7.08 Apparition by KK & AoT (Part V)

As retold by Maniac64 & PhantomChic

AoT: We see Chloe in her room, staring at a fake image of Clark in a tux and Lana in her wedding dress.
KK: The real Lana suddenly appears beside Chloe. “Hello Chloe.”
AoT: Chloe is shocked and keeps looking from her fake image to the GhostLana.
KK: “Having fun mocking the dead?”
AoT: “Lana? No, it can’t be. You can’t be real.”
KK: “I’m real Chloe. Well, as real as a ghost can be. But I guess I have you to thank for that.”
AoT: “What are you talking about? Why me?”
KK: “Why you?! Because Chloe,” Lana removes the scarf “this is all your fault.” You were the person I trusted most. You were my best friend!”
AoT: “No, it’s not my fault. I didn’t…”
KK: Lana ignores her and walks up to the illusion. “But then I guess you were always jealous of me weren’t you?”
AoT: Chloe looks embarrassed and the illusion disappears.
KK: “Denial time’s over Chloe. It’s time for you to take some responsibility for what happened.”
AoT: Chloe is on the verge of tears. “Lana, I would never…”
KK: “You were always jealous of what I had. I should have seen this all coming a long time ago.”
MR: Watch out Chloe. The squirrel is angry!
KK: Save it Michael.
AM: So all this is just you way of having fun? Sure looks like vengeance to me.
KK: Ok, I’ll admit your scene still has a little bit of revenge in it. But I am done as far as getting revenge for Lana and the show. There is just that little issue of the attacks you made on me in you last episode. You still needed a little punishment for that.
AM: What? I didn’t attack you! Just Lana, just like you attacked Chloe!
KK: Oh no. Let’s be honest here Mack. In none of my attacks on Chloe did I attempt to force you to do multiple nude scenes, wear a corset, do hours upon hours of make-up, try and permanently ruin your hair, cover you in syrup, cover you in paint, or make you do a strip tease. You went after me, Allison. Not my character.
AoT: She has a point.
KK: Face it Mack. For all of that, Chloe getting the Lana treatment is far less than you deserve.
AM: Like you would have cared if I did anything to Lana. That was my only way of getting revenge.
TW: Be gracious Allison. That was overly harsh. [Everyone else nods] And after this it sounds like you two can finally bury the hatchet.
KK: Come on Allison, it’s for the good of the show.
AM: [AM looks suspicious] Fine, if that’s what everyone wants. No more revenge, from either of us. We’ll shake on it, and the rest of the cast can make sure we keep the deal.
KK: Sounds good to me.
[They shake hands]
TW: Man I’m glad that’s over.
ED: Hey Tom, I think that resolves the little bet from earlier.
MR: The episode isn’t over yet!
TW: Face it Michael, you lost. [hands ED the $40] I still can’t believe you won.
KK: Can we get back to the episode yet?
AoT: Chloe really is crying now. “Lana, please listen to me. I’m sorry for whatever you think I did, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
KK: “Stop lying Chloe! Even if the end result somehow isn’t your fault, you still could have stopped this whole situation from ever happening. But no, you were so worried that I might get back with Clark that you decided not to warn me about what a relationship with Lex would be like.”
AM: [glaring at KK] You wouldn’t.
KK: You opened the door. I just walked through.
AoT: “How could I warn you? I never…”
KK: “For once in your life be honest with me!”
AoT: Lana touches Chloe’s head and they go into a vision from the past.
ED: Why are these pages a different color?
AoT: They came from a different script. We’re reusing some…old footage.
KK: Chloe visits Lex who wishes her a happy 18th birthday. She thanks him and then helps him re-apply some bandages to his fingers, which look almost completely healed.
[AM and MR look shocked and scared]
MR: Oh no.
AM: It couldn’t be…
[TW, JG, and ED look around the table confused]
KK: [smilingly widely] Lex confesses how helpless he felt under Isabelle’s spell, and how he hated that feeling.
AoT: Chloe empathizes and says that she knows how he feels after her run in with Lionel last year.
KK: Lex counters that Chloe is “anything but helpless” and uses the fact that she’s alive and Lionel is in jail as proof.
JG: [realizing what’s happening] No way.
[TW looks at JG’s smile and then his eyes widen. ED just looks more confused.]
ED: What’s going on?
KK: Just wait Erica. It will all become clear very soon.
AoT: Chloe adds that it’s all “Thanks to Lex”. She starts to come on to Lex and they kiss.
KK: Then they screw like bunnies.
[ED gasps. TW, MR, and AM just look shocked, JG is smiling. KK and looks around contently.]

to be continued...

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