Didn't we get rid of Singer?

as retold by RepairmanBob

JG: Didn't we get rid of Singer?
KK: He signed over creative control of the show. He should have checked the fine print.
AM: I did that! It's another reason Chloe should be back at the Daily Planet!
JG: Yes, fine, but can Singer do anything now?
ED: You mean besides eat twinkies and cry?
JG: The man certainly has let himself go.
AoT: Pardon me, but I think I will punch Bryan for awhile while security holds him.
ED: I'll join you. Call me pregnant will you? I'm TV Guide's sexiest sci fi gal for 2008!
AoT: The votes are still being counted, dear.
AM: But Chloe -
JG: You know, kicking Bryan does sound like a good time. Tom? Michael?
MR: I still don't know why you guys think Bryan was so bad -
AoT: (low growl)
MR: I mean, yes! Let's go get that dirty bastard! He said mean things about Annette!
ED: He said I have a gigantic ass!
MR: Whatever.
AM: But, but -
KK: Face it, no one cares about Chloe. Do you really think the network would try to get another producer, Tom?
TW: As long as John and Annette don't actually kill Bryan, we should be fine.
(TW, AM and KK exchange a long look.)
TW: Ah crap.
AM: I'll get the tranq guns.
KK: So help me, if those two morons get Lana resurrected I will be pissed!


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