7.04 Embedded by AM & ED (Part VIII)

ED: Queen Industry HQ. Various JLAers whoop it up.
AM: Who ever we can get. Obviously we're counting on Oliver and Cyborg.
ED: If we can't schedule the other two guys we thought we could show a few nameless heroes who are obvious for bit parts.
AM: Oliver is on the phone with Chloe. She's reminding him she wants all the details from the latest mission. They promised her full access for a story once the final location was neutralized."
ED: Oliver is a bit non-committal but Chloe presses him.

AM: Cut to the Talon apartment. Chloe is viewing a wall of weird entry for the girl from the premiere. She's marked as "cured". As she talks she goes to Victor Creed who is marked "cured" as well. Finally she hyper links to her mom's file. "And Ollie, I haven't seen my mom in a while. When do you think I could come by?"

ED: Cut back to the party. The room suddenly goes silent. Oliver looks to the door. Lois is standing there. He tells Chloe, "Sure. Whenever you want."
AM: We hear Chloe thank him. She starts to get into specifics.
ED: But Oliver cuts her off, "Listen, I've got to go." He hangs up. The other guests sensing the tension move themselves to another room.
AM: Cue up an extremely awkward scene. Oliver tries to tell Lois how relieved he is to see her alive.
ED: She tells him not to talk. She explains how much it hurts to find out she'd fallen in love with a lie. Oliver is the first guy to ever manage to break her heart twice.
AM: Ollie tries to apologize
ED: Lois informs him it's too late. She's only there to assure him he doesn't have to worry about her exposing his precious secret identity but she is going to publish the article and show the world what a snake Lex Luthor is. Lex is going to regret the day ever messed with her friends.
AM: "That's a nice sentiment, Lois. It's too bad no one will believe you."
ED: "Of course they will. I have all the proof I need."
AM: "Face it Lois. If you honestly believe you're going to take down Lex Luthor with an article in the Inquisitor you're a fool. Everyone knows finding the truth in that paper is as likely as finding a needle in a haystack. You might as well not waste your time."
ED: Lois becomes enraged. "You're one to talk about the truth!" She slaps Oliver in the face, "That's for lying to me, Oliver!" Lois practically runs out the door.

AM: Clark walks down the streets of Star City carrying a bag of party supplies. He's approaching the Queen Industries building when he hears someone sitting in the shadows up against the side of the building softly sobbing. He stops to investigate, "Are you alright?" As is gets closer we see it's Lois, "Lois?"
ED: Embarrassed Lois wipes her nose and tries to stop crying. Miserably failing at trying to play it casual, "Oh, hey Smallville, what are you doing here?"
AM: "What am I doing here? Lois, you're alive!"
ED: "Yeah, and I almost wish I wasn't."
AM: Clark takes her hand, "Lois, what's wrong?"
ED: "It's... it's... it's..." she pulls out a tissue and blows her nose. "Clark, how would you feel if the one guy who ever loved you back turned out to be a big. fat. liar!"
KK: I think Clark knows exactly how that feels.
MR: Funny.
ED: "Oliver... he... he... " She blows her nose again. "And the worst part? He's right! They'll never believe me!"
AM: "Never believe what, Lois?"
ED: "Lex, he had this island with all these meteor freaks he could control. Just like he did with Wes. It's like he has them in mass production."
AM: Clark does some fast thinking, "We'll go to my mom. She'll make sure the government shuts this down."
ED: Lois is all cried out, "It's a government project, Clark. Besides, it's already been shut down."
AM: "Let's get you home. Chloe isn't going to believe this!"
ED: Lois' resolve is coming back. "No, Clark. This isn't over yet. I need you to promise you won't tell anyone you've seen me."
AM: "Lois, you have no idea how hard Chloe is taking this! You're alive. She deserves to know that."
ED: "Have you forgotten Chloe had the two of us running around after her 'killer' when she faked her her own death Clark? I know what it's like. But I also know why she did it, to put a very bad man away."
JG: A magnificent bastard to be exact. Ah, those were the days.
ED: "I should be allowed to do the same."
AM: "Lois, what are you going to do?"
ED: "Oliver's right, I'm not going to take down Lex Luthor in the pages of the Inquisitor. But I am going to take him down, one way or another."
AM: And go to black.
MR: There is no fucking way Lois is going to take down Lex Luthor.
AM: Exactly. Chloe is going to do it!
KK: The hell she is!
JG: Kristen is right. Lionel is going to take him down!
TW: Hello!?!? What about Clark!?!?
ED: Clark? What makes you think Clark would be the one to take down Lex?
TW: Clark is the star!
ED & JG & AM: Ha ha ha ha!
TW: He's the hero!
ED & JG & AM: Ha ha ha ha!
TW: Clark should be the one to take down Lex!
KK: Hold on everybody! Tom's right about one thing. If anyone is going to get Lex to go down it's going to be Clark.
TW: Thank you, Kristen.
[ED & JG & AM looks at KK with surprise.]
KK: As long as it's Lex going down on him!
ED & JG & AM: Ha ha ha ha!
TW: You all think you're so damn funny!
AM: Bottom line Erica, if you think after betraying us all we'll let Lois...
KK: [To AM] Who betrayed us all?
JG: She betrayed me! Who the hell else counts!?!?
KK: You?!?! It's always about you, isn't it?! Of all the self-centered...
JG: Me, self-centered?!?! Me?!?
ED: [to AoT] I should be re-thinking this whole coming back thing, shouldn't I?
AM: You should. You definitely should.
KK: Oh, no. If I have to stay she has to stay. She's not getting off that easy!
JG: Exactly. Durance, you're going to suffer just like the rest of us!
ED: [smiles] So... you want me back?
AM: I don't know if "want" is the best way to put it but...
AoT: Yeah, we do. We want you back, Erica.
ED: Aw. You don't know how much that means to me! [stands up and puts her arms out] Come on everybody, group hug! [when no one else stands] Come on, don't be shy!
KK: Group hug?!?! Are you smoking crack, Durance!?!?
ED: But we've all patched things up, right?
[AM & JG & KK exchange dubious glances]
ED: Right?
[uncomfortable silence]
ED: [gulps]



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