7.17 Revolt by TW and KK Part XI

as retold by RepairmanBob

TW: Clark uses his super-breath to knock Lex to the ground. "The hell with you, Luthor!"
MR: Iron Lex staggers up and fires a rocket at Clark.
TW: Which Clark catches and throws back at Lex.
JG: (Shaking head) Pathetic.
TW: Lex is knocked to the ground. The Chest of the Iron Lex armor is cracked and burned.
KK: Quick cut to one of the Spartans. It turns and looks at Clark. We shift to an in-helmet of our favorite farmboy. Text appears. Target: Kal-El. Objective: Eliminate. Quick cuts to the five other Spartans around the Slab, who stop what they are doing and look at Clark.
TW: Clark walks towards Lex, who is lying on the ground. "You want to talk about monsters? Why don’t you look in the mirror, you son of a bitch?" Clark raises his arm –
AoT: Clark is going to attack a helpless Lex?
TW: He is going to help him up!
KK: A likely story.
MR: Iron Lex doesn’t need Clark’s help!
AM: Iron Lex is probably unconscious.
ED: A feather could knock out Iron Lex.
MR: Don’t talk that way about Iron Lex!
ED: At least Lois is still conscious!
TW: Clark raises his arm and gets knocked on his ass. He turns around as sees a Spartan walking towards him. Clark flies about 20 feet off the ground, and confronted by another Spartan.
KK: Slow circular pan shows all six Spartans de-cloaking or flying to surround Clark. It is clear that, even in their armor, they are quite a bit smaller than Clark.
TW: "I don’t have time for this. Back off or I will –"
KK: The Spartans charge.

TW: Back at the Slab, Brainiac is smiling while he watches the Spartans attack Clark.
KK: Slow pan to Chloe, who is shuddering on the ground.
AM: I swear, Kristin, you are so dead.
AoT: (Clears throat)
AM: When this script reading is over, you are so dead.
AoT: Thank you, dear.
KK: Close up on Chloe’s eyes. The iris lightens changes brown to dark orange. The color spreads to her pupil and the white of her eye. Chloe slowly rises to her knees.
TW: Brainiac looks over. "Miss Sullivan, I must insist you stop. You are going to hurt yourself. Your usefulness as a slave will be severly limited if you give yourself an aneurysm."
KK: Chloe speaks through gritted teeth. "I am not… your slave." Small orange flames begin to rise from her eyes.
AM: OK, that actually is cool.
KK: She gets louder. "I am not… your property."
TW: Brainiac’s smile starts to fade. "Stop now. I order you –"
KK: Chloe yells "You do not… tell me… anything!" The collar explodes.
TW: Brainiac, for the first time, looks concerned. "That... should not be possible."
KK: Chloe’s neck and upper chest are horribly burned. As we watch, they heal almost instantly. She sneers at Brainiac.

TW: Back at the Slab, Clark is having problems. He hits the first Spartan with a right hand, but another one throws an electrified cable around his neck. Clark starts to choke, and two more Spartans grab his arms while a fourth punches him in the stomach.
JG: Sissy.
TW: Clark brings his arms together, then flings the Spartans holding his arms away. He kicks the Spartan punching him, then grabs the cable around his neck and throws the fourth super soldier into the stage where Governor Smith was standing, narrowly missing Lois. Clark takes a breath, just in time for another Spartan to hit him in the small of the back, knocking him into a rocket shot by the final Spartan.
MR: Holy crap! My Spartans rock!
JG: Now that is some quality teamwork!
ED: Lois should do something!
KK: She is. She is filming the fight.
ED: Not just that! I know – Lois picks up a rocket launcher.
TW: (Puts head in hands) Oh my God.
ED: She aims it at one of the Spartans, and says something cool.
MR: (Sarcastic voice) "Not on my watch?"
ED: Exactly! Then she fires and takes out one of the Spartans!
KK: Why the fuck would there be rocket launchers lying around the Slab?
AoT: Yes, that is just absurd.
KK: Thank –
AoT: Martha clearly should be the one who fires a rocket at the Spartans! They are attacking her son!
TW: (Puts head on table, moans softly)
AoT: Then she should fight another one!
ED: That’s my idea! Come up with your own ways to get more screen time!
AoT: Watch your tone, young lady!
ED: I’m tired of you threatening me, Annette! I have been taking self defense classes, and I’m not going to take it anymore!
MR+JG+AM: Fight! Fight! Fight!
(ED and AoT start to grapple. JG passes out bags of popcorn)
TW: (To KK) Please don’t tell me you are considering their ideas.
KK: (To TW) Are you kidding? It is way more fun to watch them fight.
(AoT quickly puts ED in a hammerlock)
AoT: Say it!
ED: No!
AoT: Say it!
ED: No!
AoT: (Puts more pressure on hammerlock) Say it!
ED: Fine! I am Annette’s bitch!
JG: What was that? I didn’t hear you!
ED: Screw you, John!
AoT: That was unladylike, Erica. (Applies more pressure)
ED: Ahhhhhh! Sorry, sorry!
AoT: (Releases ED) Good. Remember that a lady should always be polite, no matter how severe a beating she needs to deliver.
KK: Are you all finished? Good. Lois gets a close up shot of the Spartan that got knocked into the stage. We see the solider has a cracked helmet. Before Lois can get to close, it flies up and punches Clark in the jaw.

KK: Chloe moves towards Brainiac. "No one is ever going to hurt me again." He uses telekinesis to slam him across the room, through several of the pools. "No one is going to control me again." Brainiac tries to stab Chloe, but she teleports behind him. She raises her right arm and makes a pushing motion at Brainiac. A beam of orange energy comes out of her hand and cuts a hole in Brainiac’s chest.
MR: Since when can Chloe fire energy rays?
KK: Nuclear energy plus telekinesis plus a power upgrade from all the liquid green K.
AM: That… that is cool.
KK: Chloe leaps at Brainiac.
TW: Brainiac stabs Chloe through the chest and into the wall behind her.
AM: Fuck!


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