7.17 Revolt by TW and KK Part X

as retold by RepairmanBob

TW: "You think you are innocent, Lex?" Clark punches Lex in the head.
MR: Damnit!
JG: (Laughing)
TW: We cut to an in-helmet shot, so it looks like the next punch is actually going into the camera.
MR: God damnit!
JG: (Uncontrollable laughing)
TW: Clark holds Lex up by the neck. Lex’s helmet has cracked, and his left eye is visible. "Why don’t we talk about all the meta-human who died at Level 33.1! The soldiers you betrayed to build you little super powered army! How much blood is on your hands, Lex?"
AM: (Deep voice) I love you baby!
ED: (Deep voice) Why do you make me hurt you, baby?
JG: (Laughing so hard he starts to choke)
AoT: (Hits JG on the back) John! Take a breath!
JG: (Crying) Lex… is… (continues laughing)
MR: (Grumbling) "You want to talk about victims? How about Lana Lang?" Oh, come on Tom!
JG: (Falls out of chair laughing) So… pathetic…
KK: I liked it!
MR: You would!
TW: Clark looks shocked and takes a step back. "What did you say?"
MR: Lex takes the opportunity to make a sound tactical choice and take advantage of his opponent’s mistake.
AM: So he…
MR: Kicks Clark in the balls.
AoT: Another classic.
MR: As Clark grabs his ruptured Krypto-nads, Lex drops him with an uppercut. "You want to talk about victims, Kal-El? How about the police officers your friends killed after the second meteor shower!" Lex stalks towards a downed Clark. "Or the soldiers who died when you and Hassad decided to fight over who would rule the Earth!" Lex kicks Clark in the ribs.
KK: Pan back to show Lois has picked up a video camera from the press conference and is filming the fight.
ED: Do I get to talk?
KK: No.

KK: At Vault Black, Chloe throws the metal door away and stands up. She looks around for Brainiac, and sees another pool. And a second. The camera pans back, to show the room is full of the pools. Chloe looks concerned. "This isn’t right."
TW: Brainaic speaks from offscreen. "Did you really think Lex Luthor would give you up so easily. Miss Sullivan? Did you believe a man who has collected a menagerie of meteor freaks would surrender a prize such as yourself?"
KK: Chloe rises into the air, looking for Brainiac.
TW: "You have nearly limitless potential, Miss Sullivan. The fact that you wanted to throw that away is pathetic. But the idea that Lex Luthor would do the same by curing you? Your schoolgirl delusions are nearly a meta-human ability in their own right."
AM: Screw you guys!
TW: "I believe it is time for you to learn why Lex really abducted you." The shot moves to a hand pressing a button on a keyboard.
MR: Was it for porn? I think Lex abducted Chloe and brain washed her to make porn.
JG: It would be profitable.
AM: Chloe did not make porn films with Lex!
KK: Now that you mention it, that would be –
TW: Stay on task, Kristin.
MR: Chlex porn tapes! Evil Chlex porn! Lex could be selling it on the internet!
JG: That could explain how he was funding all of his projects.
ED: No! I am the one who is the sex symbol on this show! I was voted the most –
MR: Pregnant Lois Lane ever?
ED: (Leaps at MR)
MR: (Jumping out of the way) Watch out for the baby!
TW: Everyone stop it!
KK: (To MR) We’ll talk later. (To the group) A huge video screen turns on in front of Chloe. Hard cut to Chloe’s face. Allison, this next part is all on you. The video screen is the only light in the room, making shadows around Chloe. Cue the dramatic music, as Chloe’s expression goes from confusion to awareness to finally shock and horror. She mouths "No" over and over again, dropping to her knees. We cannot hear any dialogue over the music, and just see Chloe breaking down from what is on the screen, looking like the figure from The Scream.
MR: Only with boobs.
AoT: Enough, Michael.
MR: Yes, ma’am.
TW: Brainiac rises up behind Chloe and taps his wrist. The metal collar around her neck lights up, and Chloe falls to the ground convulsing.
AM: Great, more torture porn.
KK: Just trust –
AM: If you finish that sentence, I am going to shave your head the next time you fall asleep.
KK: Annette?
AoT: Sorry, Kristin. Our deal only lasts through the script reading. I suggest a nice hat.

TW: At the Slab –
MR: Iron Lex gets ready to finish off Clark!
TW: I was –
MR: I’ve got this, Tom. "I was going to use my weapons to kill you, Kal-El. The fruits of billions of dollars spent on research to fight an alien invasion." Lex pulls a huge piece of rebar from the rubble. "But I suppose there is something satisfying about doing this the old fashion way." He smashes the rebar over Clark’s head.
AM: Ouch. Poor Clark.
JG: Poor rebar.
MR: "I consider myself a civilized man." Smash! "But I have to admit it is gratifying to remove a threat to the world with my own hands." Smash!
TW: You are enjoying this far too much. "Me? A threat?"
MR: Lex raises the rebar like a spear and –
TW: And Clark grabs it and throws it away. "You helped Hassad build that portal to Apokolypse!" He kicks Lex into the air, and super-speeds to hit him before he hits the ground. "Your stupidity and greed put this entire world in danger!"
MR: That is cheating! "I did not –"
TW: (Rolling eyes) Clark punches Lex in the chest, leaving a huge crack in the Iron Lex armor. "Hassad represents a threat you cannot begin to imagine and you, in your lust for power, helped him invade Earth!"
MR: Noooo!
TW: He then punches Lex in the head –
JG: Knocking him out?
TW: Knocking the helmet off. "Do you understand me, you self righteous bastard? You brought Armageddon to this planet! I bled and suffered and, God help me, I was forced to killed to save the people of this woirld from the holocaust you tried to inflict!"
ED: I think it would knock Lex out.
AM: Lex does get knocked unconscious a lot.
MR: No! Not knocked out!
AoT: Lex is prone to concussions.
MR: Not knocked out!
TW: Fine, Lex is dazed but standing. Clark slowly walks towards him. "I have saved this world again and again and you, the traitor who aided a darkness you cannot begin to comprehend, dare me a monster?" Clark looks pissed.

TW: Brainiac looks down at Chloe. "Abject misery and hopelessness – just what I needed to break your resistance to this handy device." He taps the collar. "You might as well stop resisting, Miss Sullivan. No one is going to save you this time. Not your cousin. Not your mother. And not your beloved Kal-El. You are alone, and you will do what you always do when you are alone. You will surrender. And then you will help me destroy that reactor, and kill everyone you are about in the world." Brainiac smiles and walks over to one of the computers. He makes some adjustments and we see the Clex fight at the Slab. "Well, that will not do." He super-speeds to consoles around the pools, pressing buttons and flipping switches.


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