7.07 Repercussions by AM & AoT (Part IV)

AoT: Sex says he thought that was the Ark of the Covenant, not the Holy Grail.
AM: Chloe smiles, "You're right." Suddenly Chloe's image appears next to that of Clark and Lana. Lana's outfit changes to a beautiful wedding gown. Chloe is in one of her frumpy "Chimmy" outfits. Lex appears as a knight and speaks to Clark.
AoT: "You must choose."
AM: Clark looks back and forth between Chloe and Lana.
AoT: "But choose wisely. For as the True Grail will bring you life— the False Grail will take it from you."
JG: So that explains what happened to all Lana's ex-boy friends!
KK: Shut up!
AM: After a moment's hesitation Clark takes Lana's hand causing illusion Chloe to roll her eyes. "Oh, yes. She's more beautiful than I'd ever imagined. This certainly is the woman of my dreams!" He leans in and they kiss. Clark turns to Lex and exclaims joyfully, "It's eternal love!"
AoT: But when he turns back Lana has turned into a demon. She burns Clark in her embrace. He can't pull free.
AM: Clark is panicked, "What? What's happening?"
AoT: The two of them disappear in a huge ball of flame.
AM: Lex, "He chose...poorly."
AoT: Sex interjects, "So is this where we kiss?"
AM: Chloe looks at him oddly, "What?"
MR: Yeah, what?
AM: We'll get there eventually. But for now a new scene.

AoT: When Hasaad's operative gets back to HQ the PAS de-cloaks and tears the place to hell.
AM: The PAS leaves a message from Lex promising assured destruction if Hasaad continues to interfere with LuthorCorp business.
MR: Sweet!
AoT: But Lex believes both sides may have something to offer each other. A meeting time and location is given. The note promises dire consequences if the meeting is ignored.
MR: This is like the greatest episode ever!
KK: It sucks!
TW: You know, Michael, that's what you said at the beginning of Allison's last episode.
AM: I didn't write that episode.
KK: Thank god! Lana probably would have ended up doing the strip tease from Sin City.
AM: The what?
MR: You mean the one with the lasso?
AM: [Pen in hand] Details, please.
MR: Oh, that was good! There was this strip tease scene in Sin City...
AM: [Writing] And Kristen didn't like it?
KK: No. No. [pause] It was great! I loved it!
AM: Then you won't mind if that shows up in the next scene?
KK: [Squirrel face]
AM: [More writing] Excellent. By the way, didn't your mom ever tell you that if you keep making that face some day it's going to freeze that way?
KK: I hate you.
AM: [Chuckles]
KK: [Pleading] Annette?
AoT: What can I say? Allison gave me lots of screen time. And a song.
TW: You're going to be singing?
AoT: Yep.
TW: I can't wait.
MR: It's not Elton is it?
AoT: No. It's good, but it's not Elton.

AM: Speaking of which, on the campaign trail in Smallville Martha makes a stump speech.
AoT: Lovely allusion to Chloe's situation.
AM: Some of the crowd starts to boo her.
AoT: But Martha handles it very professionally.
ED: You mean she body slams them?
AoT: [To AM] I told you that was a good idea!
AM: Yeah, but didn't we decide to nix it since they won't let you do your own stunt work?
AoT: Oh, right. If I can't do the body slamming myself what's the point?
AM: Plus...
AoT: It takes me off the screen and puts my stunt double on. Now I remember.
AM: Show the villain in booing crowd.
AoT: I really wanted Martha to body slam him!
TW: It's probably not smart politics to body slam your constituents.
AoT: Screw smart politics!

AM: Hasaad's warehouse.
AoT: By the time Lois and Bittleman get there it's been trashed.
AM: They try to use their press credentials but are turned them away.
AoT: Lois tells Bittleman she knows something is up.
AM: "Do you really think so? What was it that gave it away, Ariel? The large group of heavily armed men at the door? The threat of violence when they turned us away? Or could it have been the hole where the western wall is traditionally located in most buildings?"
AoT: "Look, I am just saying they are hiding something."
AM: "Wow, with journalistic instincts like that, the future of the Daily Planet is safe and secure. I mean, I just noticed the smoke and flames and fire engine and men in those adorable oxygen masks and thought someone could have left the oven in the break room on. Thank you sweet baby Jesus, Lois freakin’ Lane is here to make sure we don’t miss anything."
ED: You know, when we made our deal this wasn't exactly what I had in mind, Annette.
AoT: Like I said, snappy dialogue. Lois notices the same operative exit the smoldering building. "Are you done? Because I've got work to do." She heads off after Hasaad's man.
AM: Bittleman just stands there.
AoT: Lois turns to Bittleman, "You coming?"
AM: Bittleman heaves a huge sigh before following, cursing under his breath every step of the way.

AM: Martha's office. Lionel dresses down her CoS. How could she let Martha make that speech?
AoT: Martha comes out in her defence. It was Martha's decision. Based on Lionel's negative reaction Martha asks if he's there to leave death threats too.
AM: Lionel sees that Martha is upset and tries to comfort her.
JG: Is there sex?
MR: Why would there be Sex? Chloe isn't in the scene.
JG: Real sex, you idiot, not your cheap imitation!
AoT: Nope. No sex.
TW: Thank goodness.
AM: Yet.
TW: Oh, no.
AM: Ha! Just kidding.
TW: Whew!
JG: Dammit!

AoT: Bittleman and Lois on the trail of Hasaad's right hand man.
AM: He's scoping out a conference center.
AoT: "I wonder why he's checking out that building."
AM: "Maybe he wants to get away from all the annoying noise in Metropolis. I can relate."
AoT: "Don't be a wise-ass, I think he is casing the place. I bet there is going to be a meeting of 'the Dons'".
AM: "'The Dons?' What is this, 1930’s Chicago? Have you even read a newspaper that has headlines other than ‘Elvis Stole my Bat-Faced Baby?’ That is the absolute dumbest thing I have heard you say today, that let me tell you, that is a pretty impressive accomplishment. I do not think you could -"
AoT: As Bittleman rants, Hope comes up and talks to the gang member. "Wait... isn’t that Lex Luthor’s personal assistant?"
AM: "And then you – what?"
AoT: "You were saying about my stupid theory?"
AM: "You might be on to something after all, newbie. Chalk it up to beginner's luck."
AoT: "We need to get into that meeting."
AM: "Whoa. Slow down sister. Sneak into Lex Luthor's meeting? Thanks, but I prefer having my head attached to my neck. Let's just...."
AoT: "We need proof that Lex is working with these guys, right? We sneak in, grab some evidence, maybe take a photo or two –"
AM: "Get caught, beaten, and shot? I heard he be-headed his ex."
AoT: "I didn't realize they gave sissies Pulitzers. Do you want the story or not?"
AM: "I prefer to stay alive. Heard the saying dead men tell no tales? They don't write news paper articles either."
AoT: "Look twinkle toes, it's painfully obvious you don't want to scuff your fancy Italian leathers..."
AM: "They're already ruined..."
AoT: "So how about I do all the work and you just provide a distraction." Lois grabs his hand and pulls him along. Together they find out that Lex has a conference room reserved for the next day.


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