7.14 Escape by TW and ED (Part III)

as retold by RepairmanBob
JG: “General Zod was an invaluable tool. An unknowing one, of course, but the best slaves are never aware of the chains that bind them.” Darksied expositions that he manipulated Zod. He made military moves that Zod thought were hostile, which lead Zod to start his Crusade. He knew that Zod, if provoked, would make a preemptive attack to force a war - and that the High Council would punish Zod for such an act. After Zod and his fellow generals were sent to the Phantom Zone, the Kryptonian military was ran by inept politicians. Darkseid easily destroyed the armies of Krypton, and attacked the defenseless planet.
ED: Zod expression goes from anger, to understanding, to horror as Darkseid explains, in a slightly amused tone, his central role in destruction of Krypton.
JG: “”I would never have been able to destroy Krypton without your assistance, General Zod. In your memory, I took your dear wife as a slave. She resisted for years, but even the strongest mind breaks with… sufficient effort. Until the very end, she believed you would come for her.” Darkseid chuckles. “And now you have.”
ED: Camera goes tight on Ursa, then Zod, who has slumped against a wall.
JG: “Based on your own war plans, General Zod, I was… inspired to improve her. It was simple really, once I realized placing radioactive material inside her body would create an effect similar to that of a yellow sun upon a Kryptonian. As a side effect, it also causes her incalculable agony.”
ED: Close in on Zod, who is silently crying.
MR: You made Zod a bitch, Tom! Howe could you?
JG: Tom, I knew you were bitter about Zod making Clark his bitch, but you are going too far.
TW: Have you every heard of set up? Dramatic reversals? Plot twists?
JG: Heard of? Yes. Seen perfomed well on Smallville? No.

ED: Back to Earth. The US military is being forced back by the dog soliders, who continue to march out of the portal. Hassad is laughing and telling the humans to surrender. Lois and Bittleman are with soldiers in a jeep near General Lane’s tent. One of the explosions knocks the jeep over.
TW: Three parademons quickly kill the soldiers. One of them turn on Lois and raise his staff weapon.
JG: You are killing off Lois! I knew it! Allison got you a job on Capricia!
KK: That lying bitch said she was setting up an audition for me!
ED: No one is killing off Lois!
TW: An arrow slams into the chest of the parademon aiming at Lois. It explodes, and knocks all three aliens fly back. Lois turns around, and we get a dramatic shot of Green Arrow, in a parachute, floating down behind them.
KK: You are bringing Ollie back?
ED: Not just Ollie. The rest of the JL, along with the meteor freaks and test subjects from Embedded, parachute out over the battlefield. Cut back to Zinda, flying a high tech jet over the battlefield, dodging the flying dog soldiers Hassad’s ships.
MR: How are you paying for all of this?
ED: Zinda can make some crack the Richard Branston made the jet for Ollie, and show a Virgin Atlantic logo in the cockpit. Parademons land on the wongs and start to rip the plane apart. Zinda ejects seconds before the plane explodes. “What the hell are those things? I have never seen anything move like that. If they can rip apart the Javelin that easily, General Lane’s tin birds are screwed.”
TW: Ollie walks up to Lois. “Just get to a military unit, and back them up. You know the plan. Arrow out.” He looks at Lois and smiles. “What’s it situation, Lane?” We see he has a Bluetooth headset.
JG: Products Placement spot three? Or is it four?
ED: “Things are bad. Talk to the General, and see where you can do the most good.”
TW: Ollie smiles, and walks away. Bittleman looms at Lois. “You really know Green Arrow? Those stories at the Inquisitor were not just crap?”
ED: “Yes I know Green Arrow, and no, my articles were not crap. Well, not entirely.”
TW: “Bo, you do know some interesting people. Now, let’s grab some pictures of the meta-humans. Lex is going to crap his solid gold boxers when we prove that his meta-human terrorists are the good guys!”
ED: Lois picks up a rifle from a dead soldier. “Weapons first. Can you fire a gun?”
TW: “Do I look like I spent years living in the wilderness hunting for my meals?”
ED: Lois picks up clips of bullets and throws them to Bittleman. “Then you’re carrying ammo.” Cut to Ollie making hand signals to the JL, who spread out across the battlefield. Throw in a few scenes of Impulse super speeding, Cyborg punching put a parademon and Aquaman… is there any water near the warehouse?
MR: Not so much.
TW: Damn, he can…
KK: Stand around shirtless?
ED: I like that one.
TW: We can’t think of anything better for Aquaman to do that stand around shirtless?
MR: Not really.
JG: No.
AoT: He could just stand around nude.
TW: Shirtless will work. The JL makes an immediate impact, but a few red shirt heroes get killed. After spinning around the battlefield, go in close to the portal, where Hassad is supervising the construction of fortifications and heavy weapon emplacements. The heavy weapons start to fire, and blow up a few tanks. Parademons continue to arrive from Apokolips and storm the battlefield.

TW: The cell. Clark looks concerned, and tells Zod to get up.
JG: Darkseid starts to chuckle. “General Zod, are you not pleased by my generosity? Perhaps you spirits would be lifted if your entire family were reunited?”
TW: Clark is thrown against a wall. He shakes his head, and looks up at a huge, misshapen humanoid.
ED: Zod looks at the new person, and whispers “Non?”
KK: Ursa stands, and puts her hand on Non’s shoulder. “Good boy.” Non grunts.
ED: Zod falls to his knees.
KK: Poor Zod. From pimp to bitch so quickly.
JG: “Anyone can kill their enemy. To crush their hope, use their dreams against them, to make them long for the release of death… that is the work of a true artist. Moments like this… you must treasure them. Your own actions damned your world, General Zod. You damned your wife and son, with your arrogance, your hubris and your lust for power. I merely provided you with an opportunity to devastate everything you cares about most in creation. You chose to take advantage of it. Goodbye, General Zod.”
ED: Zod says “No, no, no” over and over again.
KK: Wow, Zod really sucks.
ED: It gets better.
MR: Not likely. You ruined him.
TW: He wanted to mate with Lana. Al and Miles already ruined him.
JG: “Usha. Non. Kill Kal-El. Let General Zod see one last Kryptonian die because of his foolish Crusade against me.”
TW: They attack Clark. He calls out to Zod for help, but -
AoT: Zod keeps crying?
JG: (Looks at script) Pretty much.

TW: Back to General Lane’s command tent. The General is issuing commands, telling the troops to fall back.
ED: Cut to Martha, still talking on the iPhone. “Yes, full pardons! Issued immediately!… Transportation will not be an issue, but they will not join the fighting in large numbers until we guarantee legal protection!… Thank you sir!” Martha hangs up, and makes another call. “He agreed! We need you here, now!”
TW: Lionel typing an e-mail on the Gateway computer.
JG: Does Lionel really need to be used for product placement?
TW: Yes.
ED: Aquaman is sitting -
AoT: Shirtless?
ED: Of course. He is sitting in front of four large Sony LCD screens, which show satellite feeds of the battle.
JG: OK, this is starting to get out of hand.
ED: He is basically doing the Watchtower job, since Chloe is dead and we can’t figure out anything else for him to do.
KK: As long as he sits there shirtless and looks pretty, I am happy.


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