7.15 Masquerade by KK & MR (Part V)

as retold by Maniac64 & PhantomChic

MR: We come back from a commercial break right where we left off, with a Lanabot standing in front of the battlesuit.
KK: Hope stares at the bot in disbelief. Annette, will you read for Hope?
AoT: Sure. "You made an army of robots that look like your ex-wife?"
MR: "I feel that they will make the testing process a little more enjoyable than simply shooting at targets or your standard crash test dummies."
KK: The Lanabot starts talking, in complete squirrel face. "It's your fault Lex. It's because of all of your secwets and lies that we broke up and I ran back to Clark…
MR: And that's when a rocket pops out of the suits shoulder and blasts at the Lanabot blowing it up.
TW: Oh my god, Kristin. You actually gave Michael exploding women robots.
JG: What, he couldn't talk you into making them naked exploding women robots?
MR: Believe me I tried.
KK: But we decided that blowing up Lana was good enough.
MR: It could have been a naked Lana.
KK: I could have decided not to let you have the battlesuit.
MR: Now now, no need for that. I'm just saying, we could have used…
KK: Not even with the body double.
MR: Spoilsport.
TW: Why didn't you just use non-Lana naked exploding women robots?
KK: Actually I gave him the choice. He could either have naked exploding women robots or he could have exploding Lanabots. But naked Lanabots were never going to happen. Anyway, we decided that since it's Lex doing the destruction, Lanabots were better.
AoT: How did you get him to agree that anything was better than naked exploding women robots?
KK: Blowing up Lanabots is Lex working out his issues, it's cathartic. Lex blowing up other naked women is misogynistic.
MR: Besides, blowing up Lana is just more fun.
ED: What do you mean miso...whatever?
AOT: Yeah, what's with the vocab?
KK: I'm trying to prepare myself for the writer's guild.
TW: You do realize our old writers were members of the guild.
KK: So I don't have use all the five dollar words? Thank god. Can we get back to the episode now? Lex looks down at the pieces or the robot smiling.
MR: "See what I mean? That was far more satisfying."
AoT: Hope just rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say Mr. Luthor."
MR: Lex's smile turns into a look of disappointment as he continues to stare that the pieces."Dr. Zabriska."
KK: Zabriska steps up beside the suit.
MR: "That missile is going to need to be stronger. In fact, if that is any indication we had better increase the power of all the weapons, otherwise it won't make a dent in the alien invaders."
KK: "Of course Mr. Luthor. I will make the upgrades myself."
MR: Lex looks around the room smiling. "Now, let's really test this thing out."
KK: Cut to the apartment formerly known as Chloe's. Clark walks in to find Lois searching through drawers. On the table are Chloe's laptop bag and a file box. Tom?
TW: Okay. "Lois, what are you looking for?"
ED: "Files, discs, flash drives. Anything Chloe might have left her research on."
TW: "You're stealing her research?"
ED: "I'm continuing her research. It's her legacy and I'm going to complete it for her. I owe her that."
TW: "But ransacking her things? Did your mysterious new source put you up to this?"
ED: "He didn't put me up to anything. He just convinced me that we need to know what Chloe knew so we can move forward with her investigation."
TW: "Who is this guy? How can he claim to know what Chloe would want?"
ED: "He's a detective."
TW: "A cop?"
ED: "No, more of a private detective."
TW: "Working for who?"
ED: "For the truth. Just like Chloe did for years. He's trying to find out the truth about the aliens. Chloe's been investigating this stuff since high school, you know that."
TW: "And you trust him?"
ED: "I've seen how much he's discovered. Sure, some of it sounds crazy, but some of it makes sense."
TW: "And he's just going to hand the story over to you when it's done."
ED: "He's not a reporter, he just wants the truth to be known."
TW: "Lois, I don't think you should go back there. This guy could be unstable. These crackpot conspiracy guys can be dangerous."
ED: "I can take care of myself, Clark. If I didn't know better, I'd think you didn't want me to find the truth."
TW: "His paranoia is rubbing off on you. I just want you to be safe. We've already lost Chloe and Lana, I don't want to lose you too."
MR: Yeah, we're running out of girls on this show. Hey, maybe we should introduce Supergirl!
KK: That's the stupidest thing I've heard since…that last meeting with Bryan.
ED: "That's sweet, Clark, but you don't need to worry about me."
KK: And we cut to someone who could use help: Martha. Who is walking into a conference room containing four mutants. In addition to Titian, there's Rick, a black man in his thirties, very military bearing; Shane a college-age kid, and a pre-teen girl named Mia. Titian speaks as soon as Martha walks in. "Senator. Glad you could join us."
AOT: "I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances."
KK: "Yes, it is unfortunate that Lucius should be lost. Or perhaps it was simply convenient for you. Had he outlived his usefulness?"
AOT: "What are you talking about?"
KK: "Lucius goes to a private meeting with you, and suddenly falls victim to a car bomb. Hardly the first of us lost to the whims of you and Lionel Luthor."
AOT: "I am not going to stay here and listen to these ridiculous accusations."
MR: As Martha turns to go, the door slams shut behind her. We see Rick's hand is raised; he's sealed it with telekinesis. "This meeting is over when we say it is." A chair moves behind Martha, bumping her legs and forcing her to sit.
KK: "Lucius is one death too many. First Zack O'Donnell, then dozens of good men and women thrown out as fodder during your supposed world-saving battles, now Lucius, our leader. Our people will no longer be used as a private army for you and Luthor with nothing to show for it but a few token pardons for our so-called non-violent offenders."
AOT: "I had nothing to do with Lucius' death. He asked to meet me. He said he was replacing you. It seems to me that you're the one who benefited from his death."
KK: "You dare to accuse me after the way you've used and abused us." He gestures to the girl. "Mia saw his death. She tried to warn him to stay away from you. But he trusted you. And now where is he."
MR: Shane stands up. "We can't even be sure he's dead. There wasn't a body, nothing I could even try to heal. He just disappeared. For all we know, you and Luthor have him locked away somewhere as a lab rat."
KK: "It would hardly be the first time. Our injured and dead disappeared from the scene of that battle in Metropolis into black vans, before Shane had a chance to heal them."
AOT: "I don't know anything about that, but I can help you look into it."
KK: "We don't need your help. You have no idea of the powers at our disposal." We get a reverse shot from behind Martha of the four of them looming over her, before we cut away.


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