7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part VIII)

as retold by RepairmanBob

AM: Chloe appears next to the door. “Which might help against someone who could not control computers.” She throws Lex his zip drive.
MR: “Well, that is true. Did you find what you are looking for?”
AM: “Why are you faking the test results? The numbers you are giving to the FDA –“
MR: “Are confidential and government property. My, you have been improving your hacking skills.” Lex smiles slightly, and walks towards Chloe.
AM: “I can do a lot of things.” Chloe makes a resolved face, and walks towards Lex. “But right now, what I want is Salvation.”
MR: Lex shows polite surprise. “Most people want others to save them from their suffering. I must say, Chloe, am surprised you would make that decision. You can do amazing things with your abilities. Why would you want to give them up?”
AM: “I thought the effects of Salvation were temporary.”
MR: Lex smiles. “Well, salvation must be earned, as you know." His face turns serious. "The effects of the drug are also highly dangerous. You have been given a gift, Chloe. Why would you want to throw it away?”
AM: “My reason are my own, Lex, and they are none of your business.”
MR: Chloe and Lex get within arm’s length of each other. The slowly circle each other moving clockwise, while the camera spins counterclockwise around them. “You always were so very good at keeping… secrets.”
AM: “Coming from the man who is building an army of meta-human hybrid, that is quite a complement.”
MR: “Is that what got between us, Chloe? Too many secrets? Your secrets, my secrets… Clark’s secrets.”
AM: “Clark was the man in the middle of you and Lana.”
TW: You two are not even bothering to hide the gay, are you?
MR: "Don't change the subject."
AM: "Lex, we had much larger problems than Clark."
AoT: Not hiding the gay even a litle bit.
MR: Lex flashes a sexy smile. “Was it because we are too alike, then? We are both driven, stubborn people. We both want to succeed on our own terms. We are both passionate about our... work. We both want to discover the hidden truths of the world –“
AM: “The difference, Lex, is that I want to share those truths with the world. You want to hide them away and use them for your own benefit.”
MR: Lex and Chloe move closer. “In that case, tell me the truth. Why do you want Salvation?”
AM: Chloe looks directly into Lex’s eyes. “I refuse to let these abilities define or dominate me. I would rather die fighting than let anything control my life. You should know that better than anyone.”
MR: Lex smiles. “You willpower always was one of your most impressive traits.”
AM: Chloe and Lex kiss.
ED+TW: Ewwwww!
MR: As the camera pans around them, Sex appears. He looks annoyed. “This is pointless. Lex has no ulterior motives. He cares for you, in his way, and will provide you with Salvation, if it is what you wish.”
AM: The camera pans around Chloe and Lex. As soon as Sex is out of site, Kahloe appears, also looking frustrated. “I am blocking her telepathy. She believes you just want to help her. These manipulations are beneath you, Lex.” End of scene.

AM: Next morning. Clark is -
KK: Hold on! Did Chloe sleep with Lex?
MR: Oh yeah she did.
AM: Like hell.
ED: Then why did they kiss?
MR: Because Lex tapped that ass! (Starts to make porno music sounds) Bow chicha bow bow!
AM: Because Chloe wanted to test Lex, and see if he was up to something.
JG: But she did not count of Lex and Kahloe being prepared for that.
AM: So, Lex and Chloe both look smart.
MR: And Lex got to nail Chloe! Bow chicha bow bow!
AM: Are you finished?
MR: That’s what she said! Bow chicha bow bow!
KK: She certainly did if she slept with Lex. (High fives AM.)
JG: (Shakes his head) Michael, you never fail to find new and amazing ways to disappoint me.
TW: Where the hell is Clark?
AM: It is Chloe’s last episode! You can get all the screen time in the next episode.
TW: Then shouldn’t we explore the Clark / Chloe relationship? Why is there so much Lex?
MR: Because Lex is so damn hot? Bow chicha -
AM: Because Michael wrote the episode. Anyway, we have had six season exploring the Clark / Chloe relationship. They are very close friends.
ED: But there is not romance. Clark loves Lana –
KK: God, don’t I know it
ED: And will fall in love with Lois someday.
AM: Thank you, Captain Obvious. We get it. If Chloe is going to be killed off, the Chloe / Lex relationship we introduced this season had to be explored. Tom, would you mind?

TW: Clark is driving in his new – oh, hell no.
AoT: Tom, you are whining a lot this week.
KK: I think he has been playing Clark too long.
KK+ED+JG+AoT: I love Lanaaaa!
MR+AM: And pie!
KK+ED+JG+AoT: I want to tell her my secrets!
MR+AM: And eat pie!
KK+ED+JG+AoT:: But I am scared she will say…
MR+AM: We have no pie!
TW: Fuck you all.
MR: Hey Tom, what did you have for dinner last night?
TW: Chicken and banana cream…
AM+ED+KK+MR+JG+AoT: (Laughing)
TW: Oh, screw you, Michael. And I am not doing this line.
JG: What is so bad about it?
TW: Listen - Clark is driving in his new Yaris, and he checks his phone. No way am I driving a Yaris.
AM: We need the ad money for special effects.
JG: If it makes you feel any better, with only five of us after this -
AM: (sobs)
JG: We will have more money for the episodes.
KK: Or, we could keep the extra money and keep using the sponsorship.
AoT: I like the option that increases my paycheck.
TW: I am not driving a Yaris!
AM: Stop being such a car snob. Chloe was driving a Yaris all season.
TW: Until you wrecked it!
ED: They are surprisingly roomy, Tom.
AoT: You are not on camera, dear.
ED: I know, but I get a free Yaris if one more appears on Smallville this season. I am going to sell it and put the money towards new heat lamps for my back yard. Naked parties get chilly in November.
TW: Do can barely fit in a Yaris! Do you have any idea how ridiculous it will look if I am driving one?
AM: Suck it up, Tom. We need to money for special effects.
MR: And for Allison’s going away party. Are you really going to be a dick about this now, Tom? On her last episode?
AM: (Looks at TW with “Sad Chloe” expression)
TW: I am not driving a Yaris!
MR: Fine, fine you big baby.
AM: We can probably get him a Tundra. It cost twice a much, so me might get even more promo money.
TW: It should be red!
MR: Keep it up, and it will be pink.
KK: With pictures of Lana airbrushed on the doors?
AM+MR: Ohhhhhh….
AM: Just let me write that –
TW: (Looking concerned.) A Tundra will work! I like Tundras!


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