill Tom!
JG: So what's your plan Miss brilliance?
AM: I...
JG: Tom is the new show-runner. He's the enemy.
AM: We can't kill him.
ED: Of course not. It's Tom! He's like family.
JG: He's like the uncle you can't agree with about anything and want to punch in the gut every Thanksgiving.
ED: But...
JG: He killed Shelby, Erica. He killed the damn dog. How does that make you feel?
ED: Like... he's like the uncle who always says I'll never make it as a serious actress?
JG: That's the one!
ED: Well I showed him, didn't I?!
[Cast looks around uncomfortably avoiding looking at ED]
ED: Right?
JG: [Clears throat] From now on we treat Tom like any other show runner.
AM: Subvert his every move as we work to overthrow him?
JG: Exactly.
ED: Think about this carefully guys. Are you sure we want to do this?
[JG shoots ED with a tranq]
ED: You shot me!
JG: You weren't following directions.
[ED falls to the ground]
AM: Why did you have to do that?
JG: She was annoying me. And she's a terrible liar. Anyone else?
AM: Michael is a terrible liar too.
MR: Allison!
[JG aims at MR]
MR: I swear I won't tell Tom a thing!
JG: You get one chance, Rosenbaum.
MR: I won't let you down.
JG: Now, is everyone with me?
KK: I'm with you 100%, John. Tom pancaked...
[JG shoots KK with a tranq]
KK: John?
JG: I wasn't kidding about the damn car.
[KK falls to the ground]
AM: I call dibs on waking her up.
JG: She's all yours. Now phase one -- make Tom think he's won.
AoT: And how are we going to do that?
JG: That's where Erica comes in.
AM: And phase two?
[JG steeples his hands in front of his face]
JG: I'm glad you asked...
[JG Pulls out tranq gun and begins loading]
ED: This show has never been about substance over style!
JG: Nobody leaves.
AM: What?
ED: You're in on this after all?
JG: Somebody wake up Kreuk.
MR: [Heading for KK] OK.
AM: No! Let me. I've wanted to do this all year.
[AM smacks KK soundly in the face]
KK: Ow!!!!
JG: Get up, you shiny haired whiner.
KK: [Getting up.] My car. Dead. Pancaked.
JG: Nobody gives a fuck about your damn car. [Aims tranq at KK] Now grow the hell up and let it go or you'll be sucking Berber for the remainer of the evening.
KK: [Gulps] OK.
ED: I should have known! You're the one who killed Shelby! You son of a bitch! Tom doesn't have it in him!
JG: Don't be ridiculous. I may be a magnificent bastard but even I have my limits.
AoT: What are you going to do with us?
JG: Together we're all going to take Tom down. He's completely out of control. He has to go.
AoT: So the tranqs are for him.
JG: Yes. And anyone else who gets unruly.
MR: And then what?
JG: Kill him?
AM: You can't kill Tom!
JG: So what's your plan Miss brilliance?
AM: I...
JG: Tom is the new show-runner. He's the enemy.
AM: We can't kill him.
ED: Of course not. It's Tom! He's like family.
JG: He's like the uncle you can't agree with about anything and want to punch in the gut every Thanksgiving.
ED: But...
JG: He killed Shelby, Erica. He killed the damn dog. How does that make you feel?
ED: Like... he's like the uncle who always says I'll never make it as a serious actress?
JG: That's the one!
ED: Well I showed him, didn't I?!
[Cast looks around uncomfortably avoiding looking at ED]
ED: Right?
JG: [Clears throat] From now on we treat Tom like any other show runner.
AM: Subvert his every move as we work to overthrow him?
JG: Exactly.
ED: Think about this carefully guys. Are you sure we want to do this?
[JG shoots ED with a tranq]
ED: You shot me!
JG: You weren't following directions.
[ED falls to the ground]
AM: Why did you have to do that?
JG: She was annoying me. And she's a terrible liar. Anyone else?
AM: Michael is a terrible liar too.
MR: Allison!
[JG aims at MR]
MR: I swear I won't tell Tom a thing!
JG: You get one chance, Rosenbaum.
MR: I won't let you down.
JG: Now, is everyone with me?
KK: I'm with you 100%, John. Tom pancaked...
[JG shoots KK with a tranq]
KK: John?
JG: I wasn't kidding about the damn car.
[KK falls to the ground]
AM: I call dibs on waking her up.
JG: She's all yours. Now phase one -- make Tom think he's won.
AoT: And how are we going to do that?
JG: That's where Erica comes in.
AM: And phase two?
[JG steeples his hands in front of his face]
JG: I'm glad you asked...
7.19 Confession (Part XIII) by TW and JG
TW [calmly]: Cut to a profile shot of Nell, Pete, and the extras as they are enveloped in a blinding white light, accompanied by a loud rumbling noise. Cut again to some pedestrians across the street from the Talon as they are also enveloped in the light, then we cut to a long shot of Smallville's main street as the light rapidly spreads out in a dome-shaped fashion. Cut again to an aerial establishing shot of Smallville itself as the dome spreads out to cover it, turning into something akin to a giant water ripple, and then the center of it actually balloons out into a gargantuan white mushroom cloud that almost envelops the camera's POV.
[JG collects himself and takes the page back from a shocked AoT]
JG: Uh, um, then...then...cut to a long shot of the Kent farm in shakycam mode. Then cut to an interior shot of the barn as things are shaking and falling to the ground, and pan over to Shelby sitting on top of a bale of hay looking towards the barn doors. We then cut to [mouth drops open again] a reverse shot of Shelby watching an oncoming wave of energy and debris, and he makes a barely audible whining noise before...before it envelops... [stares at TW in utter astonishment]
TW: Cut briefly to Clark as we hear his phone make a very high-pitched whining noise, then silence. He looks at it in surprised confusion and says, "Pete? Hello, Pete?" Cut again to Lionel's office, as a very bright flash of light brings his attention to the window; cut to a shot of him looking out the window, and seeing what looks like a distant second sun on the horizon beyond the Metropolis skyline. Cut to a through-the-window shot of Lionel looking astonished...just like that, John, that's the building itself shakes a bit.
[TW pauses, looks around, then goes on]
TW: Finally, cut to the mansion as Lex and Chloe's faces are illuminated by the same flash. They both turn to look out the window, Lex in surprise that turns into utter shock, Chloe calmly. Chloe says, "Oh, dear."
[TW looks around again, and smiles]
TW: Cut to a reverse shot as we go to shakycam to show that everything is shaking in the study, and we can also now see this huge wave of energy, debris, and smoke rushing across the plain through the window, wiping out everything in its path. Chloe turns to Lex and says simply, "Get down," and pushes him to the floor about two seconds before everything in the study is obscured by flying glass and dust as the stained glass windows explode inward. Then everything is basically a gray, swirling cloud of dust for about ten seconds.
AM [astonished]: ripped it off!;
TW [nods]: Yes, pretty much.
AM [shouting]: You ripped it the fuck off!;
KK: I...I....Tom, just nuked Smallville!;
MR: You nuked Lex!;
AM: And Chloe!;
ED: You just blew up a city, Tom!;
AM: I can not believe you just did that!;
AoT: N-neither can I...
TW: Don't worry. The worst is over. We cut back to Clark as he--
AM [shouting]: You destroyed Smallville!; You killed Clark's dog!; And you ripped off Six and Baltar from Battlestar Galactica!;
KK: Pete...Nell...Lex...Chloe... [outraged] Shelby?!;? What the hell did he ever do to anybody?!;?
TW: We cut back to Clark as he shrugs and closes his cellphone, saying something about Pete possibly losing his signal. Then he has to grab for support as the building shakes a bit. Cut to the bullpen as a cup slides off Lois's desk and shatters on the floor, and she and everybody else present look around in surprise. "What the hell was that?"
JG [collects himself again]: Um...Bittleman looks about as confused as Lois does. "I have no idea, Lois."
TW: "Last I knew, Metropolis wasn't near any fault lines..."
JG: "Yeah, that hasn't changed in the last five minutes."
TW: Clark walks back into the bullpen. "Hey, did you feel that?"
JG: "We sure did. Looks like we might have a new story, Blondie."
AM: Tom, what the fuck did you just do to our show?!;?
TW: Almost done.
AoT: Done with what?
TW: The episode. So Lois goes to reply to Bittleman, but is cut off by a loud blast of generic TV station music from a wall-mounted flatscreen TV across the room. As she turns to look at the TV, we cut to a closeup of the screen--which is now displaying the KTMP logo and the words "SPECIAL REPORT." After a few seconds of that, we cut to a TV news anchor's desk; Evelyn is sitting behind it. She looks unnerved. "We interrupt your regular programming for a KTMP special report. Uh...we are receiving reports that some kind of tremor has just hit the greater Metropolis area. We are trying to verify as much as possible, but it appears that this may have been a minor earthquake."
ED [snatches page from JG]: Give me that!; Dammit, what are you going to do to Lois...cut to her as she just says, "I was just saying that, thanks, Evelyn!;" That's it?
TW: And at that moment Evelyn puts one hand to an ear. "Wait, they what? What? You can't be..." Her face goes white, but she does her best to cover it. For about five seconds. "Ladies and gentlemen...KTMP News has just...just learned...that a massive explosion of some kind has taken place in central Kansas. The shockwave from...the explosion is apparently what caused the tremors felt here in...uh...felt here."
ED: Wide shot of the entire bullpen, as other reporters stand up and stare at the screen in shock, with Bittleman and Clark and Lois centered in the shot. Lois whispers, " could this happen?"
TW: As she says that, Clark backs quietly out of the bullpen. A rising tide of noise masks his exit as people begin running every which way and yelling for other people to do various things, and he looks around--and then stops in his tracks as a terrified expression appears on his face. "Oh, God...Pete." And he super-speeds out of there.
JG [takes page back from ED]: Cut to a tracking shot past a grove of trees that appear to have been violently stripped of all their leaves and most of their branches. As the camera clears the trees, it opens onto a panoramic view of a huge, barren, blasted plain...the remains of various buildings can be seen in the distance, along with wrecked cars and a couple of small aircraft. It zooms in a little bit, still tracking from right to left, until the camera finally stops at the rim of what appears to be a fairly large crater. And at this point Clark super-speeds into the center of the shot and stops, back to the camera, looking around.
TW: And as he arrives the choral part of Media Vita In Morte Sumus starts up again, louder than it was before and with more bass. The camera pans around Clark to his front, and we see him staring around in total shock at the devastation before him--quick cuts to various thoroughly leveled buildings, to a tiny part of the Talon sign embedded in the side of a wrecked SUV, and so on. Clark walks for a little while through the carnage, at the edge of the crater, still looking around in shock, and we switch to an overhead shot and pull back rapidly as he walks until we end up with what would be the usual aerial establishing shot of Smallville--except that it's not there any more. Just this blasted, barren plain with a crater in the middle.
JG: And as the music reaches its crescendo again, we abruptly switch to another closeup of the TV at the Daily Planet. Evelyn is about to say something when the screen abruptly goes to static; cut to the bullpen crowd staring at the TV in horror, then back to the TV as a new image appears--a tall, well-built man with a beard and a thin mustache in a dark green uniform of indeterminate design--but definitely not a typical U.S. military uniform.
ED: Wait. Isn't that--
JG: It is, isn't it...the man Lionel's been talking to off and on for a few episodes. And he says, "People of Earth...may I have your attention, please." Extremely hard cut to black with a metallic clang, and we go to a "To Be Continued..." title card. [puts page down] That's it.
[everybody looks at TW]
JG: I think an explanation is in order.
AoT: I agree.
KK: Why the hell did you do this?
TW [closes his copy of the script]: I'll tell you why. I just ran out of bullshit.
MR: You...what?
TW: I ran out of bullshit. And you know why? It's because of all of you. Your goddamned insanity.
AoT: Excuse me?
TW [angrily]: It occurred to me that I spend just as much time trying to keep you all in line than I do trying to make sure our show doesn't completely suck. You know what? I'm tired of it. I'm beyond tired of it!; It's a losing situation!; It's like I'm the warden at a miniature Arkham Asylum, just trying to rein in [points at KK] people who think the show is merely another way to entertain some sort of sadistic urge...
KK: B-b-but--
TW [points at AoT]: People who think they're above everything and attempt to rule by force!;
AoT [surprised]: It's...worked so far...
TW [points at ED]: People who are more concerned with style over substance!;
ED: What? Hey!; I'm not--
TW [points at MR]: And people who are so concerned with their character's images [moves pointing finger to AM, then finally JG] that they don't care if the rest of the show goes down in flames apart from that!;
AM: I...well...I'm not that bad...
JG [nonplussed]: I haven't exactly been subtle about that...but I'll grant you the point.
TW [pounds fist on table, voice gets louder]: And then, on top of all that, we get Bryan Singer--oh, God, what fresh hell was that? The shit he laid at my feet, firing Allison...the fucking we finally get rid of him, and then Michael in his infinite motherfucking wisdom thinks it'd be awesome--no, wait, [impersonates MR] awesome--if Joss Whedon was running the show. And [pound] then the [pound] son of a bitch [pound] from Charmed [pounds table hard enough to crack it] shows up!;
AM [stunned]: Uh, Tom, calm down, please...
[TW abruptly stands up so fast his chair falls over]
TW [shouting]: And you all think it's just fine for good old Tom to take care of it all? Well, guess what, you bastards--I'll take care of it, all right!; Singer...Whedon...Kern!; I'll take care of everything!; I'll take care of it so that we never have to worry about bullshit like this ever again!; And you know why? Because I'm the showrunner for the remainder of the fucking season!;
[everybody gapes at TW in surprise]
TW [suddenly icy calm, voice drops to a growl]: So don't worry, folks. Tom will fix it. [pulls out his cellphone and dials a number] This is Tom. Go, goddammit. [closes phone] Oh, and Kristin?
KK [hesitantly]: Uh...yes?
TW: That's your new car out front, isn't it?
[TW goes to the door and exits, slamming the door behind him. Everyone is silent for a few seconds, and then KK dashes to a window]
KK: Oh, thank God, it's still there!;
[Heavy machinery can be heard outside.]
KK: Hey, do you hear--
[A huge chunk of concrete suddenly lands on a small parked car, destroying it.]
MR [runs to window]: Holy shit!;
KK [screams]: Oh my God!; My car!; They...they pancaked my car!;
ED: Wait, what?
KK [sobs]: My
[KK faints]
[JG collects himself and takes the page back from a shocked AoT]
JG: Uh, um, then...then...cut to a long shot of the Kent farm in shakycam mode. Then cut to an interior shot of the barn as things are shaking and falling to the ground, and pan over to Shelby sitting on top of a bale of hay looking towards the barn doors. We then cut to [mouth drops open again] a reverse shot of Shelby watching an oncoming wave of energy and debris, and he makes a barely audible whining noise before...before it envelops... [stares at TW in utter astonishment]
TW: Cut briefly to Clark as we hear his phone make a very high-pitched whining noise, then silence. He looks at it in surprised confusion and says, "Pete? Hello, Pete?" Cut again to Lionel's office, as a very bright flash of light brings his attention to the window; cut to a shot of him looking out the window, and seeing what looks like a distant second sun on the horizon beyond the Metropolis skyline. Cut to a through-the-window shot of Lionel looking astonished...just like that, John, that's the building itself shakes a bit.
[TW pauses, looks around, then goes on]
TW: Finally, cut to the mansion as Lex and Chloe's faces are illuminated by the same flash. They both turn to look out the window, Lex in surprise that turns into utter shock, Chloe calmly. Chloe says, "Oh, dear."
[TW looks around again, and smiles]
TW: Cut to a reverse shot as we go to shakycam to show that everything is shaking in the study, and we can also now see this huge wave of energy, debris, and smoke rushing across the plain through the window, wiping out everything in its path. Chloe turns to Lex and says simply, "Get down," and pushes him to the floor about two seconds before everything in the study is obscured by flying glass and dust as the stained glass windows explode inward. Then everything is basically a gray, swirling cloud of dust for about ten seconds.
AM [astonished]: ripped it off!;
TW [nods]: Yes, pretty much.
AM [shouting]: You ripped it the fuck off!;
KK: I...I....Tom, just nuked Smallville!;
MR: You nuked Lex!;
AM: And Chloe!;
ED: You just blew up a city, Tom!;
AM: I can not believe you just did that!;
AoT: N-neither can I...
TW: Don't worry. The worst is over. We cut back to Clark as he--
AM [shouting]: You destroyed Smallville!; You killed Clark's dog!; And you ripped off Six and Baltar from Battlestar Galactica!;
KK: Pete...Nell...Lex...Chloe... [outraged] Shelby?!;? What the hell did he ever do to anybody?!;?
TW: We cut back to Clark as he shrugs and closes his cellphone, saying something about Pete possibly losing his signal. Then he has to grab for support as the building shakes a bit. Cut to the bullpen as a cup slides off Lois's desk and shatters on the floor, and she and everybody else present look around in surprise. "What the hell was that?"
JG [collects himself again]: Um...Bittleman looks about as confused as Lois does. "I have no idea, Lois."
TW: "Last I knew, Metropolis wasn't near any fault lines..."
JG: "Yeah, that hasn't changed in the last five minutes."
TW: Clark walks back into the bullpen. "Hey, did you feel that?"
JG: "We sure did. Looks like we might have a new story, Blondie."
AM: Tom, what the fuck did you just do to our show?!;?
TW: Almost done.
AoT: Done with what?
TW: The episode. So Lois goes to reply to Bittleman, but is cut off by a loud blast of generic TV station music from a wall-mounted flatscreen TV across the room. As she turns to look at the TV, we cut to a closeup of the screen--which is now displaying the KTMP logo and the words "SPECIAL REPORT." After a few seconds of that, we cut to a TV news anchor's desk; Evelyn is sitting behind it. She looks unnerved. "We interrupt your regular programming for a KTMP special report. Uh...we are receiving reports that some kind of tremor has just hit the greater Metropolis area. We are trying to verify as much as possible, but it appears that this may have been a minor earthquake."
ED [snatches page from JG]: Give me that!; Dammit, what are you going to do to Lois...cut to her as she just says, "I was just saying that, thanks, Evelyn!;" That's it?
TW: And at that moment Evelyn puts one hand to an ear. "Wait, they what? What? You can't be..." Her face goes white, but she does her best to cover it. For about five seconds. "Ladies and gentlemen...KTMP News has just...just learned...that a massive explosion of some kind has taken place in central Kansas. The shockwave from...the explosion is apparently what caused the tremors felt here in...uh...felt here."
ED: Wide shot of the entire bullpen, as other reporters stand up and stare at the screen in shock, with Bittleman and Clark and Lois centered in the shot. Lois whispers, " could this happen?"
TW: As she says that, Clark backs quietly out of the bullpen. A rising tide of noise masks his exit as people begin running every which way and yelling for other people to do various things, and he looks around--and then stops in his tracks as a terrified expression appears on his face. "Oh, God...Pete." And he super-speeds out of there.
JG [takes page back from ED]: Cut to a tracking shot past a grove of trees that appear to have been violently stripped of all their leaves and most of their branches. As the camera clears the trees, it opens onto a panoramic view of a huge, barren, blasted plain...the remains of various buildings can be seen in the distance, along with wrecked cars and a couple of small aircraft. It zooms in a little bit, still tracking from right to left, until the camera finally stops at the rim of what appears to be a fairly large crater. And at this point Clark super-speeds into the center of the shot and stops, back to the camera, looking around.
TW: And as he arrives the choral part of Media Vita In Morte Sumus starts up again, louder than it was before and with more bass. The camera pans around Clark to his front, and we see him staring around in total shock at the devastation before him--quick cuts to various thoroughly leveled buildings, to a tiny part of the Talon sign embedded in the side of a wrecked SUV, and so on. Clark walks for a little while through the carnage, at the edge of the crater, still looking around in shock, and we switch to an overhead shot and pull back rapidly as he walks until we end up with what would be the usual aerial establishing shot of Smallville--except that it's not there any more. Just this blasted, barren plain with a crater in the middle.
JG: And as the music reaches its crescendo again, we abruptly switch to another closeup of the TV at the Daily Planet. Evelyn is about to say something when the screen abruptly goes to static; cut to the bullpen crowd staring at the TV in horror, then back to the TV as a new image appears--a tall, well-built man with a beard and a thin mustache in a dark green uniform of indeterminate design--but definitely not a typical U.S. military uniform.
ED: Wait. Isn't that--
JG: It is, isn't it...the man Lionel's been talking to off and on for a few episodes. And he says, "People of Earth...may I have your attention, please." Extremely hard cut to black with a metallic clang, and we go to a "To Be Continued..." title card. [puts page down] That's it.
[everybody looks at TW]
JG: I think an explanation is in order.
AoT: I agree.
KK: Why the hell did you do this?
TW [closes his copy of the script]: I'll tell you why. I just ran out of bullshit.
MR: You...what?
TW: I ran out of bullshit. And you know why? It's because of all of you. Your goddamned insanity.
AoT: Excuse me?
TW [angrily]: It occurred to me that I spend just as much time trying to keep you all in line than I do trying to make sure our show doesn't completely suck. You know what? I'm tired of it. I'm beyond tired of it!; It's a losing situation!; It's like I'm the warden at a miniature Arkham Asylum, just trying to rein in [points at KK] people who think the show is merely another way to entertain some sort of sadistic urge...
KK: B-b-but--
TW [points at AoT]: People who think they're above everything and attempt to rule by force!;
AoT [surprised]: It's...worked so far...
TW [points at ED]: People who are more concerned with style over substance!;
ED: What? Hey!; I'm not--
TW [points at MR]: And people who are so concerned with their character's images [moves pointing finger to AM, then finally JG] that they don't care if the rest of the show goes down in flames apart from that!;
AM: I...well...I'm not that bad...
JG [nonplussed]: I haven't exactly been subtle about that...but I'll grant you the point.
TW [pounds fist on table, voice gets louder]: And then, on top of all that, we get Bryan Singer--oh, God, what fresh hell was that? The shit he laid at my feet, firing Allison...the fucking we finally get rid of him, and then Michael in his infinite motherfucking wisdom thinks it'd be awesome--no, wait, [impersonates MR] awesome--if Joss Whedon was running the show. And [pound] then the [pound] son of a bitch [pound] from Charmed [pounds table hard enough to crack it] shows up!;
AM [stunned]: Uh, Tom, calm down, please...
[TW abruptly stands up so fast his chair falls over]
TW [shouting]: And you all think it's just fine for good old Tom to take care of it all? Well, guess what, you bastards--I'll take care of it, all right!; Singer...Whedon...Kern!; I'll take care of everything!; I'll take care of it so that we never have to worry about bullshit like this ever again!; And you know why? Because I'm the showrunner for the remainder of the fucking season!;
[everybody gapes at TW in surprise]
TW [suddenly icy calm, voice drops to a growl]: So don't worry, folks. Tom will fix it. [pulls out his cellphone and dials a number] This is Tom. Go, goddammit. [closes phone] Oh, and Kristin?
KK [hesitantly]: Uh...yes?
TW: That's your new car out front, isn't it?
[TW goes to the door and exits, slamming the door behind him. Everyone is silent for a few seconds, and then KK dashes to a window]
KK: Oh, thank God, it's still there!;
[Heavy machinery can be heard outside.]
KK: Hey, do you hear--
[A huge chunk of concrete suddenly lands on a small parked car, destroying it.]
MR [runs to window]: Holy shit!;
KK [screams]: Oh my God!; My car!; They...they pancaked my car!;
ED: Wait, what?
KK [sobs]: My
[KK faints]
7.19 Confession (Part XII) by TW and JG
as retold by Bill C
AoT: Seriously, gentlemen. Where do you go from Lionel killing MM?
JG: Actually, that's the end [flips page in script] and we go to--hold on, where's the last page? This script has no last page.
[everyone but TW flips pages in their copies of the script]
ED: That's odd.
AM: Trouble at the copier?
TW: Oh, sorry, John. I made a last-minute change to the script. [pulls an unstapled page out of his copy and hands it to JG]
JG: You didn't make that a dream sequence, did you?
TW: No, I didn't mess with it at all. Lionel still--
KK [whispers]: Quotes......Spock...
MR: I never thought I'd see the day when Tom managed to give Kristin an aneurysm. Thanks, man.
JG: All right, so... [skims page] You added a scene, Tom?
TW: Yeah, nothing special. After Lionel kills MM, we hold on that shot of him for a few seconds as the music reaches a minor crescendo. Then we cut to a wide shot of the study at the mansion; Lex is there, his back to the camera, leaning over the empty fireplace.
MR: Okay, now he gets the manly flipout?
TW: We go to a side shot of him, looking down into the fireplace with a stony look on his face, as some generic sad music plays. And then we hear footsteps as someone walks into the study and stops. Lex of course goes, "I said I didn't want to be disturbed."
JG: Let's see...the footsteps start up again, as we pan around Lex from left to right with the audio of the footsteps indicating someone is walking in the opposite direction. Lex straightens up and looks in that direction, and the camera rotates just enough to keep him in the shot and show that Chloe is now standing to one side of the desk in the study.
AM: Okay, why would she go to see Lex now?
ED: I've got nothing.
AoT: Twisting the knife.
KK: Duh.
AM: What's Chloe wearing?
TW: She changed since the previous scene--this time she's wearing a red jacket and miniskirt.
ED: You know, I'm starting to hate this new White Queen Barbie thing Chloe's got going.
AM: Red again? I hate red now.
TW: Chloe simply gets as far as "I just came to say--" before we cut to stone-faced Lex pulling out his gun again and popping off three shots at her. He misses and shatters a few lower panes of the stained glass window behind the desk, just to one side of Chloe.
MR: What the hell?
JG: Well, that was manly. He didn't whine about anything before trying to shoot her.
AM: Chloe doesn't do the Neo thing this time?
TW: Nope. She stands there, looks behind her at the broken window, through which we can see some trees and so on, then back at Lex. "That's an interesting way to greet someone, Mr. Luthor."
MR: She doesn't even use his first name? Oh, this sucks.
JG: Cut back to Lex as he lowers the gun, still stone-faced.
TW: And then we cut back to the Talon. Nell--
KK [sarcastic]: Pete and Nell? How many iPhones will we have to use in the next episode to afford that?
TW: --is talking to a wholesome-looking young woman with red hair. No, not the Lanabot. "So, Renee, do you need anything?"
JG: Pete can be seen in the far background, and closer to Nell and this...Renee...who is that?
TW: She's a singer-actress. Renee Olstead.
ED: Who?
KK: Just guessing: she's CW-friendly?
TW: Basically, yes.
AoT: A musical tie-in? Those are usually fairly lucrative...
TW: So Renee goes "No, I'm fine, thank you," and chit-chats with Nell for a minute before going to a little stage set up in a corner with some generic band already in place.
JG: Meanwhile, Jimmy Olsen takes a couple of pictures of her from the near background.
AM: Jimmy too?
MR: Well, we haven't seen him in a little while.
ED: And he's not dead. I think.
JG: After the chit-chat, we pan over to Pete, still at his window table and talking on his cellphone. "So tell me, badly did Lex kick your ass at the Slab?"
KK: Damn, he's still sharp as ever.
TW: Cut to Clark, still outside the bullpen at the Planet. "What? How do you know about--"
JG: Pete lowers his voice a little. "I saw the whole thing live on TV. One, only one person I know on this planet would go after Lex like that, and two--Lex is too much of a peacock to let anybody else steal his thunder. Even if it meant risking his own life."
MR: Screw Pete! Iron Lex sets an excellent example for humanity!
ED: Of how badly denying a person's true feelings can screw them all up.
MR: Oh, shut up!
ED [thoughtful]: Though I suppose if Clark and Lex ever did admit their true feelings for each other, the show would suddenly get a lot shorter and duller.
AoT: There you go being...well, kind of smart again.
KK: But she is right. One of the building blocks of the show is HoYay.
ED [sings]: We built this city...we built this city on raw HoYay...
AoT: Wouldn't you have been seven when that song was on the radio?
TW: The song's so famously bad everyone in North America knows the chorus.
AoT: You have a point.
TW: Anyway. Clark has to laugh, albeit a little bitterly, at Pete's comment. "Tell you what, Pete. I'm at the Daily Planet in Metropolis. Give me a couple of minutes to get to the Talon, and we can catch up in earnest."
JG: Pete nods and gets as far as "You got it, Cl--" before being cut off by a loud metallic thump from outside. He looks out the window, though we can't see what he's looking at. "What the...hey, Nell? Was anyone expecting a delivery?"
MR: Well, hey, since we just offed the Waynes why not have the Joker leave a giant jack-in-the-box outside the Talon?
JG: Nell comes over to Pete's table, as in the background this Renee begins singing a suitably Gen-Y version of What A Wonderful World, and looks out the window. "The manager didn't say she was expecting anything today, no." Cut to a reverse shot of the two of them, staring out the window at what appears to be a big metal sphere mounted on a tripod, which is taking up a parking place.
AM: Oh, great. Now we've got more aliens taking up space on the show?
TW: As we cut to the sphere, a very specific piece of orchestral music starts up. It's an arrangement of a Latin chant--Media Vita In Morte Sumus.
JG: We're going back to that well again?
TW: It's for effect. Cut back to Clark as we hear Pete's voice over the phone. "Hey, Clark? You're not on your way, are you?" Clark answers in the negative, and Pete goes on: "Somebody left some sort of abstract art project outside..."
JG: Cut to a medium reverse shot of the sphere as it begins to hum and glow from a series of circular seams around its surface. In the background, Pete slowly stands up from his chair. "Uh...Clark, this thing's glowing now..."
TW: Cut to Clark, as a look of puzzlement appears on his face. "Pete?"
JG: And then back to the mansion, where we get a through-the-window shot of Chloe looking out the broken window in the study. I don't think we've ever done that before. "I wanted to thank you. If it weren't for you...I literally wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't be the woman I am today."
AM: Yeah, she wouldn't be a slightly unstable and formerly dead walking superweapon.
MR: With great legs.
AM: Quiet over there.
TW: Cut to a wide shot as Lex slowly walks around the side of his desk and grabs Chloe by the shoulders. "You've already done your damage, Chloe. Lana's dead." He lets her go. "I...I can't hurt you, so just leave me alone. Get out!"
[AM looks thoughtful, but she doesn't say anything]
JG: Back to the sphere, which is glowing brighter now and humming very loudly. Quick cut to Pete and Nell, now with Renee and a few other extras around them, all looking at it--then Pete, still on the phone, quietly says, "I've got a bad feeling about this." Cut to a frontal zoom on the sphere, where we can now see a symbol crudely painted on its "front"--the symbol of... [stares at TW in astonishment]
ED: The symbol of what?
JG [to TW]: You wouldn't.
KK: He wouldn't do what?
TW [to JG]: It's done.
KK: What's done?
AM: I'm not liking the sound of this...
MR: What the hell is going on?
[JG reads further down the page, and his mouth drops open]
AoT [puzzled]: John?
TW [calmly]: The symbol on the sphere is the emblem of the Apokoliptian military.
KK: It's the what? [pauses] What the hell is about to happen here?
TW [looks at JG for a beat]: Cut back to the mansion, as Chloe just looks at Lex for a few seconds. Her face shows a tender, almost loving, expression.
AM: The hell?
TW: And then she softly says, "I just came to thank you. And..." And she takes his face in her hands and lays a slow, passionate kiss on him.
AM [shocked]: The hell?!?
MR: Tell me Lex gets to smack her. Please tell me he gets to smack her.
TW: No, but he pulls back and looks at her with--yeah, pretty much the expression you have now, Michael. Pure shock. Then we cut back to the sphere...
[AoT leans over and takes the page from JG's hands and reads it. Her mouth drops open.]
TW: ...which is glowing and humming like crazy underneath the orchestral music, which has gone to a fast-paced chorus and has been building to a crescendo since the last scene cut. And then, one second after the music hits a crescendo and fades...the sphere explodes.
[everyone stares at TW, speechless]
AoT: Seriously, gentlemen. Where do you go from Lionel killing MM?
JG: Actually, that's the end [flips page in script] and we go to--hold on, where's the last page? This script has no last page.
[everyone but TW flips pages in their copies of the script]
ED: That's odd.
AM: Trouble at the copier?
TW: Oh, sorry, John. I made a last-minute change to the script. [pulls an unstapled page out of his copy and hands it to JG]
JG: You didn't make that a dream sequence, did you?
TW: No, I didn't mess with it at all. Lionel still--
KK [whispers]: Quotes......Spock...
MR: I never thought I'd see the day when Tom managed to give Kristin an aneurysm. Thanks, man.
JG: All right, so... [skims page] You added a scene, Tom?
TW: Yeah, nothing special. After Lionel kills MM, we hold on that shot of him for a few seconds as the music reaches a minor crescendo. Then we cut to a wide shot of the study at the mansion; Lex is there, his back to the camera, leaning over the empty fireplace.
MR: Okay, now he gets the manly flipout?
TW: We go to a side shot of him, looking down into the fireplace with a stony look on his face, as some generic sad music plays. And then we hear footsteps as someone walks into the study and stops. Lex of course goes, "I said I didn't want to be disturbed."
JG: Let's see...the footsteps start up again, as we pan around Lex from left to right with the audio of the footsteps indicating someone is walking in the opposite direction. Lex straightens up and looks in that direction, and the camera rotates just enough to keep him in the shot and show that Chloe is now standing to one side of the desk in the study.
AM: Okay, why would she go to see Lex now?
ED: I've got nothing.
AoT: Twisting the knife.
KK: Duh.
AM: What's Chloe wearing?
TW: She changed since the previous scene--this time she's wearing a red jacket and miniskirt.
ED: You know, I'm starting to hate this new White Queen Barbie thing Chloe's got going.
AM: Red again? I hate red now.
TW: Chloe simply gets as far as "I just came to say--" before we cut to stone-faced Lex pulling out his gun again and popping off three shots at her. He misses and shatters a few lower panes of the stained glass window behind the desk, just to one side of Chloe.
MR: What the hell?
JG: Well, that was manly. He didn't whine about anything before trying to shoot her.
AM: Chloe doesn't do the Neo thing this time?
TW: Nope. She stands there, looks behind her at the broken window, through which we can see some trees and so on, then back at Lex. "That's an interesting way to greet someone, Mr. Luthor."
MR: She doesn't even use his first name? Oh, this sucks.
JG: Cut back to Lex as he lowers the gun, still stone-faced.
TW: And then we cut back to the Talon. Nell--
KK [sarcastic]: Pete and Nell? How many iPhones will we have to use in the next episode to afford that?
TW: --is talking to a wholesome-looking young woman with red hair. No, not the Lanabot. "So, Renee, do you need anything?"
JG: Pete can be seen in the far background, and closer to Nell and this...Renee...who is that?
TW: She's a singer-actress. Renee Olstead.
ED: Who?
KK: Just guessing: she's CW-friendly?
TW: Basically, yes.
AoT: A musical tie-in? Those are usually fairly lucrative...
TW: So Renee goes "No, I'm fine, thank you," and chit-chats with Nell for a minute before going to a little stage set up in a corner with some generic band already in place.
JG: Meanwhile, Jimmy Olsen takes a couple of pictures of her from the near background.
AM: Jimmy too?
MR: Well, we haven't seen him in a little while.
ED: And he's not dead. I think.
JG: After the chit-chat, we pan over to Pete, still at his window table and talking on his cellphone. "So tell me, badly did Lex kick your ass at the Slab?"
KK: Damn, he's still sharp as ever.
TW: Cut to Clark, still outside the bullpen at the Planet. "What? How do you know about--"
JG: Pete lowers his voice a little. "I saw the whole thing live on TV. One, only one person I know on this planet would go after Lex like that, and two--Lex is too much of a peacock to let anybody else steal his thunder. Even if it meant risking his own life."
MR: Screw Pete! Iron Lex sets an excellent example for humanity!
ED: Of how badly denying a person's true feelings can screw them all up.
MR: Oh, shut up!
ED [thoughtful]: Though I suppose if Clark and Lex ever did admit their true feelings for each other, the show would suddenly get a lot shorter and duller.
AoT: There you go being...well, kind of smart again.
KK: But she is right. One of the building blocks of the show is HoYay.
ED [sings]: We built this city...we built this city on raw HoYay...
AoT: Wouldn't you have been seven when that song was on the radio?
TW: The song's so famously bad everyone in North America knows the chorus.
AoT: You have a point.
TW: Anyway. Clark has to laugh, albeit a little bitterly, at Pete's comment. "Tell you what, Pete. I'm at the Daily Planet in Metropolis. Give me a couple of minutes to get to the Talon, and we can catch up in earnest."
JG: Pete nods and gets as far as "You got it, Cl--" before being cut off by a loud metallic thump from outside. He looks out the window, though we can't see what he's looking at. "What the...hey, Nell? Was anyone expecting a delivery?"
MR: Well, hey, since we just offed the Waynes why not have the Joker leave a giant jack-in-the-box outside the Talon?
JG: Nell comes over to Pete's table, as in the background this Renee begins singing a suitably Gen-Y version of What A Wonderful World, and looks out the window. "The manager didn't say she was expecting anything today, no." Cut to a reverse shot of the two of them, staring out the window at what appears to be a big metal sphere mounted on a tripod, which is taking up a parking place.
AM: Oh, great. Now we've got more aliens taking up space on the show?
TW: As we cut to the sphere, a very specific piece of orchestral music starts up. It's an arrangement of a Latin chant--Media Vita In Morte Sumus.
JG: We're going back to that well again?
TW: It's for effect. Cut back to Clark as we hear Pete's voice over the phone. "Hey, Clark? You're not on your way, are you?" Clark answers in the negative, and Pete goes on: "Somebody left some sort of abstract art project outside..."
JG: Cut to a medium reverse shot of the sphere as it begins to hum and glow from a series of circular seams around its surface. In the background, Pete slowly stands up from his chair. "Uh...Clark, this thing's glowing now..."
TW: Cut to Clark, as a look of puzzlement appears on his face. "Pete?"
JG: And then back to the mansion, where we get a through-the-window shot of Chloe looking out the broken window in the study. I don't think we've ever done that before. "I wanted to thank you. If it weren't for you...I literally wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't be the woman I am today."
AM: Yeah, she wouldn't be a slightly unstable and formerly dead walking superweapon.
MR: With great legs.
AM: Quiet over there.
TW: Cut to a wide shot as Lex slowly walks around the side of his desk and grabs Chloe by the shoulders. "You've already done your damage, Chloe. Lana's dead." He lets her go. "I...I can't hurt you, so just leave me alone. Get out!"
[AM looks thoughtful, but she doesn't say anything]
JG: Back to the sphere, which is glowing brighter now and humming very loudly. Quick cut to Pete and Nell, now with Renee and a few other extras around them, all looking at it--then Pete, still on the phone, quietly says, "I've got a bad feeling about this." Cut to a frontal zoom on the sphere, where we can now see a symbol crudely painted on its "front"--the symbol of... [stares at TW in astonishment]
ED: The symbol of what?
JG [to TW]: You wouldn't.
KK: He wouldn't do what?
TW [to JG]: It's done.
KK: What's done?
AM: I'm not liking the sound of this...
MR: What the hell is going on?
[JG reads further down the page, and his mouth drops open]
AoT [puzzled]: John?
TW [calmly]: The symbol on the sphere is the emblem of the Apokoliptian military.
KK: It's the what? [pauses] What the hell is about to happen here?
TW [looks at JG for a beat]: Cut back to the mansion, as Chloe just looks at Lex for a few seconds. Her face shows a tender, almost loving, expression.
AM: The hell?
TW: And then she softly says, "I just came to thank you. And..." And she takes his face in her hands and lays a slow, passionate kiss on him.
AM [shocked]: The hell?!?
MR: Tell me Lex gets to smack her. Please tell me he gets to smack her.
TW: No, but he pulls back and looks at her with--yeah, pretty much the expression you have now, Michael. Pure shock. Then we cut back to the sphere...
[AoT leans over and takes the page from JG's hands and reads it. Her mouth drops open.]
TW: ...which is glowing and humming like crazy underneath the orchestral music, which has gone to a fast-paced chorus and has been building to a crescendo since the last scene cut. And then, one second after the music hits a crescendo and fades...the sphere explodes.
[everyone stares at TW, speechless]
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