as retold by RepairmanBob
MR: Back to the FoS. Clark says “I am ready, Jor-El. I need to know what I am facing.” An energy field comes up around Clark – think Vessel. We see a series of images of Krypton. Lots of crystal and happy, pretty people.
JG: “Krypton was a beacon of light in the vast darkness of space. Where there was chaos, we brought order. Where there was suffering, we brought compassion. Where there was barbarism and brutality, we brought justice. Across the universe, the Kryptonian Empire brought enlightenment and peace.“
MR: As he says this, we see Kryptonians on other worlds, helping poor, dirty, less attractive aliens.
KK: God, do we need all the exposition?
ED: Oh, oh, let me do it. I love to do exposition.
AoT: Will I have a scene soon? My husband is flying in this weekend, and the lack of Martha bores me.
JG: Can I finish, please? “On some worlds, there was hostility to the greatness of Krypton.”
TW: Great, now Clark’s ancestors were bastards?
AM: Do you even remember Jor-El season two? Season three? Season four?
KK: And people accuse me of not watching the show.
JG: After last season, I applaud your wisdom. Show some especially ugly aliens attacking the pretty aliens. “They were shown the error of their ways.” Ugly aliens get killed by Kryptonians with cool weapons. “For thousands of years, we guided Known Space.”
AM: Clark looks annoyed. “I don’t care about ancient history. I need to know about the threat to the people I care about.”
JG: “You must understand what came before, Kal-El, if you are to be prepared for what is to come.”
KK: This dialogue sucks. If you were stalling any more, the episode would be playing in reverse.
MR: Haven’t you ever heard of build-up? Creating mood? Setting up a big reveal?
KK: Not on this show.
AM: A LuthorCorp Lab. Lex is talking to Dr. Richards, while Hope watches. Kahloe is laying on a lab table.
MR: “Dr. Richards, you told me Salvation would have an 80% survival rate. You told me we would improve that rate within a few weeks with testing and improvements in processing the drug. So, I would you like to explain,” Lex starts to yell, “this article!” He throws Lois’s article from Darkness at Dr. Richards. Erica, if you would?
ED: Oh, sure. “I told you not to underestimate Lois Lane. She comes from a dangerous family. She is –“ no, no, I am not doing that line.
AoT: What line?
MR: Just say it, Erica.
ED: I am not saying that line!
KK: What is the big deal?
TW: Just stop complaining and say the line, Erica.
ED: Fine! “ She is no Chloe Sullivan, but she is still a threat!”
AM: Now say it again. With more feeling.
ED: What the hell, Allison?
AM: I got fired and Lois has happily been SWF-ing Chloe all season! So excuse me if I am a little bitter!
KK: Embrace you anger. I have.
AM: Dr. Richards tries to respond. “Mr. Luthor, this is a new science! Meta-human physiology is far more complex than any of us would have imagined!”
MR: “I do not want excuses! You had time to perfect Salvation before we started public testing!”
ED: “Come now, Lex. Does shouting at the help really accomplish anything?”
AM: “Mr. Luthor, the initial tests were done on a limited number of subjects, under highly controlled circumstances. It was… unfortunate that these complications arose when we increased the subject pool, but –“
MR: “Complications, Doctor? I would hardly call a 20% mortality rate a complication!
AM: "But that includes -"
MR: No, that does not the deaths we faked to keep interesting subjects! When you consider in the additional 20% of the subjects who undergo crippling physical or mental damage, and your continued inability to stabilize the length of Salvation’s effect, your recent performance has been far less than satisfactory!” Behind Lex, Hope cracks her knuckles.
JG: Why is it Lex rarely shows this kind of backbone?
MR: Because I do not write all the episodes.
TW: Thankfully.
MR: Hey! I always make Clark look good!
TW: You are also obsessed with naked exploding robot women.
MR: It’s like jello! There’s always room for NERW!
KK: That sounds like a new show on Fox this season.
AoT: Or the CW.
JG: I think they already have that in production as a Spring replacement series.
MR: Lex visibly calms himself. “However, I am willing to accept that this is a new area of science, and set backs must be expected. What do you need to improve the quality of Salvation, Dr. Richards?”
AM: Dr. Richards looks like he is about to pee himself. “I need more staff – more than half of my team has been diverted to assist with Project Ares.”
MR: “Done.”
AM: “I need more equipment. The dramatically increased production of Salvation has lead to drug impurities due mechanical breakdown.”
MR: “Easily accomplished.”
AM: “Most of all, I need more samples from Subject C 36. The original Salvation formula was created from a very limited amount of genetic material. With more samples from the original subject, I know Salvation could be improved.”
MR: “And by samples, you mean…”
AM: “Blood, or course. Bone marrow, skin, tissue samples– anything from subject C 36 would be invaluable. And that is to say nothing of what I need to begin the improvements we have discussed for the next generation of PAS. I will do my best, Mr. Luthor, but without more original samples from C 36, “ he looks nervous, ”I am sorry, but I am not sure how much I can –“
MR: “I understand, Dr. Richards.” Lex looks at Dr. Richards with a very ambiguous expression.
KK: Like he wants to kiss him!
AoT: I can believe that.
TW: Will I get another scene soon?
ED: Cut to Kahloe, who looks concerned.
AM: Nighttime at the Daily Planet.
TW: Hold on – didn’t Chloe take off for three months?
AM: So?
TW: Wouldn’t the Daily Planet have fired her if she just disappeared for that long?
AoT: Tom has a point. Maybe Chloe can be at a run down hotel.
AM: I need computer access for this scene! A run down hotel will not work!
KK: Chloe needs a computer. What a shock.
ED: It would if she is setting a romantic reunion with Jimmy.
KK: I killed him off. Now, if she wants a romantic reunion with Zombie Jimmy…
AM: No romantic reunion!
MR: Maybe with Lex?
JG: Or Lionel?
AM: We are not building a new set for one scene! Chloe took a leave due to Moria’s death. I will add a scene about it later. Right now Chloe is sitting at a desk, her hands resting on a keyboard. Her hands are not moving, but on screen code is flashing rapidly. Complex mathematical equations start to appear in the air.
MR: Sex appears. “I did not know you had taken courses in advanced statistical theory, meta-human biology and extra-terrestrial chemistry.”
AM: “Very funny. I am looking at the information of Salvation.”
MR: “All of which is useless to you, considering you lack the background in –“
AM: “I have slaved 43 computer networks and every Cray at LuthorCorp and the DoD to break down and analyze the information for me.” The equations begin to shift and flow in space around Chloe. “I should have what I need in less than an hour.”
MR: Sex frowns. “Have you really made up your mind about this? Consider all the good you could do for the world with your abilities!”
AM: “I have hurt people I care about with my abilities. Killed them. That is unacceptable.”
MR: “So Lana Lange died. I am sorry, but boo-hoo.”
KK: I could not agree more.
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