And then there were eight

[MR and BS walk up to the rest of the cast. It becomes clear the suit is way to big for him]
MR: Hey, guys! Look who else is here!
JG: Lovely.
MR: [Offering BS a shot] Have a drink.
BS: [Waves him off] Can't. Makes me hyper. [Sticks his arm out for a handshake] John! Long time, no see.
JG: [Refusing BS's hand] No thanks!
BS: Hah! Fooled you once shame on me, fooled you twice shame on you! [Tousles JG's hair to JG's great irritation] You're alright, man!
MR: I Love the suit!
KK: It seems a little big, doesn't it?
BS: You like it? It's Tom's!
TW: Mine?
[JG starts sneaking off towards the pool tables]
BS: I know we talked about it but I had costuming go ahead and put one together anyway.
TW: You what!?!
BS: I wanted to be the first to wear it. [Waves at a couple walking by staring at him] Hi there! [Back to TW] See? People love it!
TW: But I...
BS: I know what you said but I knew the instant you saw how good it looked on me you just couldn't resist wearing it.

[ED & AM off to the side. ED is hiding behind AM.]
ED: You know if if I'm shown on screen pregnant I can say goodbye to any more Maxim layouts!
AM: Boo freakin' hoo.

TW: Actually it's in my contract...
BS: Screw your contract!

ED: He's going to ruin it all!
AM: He already has, if you ask me.
ED: I was going to be remembered as sexiest Lois Lane! Now I'm going remembered as the pregnant Lois Lane!

TW: You can't just...
BS: You signed a waiver when you tried out for Supes in the Justice League movie! It supersedes your Smallville contract.

ED: Is he gone yet?
AM: No.

TW: That try-out was supposed to be secret!
BS: They thought it would soften the blow of losing my Superman Returns sequel.

ED: Does it look like he's going to leave?
AM: No.

MR: They canned your sequel!?! That's total bullshit!
BS: It's not a total loss.
KK: What do you mean?

ED: [Eying an exit] Would you be insulted if I left your party early?
AM: No.

BS: They're going to let me do everything I planned for the sequel with Smallville!
TW: [Under his breath to AoT] OK, let them kill Bryan too.
[AoT nods]
MR: Sweet! Do we get the budget too?
BS: Unfortunately, no.

ED: Cool. Bye. Have fun on your new show, did you ever find out what it is?
AM: No. I'm supposed to show up for shooting tomorrow.
ED: Well, have fun on your new show, whatever it is.
AM: [Glum] Thanks.
[ED Downs her last shot before getting up to leave.]
BS: [Noticing ED] Erica! Hey!
ED: [Slowly turns back around.] Hello, Bryan.

AoT: [Aside to AM] Tom says you can take out Bryan.
AM: But...

BS: [Walking up in between ED and AM] Is that a shot glass in your hand?
ED: [ED guiltily places the shot glass back on the bar] No.

AoT: You heard what the man said. He's going to turn Smallville into the Superman Returns sequel!
AM: So?

BS: Have you been drinking?
ED: [Defiant] Yes, Bryan. I've been drinking and there is nothing you can do about it!

AoT: Did you see Martha in his movie? He's going to make me dye my hair gray and put on wrinkly makeup!
AM: But is that enough to...?

BS: You know that's harmful, don't you?
ED: [ED's jaw tightens] Don't you dare go there, Bryan.

AoT: You heard me, woman! Bryan Singer must die!
AM: [Pulling a taser out of her purse] OK!

BS: For the baby? [Yelling at the barkeep while pointing at ED] You need to cut this woman off! She's in a delicate way!

[ED and AM simultaneously lunge for BS who suddenly ducks. AM tasers ED on accident and ED starts shaking]
AM: Dammit!

BS: [Standing back up] Hey! A penny! Shiny! [Spots ED shaking from the taser shock] Oh my God! Is there a doctor in the house!?!? This woman is in labor!
AM: [AM tries to taser BS but her taser is still recharging] Dammit!
BS: Allison, don't just stand there! Help your friend! Somebody boil some water!
[ED falls to the floor as JG bounds across the room with a pool stick in hand. JG moves to whack BS against the side of his head.]
BS: [Stooping to position ED's legs into a birthing pose even though ED is wearing jeans] Don't worry, Erica! I know what I'm doing!
KK: What the hell are you doing?
[JG swings and misses BS and instead hits KK in the back of the head with his follow through snapping the pool cue in two. KK is down for the count.]
JG: [Looking at the broken cue.] Dammit! [Heads back to the pool tables]
AM: [Her taser finally recharged, AM aims for BS] Ah, ha!
MR: [Steps between AM & BS] I can't let you taser Bryan!
[AM scowls at MR]
BS: Push, Erica, push!
TW: Bryan, the woman isn't even pregnant!
MR: He doesn't mean any harm.
[AM contemplates her taser]
BS: Oh my god! She's lost consciousness! We need to get this woman to a hospital!
[AM tries to move around MR but he moves to block her.]
MR: He doesn't deserve it.
[AM and MR stare each other down for a few seconds. BS starts giving ED mouth to mouth.]
AM: You're right, he doesn't deserve it.
MR: I'm glad you're finally seeing reason.
AM: You do!
[AM Tasers MR. He falls to the floor.]
BS: [Panicked] Dammit, she's not responding!
AM: [Smiles] That felt good. [Her taser out of charge, AM tosses it aside.]
BS: We're losing her! I don't think we can get her to a hospital in time!
TW: She doesn't need to go to the hospital, Bryan. Allison tasered her.
AM: It was an accident!
TW: And Michael?
AM: [Guilty pause] That was an accident too.
BS: Oh, I know! [BS stands and grabs AoT]
AoT: Bryan, what the hell are you doing?
TW: Yes. What the hell are you doing?
[BS lifts AoT over his head and starts spinning her around.]
BS: I saw this in the Superman movie! I call it the time machine! If I spin you around fast enough we can go back in time and get Erica to the hospital!
TW: Put her down!
AoT: Allison, help me! I think I'm going to be sick!
[AM Lunges for BS but gets knocked out when he swings AoT into her.
TW: Bryan, this has gone far enough!
BS: You think? [Lets go of AoT who flies across the bar.]
AoT: Help!
[AoT careens into JG just as he returns with another pool cue, knocking the both of them out.]
TW: [Clenches his fists and narrows his eyes] Yes, I do!


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