as retold by RepairmanBob
TW: Clark growls “You planned this.”
MR: Lex looks slightly offended. “Excuse me?”
TW: “All of this crap – this is exactly what you wanted. You have been looking for an excuse to get Chloe inside one of you labs for months. Now that you have the chance, you are going to have you cut her to pieces so you can build better toy soldiers.”
KK: Wow, Clark is much smarter than Chloe. Did we replace him with Bizarro when I was filming Supernatural?
AM: “Clark…”
MR: “Chloe came to me, Clark. She asked for my help. If you have a problem with that, take it up with her.”
TW: Clark moves closer to Lex. “If anything happens to Chloe… If anything goes wrong… If your pet doctor so much as drops his scalpel… I will hold you responsible.”
AM: “Clark.”
MR: “I am here to personally oversee the operation, to make sure nothing goes wrong.”
TW: Clark gets face to face with Lex.
KK+ED+JG: And they kiss.
TW: “Do you remember that talk we had a few months ago, Lex?” Clark’s voice becomes even deeper.
AoT “I will always love you, Lex!”
TW: Clark spits at Lex through gritted teeth. “Do you remember will happen if she is hurt?”
AM: “Clark!”
TW: Clark turns to look at Chloe.
AM: Chloe looks pissed. “This is my choice! Either respect that, or get out of here!”
MR: Lex smirks.
TW: Clark backs away, glaring at Lex.
JG: Why do I think this will not end well?
MR: Because you are not Erica.
ED: Was that an insult?
AoT: Not if you did not understand it, dear.
AM: Cut to the operating room. Chloe is lying on the medical table. She attached to several of the machines by tubes and wires all over her body. She looks nervous. Clark and Lois are nest to Chloe. Lex is standing against the wall to the right of Chloe. Dr. Richard and 2-3 other men are making final adjustments to the equipment.
ED: Lois gives Chloe a nervous smile. “I will see you soon, cuz.”
AM: “Count on it.”
TW: Clark looks down at Chloe. They make eye contact and hold it for a few seconds. He nods, and she smiles. Clark and Lois walk to the wall opposite Lex. The both look anxious.
MR: Sex appears and looks down at Chloe. “Please, reconsider. I am begging you. Is this really necessary? Maybe Clark has resources at the Fortress that could help block your powers? Must you take this risk?”
AM: Chloe looks at Sex, then at Dr. Richards. “Are we ready to get started? I wasn't planning to start a new career as a human pin-cushion.”
MR: Lex looks down at Chloe with a blank expression.
AM: Kahloe appears next to Lex. She looks at Chloe. “I wish you had talked to her. She looks so… small. So helpless. She must hate it.”
MR: “She will do what is necessary to be true to herself. As must we all.”
AM: Sex turns to face Lex. “Please be careful, Lex. I know we need her genetic material, but the operation you and Dr. Richards designed… she does not understand how dangerous it truly is.”
MR: Lex turns to Chloe, and his face cracks – we see for the first time he is upset he is. “Chloe will be fine. I will keep her safe.”
AM: The operation begins. Chloe falls asleep.
JG: “Initiating stage one.”
AM: Green-ish red liquids flow out of the tubes in Chloe. It goes into a large machine, comes out red and is pumped back into her.
MR: Clark, Lex and Lois all look nervous.
AM: Chloe’s heart rate and respiration start to speed up. One of the doctors standing near her flies back into a wall.
TW: An unconscious 30-foot throw?
KK: Nice.
AM: A machine starts to spark and make strange noises. Chloe starts to glow, and the tubes carrying her blood disappear, so it looks like the blood is flowing through the air.
ED: “What the hell is going on?”
MR: Lex frowns. “Dr. Richards?”
JG: Dr. Richards continues to work, ignoring the chaos. “We expected some involuntary exhibitions of Ms. Sullivan’s powers at this stage.” A second machine begins to spark. “Everything is under control.”
MR: “It had better be.”
TW: Clark rushes to Chloe’s side. One of the doctors tried to stop him, but Clark throws him a – oh, come on.
MR: What?
TW: Is that really necessary?
MR: Yes.
TW: Can’t you put it some other way?
MR: Fine, let’s ask everyone. One of the doctors tried to stop him, but Clark throws him a ClarkSmash! Look.
ED: Oh, I totally get that.
KK: Yeah, it makes sense in that scene.
AoT: It is excellent shorthand for Clark’s physical and emotional state at that moment.
TW: But it is so…
JG: Crude? Thuggish?
TW: Exactly!
JG: So is Clark.
(Everyone but TW laughs)
TW: Fine, fine. Clark gets to Chloe’s side.
AM: Tight on Chloe. She is glowing brightly, and heat is visible rising from her body. One of the other doctors tries to touch her, and pulls back – his hand is badly burned.
TW: Clark looks at Chloe’s face. Her eyes are moving rapidly under closed lids. He grabs her right hand, and we hear a voice over. “I am right here Chloe. I will keep you safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
KK: Right up there with Lex saying “Security is on the way” as far an reassuring comments go.
AM: Chloe smiles, and the glowing fades away. The machines being acting normally, and the tubes carrying her blood reappear.
MR: Lex steps forward. “Dr. Richards, that should be enough. We should move on to stage two.”
JG: “I think we need to extract a little more meta-human material before we inject the nano-machines. We have to be sure her immune system will not simply destroy them.”
AM: Kahloe turns pale. She looks like she is about to start crying.
JG: Playing to your strengths, Allison?
AM: Always. “Lex. Please stop this. Stop it now, before it is too late. This will go badly, I know it.”
AM: Chloe starts to have a seizure. Her pulse and heart rate spike again.
ED: Lois moves towards the table. “Stop it! Stop the damn operation!”
JG: “We are too far along to –“
MR: Lex looks deadly serious. “Do it now, Doctor.”
JG: Dr. Richards moves to a machine and presses several buttons. The blood begins to get pulled from Chloe even faster, and another machine begins to inject a gray liquid into her left arm.
MR: “What the hell are you doing?”
JG: “The machines are not responding! She must have damaged the overrides!”
MR: Lex runs up and grabs Dr. Richards by the front of his lab coat. “Get the emergency back-ups on line! Now!” He pushes the doctor away, and goes from machine to machine, rapidly making adjustments.
AM: Kahloe is in hysterics. “Save her! Please Lex, you have save her!” Major tears here.
TW: Clark looks terrified. “What are you doing? What is happening? You said –“
MR: “Lex does not even look up. “I am trying to save your best friend’s life, so stop distracting me!” Lex moves to another machine, and continues making adjustments.
AM: Chloe’s heart monitor flat-lines, and she stops moving.
ED: Lois pushes Clark out of the way. “Move, damnit!” She starts performing CPR. “Don’t you” -breaths- “die on me” -breaths- “don’t you dare” -breaths- “die on me” -breaths- “I will kick" -breaths- "you ass” –breaths– “powers or not” -breaths-“if you try" -breaths- "to die”-breaths- “on me.”
MR: Lex is still frantically throwing switches and yelling at his minions. He is refusing to look at Chloe. “Damn it!"
AM: Kahloe appears next to him. She looks like hell – she is still crying, her eyes are red, and she is pissed. She curls her lip and snarls at Lex. “You bastard. This is all on your head.” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “You father would be so proud.” She fades away, staring death at Lex.
MR: Lex does not even respond. He continues to frantically work on the machines. He finally looks up, and we see his is panicked, desperate even. Lex returns to his work. “Work, damn you!”
TW: Close-up of Clark. He looks completely devastated – like he cannot understand or process what he is seeing. Like his entire world is ending. Tears are running down his face. He is still holding Chloe's limp right hand.
MR: Pan back to Lois performing CPR, and Lex screaming at the doctors. Over it all, we can hear the heart monitor. Cut to the credits, with the flat-lined monitor sound still blarring.
AM: And that is that. (AM looks a little sad.)
TW: Allison are you alright?
AM: Well, I just wrote my own death scene, the locks on my trailer are being changed next week, and I will probably be on an even worse show than this by the end of the month. So, no, I am not all right, Tom.
MR: (Smiles) I know what would make you feel better.
AM: Beating Bryan with a lead pipe?
JG: Ohh, I like that idea!
AoT: Can we all get some pipes?
MR: Karaoke!
JG: (Face drops) Oh, that could work, too.
AM: Will there be tequila?
MR: Of course.
AM: Then let’s roll.
(Cast stands up)
KK: On the bright side, John, if we get Allison drunk enough she will probably attack Bryan with a lead pipe.
JG: So we all win! Excellent!
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part IX)
as retold by RepairmanBob
MR: So, back to the script.
TW: Clark is driving his new Yar – Tundra. He checks his cell phone. There is a text message with an address and a time. Underneath it is a short note. Please be there – CS
ED: Counterstrike?
AoT: (Raises hand to hit ED, then puts it down) Wouldn’t do any good. (Smiles, hits ED anyway)
ED: Owww! Why did you hit me?
AoT: Why the hell not?
TW: Clark pulls up to a large building with the Operation Salvation logo. He sees Lois leaning against her Yaris in the parking lot. Clark pulls up next to her and gets out. “You got my text message?” Hey, what is with all the text messages?
AM: Motorola promo dollars.
MR: And a year of free calls of the cast!
(AM+ED+TW+KK+JG+AoT) Hurray!
MR: Except you, Allison, since you are fired.
AM: Fuck! (Hands MR and brand new phone.) OK, back on task, people. Erica, if you would?
ED: Lois looks annoyed and anxious. “Obviously, since I am here.”
TW: Clark walks towards Lois. “Thanks for coming. I know it will mean a lot of Chloe that you are –“
ED: Lois walks up to Clark, and starts yelling. “What the hell did you do, Smallville?”
TW: Clark looks shocked. “Excuse me?”
ED: “I sent you to talk to Chloe! To make her understand how stupid this is!”
TW: “Lois, I –“
ED: “I know what Chloe thinks of me. I know she never listens to me. But Godamnit it, she think you walk on water!”
TW: “You know how stubborn Chloe is. Once she makes up her mind –
ED: “And you couldn’t convince her?” Lois starts to poke him in the chest with a finger. “Chloe has loved you since she came to this meteor infested hell-hole! She would do anything for you! And when I ask you to do one simple thing and convince her to not throw her life away, you manage to screw it up?”
TW: Clark looks like he has been slapped.
ED: Lois gets right in Clark’s face. “What, do you only care about women named Lana? Were you too busy milking the cows to spend a few minutes explaining what huge mistake this is to a girl that does not have shiny black hair?”
TW: Clark finally responds. He yells back, “You don’t think I tried? Do you really think I did nothing? That I did not try to explain what a bad decision this is? How stupid this is?”
ED: “Then–“
TW: “Do you think I did not do everything I could to talk her out of this? Chloe is so desperate she is going to Lex for help – how do you think that makes me feel? This is killing me! I would lock her up and make her listen to reason, but we both know that would not have worked even before she got powers!”
KK: Wait, why is Clark being such a dick?
MR: He is worried about Chloe.
TW: Still not seeing it.
AM: Clark is scared that Chloe will die, and he is powerless to prevent it.
MR: All of his powers are useless here. He cannot protect Chloe, he cannot make her change her mind, he can’t even dump her at the Fortress and try to talk her out of this.
AM: He is scared of losing another person he cares about. More than his parents or Lana, Clark has always been closest to Chloe.
AoT: I disagree!
KK: I don’t.
AM: Clark and Chloe completely trust each other. The thought of losing his emotional support system, and being helpless to do anything about it, is terrifying and frustrating.
AoT: Martha loves Clark! He can go to her!
ED: The woman who is banging Lionel? Not so much.
JG: She has a point.
MR: Tom, you will need to be subtle on this one. Clark is under a lot of pressure. He is scared and frustrated, and trying to put on a brave front for Lois and Chloe. When Lois pushes him too far, he just snaps for a second.
ED: “Then what are we supposed to do?”
TW: Clark looks away, then back at Lois. All the anger is gone – he just looks tired. He leans against his Tundra. “We wait. We go with her. We are there for her.”
ED: Lois frowns, then leans back on the Tundra next to Clark. “I hate waiting.”
TW: “Me too.”
AM: Chloe flies in.
TW: Have I mentioned that it sucks that Chloe flies before Clark?
AM: Yes. She sees Clark, and smiles. “I did not know if you would come." She looks next to him and sees her cousin. "Lois?"
ED: Clark and Lois look at each other, and visible change their expressions. “Hi Chlo. Did you really think I was going to let you go in there without me?”
TW: Clark smiles. “Your personal bomb squad is ready and waiting.”
AM: Chloe looks like she is going to cry. She hugs them both. “Thank you.”
JG: (Yawns)
MR: Lex and Dr. Richards are in a large operating room. Several of the machines Hassad delivered earlier in the episode are visible, surrounding an operating table. Lex appears slightly nervous, and he is taking it out on his minion. “I cannot stress how important this is – Chloe must be protected at all costs. Salvation, the PAS – they are al secondary to her well being.”
AM: “Mr. Luthor, I will be careful. I know how important –“
MR: “You have no idea how important this operation is. I do not want your best. Dr. Richards. I want this procedure to go flawlessly. Nothing else is acceptable.”
AM: Add in a quick montage of Chloe getting her blood tested by Dr. Richards. We can thow in some crappy music the CW wants promoted.
KK: “Music to donate blood by.” Wow, that will sell CDs.
MR: Chloe, Clark and Lois enter the operating room.
AoT: What?
MR: I said Chloe, Clark and -
AoT: Allison, what happened to my song?
AM: I am sorry, Annette, I really am.
JG: What is going on?
AoT: I was going to sing over the last scene!
MR: We had that planned when we thought Chloe might be coming back. But Bryan and Dawn said they wanted a clear on-screen death.
AM: (sobs)
MR: And then Bryan started talking about House, and asked me to make the scene more like a medical show. Then we started talking about pizza, and went out to grab a bite to eat.
AM: I tried, Annette, I really did, but - (breaks into tears.)
AoT: It's all right dear. It was that damn Singer, after all.
AM: (mouths to KK) So easy to manipulate.
KK: (mouths to AM) So easy.
MR: OK, this is going to get complicated. Tom, please keep doing Clark. John, can you do Dr. Richards?
JG: If I must. “Hello, Ms. Sullivan. Has Mr. Luthor gone over the procedure?”
AM: “I know all about Salvation. Give me the damn shot, and be done with it.”
JG: Dr. Richards looks concerned. “Ms. Sullivan, I am afraid it will not be that simple. Based on the tests we did of your blood, a standard injection of Salvation will not be effective. Your enhanced immune system will simply treat it is a poison and neutralize it. We will need to take more dramatic steps.
ED: Lois steps forward. “Dramatic how?”
JG: “We will need to filter your blood, to remove as much meta-human material as possible. We will also need to remove portions of several glands that seem to be responsible for regulating the production of meta-human material. Protein inhibitors will be injected into your brain to hinder the portions of the frontal lobes the control meta-human abilities. Finally, we will inject nano-machines that will maintain a stable level of Salvation in your blood stream."
AM: Chloe has turned pale. Lois looks like she is about to be sick. Clark looks pissed, and is glaring at Lex.
ED: “No. Now way. This is way too dangerous. Let’s go, Chloe. I can call Oliver, he must have someone on his payroll we can talk to-”
AM: Chloe swallows. “This is the only way, Lois. I have looked into every other option. Salvation is my only choice. If this is what is necessary, then so be it.”
MR: So, back to the script.
TW: Clark is driving his new Yar – Tundra. He checks his cell phone. There is a text message with an address and a time. Underneath it is a short note. Please be there – CS
ED: Counterstrike?
AoT: (Raises hand to hit ED, then puts it down) Wouldn’t do any good. (Smiles, hits ED anyway)
ED: Owww! Why did you hit me?
AoT: Why the hell not?
TW: Clark pulls up to a large building with the Operation Salvation logo. He sees Lois leaning against her Yaris in the parking lot. Clark pulls up next to her and gets out. “You got my text message?” Hey, what is with all the text messages?
AM: Motorola promo dollars.
MR: And a year of free calls of the cast!
(AM+ED+TW+KK+JG+AoT) Hurray!
MR: Except you, Allison, since you are fired.
AM: Fuck! (Hands MR and brand new phone.) OK, back on task, people. Erica, if you would?
ED: Lois looks annoyed and anxious. “Obviously, since I am here.”
TW: Clark walks towards Lois. “Thanks for coming. I know it will mean a lot of Chloe that you are –“
ED: Lois walks up to Clark, and starts yelling. “What the hell did you do, Smallville?”
TW: Clark looks shocked. “Excuse me?”
ED: “I sent you to talk to Chloe! To make her understand how stupid this is!”
TW: “Lois, I –“
ED: “I know what Chloe thinks of me. I know she never listens to me. But Godamnit it, she think you walk on water!”
TW: “You know how stubborn Chloe is. Once she makes up her mind –
ED: “And you couldn’t convince her?” Lois starts to poke him in the chest with a finger. “Chloe has loved you since she came to this meteor infested hell-hole! She would do anything for you! And when I ask you to do one simple thing and convince her to not throw her life away, you manage to screw it up?”
TW: Clark looks like he has been slapped.
ED: Lois gets right in Clark’s face. “What, do you only care about women named Lana? Were you too busy milking the cows to spend a few minutes explaining what huge mistake this is to a girl that does not have shiny black hair?”
TW: Clark finally responds. He yells back, “You don’t think I tried? Do you really think I did nothing? That I did not try to explain what a bad decision this is? How stupid this is?”
ED: “Then–“
TW: “Do you think I did not do everything I could to talk her out of this? Chloe is so desperate she is going to Lex for help – how do you think that makes me feel? This is killing me! I would lock her up and make her listen to reason, but we both know that would not have worked even before she got powers!”
KK: Wait, why is Clark being such a dick?
MR: He is worried about Chloe.
TW: Still not seeing it.
AM: Clark is scared that Chloe will die, and he is powerless to prevent it.
MR: All of his powers are useless here. He cannot protect Chloe, he cannot make her change her mind, he can’t even dump her at the Fortress and try to talk her out of this.
AM: He is scared of losing another person he cares about. More than his parents or Lana, Clark has always been closest to Chloe.
AoT: I disagree!
KK: I don’t.
AM: Clark and Chloe completely trust each other. The thought of losing his emotional support system, and being helpless to do anything about it, is terrifying and frustrating.
AoT: Martha loves Clark! He can go to her!
ED: The woman who is banging Lionel? Not so much.
JG: She has a point.
MR: Tom, you will need to be subtle on this one. Clark is under a lot of pressure. He is scared and frustrated, and trying to put on a brave front for Lois and Chloe. When Lois pushes him too far, he just snaps for a second.
ED: “Then what are we supposed to do?”
TW: Clark looks away, then back at Lois. All the anger is gone – he just looks tired. He leans against his Tundra. “We wait. We go with her. We are there for her.”
ED: Lois frowns, then leans back on the Tundra next to Clark. “I hate waiting.”
TW: “Me too.”
AM: Chloe flies in.
TW: Have I mentioned that it sucks that Chloe flies before Clark?
AM: Yes. She sees Clark, and smiles. “I did not know if you would come." She looks next to him and sees her cousin. "Lois?"
ED: Clark and Lois look at each other, and visible change their expressions. “Hi Chlo. Did you really think I was going to let you go in there without me?”
TW: Clark smiles. “Your personal bomb squad is ready and waiting.”
AM: Chloe looks like she is going to cry. She hugs them both. “Thank you.”
JG: (Yawns)
MR: Lex and Dr. Richards are in a large operating room. Several of the machines Hassad delivered earlier in the episode are visible, surrounding an operating table. Lex appears slightly nervous, and he is taking it out on his minion. “I cannot stress how important this is – Chloe must be protected at all costs. Salvation, the PAS – they are al secondary to her well being.”
AM: “Mr. Luthor, I will be careful. I know how important –“
MR: “You have no idea how important this operation is. I do not want your best. Dr. Richards. I want this procedure to go flawlessly. Nothing else is acceptable.”
AM: Add in a quick montage of Chloe getting her blood tested by Dr. Richards. We can thow in some crappy music the CW wants promoted.
KK: “Music to donate blood by.” Wow, that will sell CDs.
MR: Chloe, Clark and Lois enter the operating room.
AoT: What?
MR: I said Chloe, Clark and -
AoT: Allison, what happened to my song?
AM: I am sorry, Annette, I really am.
JG: What is going on?
AoT: I was going to sing over the last scene!
MR: We had that planned when we thought Chloe might be coming back. But Bryan and Dawn said they wanted a clear on-screen death.
AM: (sobs)
MR: And then Bryan started talking about House, and asked me to make the scene more like a medical show. Then we started talking about pizza, and went out to grab a bite to eat.
AM: I tried, Annette, I really did, but - (breaks into tears.)
AoT: It's all right dear. It was that damn Singer, after all.
AM: (mouths to KK) So easy to manipulate.
KK: (mouths to AM) So easy.
MR: OK, this is going to get complicated. Tom, please keep doing Clark. John, can you do Dr. Richards?
JG: If I must. “Hello, Ms. Sullivan. Has Mr. Luthor gone over the procedure?”
AM: “I know all about Salvation. Give me the damn shot, and be done with it.”
JG: Dr. Richards looks concerned. “Ms. Sullivan, I am afraid it will not be that simple. Based on the tests we did of your blood, a standard injection of Salvation will not be effective. Your enhanced immune system will simply treat it is a poison and neutralize it. We will need to take more dramatic steps.
ED: Lois steps forward. “Dramatic how?”
JG: “We will need to filter your blood, to remove as much meta-human material as possible. We will also need to remove portions of several glands that seem to be responsible for regulating the production of meta-human material. Protein inhibitors will be injected into your brain to hinder the portions of the frontal lobes the control meta-human abilities. Finally, we will inject nano-machines that will maintain a stable level of Salvation in your blood stream."
AM: Chloe has turned pale. Lois looks like she is about to be sick. Clark looks pissed, and is glaring at Lex.
ED: “No. Now way. This is way too dangerous. Let’s go, Chloe. I can call Oliver, he must have someone on his payroll we can talk to-”
AM: Chloe swallows. “This is the only way, Lois. I have looked into every other option. Salvation is my only choice. If this is what is necessary, then so be it.”
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part VIII)
as retold by RepairmanBob
AM: Chloe appears next to the door. “Which might help against someone who could not control computers.” She throws Lex his zip drive.
MR: “Well, that is true. Did you find what you are looking for?”
AM: “Why are you faking the test results? The numbers you are giving to the FDA –“
MR: “Are confidential and government property. My, you have been improving your hacking skills.” Lex smiles slightly, and walks towards Chloe.
AM: “I can do a lot of things.” Chloe makes a resolved face, and walks towards Lex. “But right now, what I want is Salvation.”
MR: Lex shows polite surprise. “Most people want others to save them from their suffering. I must say, Chloe, am surprised you would make that decision. You can do amazing things with your abilities. Why would you want to give them up?”
AM: “I thought the effects of Salvation were temporary.”
MR: Lex smiles. “Well, salvation must be earned, as you know." His face turns serious. "The effects of the drug are also highly dangerous. You have been given a gift, Chloe. Why would you want to throw it away?”
AM: “My reason are my own, Lex, and they are none of your business.”
MR: Chloe and Lex get within arm’s length of each other. The slowly circle each other moving clockwise, while the camera spins counterclockwise around them. “You always were so very good at keeping… secrets.”
AM: “Coming from the man who is building an army of meta-human hybrid, that is quite a complement.”
MR: “Is that what got between us, Chloe? Too many secrets? Your secrets, my secrets… Clark’s secrets.”
AM: “Clark was the man in the middle of you and Lana.”
TW: You two are not even bothering to hide the gay, are you?
MR: "Don't change the subject."
AM: "Lex, we had much larger problems than Clark."
AoT: Not hiding the gay even a litle bit.
MR: Lex flashes a sexy smile. “Was it because we are too alike, then? We are both driven, stubborn people. We both want to succeed on our own terms. We are both passionate about our... work. We both want to discover the hidden truths of the world –“
AM: “The difference, Lex, is that I want to share those truths with the world. You want to hide them away and use them for your own benefit.”
MR: Lex and Chloe move closer. “In that case, tell me the truth. Why do you want Salvation?”
AM: Chloe looks directly into Lex’s eyes. “I refuse to let these abilities define or dominate me. I would rather die fighting than let anything control my life. You should know that better than anyone.”
MR: Lex smiles. “You willpower always was one of your most impressive traits.”
AM: Chloe and Lex kiss.
ED+TW: Ewwwww!
MR: As the camera pans around them, Sex appears. He looks annoyed. “This is pointless. Lex has no ulterior motives. He cares for you, in his way, and will provide you with Salvation, if it is what you wish.”
AM: The camera pans around Chloe and Lex. As soon as Sex is out of site, Kahloe appears, also looking frustrated. “I am blocking her telepathy. She believes you just want to help her. These manipulations are beneath you, Lex.” End of scene.
AM: Next morning. Clark is -
KK: Hold on! Did Chloe sleep with Lex?
MR: Oh yeah she did.
AM: Like hell.
ED: Then why did they kiss?
MR: Because Lex tapped that ass! (Starts to make porno music sounds) Bow chicha bow bow!
AM: Because Chloe wanted to test Lex, and see if he was up to something.
JG: But she did not count of Lex and Kahloe being prepared for that.
AM: So, Lex and Chloe both look smart.
MR: And Lex got to nail Chloe! Bow chicha bow bow!
AM: Are you finished?
MR: That’s what she said! Bow chicha bow bow!
KK: She certainly did if she slept with Lex. (High fives AM.)
JG: (Shakes his head) Michael, you never fail to find new and amazing ways to disappoint me.
TW: Where the hell is Clark?
AM: It is Chloe’s last episode! You can get all the screen time in the next episode.
TW: Then shouldn’t we explore the Clark / Chloe relationship? Why is there so much Lex?
MR: Because Lex is so damn hot? Bow chicha -
AM: Because Michael wrote the episode. Anyway, we have had six season exploring the Clark / Chloe relationship. They are very close friends.
ED: But there is not romance. Clark loves Lana –
KK: God, don’t I know it
ED: And will fall in love with Lois someday.
AM: Thank you, Captain Obvious. We get it. If Chloe is going to be killed off, the Chloe / Lex relationship we introduced this season had to be explored. Tom, would you mind?
TW: Clark is driving in his new – oh, hell no.
AoT: Tom, you are whining a lot this week.
KK: I think he has been playing Clark too long.
KK+ED+JG+AoT: I love Lanaaaa!
MR+AM: And pie!
KK+ED+JG+AoT: I want to tell her my secrets!
MR+AM: And eat pie!
KK+ED+JG+AoT:: But I am scared she will say…
MR+AM: We have no pie!
TW: Fuck you all.
MR: Hey Tom, what did you have for dinner last night?
TW: Chicken and banana cream…
AM+ED+KK+MR+JG+AoT: (Laughing)
TW: Oh, screw you, Michael. And I am not doing this line.
JG: What is so bad about it?
TW: Listen - Clark is driving in his new Yaris, and he checks his phone. No way am I driving a Yaris.
AM: We need the ad money for special effects.
JG: If it makes you feel any better, with only five of us after this -
AM: (sobs)
JG: We will have more money for the episodes.
KK: Or, we could keep the extra money and keep using the sponsorship.
AoT: I like the option that increases my paycheck.
TW: I am not driving a Yaris!
AM: Stop being such a car snob. Chloe was driving a Yaris all season.
TW: Until you wrecked it!
ED: They are surprisingly roomy, Tom.
AoT: You are not on camera, dear.
ED: I know, but I get a free Yaris if one more appears on Smallville this season. I am going to sell it and put the money towards new heat lamps for my back yard. Naked parties get chilly in November.
TW: Do can barely fit in a Yaris! Do you have any idea how ridiculous it will look if I am driving one?
AM: Suck it up, Tom. We need to money for special effects.
MR: And for Allison’s going away party. Are you really going to be a dick about this now, Tom? On her last episode?
AM: (Looks at TW with “Sad Chloe” expression)
TW: I am not driving a Yaris!
MR: Fine, fine you big baby.
AM: We can probably get him a Tundra. It cost twice a much, so me might get even more promo money.
TW: It should be red!
MR: Keep it up, and it will be pink.
KK: With pictures of Lana airbrushed on the doors?
AM+MR: Ohhhhhh….
AM: Just let me write that –
TW: (Looking concerned.) A Tundra will work! I like Tundras!
AM: Chloe appears next to the door. “Which might help against someone who could not control computers.” She throws Lex his zip drive.
MR: “Well, that is true. Did you find what you are looking for?”
AM: “Why are you faking the test results? The numbers you are giving to the FDA –“
MR: “Are confidential and government property. My, you have been improving your hacking skills.” Lex smiles slightly, and walks towards Chloe.
AM: “I can do a lot of things.” Chloe makes a resolved face, and walks towards Lex. “But right now, what I want is Salvation.”
MR: Lex shows polite surprise. “Most people want others to save them from their suffering. I must say, Chloe, am surprised you would make that decision. You can do amazing things with your abilities. Why would you want to give them up?”
AM: “I thought the effects of Salvation were temporary.”
MR: Lex smiles. “Well, salvation must be earned, as you know." His face turns serious. "The effects of the drug are also highly dangerous. You have been given a gift, Chloe. Why would you want to throw it away?”
AM: “My reason are my own, Lex, and they are none of your business.”
MR: Chloe and Lex get within arm’s length of each other. The slowly circle each other moving clockwise, while the camera spins counterclockwise around them. “You always were so very good at keeping… secrets.”
AM: “Coming from the man who is building an army of meta-human hybrid, that is quite a complement.”
MR: “Is that what got between us, Chloe? Too many secrets? Your secrets, my secrets… Clark’s secrets.”
AM: “Clark was the man in the middle of you and Lana.”
TW: You two are not even bothering to hide the gay, are you?
MR: "Don't change the subject."
AM: "Lex, we had much larger problems than Clark."
AoT: Not hiding the gay even a litle bit.
MR: Lex flashes a sexy smile. “Was it because we are too alike, then? We are both driven, stubborn people. We both want to succeed on our own terms. We are both passionate about our... work. We both want to discover the hidden truths of the world –“
AM: “The difference, Lex, is that I want to share those truths with the world. You want to hide them away and use them for your own benefit.”
MR: Lex and Chloe move closer. “In that case, tell me the truth. Why do you want Salvation?”
AM: Chloe looks directly into Lex’s eyes. “I refuse to let these abilities define or dominate me. I would rather die fighting than let anything control my life. You should know that better than anyone.”
MR: Lex smiles. “You willpower always was one of your most impressive traits.”
AM: Chloe and Lex kiss.
ED+TW: Ewwwww!
MR: As the camera pans around them, Sex appears. He looks annoyed. “This is pointless. Lex has no ulterior motives. He cares for you, in his way, and will provide you with Salvation, if it is what you wish.”
AM: The camera pans around Chloe and Lex. As soon as Sex is out of site, Kahloe appears, also looking frustrated. “I am blocking her telepathy. She believes you just want to help her. These manipulations are beneath you, Lex.” End of scene.
AM: Next morning. Clark is -
KK: Hold on! Did Chloe sleep with Lex?
MR: Oh yeah she did.
AM: Like hell.
ED: Then why did they kiss?
MR: Because Lex tapped that ass! (Starts to make porno music sounds) Bow chicha bow bow!
AM: Because Chloe wanted to test Lex, and see if he was up to something.
JG: But she did not count of Lex and Kahloe being prepared for that.
AM: So, Lex and Chloe both look smart.
MR: And Lex got to nail Chloe! Bow chicha bow bow!
AM: Are you finished?
MR: That’s what she said! Bow chicha bow bow!
KK: She certainly did if she slept with Lex. (High fives AM.)
JG: (Shakes his head) Michael, you never fail to find new and amazing ways to disappoint me.
TW: Where the hell is Clark?
AM: It is Chloe’s last episode! You can get all the screen time in the next episode.
TW: Then shouldn’t we explore the Clark / Chloe relationship? Why is there so much Lex?
MR: Because Lex is so damn hot? Bow chicha -
AM: Because Michael wrote the episode. Anyway, we have had six season exploring the Clark / Chloe relationship. They are very close friends.
ED: But there is not romance. Clark loves Lana –
KK: God, don’t I know it
ED: And will fall in love with Lois someday.
AM: Thank you, Captain Obvious. We get it. If Chloe is going to be killed off, the Chloe / Lex relationship we introduced this season had to be explored. Tom, would you mind?
TW: Clark is driving in his new – oh, hell no.
AoT: Tom, you are whining a lot this week.
KK: I think he has been playing Clark too long.
KK+ED+JG+AoT: I love Lanaaaa!
MR+AM: And pie!
KK+ED+JG+AoT: I want to tell her my secrets!
MR+AM: And eat pie!
KK+ED+JG+AoT:: But I am scared she will say…
MR+AM: We have no pie!
TW: Fuck you all.
MR: Hey Tom, what did you have for dinner last night?
TW: Chicken and banana cream…
AM+ED+KK+MR+JG+AoT: (Laughing)
TW: Oh, screw you, Michael. And I am not doing this line.
JG: What is so bad about it?
TW: Listen - Clark is driving in his new Yaris, and he checks his phone. No way am I driving a Yaris.
AM: We need the ad money for special effects.
JG: If it makes you feel any better, with only five of us after this -
AM: (sobs)
JG: We will have more money for the episodes.
KK: Or, we could keep the extra money and keep using the sponsorship.
AoT: I like the option that increases my paycheck.
TW: I am not driving a Yaris!
AM: Stop being such a car snob. Chloe was driving a Yaris all season.
TW: Until you wrecked it!
ED: They are surprisingly roomy, Tom.
AoT: You are not on camera, dear.
ED: I know, but I get a free Yaris if one more appears on Smallville this season. I am going to sell it and put the money towards new heat lamps for my back yard. Naked parties get chilly in November.
TW: Do can barely fit in a Yaris! Do you have any idea how ridiculous it will look if I am driving one?
AM: Suck it up, Tom. We need to money for special effects.
MR: And for Allison’s going away party. Are you really going to be a dick about this now, Tom? On her last episode?
AM: (Looks at TW with “Sad Chloe” expression)
TW: I am not driving a Yaris!
MR: Fine, fine you big baby.
AM: We can probably get him a Tundra. It cost twice a much, so me might get even more promo money.
TW: It should be red!
MR: Keep it up, and it will be pink.
KK: With pictures of Lana airbrushed on the doors?
AM+MR: Ohhhhhh….
AM: Just let me write that –
TW: (Looking concerned.) A Tundra will work! I like Tundras!
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part VII)
as retold by RepairmanBob
MR: Lex and Dr. Richards are looking are some really hi-tech looking equipment in a lab. Hope stand in a corner watching them.
AM: Dr. Richards cannot take his eyes off the machines. “Mr. Luthor, this equipment is amazing! It is more advanced than anything I have ever seen.”
MR: Lex smiles. “Yes, it is. Will they be suitable to improve Salvation?”
AM: “Certainly! If these devices are as powerful as I suspect, we will be able to do amazing things! We could reduce the time to create a PAS by weeks, and …” Dr. Richards becomes serious. “Of course, we still need additional material from subject C 36 to make any significant improvements, but with this –“
MR: “As I told you, Doctor, that will be taken care of.”
AM: Kahloe appears next to Lex. “Is all of this really necessary, Lex? Why not tell her what you really want?”
MR: Lex turns away from Dr. Richards and addresses Kahloe. “Why would I do that?” He reaches up and cup’s Kahloe’s cheek.
KK: Ewww.
MR: “I already have you.”
JG: I think Lex is spending a little too much time with his imaginary girlfriend. The other super villains are going to start making fun of him soon.
AM: Kahloe smiles. “You know I love you, Lex, but consider what she can offer you. A worthy mate, who would bear you strong, brilliant children to carry on the Luthor name. A trusted companion, one who has seen inside your soul and is willing to tell you the truth, no matter how painful it may be. A mind as sharp and devious as your own, in an highly attractive body."
MR: Lex raises an eyebrow. “Could it be that you just want to watch us together?”
AM: “Well, I do like to watch.”
ED: Now we are in full-out creepy territory.
AM: “But consider Chloe’s powers.” The lab fades, and we see Chloe in a black jumpsuit, leading an army of PAS. “Imagine her leading the PAS into battle. Imagine the plans you could develop with her. You have seen what she can do. If she absorbed the abilities of a few more meta-humans, do you think even Kal-El could stand against her?”
TW: Great, way to make Clark look worse.
AM: Clark got his ass kicked by an invisible hit-man, the Poison Ivy rip-off, thw WWE guys -
KK: And emotionally by Lana for six years.
MR: Lex raises an eyebrow. “I saw Chloe show multiple powers entering a trap I set for her. It was impressive, but what makes you think she could stand against Kal-El?”
AM: Kahloe looks shocked.
MR: “Are you holding something back?”
AM: Kahloe flashes Chloe's I-got-caught-and-I-am-covering-something-up-smile. “I hoped it would not come to this. I hoped you would trust your feelings. But I will tell you the truth, Lex. Who do you think kept you safe when Kal-El killed Lana?”
AoT: Is Lex really that gullible?
ED: I thought Chloe killed Lana.
AoT: She did, dear.
ED: Then why did Chloe say –
AoT: That was Kahloe.
ED: But Chloe said before –
AoT: Erica, please stop talking or I am going to have to hit you.
AM: “She still cares for you, Lex. Tell her the truth. Tell her about the threat Kal-El represents, and about how you really feel.”
MR: Lex looks at Kahole and says nothing.
AM: Martha in her office, late at night. She checks her planner on the computer – Dinner with Lionel at 5:30 PM. The clock on the computer says 8:45 PM.
JG: Even locked in a cell, Lionel gets the ladies.
AM: Martha picks up the phone. “Hello, this is Senator Kent… yes, I know I called before. Have you seen… No, I already left a message. Thank you.” She looks frustrated.
JG: It could be a lack of sexual fulfillment.
AoT: I know that always puts me in a bad mood.
ED: And makes you violent.
AoT: No, dear. I am always violent.
AM: Martha opens her desk, and pulls out a card. She makes another call. “Hello, this is Senator Martha Kent. I would like to leave a message for Mr. Burg.”
JG: My competent minion!
AM: “His employer should have left him my private line. Please tell him to call me as soon as possible. I think… just have him contact me right away.” Martha puts the phone down and looks worried.
JG: About her boyfriend!
TW: I hate this scene more than words can express.
AM: She brings up her e-mail, and opens the most recent one – the proposed specs for a super max Meta-Human prison facility. Code Name: The Slab. Show blueprints for guard towers, huge walls and big, big guns.
MR: Lionel’s cell.
JG: You mean his room.
MR: No, I mean his cell. Lionel is lying on his bed, with an IV in his arm. Hope is watching him.
AM: “Ready to talk, Mr. Luthor?”
MR: Lionel looks over at her, with a dazed expression.
JG: No!
MR: Yes. “Yes. I... I...”
ED: Wow, that was quick.
AM: Hope smiles and leans in.
MR: “I… am still waiting for my Wall Street Journal.”
JG: Ha!
TW: Michael, why did you let Lionel get that line in?
AM: That one was all me.
MR: Lionel smiles. “I oversaw the creation of every interrogation drug used by LuthorCorp. Did you think I would not inoculate myself against them?”
JG: Thank you, Allison. That was wonderful!
AM: Consider it a going away present. Hope turns away from Lionel and pulls out a cell phone. “No progress yet, sir. He has been resistant to the first round of drugs.”
MR: Camera shifts to Lionel, who suddenly looks much more tired. His eyes turn white.
KK: Jor-El phone home?
MR: Cut to Lex in his office at LuthorCorp. He is sitting at his desk. “Give him a few hours, and try one of the newer compounds.” The door to Lex’s office opens.
KK: And Clark rushes in to accuse him of something?
ED: No, Lois threantes him if he hurts Chloe!
AoT: No, Martha threatens him if anything happens to Lionel!
TW: This is why Lex needs Hope.
MR: And better locks. The door opens, and no one is behind it. The door quickly closes on its own. Lex smiles and stand up. “You might as well make yourself visible, Chloe. I can just run a scan of the office for body heat, or weight on the floor.”
MR: Lex and Dr. Richards are looking are some really hi-tech looking equipment in a lab. Hope stand in a corner watching them.
AM: Dr. Richards cannot take his eyes off the machines. “Mr. Luthor, this equipment is amazing! It is more advanced than anything I have ever seen.”
MR: Lex smiles. “Yes, it is. Will they be suitable to improve Salvation?”
AM: “Certainly! If these devices are as powerful as I suspect, we will be able to do amazing things! We could reduce the time to create a PAS by weeks, and …” Dr. Richards becomes serious. “Of course, we still need additional material from subject C 36 to make any significant improvements, but with this –“
MR: “As I told you, Doctor, that will be taken care of.”
AM: Kahloe appears next to Lex. “Is all of this really necessary, Lex? Why not tell her what you really want?”
MR: Lex turns away from Dr. Richards and addresses Kahloe. “Why would I do that?” He reaches up and cup’s Kahloe’s cheek.
KK: Ewww.
MR: “I already have you.”
JG: I think Lex is spending a little too much time with his imaginary girlfriend. The other super villains are going to start making fun of him soon.
AM: Kahloe smiles. “You know I love you, Lex, but consider what she can offer you. A worthy mate, who would bear you strong, brilliant children to carry on the Luthor name. A trusted companion, one who has seen inside your soul and is willing to tell you the truth, no matter how painful it may be. A mind as sharp and devious as your own, in an highly attractive body."
MR: Lex raises an eyebrow. “Could it be that you just want to watch us together?”
AM: “Well, I do like to watch.”
ED: Now we are in full-out creepy territory.
AM: “But consider Chloe’s powers.” The lab fades, and we see Chloe in a black jumpsuit, leading an army of PAS. “Imagine her leading the PAS into battle. Imagine the plans you could develop with her. You have seen what she can do. If she absorbed the abilities of a few more meta-humans, do you think even Kal-El could stand against her?”
TW: Great, way to make Clark look worse.
AM: Clark got his ass kicked by an invisible hit-man, the Poison Ivy rip-off, thw WWE guys -
KK: And emotionally by Lana for six years.
MR: Lex raises an eyebrow. “I saw Chloe show multiple powers entering a trap I set for her. It was impressive, but what makes you think she could stand against Kal-El?”
AM: Kahloe looks shocked.
MR: “Are you holding something back?”
AM: Kahloe flashes Chloe's I-got-caught-and-I-am-covering-something-up-smile. “I hoped it would not come to this. I hoped you would trust your feelings. But I will tell you the truth, Lex. Who do you think kept you safe when Kal-El killed Lana?”
AoT: Is Lex really that gullible?
ED: I thought Chloe killed Lana.
AoT: She did, dear.
ED: Then why did Chloe say –
AoT: That was Kahloe.
ED: But Chloe said before –
AoT: Erica, please stop talking or I am going to have to hit you.
AM: “She still cares for you, Lex. Tell her the truth. Tell her about the threat Kal-El represents, and about how you really feel.”
MR: Lex looks at Kahole and says nothing.
AM: Martha in her office, late at night. She checks her planner on the computer – Dinner with Lionel at 5:30 PM. The clock on the computer says 8:45 PM.
JG: Even locked in a cell, Lionel gets the ladies.
AM: Martha picks up the phone. “Hello, this is Senator Kent… yes, I know I called before. Have you seen… No, I already left a message. Thank you.” She looks frustrated.
JG: It could be a lack of sexual fulfillment.
AoT: I know that always puts me in a bad mood.
ED: And makes you violent.
AoT: No, dear. I am always violent.
AM: Martha opens her desk, and pulls out a card. She makes another call. “Hello, this is Senator Martha Kent. I would like to leave a message for Mr. Burg.”
JG: My competent minion!
AM: “His employer should have left him my private line. Please tell him to call me as soon as possible. I think… just have him contact me right away.” Martha puts the phone down and looks worried.
JG: About her boyfriend!
TW: I hate this scene more than words can express.
AM: She brings up her e-mail, and opens the most recent one – the proposed specs for a super max Meta-Human prison facility. Code Name: The Slab. Show blueprints for guard towers, huge walls and big, big guns.
MR: Lionel’s cell.
JG: You mean his room.
MR: No, I mean his cell. Lionel is lying on his bed, with an IV in his arm. Hope is watching him.
AM: “Ready to talk, Mr. Luthor?”
MR: Lionel looks over at her, with a dazed expression.
JG: No!
MR: Yes. “Yes. I... I...”
ED: Wow, that was quick.
AM: Hope smiles and leans in.
MR: “I… am still waiting for my Wall Street Journal.”
JG: Ha!
TW: Michael, why did you let Lionel get that line in?
AM: That one was all me.
MR: Lionel smiles. “I oversaw the creation of every interrogation drug used by LuthorCorp. Did you think I would not inoculate myself against them?”
JG: Thank you, Allison. That was wonderful!
AM: Consider it a going away present. Hope turns away from Lionel and pulls out a cell phone. “No progress yet, sir. He has been resistant to the first round of drugs.”
MR: Camera shifts to Lionel, who suddenly looks much more tired. His eyes turn white.
KK: Jor-El phone home?
MR: Cut to Lex in his office at LuthorCorp. He is sitting at his desk. “Give him a few hours, and try one of the newer compounds.” The door to Lex’s office opens.
KK: And Clark rushes in to accuse him of something?
ED: No, Lois threantes him if he hurts Chloe!
AoT: No, Martha threatens him if anything happens to Lionel!
TW: This is why Lex needs Hope.
MR: And better locks. The door opens, and no one is behind it. The door quickly closes on its own. Lex smiles and stand up. “You might as well make yourself visible, Chloe. I can just run a scan of the office for body heat, or weight on the floor.”
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part VI)
as retold by RepairmanBob
MR: Lex and Hope are standing in an empty warehouse. Mr. Hassad walks in.
TW: Wait, Clark just walks away?
AM: Chloe did ask him to go.
TW: But why would Clark give up on Chloe when he knows something is bothering her?
AoT: Secrets and lies – got to love them.
AM: Mr. Hassad looks agitated. “Can you explain why this cannot wait, Mr. Luthor? Kal-El’s minions just destroyed a shipment of the materials my people need. That monster nearly eradicated our world, and now he attacks us here! Here, at the backwater edge of known space, he hunts us like animals!” Hassad is growing more and more agitated as he rants. “I need more time! I need more materials! And you call me here, while my people are dying because of that monster, so we can talk! So please, Mr. Luthor, tell me what is so damn important!”
AoT: Oh, Baltar.
MR: Lex looks slightly amused as Hassad rants.
AM: Kahloe appears. “Slightly over-dramatic, or completely over-dramatic?”
MR: “Completely.” To Hassad – “Are you finished? I called you here for business, but if you feel the need to continue ranting, please be my guest.”
AM: Hassad quickly calms himself. “I apologize, Mr Luthor. This is a difficult time for my people, but you have been a friend to us. I should not take my anger at that Kryptonian beast out on you. Why have you contacted me?”
MR: “Actually, I have a proposal that could be of use to you, considering your recent difficulties. I need advanced medical equipment for some of my own defenses against Kal-El.” Lex smiles and lists a bunch of hi-tech medical mumbo-jumbo.
ED: You two were too lazy to even invent medical words?
MR: I was going to watch old Star Trek episodes for ideas, but Tom came over and we played Wii bowling until 2:00 AM.
TW: What can I say? I like to bowl.
AM: I am going to be surrounded in hi-tech mumbo-jumbo in a few weeks. No way I am doing it a moment sooner than I have to. Hassad smiles. “Fortunately for you, I have equipment on this world that will meet your needs, Mr. Luthor. But in exchange, I will require something more than a few shipments of goods.
MR: “What did you have in mind?”
AM: “I need a secured facility, with access to a large power source. I want to establish a base where Kal-El’s lackeys on this world cannot strike at me. If you can give me that, I can deliver your equipment.”
MR: Lex smiles. “I have several facilities here in Kansas that will meet your requirements.” He hands Hassad a piece of paper. “Now, how soon can you deliver my medical devices to this address?”
AM: Back at the Torch.
MR: Actually, the Daily Planet.
TW: It is still the Daily Planet?
MR: It never changed after Clark left.
KK: So, the Daily Planet.
MR: It changes to the study.
AoT: What?
MR: The Torch turned into the Daily Planet, then into the study! What is so hard to understand about that?
ED: I am confused.
JG: In other shocking news, today ends with Y and Clark liked pie.
AM: Sex cast an illusion only Chloe could see that made the Torch look like the Daily Planet. Now, he made it look like Lex’s study.
KK: Like Harvey in Farscape!
AoT: Who?
MR: Far what?
TW: Was that a Stargate spin-off?
KK: Farscape! Commander John Crichton! Aeryn Sun! More sexual tension in a single scene that Clark an Lana accomplished in six years!
(Rest of cast exchanges confused glances)
KK: Fucking heathens.
MR: Sex looks at Chloe. “If you really are finished with your high school crush, maybe what you are looking for is a more mature relationship.” He walks behind Lex’s desk and sits down.
AM: Chloe laughs. “With you? A figment of my imagination?”
MR: “While I assure you the experience would be… “ he throws Chloe a sexy Lex smile, “stimulating, I was thinking of my corporal counterpart.”
AM: “I hardly think Lex would be an improvement.”
MR: “ Come now. You enjoy dealing with Lex. He challenges you intellectually, pushes you to be your absolute best.”
AM: “He kidnapped my mother!”
MR: “He freed her from her coma and allowed you to be reunited with her. Lex has done great things.”
AM: “He created Level 33.1, and tortured countless people!”
MR: “I said great things. Not good or evil. Do you really think Lex would have gone so far if you stayed at his side three years ago? If Clark had not lied to him for all those years?”
AM: Chloe puts her head down. “I don’t know. Lex is Lex. And while I may still care for him on some level, I refuse to excuse his actions, no matter what excuse he,” she looks at Sex, “or you come up with. Some things you cannot take back.”
MR: “Then move forward. You know why Lex is building his army. The Kryptonians, Zoners, meta-humans; new threats to humanity are appearing every day. Lex simply wants to protect the people of the world. You could help him find a better way to do that. With your abilities and vision, is that so hard to imagine?”
AM: Chloe looks directly at Sex.
MR: Sex stand up. “Chloe, you and Lex could keep the world safe. You could change the world for the better.”
AM: “You mean rule it.”
MR: “Would that really be so bad? Do you think you and Lex would do a worse job than the fools and psychopaths that rule now? And consider how devoted Lex was to Lana and she was little more than a simple pawn in his games with Clark.“
KK: Hey!
MR: Sex moves around the desk and stands in front of Chloe. “Lex would worship you like a goddess. He would shower you with the affection Clark has always denied you. Just imagine it.” He bends down and puts his face close the Chloe. “An equal, Chloe, who would love you and you alone. Who would push you to achieve your potential, and place the world at you feet. A man who is worthy of you.”
JG: Damn.
AoT: That actually makes Lex sound good.
ED: I’d do him.
KK: Same here.
AM: Sex bends in for a kiss, and at the last second Chloe moves away. “I don’t want the world.” The illusion of the study fades away. “And I am not Lana - I want more than illusions and pretty words.”
MR: Sex looks annoyed. “ You could have everything you want! Power, love, fame –“
AM: For the first time, Chloe loses her cool. “Do you know what I want?” Objects around the office start to shake. “I want to be writing for the Daily Planet, not stressing out about appearing in an article on meta-humans!” Chloe rises off the ground. “I want to drink a cup of coffee without wondering if someone drugged it so they can strap me to a table in a secret lab!” Chloe starts to tear up, and objects start to fly around the room. “I want to be able to touch someone without worrying about taking their pain or their thoughts or their powers!” The computers in the Torch start to go haywire. “I want to stop being scared every second of every day that I will hurt everyone I care about!” Chloe glows, and waves of heat are visible rising from her body. She scream, and we see sound-waves fly out and shatter the windows of the Torch. “I want to be Chloe Sullivan again, not the goddamn freak who killed her mother and best friend!”
AoT: Damn.
KK: Chloe is a mess. Never thought you would write that, Allison.
AM: Well, if this is my last episode I want some good juicy scenes.
ED: Emmy tape?
AM: Damn straight.
MR: Sex looks sadly at Chloe and fades away.
AM: Chloe lowers herself to the ground, and completely breaks down. She lies on the floor and sobs.
TW: Well, that was depressing.
MR: Lex and Hope are standing in an empty warehouse. Mr. Hassad walks in.
TW: Wait, Clark just walks away?
AM: Chloe did ask him to go.
TW: But why would Clark give up on Chloe when he knows something is bothering her?
AoT: Secrets and lies – got to love them.
AM: Mr. Hassad looks agitated. “Can you explain why this cannot wait, Mr. Luthor? Kal-El’s minions just destroyed a shipment of the materials my people need. That monster nearly eradicated our world, and now he attacks us here! Here, at the backwater edge of known space, he hunts us like animals!” Hassad is growing more and more agitated as he rants. “I need more time! I need more materials! And you call me here, while my people are dying because of that monster, so we can talk! So please, Mr. Luthor, tell me what is so damn important!”
AoT: Oh, Baltar.
MR: Lex looks slightly amused as Hassad rants.
AM: Kahloe appears. “Slightly over-dramatic, or completely over-dramatic?”
MR: “Completely.” To Hassad – “Are you finished? I called you here for business, but if you feel the need to continue ranting, please be my guest.”
AM: Hassad quickly calms himself. “I apologize, Mr Luthor. This is a difficult time for my people, but you have been a friend to us. I should not take my anger at that Kryptonian beast out on you. Why have you contacted me?”
MR: “Actually, I have a proposal that could be of use to you, considering your recent difficulties. I need advanced medical equipment for some of my own defenses against Kal-El.” Lex smiles and lists a bunch of hi-tech medical mumbo-jumbo.
ED: You two were too lazy to even invent medical words?
MR: I was going to watch old Star Trek episodes for ideas, but Tom came over and we played Wii bowling until 2:00 AM.
TW: What can I say? I like to bowl.
AM: I am going to be surrounded in hi-tech mumbo-jumbo in a few weeks. No way I am doing it a moment sooner than I have to. Hassad smiles. “Fortunately for you, I have equipment on this world that will meet your needs, Mr. Luthor. But in exchange, I will require something more than a few shipments of goods.
MR: “What did you have in mind?”
AM: “I need a secured facility, with access to a large power source. I want to establish a base where Kal-El’s lackeys on this world cannot strike at me. If you can give me that, I can deliver your equipment.”
MR: Lex smiles. “I have several facilities here in Kansas that will meet your requirements.” He hands Hassad a piece of paper. “Now, how soon can you deliver my medical devices to this address?”
AM: Back at the Torch.
MR: Actually, the Daily Planet.
TW: It is still the Daily Planet?
MR: It never changed after Clark left.
KK: So, the Daily Planet.
MR: It changes to the study.
AoT: What?
MR: The Torch turned into the Daily Planet, then into the study! What is so hard to understand about that?
ED: I am confused.
JG: In other shocking news, today ends with Y and Clark liked pie.
AM: Sex cast an illusion only Chloe could see that made the Torch look like the Daily Planet. Now, he made it look like Lex’s study.
KK: Like Harvey in Farscape!
AoT: Who?
MR: Far what?
TW: Was that a Stargate spin-off?
KK: Farscape! Commander John Crichton! Aeryn Sun! More sexual tension in a single scene that Clark an Lana accomplished in six years!
(Rest of cast exchanges confused glances)
KK: Fucking heathens.
MR: Sex looks at Chloe. “If you really are finished with your high school crush, maybe what you are looking for is a more mature relationship.” He walks behind Lex’s desk and sits down.
AM: Chloe laughs. “With you? A figment of my imagination?”
MR: “While I assure you the experience would be… “ he throws Chloe a sexy Lex smile, “stimulating, I was thinking of my corporal counterpart.”
AM: “I hardly think Lex would be an improvement.”
MR: “ Come now. You enjoy dealing with Lex. He challenges you intellectually, pushes you to be your absolute best.”
AM: “He kidnapped my mother!”
MR: “He freed her from her coma and allowed you to be reunited with her. Lex has done great things.”
AM: “He created Level 33.1, and tortured countless people!”
MR: “I said great things. Not good or evil. Do you really think Lex would have gone so far if you stayed at his side three years ago? If Clark had not lied to him for all those years?”
AM: Chloe puts her head down. “I don’t know. Lex is Lex. And while I may still care for him on some level, I refuse to excuse his actions, no matter what excuse he,” she looks at Sex, “or you come up with. Some things you cannot take back.”
MR: “Then move forward. You know why Lex is building his army. The Kryptonians, Zoners, meta-humans; new threats to humanity are appearing every day. Lex simply wants to protect the people of the world. You could help him find a better way to do that. With your abilities and vision, is that so hard to imagine?”
AM: Chloe looks directly at Sex.
MR: Sex stand up. “Chloe, you and Lex could keep the world safe. You could change the world for the better.”
AM: “You mean rule it.”
MR: “Would that really be so bad? Do you think you and Lex would do a worse job than the fools and psychopaths that rule now? And consider how devoted Lex was to Lana and she was little more than a simple pawn in his games with Clark.“
KK: Hey!
MR: Sex moves around the desk and stands in front of Chloe. “Lex would worship you like a goddess. He would shower you with the affection Clark has always denied you. Just imagine it.” He bends down and puts his face close the Chloe. “An equal, Chloe, who would love you and you alone. Who would push you to achieve your potential, and place the world at you feet. A man who is worthy of you.”
JG: Damn.
AoT: That actually makes Lex sound good.
ED: I’d do him.
KK: Same here.
AM: Sex bends in for a kiss, and at the last second Chloe moves away. “I don’t want the world.” The illusion of the study fades away. “And I am not Lana - I want more than illusions and pretty words.”
MR: Sex looks annoyed. “ You could have everything you want! Power, love, fame –“
AM: For the first time, Chloe loses her cool. “Do you know what I want?” Objects around the office start to shake. “I want to be writing for the Daily Planet, not stressing out about appearing in an article on meta-humans!” Chloe rises off the ground. “I want to drink a cup of coffee without wondering if someone drugged it so they can strap me to a table in a secret lab!” Chloe starts to tear up, and objects start to fly around the room. “I want to be able to touch someone without worrying about taking their pain or their thoughts or their powers!” The computers in the Torch start to go haywire. “I want to stop being scared every second of every day that I will hurt everyone I care about!” Chloe glows, and waves of heat are visible rising from her body. She scream, and we see sound-waves fly out and shatter the windows of the Torch. “I want to be Chloe Sullivan again, not the goddamn freak who killed her mother and best friend!”
AoT: Damn.
KK: Chloe is a mess. Never thought you would write that, Allison.
AM: Well, if this is my last episode I want some good juicy scenes.
ED: Emmy tape?
AM: Damn straight.
MR: Sex looks sadly at Chloe and fades away.
AM: Chloe lowers herself to the ground, and completely breaks down. She lies on the floor and sobs.
TW: Well, that was depressing.
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part V)
as retold by RepairmanBob
AoT: Power –
AM: No. Martha gets her “Don’t screw with me” expression. “Try it. I am sure the press would be overjoyed to hear about your fact-finding mission to Las Vegas last year.”
MR: Chairman Anderson cringes.
AM: “Or your golf trip to Mexico in January.”
MR: Another cringe.
AM: “I am sure your constituents would be fascinated by the details of your recent arrest in an airport men’s room.”
MR: “Fine! What do you want?”
AM: “I want your support on these appeals. I want the support of every lackey, minion, and kiss-ass you have under your control. And I want it now.”
JG: I like it!
AoT: But still no power bomb.
MR: Chairman Anderson pulls back. “And then I get the evidence?”
AM: Martha smiles. “Why would I do that?”
MR: He grimaces, and walks to the door. Just before leaving her turns around and look at Martha. “You wouldn’t be so brave if you weren’t sleeping with Lionel Luthor.”
AoT: Certainly he deserves to be power bombed after that.
AM: Martha gives him a cold smile. “I was prepared to be polite. But after that comment, I want a 20% increase in farm subsidies and road development for Kansas in the next appropriations bill. Are we finished, Chairman Anderson?”
MR: The Chairman stomps out.
AoT: I still would have liked a power bomb.
ED: You are a very angry woman, Annette.
AoT: That, and I have not seen my husband in a few weeks.
MR: Tom, could you read Clark here?
TW: I deserve a producer credit for all the reading I am doing this week.
AM: (Sad voice) Please, Tom? It is my last episode… Please? (Flashes sad puppy dog eyes).
TW: OK, for you Allison.
AM: (To KK) So easy to manipulate.
TW: Clark looks shocked. “Chloe, are you serious? Do you know how dangerous this is?”
AM: “Probably better than you do, Clark. But these powers… I need to get rid of them.”
TW: “Chloe, you always told me that my powers are a gift! That I was meant to help people! How is this different?"
MR: Sex appears. “I know what you are thinking. Don’t tell him, Chloe.”
AM: “I can’t control myself. People… people can get hurt around me. This is just too much for me to handle.”
TW: Clark softens his tone. “Chloe, I feel that way all the time. You know that. You can control your powers, but it just takes practice. I can help you. Show you how to be careful, and focus your abilities.”
MR: The Torch changes into a corner ofice the Daily Planet, with windows looking out onto the city. The walls are covered in front page stories about Superman and UltraWoman, the defenders of Metropolis, written by Clark and Chloe Kent-Sullivan. A shelf appears, and it fills with Pulitzers.
AM: Chloe looks shocked. Clark does not notice the change.
TW: “Don’t look surprised. Remember when I said I would be your bomb squad?”
MR: “He could, you know. Look around you, Chloe – you could have all of this. Success, fame, love.” Sex looks at Clark. “Not my first choice by any means, but he would do. And he would embrace your powers. All you need to do is keep your mouth shut.”
AM: “It’s not that simple anymore.”
TW: “Chloe, whatever has happened, we can get through this together. You have always been there for me. Please, let me help you.”
MR: “He loves you, Chloe. Or, he would if you wanted it enough. You can already erase memories. How long do you think it would take to find a meta-human who exudes pheromones or controls emotions? You can make him love you.” Sex looks over Clark.
ED: CoughGAYchough.
MR: "I think you could do better, of course. But do you remember how quickly he responded to Alicia? Or Krya? Clark wants a woman with powers, someone he does not need to protect. If you go with him, you would have no need to abandon your gifts."
KK: Did you just ignore the entire Clark / Lana relationship?
AoT: It would appear so.
ED: Didn’t we already do an episode where someone forces Clark to love them?
TW: Lex hired HypnoHo broke up Clark and Lana.
JG: God, that was pathetic.
KK: No, pathetic is how often they broke up in season five.
AM: And when they got back together on Lana’s wedding day.
JG: Actually, I thought that was more pathetic for Lex.
AM: “Clark, this is something I need to do.”
TW: Clark gets frustrated, and starts yelling again. “Chloe, why are you acting this way? Why do you want to go to Lex? When I lost my powers, you told me being normal was highly overrated. What changed?”
AM: “That was before I... I...“
TW: “What aren’t you telling me?”
AoT: I dye my hair!
KK: I wear a Wonder Bra!
AoT: I hate pie!
ED: I have a penis!
JG: That might be a sell point for Clark.
MR: Sex moves next to Chloe. “Don’t tell him. Don’t you dare tell him. Look at what you will be giving up.” Sex waves around the room and becomes angry. “Look at it! It is bad enough that Clark has cut your heart out for years because of his obsession with that pointless little bitch! Do you really think so little of yourself that now, when she is finally gone and you have Clark all to yourself, all you can do is pick up the knife and cut it out yourself? Don't you deserve to be happy for once?"
TW: Clark’s expression changes. “Tell me what happened. Did Lex threaten you? Or Lois? I can stop him, stop him from ever hurting you again. I can do it tonight.” Great, now Clark is willing to kill Lex?
AM: Stop whining. Chloe looks conflicted, and becomes resolved. “Clark –“
MR: Sex gets a sly look. “If you tell him what you did, do honestly think he'll ever look at you the same way? Is that what you want?"
AM: “You know I trust you more than anyone in the world. That I would tell you anything, and that I can rely on you no matter what happened.”
MR: "Lana was the love of his life, Chloe. You see the look in his eye when he looks at me, and I only married her. How do you think he's going to look at you once he knows you killer her?"
AM: Chloe freezes. “But this is what I need to do. These powers are a curse, and I need to get rid of them.”
TW: “Chloe, please let me help you! Tell me what is going on! No matter what the problem is, we can handle it together!”
AoT: (Singing) Together forever, forever we’ll be -
AM: “Clark… this is something I need to do. My mind is made up. If you ever cared about me, please respect my feelings. And go.”
TW: Clark looks like he has been slapped. “Chloe, what happened to you when you were away?”
AM: Chloe looks sad. “I grew up. Now please go, Clark. Just go.”
TW: Clark looks sad and confused. He walks out the door.
AoT: Power –
AM: No. Martha gets her “Don’t screw with me” expression. “Try it. I am sure the press would be overjoyed to hear about your fact-finding mission to Las Vegas last year.”
MR: Chairman Anderson cringes.
AM: “Or your golf trip to Mexico in January.”
MR: Another cringe.
AM: “I am sure your constituents would be fascinated by the details of your recent arrest in an airport men’s room.”
MR: “Fine! What do you want?”
AM: “I want your support on these appeals. I want the support of every lackey, minion, and kiss-ass you have under your control. And I want it now.”
JG: I like it!
AoT: But still no power bomb.
MR: Chairman Anderson pulls back. “And then I get the evidence?”
AM: Martha smiles. “Why would I do that?”
MR: He grimaces, and walks to the door. Just before leaving her turns around and look at Martha. “You wouldn’t be so brave if you weren’t sleeping with Lionel Luthor.”
AoT: Certainly he deserves to be power bombed after that.
AM: Martha gives him a cold smile. “I was prepared to be polite. But after that comment, I want a 20% increase in farm subsidies and road development for Kansas in the next appropriations bill. Are we finished, Chairman Anderson?”
MR: The Chairman stomps out.
AoT: I still would have liked a power bomb.
ED: You are a very angry woman, Annette.
AoT: That, and I have not seen my husband in a few weeks.
MR: Tom, could you read Clark here?
TW: I deserve a producer credit for all the reading I am doing this week.
AM: (Sad voice) Please, Tom? It is my last episode… Please? (Flashes sad puppy dog eyes).
TW: OK, for you Allison.
AM: (To KK) So easy to manipulate.
TW: Clark looks shocked. “Chloe, are you serious? Do you know how dangerous this is?”
AM: “Probably better than you do, Clark. But these powers… I need to get rid of them.”
TW: “Chloe, you always told me that my powers are a gift! That I was meant to help people! How is this different?"
MR: Sex appears. “I know what you are thinking. Don’t tell him, Chloe.”
AM: “I can’t control myself. People… people can get hurt around me. This is just too much for me to handle.”
TW: Clark softens his tone. “Chloe, I feel that way all the time. You know that. You can control your powers, but it just takes practice. I can help you. Show you how to be careful, and focus your abilities.”
MR: The Torch changes into a corner ofice the Daily Planet, with windows looking out onto the city. The walls are covered in front page stories about Superman and UltraWoman, the defenders of Metropolis, written by Clark and Chloe Kent-Sullivan. A shelf appears, and it fills with Pulitzers.
AM: Chloe looks shocked. Clark does not notice the change.
TW: “Don’t look surprised. Remember when I said I would be your bomb squad?”
MR: “He could, you know. Look around you, Chloe – you could have all of this. Success, fame, love.” Sex looks at Clark. “Not my first choice by any means, but he would do. And he would embrace your powers. All you need to do is keep your mouth shut.”
AM: “It’s not that simple anymore.”
TW: “Chloe, whatever has happened, we can get through this together. You have always been there for me. Please, let me help you.”
MR: “He loves you, Chloe. Or, he would if you wanted it enough. You can already erase memories. How long do you think it would take to find a meta-human who exudes pheromones or controls emotions? You can make him love you.” Sex looks over Clark.
ED: CoughGAYchough.
MR: "I think you could do better, of course. But do you remember how quickly he responded to Alicia? Or Krya? Clark wants a woman with powers, someone he does not need to protect. If you go with him, you would have no need to abandon your gifts."
KK: Did you just ignore the entire Clark / Lana relationship?
AoT: It would appear so.
ED: Didn’t we already do an episode where someone forces Clark to love them?
TW: Lex hired HypnoHo broke up Clark and Lana.
JG: God, that was pathetic.
KK: No, pathetic is how often they broke up in season five.
AM: And when they got back together on Lana’s wedding day.
JG: Actually, I thought that was more pathetic for Lex.
AM: “Clark, this is something I need to do.”
TW: Clark gets frustrated, and starts yelling again. “Chloe, why are you acting this way? Why do you want to go to Lex? When I lost my powers, you told me being normal was highly overrated. What changed?”
AM: “That was before I... I...“
TW: “What aren’t you telling me?”
AoT: I dye my hair!
KK: I wear a Wonder Bra!
AoT: I hate pie!
ED: I have a penis!
JG: That might be a sell point for Clark.
MR: Sex moves next to Chloe. “Don’t tell him. Don’t you dare tell him. Look at what you will be giving up.” Sex waves around the room and becomes angry. “Look at it! It is bad enough that Clark has cut your heart out for years because of his obsession with that pointless little bitch! Do you really think so little of yourself that now, when she is finally gone and you have Clark all to yourself, all you can do is pick up the knife and cut it out yourself? Don't you deserve to be happy for once?"
TW: Clark’s expression changes. “Tell me what happened. Did Lex threaten you? Or Lois? I can stop him, stop him from ever hurting you again. I can do it tonight.” Great, now Clark is willing to kill Lex?
AM: Stop whining. Chloe looks conflicted, and becomes resolved. “Clark –“
MR: Sex gets a sly look. “If you tell him what you did, do honestly think he'll ever look at you the same way? Is that what you want?"
AM: “You know I trust you more than anyone in the world. That I would tell you anything, and that I can rely on you no matter what happened.”
MR: "Lana was the love of his life, Chloe. You see the look in his eye when he looks at me, and I only married her. How do you think he's going to look at you once he knows you killer her?"
AM: Chloe freezes. “But this is what I need to do. These powers are a curse, and I need to get rid of them.”
TW: “Chloe, please let me help you! Tell me what is going on! No matter what the problem is, we can handle it together!”
AoT: (Singing) Together forever, forever we’ll be -
AM: “Clark… this is something I need to do. My mind is made up. If you ever cared about me, please respect my feelings. And go.”
TW: Clark looks like he has been slapped. “Chloe, what happened to you when you were away?”
AM: Chloe looks sad. “I grew up. Now please go, Clark. Just go.”
TW: Clark looks sad and confused. He walks out the door.
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part IV)
as retold by RepairmanBob
AM: FoS. Clark is still getting a history lesson.
JG: “Three thousand years ago, the Kryptonian Empire encountered its greatest enemy. Evil, fanatical hordes lead by a monstrous God-King, they us attacked without mercy. Without thought for losses or their own suffering.”
TW: Are you just ripping off 300?
KK+AoT+ED+AM: I love that movie! Gerard Butler... ummmmm...
JG: If we get sued again, I call dibs on the contract trade.
AM: Just read the scene, John.
JG: Fine. The aliens here look like monsters out of The Lord of the Rings movies, but with lasers – did you two even try to be creative?
AM+MR: No.
KK: (Laughs)
JG: “For 300 years, we fought them across known space. The God-King would send a thousand, ten thousand of his soldiers to kill a single Kryptonian – it did not matter, for he always had more. Then, at our lowest moment, we found hope on an insignificant world on the ends of unknown space.” Show Earth.
JG: “We found the powers the yellow sun gave us. They were powerful, but faded quickly once we left this system. However, we found the natives could be… useful.”
MR: Clark looks concerned. “Useful?”
KK: For sex, based on Jor-El nailing Lana aunt.
ED: Earth - come for the super powers, stay for the Lang women.
JG: “Our ancestor Ras-El found that, with certain modifications, the humans could be gifted with out abilities. But like a candle that burns too brightly, they would soon fade.”
MR: “You mean the process killed them.”
JG: “All being dies eventually, Kal-El. Ras-El made the choice to save the universe from our enemies by sacrificing a few thousand humans.” Now – oh, you have to be kidding.
MR: It is cool!
JG: Fine. Show The Lord of the Rings with lasers aliens getting slaughtered by hundreds of Supermen.
TW: That does sound cool. Derivative, but cool.
MR: Clark looks distressed. “You enslaved and killed thousands of humans!”
JG: “The greater good must always be considered. If a few thousand human lives is the necessary cost to save trillions of sentient beings, then it a bargain.”
MR: Clark steps away form the light circle. “I need some time to think about this."
AM: MM pops up. “Kal-El, there is no time! You must –“
MR: Clark runs out.
TW: Is that necessary?
AM: Clark runs away all the time.
KK: Especially from boobies.
ED: Explains why he loved Lana.
KK: Hey!
AM: Clark is in the Kent kitchen. He looks stressed out from what he learned at the FoS.
TW: I am still not sure why he had to run away.
AoT: Clark can be a sissy, Tom.
JG: He sure does run away a lot.
TW: Fine, fine.
KK: Does this make you sad, Tom? Do you need to go outside for a minute?
TW: Shut up.
AM: Lois marches in.
JG: Does she slam the door?
ED: No.
AM: Yes.
ED: No!
AM: Lois always slams the door. “Smallville! Where the hell have you been? I have been calling you for hours!”
KK: I was working on a book report.
MR: “I left my phone off while I was working on the back forty, Lois. What do you –“
AM: “Not important. Listen, you need to help me find Chloe.”
MR: “Chloe is back? Where was –“
AM: “Stop talking. Get in your truck, start driving and help me find her. Now.” Lois looks nervous and uncomfortable.
KK: Is her sports bra too tight?
ED: No, she is worried about her cousin!
TW: Can’t it be both?
MR: “Lois, I am in the middle of something here. I will –“
AM: Lois grabs Clark’s shirt and they get nose-to-nose.
ED: Does Lois have to be such a –
AoT: Bitch, dear. The word you are searching for is bitch.
ED: Mean person!
TW: No, I think bitch works here.
ED: How about forceful because she is deeply concerned?
AM: So she acts like a bitch. Lois is visibly stressed out here. “Listen, Clark. Chloe is… She is going to take Salvation.
MR: Clark looks shocked. "What?"
AM: Lois misunderstands his expression.
ED: Why, because she is dumb?
AM: Actually, no. For once. "Oh, come off it. Like you weren't the first person Chloe went to when she figured out she was Meteor Infected American. She is obsessed with getting rid of her abilities, and now, she is willing to play Russian Roulette with Lex's miracle cure do to it."
MR: "Lois, I -"
AM: "Clark, you are Chloe's best friend. You are probably the only person on this planet she will listen to right now. God knows she blew me off fast enough." Lois flashes a small smile. “So, either you are going to get in your pick-up truck and help me stop my cousin from making a horrible, stupid mistake, or I am going to kick you corn-fed ass and then you are going to get in your pick-up truck and help me stop my cousin from making a horrible, stupid mistake. Your choice."
AoT: Definitely bitch.
AM: Night time at Smallville High School. Chloe is taking a nostalgic walk through the empty Torch office. Clark shows up at the door. When Chloe sees him she gives him a faint smile.
TW: "I thought I might find you here."
AM: Chloe fondly touching one of the desks. "Where it all started." She gives a half-nostalgic, half- bitter chuckle. "I guess you know me better than I thought, Clark."
TW: Letting a hint of anger show, "Or maybe I don't know you at all. Lois tells me you're thinking about Salvation."
AM: Chloe turns her attention to the bulletin board where the WoW used to be. It now contains old Torch clippings. "Remember the wall of weird?"
TW: "Chloe, this is no time to take a stroll down memory lane."
AM: She pulls one of her own old articles off and studies it. "I never imagined that one day I'd be able to top anything I ever pinned up there."
TW: Clark's irritation escalates. He takes the article out of Chloe hand forcing her to look at him, "Is what Lois said true?"
AM: “My cousin and her mouth. I tell you –“
MR: I bet she could fit her whole fist in there!
ED: Hey!
TW: “Chloe, you disappeared for three months, and now Lois said you need help. What is going on?”
AM: Big, fake Chloe smile. “Oh, Lois. You know her always over-reacting.” She turns back to the bulletin board.
TW: Clark super-speeds to get back in front of her. “Nice try, Chloe. Are you thinking about taking Salvation or not?”
AM: "No, Clark, I'm not thinking about taking Salvation."
TW: Clark relaxes.
AM: The smile drops, and Chloe looks serious. “I have decided to take Salvation.”
TW: Clark’s face drops. “What?”
AM: Back to Martha in Washington. She is working at her desk.
MR: An older man bursts into her office. “What the hell are you trying to pull, Kent?”
AoT: And Martha power bombs him?
AM: Not exactly. “And good evening to you too, Chairman Anderson. Could you be a little more specific?”
MR: “You know exact what I mean! You have filed six appeals of the Mutant Rights Act! If you pull this, you will piss off every person who voted for that damn bill in the first place!”
AoT: Now she power bombs him?
AM: No. Martha stands up. “The bill that I wrote did not contain a clause allowing the government to imprison American citizens without charge or trial for an indefinite length of time. It did not ignore the Bill of Rights. It protected people!”
MR: “I don’t care about rights for freaks! If this goes through, my party could lose six seats in the next election!”
AoT: Power bomb now?
AM: No. “You elections are not my concern. The people who trusted me are – “
MR: Chairman Anderson puts his hands on Martha’s desk and leans towards her. “If you pull this, Kent, I will bury you. I will take every cent of government funding away from Kansas, and I will make it my mission in life to destroy any legislation you put up for the next six years.”
AM: FoS. Clark is still getting a history lesson.
JG: “Three thousand years ago, the Kryptonian Empire encountered its greatest enemy. Evil, fanatical hordes lead by a monstrous God-King, they us attacked without mercy. Without thought for losses or their own suffering.”
TW: Are you just ripping off 300?
KK+AoT+ED+AM: I love that movie! Gerard Butler... ummmmm...
JG: If we get sued again, I call dibs on the contract trade.
AM: Just read the scene, John.
JG: Fine. The aliens here look like monsters out of The Lord of the Rings movies, but with lasers – did you two even try to be creative?
AM+MR: No.
KK: (Laughs)
JG: “For 300 years, we fought them across known space. The God-King would send a thousand, ten thousand of his soldiers to kill a single Kryptonian – it did not matter, for he always had more. Then, at our lowest moment, we found hope on an insignificant world on the ends of unknown space.” Show Earth.
JG: “We found the powers the yellow sun gave us. They were powerful, but faded quickly once we left this system. However, we found the natives could be… useful.”
MR: Clark looks concerned. “Useful?”
KK: For sex, based on Jor-El nailing Lana aunt.
ED: Earth - come for the super powers, stay for the Lang women.
JG: “Our ancestor Ras-El found that, with certain modifications, the humans could be gifted with out abilities. But like a candle that burns too brightly, they would soon fade.”
MR: “You mean the process killed them.”
JG: “All being dies eventually, Kal-El. Ras-El made the choice to save the universe from our enemies by sacrificing a few thousand humans.” Now – oh, you have to be kidding.
MR: It is cool!
JG: Fine. Show The Lord of the Rings with lasers aliens getting slaughtered by hundreds of Supermen.
TW: That does sound cool. Derivative, but cool.
MR: Clark looks distressed. “You enslaved and killed thousands of humans!”
JG: “The greater good must always be considered. If a few thousand human lives is the necessary cost to save trillions of sentient beings, then it a bargain.”
MR: Clark steps away form the light circle. “I need some time to think about this."
AM: MM pops up. “Kal-El, there is no time! You must –“
MR: Clark runs out.
TW: Is that necessary?
AM: Clark runs away all the time.
KK: Especially from boobies.
ED: Explains why he loved Lana.
KK: Hey!
AM: Clark is in the Kent kitchen. He looks stressed out from what he learned at the FoS.
TW: I am still not sure why he had to run away.
AoT: Clark can be a sissy, Tom.
JG: He sure does run away a lot.
TW: Fine, fine.
KK: Does this make you sad, Tom? Do you need to go outside for a minute?
TW: Shut up.
AM: Lois marches in.
JG: Does she slam the door?
ED: No.
AM: Yes.
ED: No!
AM: Lois always slams the door. “Smallville! Where the hell have you been? I have been calling you for hours!”
KK: I was working on a book report.
MR: “I left my phone off while I was working on the back forty, Lois. What do you –“
AM: “Not important. Listen, you need to help me find Chloe.”
MR: “Chloe is back? Where was –“
AM: “Stop talking. Get in your truck, start driving and help me find her. Now.” Lois looks nervous and uncomfortable.
KK: Is her sports bra too tight?
ED: No, she is worried about her cousin!
TW: Can’t it be both?
MR: “Lois, I am in the middle of something here. I will –“
AM: Lois grabs Clark’s shirt and they get nose-to-nose.
ED: Does Lois have to be such a –
AoT: Bitch, dear. The word you are searching for is bitch.
ED: Mean person!
TW: No, I think bitch works here.
ED: How about forceful because she is deeply concerned?
AM: So she acts like a bitch. Lois is visibly stressed out here. “Listen, Clark. Chloe is… She is going to take Salvation.
MR: Clark looks shocked. "What?"
AM: Lois misunderstands his expression.
ED: Why, because she is dumb?
AM: Actually, no. For once. "Oh, come off it. Like you weren't the first person Chloe went to when she figured out she was Meteor Infected American. She is obsessed with getting rid of her abilities, and now, she is willing to play Russian Roulette with Lex's miracle cure do to it."
MR: "Lois, I -"
AM: "Clark, you are Chloe's best friend. You are probably the only person on this planet she will listen to right now. God knows she blew me off fast enough." Lois flashes a small smile. “So, either you are going to get in your pick-up truck and help me stop my cousin from making a horrible, stupid mistake, or I am going to kick you corn-fed ass and then you are going to get in your pick-up truck and help me stop my cousin from making a horrible, stupid mistake. Your choice."
AoT: Definitely bitch.
AM: Night time at Smallville High School. Chloe is taking a nostalgic walk through the empty Torch office. Clark shows up at the door. When Chloe sees him she gives him a faint smile.
TW: "I thought I might find you here."
AM: Chloe fondly touching one of the desks. "Where it all started." She gives a half-nostalgic, half- bitter chuckle. "I guess you know me better than I thought, Clark."
TW: Letting a hint of anger show, "Or maybe I don't know you at all. Lois tells me you're thinking about Salvation."
AM: Chloe turns her attention to the bulletin board where the WoW used to be. It now contains old Torch clippings. "Remember the wall of weird?"
TW: "Chloe, this is no time to take a stroll down memory lane."
AM: She pulls one of her own old articles off and studies it. "I never imagined that one day I'd be able to top anything I ever pinned up there."
TW: Clark's irritation escalates. He takes the article out of Chloe hand forcing her to look at him, "Is what Lois said true?"
AM: “My cousin and her mouth. I tell you –“
MR: I bet she could fit her whole fist in there!
ED: Hey!
TW: “Chloe, you disappeared for three months, and now Lois said you need help. What is going on?”
AM: Big, fake Chloe smile. “Oh, Lois. You know her always over-reacting.” She turns back to the bulletin board.
TW: Clark super-speeds to get back in front of her. “Nice try, Chloe. Are you thinking about taking Salvation or not?”
AM: "No, Clark, I'm not thinking about taking Salvation."
TW: Clark relaxes.
AM: The smile drops, and Chloe looks serious. “I have decided to take Salvation.”
TW: Clark’s face drops. “What?”
AM: Back to Martha in Washington. She is working at her desk.
MR: An older man bursts into her office. “What the hell are you trying to pull, Kent?”
AoT: And Martha power bombs him?
AM: Not exactly. “And good evening to you too, Chairman Anderson. Could you be a little more specific?”
MR: “You know exact what I mean! You have filed six appeals of the Mutant Rights Act! If you pull this, you will piss off every person who voted for that damn bill in the first place!”
AoT: Now she power bombs him?
AM: No. Martha stands up. “The bill that I wrote did not contain a clause allowing the government to imprison American citizens without charge or trial for an indefinite length of time. It did not ignore the Bill of Rights. It protected people!”
MR: “I don’t care about rights for freaks! If this goes through, my party could lose six seats in the next election!”
AoT: Power bomb now?
AM: No. “You elections are not my concern. The people who trusted me are – “
MR: Chairman Anderson puts his hands on Martha’s desk and leans towards her. “If you pull this, Kent, I will bury you. I will take every cent of government funding away from Kansas, and I will make it my mission in life to destroy any legislation you put up for the next six years.”
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part III)
as retold by RepairmanBob
MR: “Even if Lana was not a self-centered hypocrite who never deserved your friendship, she is just one person. You could save thousands of people with your gift. Hundreds of thousands of people.” Sex smiles. “Would Lana really want her death to be in vain?”
TW: She would probably just bitch and moan about Chloe keeping her powers secret.
AoT: And run back to Clark. Or was it Lex?
JG: I am not sure who she was dating when Kristin and I killed her off.
KK: I stopped trying to figure it out in season three.
AM: “Lana is dead, so I doubt she is saying very much at all.”
KK: Oh my God. (Starts to tear up)
ED: Allison! That was mean! Are you OK, Kristin?
KK: Yes, that line is so beautiful. I just love it. Say it again!
AM: Sure. “Lana is dead, so I doubt she is saying very much at all. These abilities are a curse. A problem. And I will find a way to fix them.”
AM: Martha’s office.
AoT: Finally!
AM: Martha is talking to her CoS about writing several appeals to the Mutant Rights Act, specifically the sections dealing with Entities of Mass Destruction.
MR: “Senator Kent, are you sure about this? You were the architect of the original bill. You got support from both parties and the President. If you do this –“
AM: “I set out to help the people of Kansas, human and meta-human. If the press does not like it, then I will deal with it.”
AoT: Can I threaten someone?
AM: That comes later. How about Martha says the line with a firm facial expression?
ED: Like when Clark and Lana did the Walk of Shame in Mortal?
KK: (Shutters)
AoT: No, that was shock. I think Martha always expected to see Clark sneaking down the stairs some morning with Chloe.
AM: (Smiles)
JG: Or Lex.
AoT: That goes without saying.
TW: I hate you both so much right now.
AM: New idea. “Get me appearances on all of the Sunday morning shows. Meet the Press, Face the Nation – all of them. I want to spin this before my opponents do.”
AoT: I like it, but a threat would have still been nice.
MR: It is coming.
AoT: Do I get to body slam anyone?
MR: Cut to Lionel’s cell.
JG: Glad I get some screen time this week.
AM: Lionel is lying on his cot, his hands behind his head. He looks completely relaxed.
MR: The door opens. Lex and Hope walk in. “Hi, Dad. Are you doing alright?”
AM: Lionel sits up. “Yes, thank you. I would appreciate some reading material, though. A New York Times, perhaps?”
JG: I prefer the Wall Street Journal.
MR: I’ll make the change. “Maybe when we are finished. Right now, let’s talk about your friend Kal-El.”
AM: Lionel laughs.
JG: As he should!
AM: “Lex, I have told you time and time again, I have no idea what you are talking about. These delusions are very concerning. Perhaps you should meet with a doctor?”
MR: “Spare me the lies, Dad."
AM: Lionel smirks. “I have no idea who gave you that journal Lex, but I have never seen those pictures before. You need to hire more competent help.”
MR: Lex looks slightly sad. “I am sorry it has to come to this, Dad. Just rememeber that I gave you a chance to do this like a gentleman.”
AM: Lionel laughs again. “Are you threatening me?” Lionel stands up. We are going for full Magnificent Bastard, John – total arrogance. “Boy, I was born in Suicide Slums. I scratched and clawed and bled and yes, killed for every thing I have in this world." Lionel laughs. "For every thing you have in this world. If you think you can send a few thugs in here and hit me until I cry for mercy, you are going to be in for quite a disappointment.” Lionel smiles.
JG: I do not think I like where this is going.
MR: Lex smiles sadly, and Hope brings wheels in a cart covered in needles and drugs. “There is no need to start with anything as crude as physical violence, Dad.” Hope prepares a needle. “One way or another, you will tell me everything you know about Kal-El.” Close zoom to Lex looking determined.
JG: No, I do not lie this at all. Lionel would not let himself be tortured!
ED: But isn’t Lionel just pretending to be captured?
JG: But he gets tortured! He should escape!
AM: Maybe next week.
AM: The apartment. Lois walks in and turns on the lights. She sets down her briefcase, then turns to the couch, where we see Chloe sitting. Chloe stands up. “Hi Lois.”
MR: Erica, if you would –
ED: Sure! I love reading!
KK: (To AM) So easy to manipulate.
ED: Lois runs up to Chloe and hugs her. “Chloe! Where have you been! I was so scared!”
AM: Chloe returns the hug. “I had to work some things out.”
ED: Lois breaks the hug, and looks at Chloe. “Well, you look OK.” She punches Chloe on the shoulder. “But the next time you pull that kind of crap and don’t call me, I am going to kick your ass. Bad enough when Lucy does it.”
TW: Is this entire episode all-Chloe, all-the-time?
MR: No. There is also a lot of Lex.
AM: “I saw your article. Congratulations on your latest front page article at the Planet, Lois.” God, I hate that line.
ED: I love it!
KK: You would.
TW: You wrote it, Allison.
AM: No, Michael wrote it.
MR: Bryan asked me to throw it in. It was either that, or an incompetent new sidekick for Lex.
ED: “That means a lot coming from you.” Is Lois going to say Chloe inspired her?
AoT: I think it would be a nice tribute.
ED: I think it sucks!
AM: Let me just add –
TW: Just let it be implied, Allison.
JG: Better to be subtle. Less likely someone will come along later and screw it up.
KK: Like all of season six, for instance.
AM: Chloe gets serious. “Lois, I needed to tell you something. I am going to take Salvation.”
ED: Lois's expression goes from happy to shocked. “What? Are you crazy? No! No way are you doing that! You have no idea what Salvation could do to you!”
MR: Sex appears. “For once, I have to agree with her.”
ED: "Chloe, Salvation is dangerous. The people Ted and I found were just the tip of the meteor rock. We already have leads on another 15 people, and Kahn is talking about a multi-part exposé.” Hurray! Big story for Lois!
MR: (Looking at AM) Bryan gave me chili fries.
AM: “Lois, I have looked at the risks.”
MR: “Which include the 25% chance you will simply die.”
AM: “I can’t risk hurting anyone else.”
ED: Lois grabs Chloe’s hand. “What happened to Lana was an accident. I don’t know how Lex this to you, but we can stop him.”
MR: “If she can figure this out, why can't you?”
ED: Was that an insult?
JG: (chuckles)
MR: No.
AM: “Lois, I have to do this. These powers – they are too dangerous. I just want to myself, again. Just ordinary Chloe Sullivan.”
ED: "Ordinary does not mean dead! Damn it, listen to me for once! I talked to these people. I saw what they went through. They wanted to be ordinary, and the lucky ones got broken backs and 3rd degree burns. The unlucky ones are being disected by Lex's mad scientists." Lois grabs her arm. "Chloe, Lana's death was a tragedy. But this will not bring her back!"
AM: Chloe pulls away, and slowly disappears. "I am sorry, Lois, but this is what I need to do. I just wanted to tell you, in case... I just wanted to tell you."
ED: "Chloe!" Lois tears around the apartment. "Chloe, you pig-headed dumbass, where are you?" Lois looks around, yells. "Damnit!"
MR: “Even if Lana was not a self-centered hypocrite who never deserved your friendship, she is just one person. You could save thousands of people with your gift. Hundreds of thousands of people.” Sex smiles. “Would Lana really want her death to be in vain?”
TW: She would probably just bitch and moan about Chloe keeping her powers secret.
AoT: And run back to Clark. Or was it Lex?
JG: I am not sure who she was dating when Kristin and I killed her off.
KK: I stopped trying to figure it out in season three.
AM: “Lana is dead, so I doubt she is saying very much at all.”
KK: Oh my God. (Starts to tear up)
ED: Allison! That was mean! Are you OK, Kristin?
KK: Yes, that line is so beautiful. I just love it. Say it again!
AM: Sure. “Lana is dead, so I doubt she is saying very much at all. These abilities are a curse. A problem. And I will find a way to fix them.”
AM: Martha’s office.
AoT: Finally!
AM: Martha is talking to her CoS about writing several appeals to the Mutant Rights Act, specifically the sections dealing with Entities of Mass Destruction.
MR: “Senator Kent, are you sure about this? You were the architect of the original bill. You got support from both parties and the President. If you do this –“
AM: “I set out to help the people of Kansas, human and meta-human. If the press does not like it, then I will deal with it.”
AoT: Can I threaten someone?
AM: That comes later. How about Martha says the line with a firm facial expression?
ED: Like when Clark and Lana did the Walk of Shame in Mortal?
KK: (Shutters)
AoT: No, that was shock. I think Martha always expected to see Clark sneaking down the stairs some morning with Chloe.
AM: (Smiles)
JG: Or Lex.
AoT: That goes without saying.
TW: I hate you both so much right now.
AM: New idea. “Get me appearances on all of the Sunday morning shows. Meet the Press, Face the Nation – all of them. I want to spin this before my opponents do.”
AoT: I like it, but a threat would have still been nice.
MR: It is coming.
AoT: Do I get to body slam anyone?
MR: Cut to Lionel’s cell.
JG: Glad I get some screen time this week.
AM: Lionel is lying on his cot, his hands behind his head. He looks completely relaxed.
MR: The door opens. Lex and Hope walk in. “Hi, Dad. Are you doing alright?”
AM: Lionel sits up. “Yes, thank you. I would appreciate some reading material, though. A New York Times, perhaps?”
JG: I prefer the Wall Street Journal.
MR: I’ll make the change. “Maybe when we are finished. Right now, let’s talk about your friend Kal-El.”
AM: Lionel laughs.
JG: As he should!
AM: “Lex, I have told you time and time again, I have no idea what you are talking about. These delusions are very concerning. Perhaps you should meet with a doctor?”
MR: “Spare me the lies, Dad."
AM: Lionel smirks. “I have no idea who gave you that journal Lex, but I have never seen those pictures before. You need to hire more competent help.”
MR: Lex looks slightly sad. “I am sorry it has to come to this, Dad. Just rememeber that I gave you a chance to do this like a gentleman.”
AM: Lionel laughs again. “Are you threatening me?” Lionel stands up. We are going for full Magnificent Bastard, John – total arrogance. “Boy, I was born in Suicide Slums. I scratched and clawed and bled and yes, killed for every thing I have in this world." Lionel laughs. "For every thing you have in this world. If you think you can send a few thugs in here and hit me until I cry for mercy, you are going to be in for quite a disappointment.” Lionel smiles.
JG: I do not think I like where this is going.
MR: Lex smiles sadly, and Hope brings wheels in a cart covered in needles and drugs. “There is no need to start with anything as crude as physical violence, Dad.” Hope prepares a needle. “One way or another, you will tell me everything you know about Kal-El.” Close zoom to Lex looking determined.
JG: No, I do not lie this at all. Lionel would not let himself be tortured!
ED: But isn’t Lionel just pretending to be captured?
JG: But he gets tortured! He should escape!
AM: Maybe next week.
AM: The apartment. Lois walks in and turns on the lights. She sets down her briefcase, then turns to the couch, where we see Chloe sitting. Chloe stands up. “Hi Lois.”
MR: Erica, if you would –
ED: Sure! I love reading!
KK: (To AM) So easy to manipulate.
ED: Lois runs up to Chloe and hugs her. “Chloe! Where have you been! I was so scared!”
AM: Chloe returns the hug. “I had to work some things out.”
ED: Lois breaks the hug, and looks at Chloe. “Well, you look OK.” She punches Chloe on the shoulder. “But the next time you pull that kind of crap and don’t call me, I am going to kick your ass. Bad enough when Lucy does it.”
TW: Is this entire episode all-Chloe, all-the-time?
MR: No. There is also a lot of Lex.
AM: “I saw your article. Congratulations on your latest front page article at the Planet, Lois.” God, I hate that line.
ED: I love it!
KK: You would.
TW: You wrote it, Allison.
AM: No, Michael wrote it.
MR: Bryan asked me to throw it in. It was either that, or an incompetent new sidekick for Lex.
ED: “That means a lot coming from you.” Is Lois going to say Chloe inspired her?
AoT: I think it would be a nice tribute.
ED: I think it sucks!
AM: Let me just add –
TW: Just let it be implied, Allison.
JG: Better to be subtle. Less likely someone will come along later and screw it up.
KK: Like all of season six, for instance.
AM: Chloe gets serious. “Lois, I needed to tell you something. I am going to take Salvation.”
ED: Lois's expression goes from happy to shocked. “What? Are you crazy? No! No way are you doing that! You have no idea what Salvation could do to you!”
MR: Sex appears. “For once, I have to agree with her.”
ED: "Chloe, Salvation is dangerous. The people Ted and I found were just the tip of the meteor rock. We already have leads on another 15 people, and Kahn is talking about a multi-part exposé.” Hurray! Big story for Lois!
MR: (Looking at AM) Bryan gave me chili fries.
AM: “Lois, I have looked at the risks.”
MR: “Which include the 25% chance you will simply die.”
AM: “I can’t risk hurting anyone else.”
ED: Lois grabs Chloe’s hand. “What happened to Lana was an accident. I don’t know how Lex this to you, but we can stop him.”
MR: “If she can figure this out, why can't you?”
ED: Was that an insult?
JG: (chuckles)
MR: No.
AM: “Lois, I have to do this. These powers – they are too dangerous. I just want to myself, again. Just ordinary Chloe Sullivan.”
ED: "Ordinary does not mean dead! Damn it, listen to me for once! I talked to these people. I saw what they went through. They wanted to be ordinary, and the lucky ones got broken backs and 3rd degree burns. The unlucky ones are being disected by Lex's mad scientists." Lois grabs her arm. "Chloe, Lana's death was a tragedy. But this will not bring her back!"
AM: Chloe pulls away, and slowly disappears. "I am sorry, Lois, but this is what I need to do. I just wanted to tell you, in case... I just wanted to tell you."
ED: "Chloe!" Lois tears around the apartment. "Chloe, you pig-headed dumbass, where are you?" Lois looks around, yells. "Damnit!"
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part II)
as retold by RepairmanBob
MR: Back to the FoS. Clark says “I am ready, Jor-El. I need to know what I am facing.” An energy field comes up around Clark – think Vessel. We see a series of images of Krypton. Lots of crystal and happy, pretty people.
JG: “Krypton was a beacon of light in the vast darkness of space. Where there was chaos, we brought order. Where there was suffering, we brought compassion. Where there was barbarism and brutality, we brought justice. Across the universe, the Kryptonian Empire brought enlightenment and peace.“
MR: As he says this, we see Kryptonians on other worlds, helping poor, dirty, less attractive aliens.
KK: God, do we need all the exposition?
ED: Oh, oh, let me do it. I love to do exposition.
AoT: Will I have a scene soon? My husband is flying in this weekend, and the lack of Martha bores me.
JG: Can I finish, please? “On some worlds, there was hostility to the greatness of Krypton.”
TW: Great, now Clark’s ancestors were bastards?
AM: Do you even remember Jor-El season two? Season three? Season four?
KK: And people accuse me of not watching the show.
JG: After last season, I applaud your wisdom. Show some especially ugly aliens attacking the pretty aliens. “They were shown the error of their ways.” Ugly aliens get killed by Kryptonians with cool weapons. “For thousands of years, we guided Known Space.”
AM: Clark looks annoyed. “I don’t care about ancient history. I need to know about the threat to the people I care about.”
JG: “You must understand what came before, Kal-El, if you are to be prepared for what is to come.”
KK: This dialogue sucks. If you were stalling any more, the episode would be playing in reverse.
MR: Haven’t you ever heard of build-up? Creating mood? Setting up a big reveal?
KK: Not on this show.
AM: A LuthorCorp Lab. Lex is talking to Dr. Richards, while Hope watches. Kahloe is laying on a lab table.
MR: “Dr. Richards, you told me Salvation would have an 80% survival rate. You told me we would improve that rate within a few weeks with testing and improvements in processing the drug. So, I would you like to explain,” Lex starts to yell, “this article!” He throws Lois’s article from Darkness at Dr. Richards. Erica, if you would?
ED: Oh, sure. “I told you not to underestimate Lois Lane. She comes from a dangerous family. She is –“ no, no, I am not doing that line.
AoT: What line?
MR: Just say it, Erica.
ED: I am not saying that line!
KK: What is the big deal?
TW: Just stop complaining and say the line, Erica.
ED: Fine! “ She is no Chloe Sullivan, but she is still a threat!”
AM: Now say it again. With more feeling.
ED: What the hell, Allison?
AM: I got fired and Lois has happily been SWF-ing Chloe all season! So excuse me if I am a little bitter!
KK: Embrace you anger. I have.
AM: Dr. Richards tries to respond. “Mr. Luthor, this is a new science! Meta-human physiology is far more complex than any of us would have imagined!”
MR: “I do not want excuses! You had time to perfect Salvation before we started public testing!”
ED: “Come now, Lex. Does shouting at the help really accomplish anything?”
AM: “Mr. Luthor, the initial tests were done on a limited number of subjects, under highly controlled circumstances. It was… unfortunate that these complications arose when we increased the subject pool, but –“
MR: “Complications, Doctor? I would hardly call a 20% mortality rate a complication!
AM: "But that includes -"
MR: No, that does not the deaths we faked to keep interesting subjects! When you consider in the additional 20% of the subjects who undergo crippling physical or mental damage, and your continued inability to stabilize the length of Salvation’s effect, your recent performance has been far less than satisfactory!” Behind Lex, Hope cracks her knuckles.
JG: Why is it Lex rarely shows this kind of backbone?
MR: Because I do not write all the episodes.
TW: Thankfully.
MR: Hey! I always make Clark look good!
TW: You are also obsessed with naked exploding robot women.
MR: It’s like jello! There’s always room for NERW!
KK: That sounds like a new show on Fox this season.
AoT: Or the CW.
JG: I think they already have that in production as a Spring replacement series.
MR: Lex visibly calms himself. “However, I am willing to accept that this is a new area of science, and set backs must be expected. What do you need to improve the quality of Salvation, Dr. Richards?”
AM: Dr. Richards looks like he is about to pee himself. “I need more staff – more than half of my team has been diverted to assist with Project Ares.”
MR: “Done.”
AM: “I need more equipment. The dramatically increased production of Salvation has lead to drug impurities due mechanical breakdown.”
MR: “Easily accomplished.”
AM: “Most of all, I need more samples from Subject C 36. The original Salvation formula was created from a very limited amount of genetic material. With more samples from the original subject, I know Salvation could be improved.”
MR: “And by samples, you mean…”
AM: “Blood, or course. Bone marrow, skin, tissue samples– anything from subject C 36 would be invaluable. And that is to say nothing of what I need to begin the improvements we have discussed for the next generation of PAS. I will do my best, Mr. Luthor, but without more original samples from C 36, “ he looks nervous, ”I am sorry, but I am not sure how much I can –“
MR: “I understand, Dr. Richards.” Lex looks at Dr. Richards with a very ambiguous expression.
KK: Like he wants to kiss him!
AoT: I can believe that.
TW: Will I get another scene soon?
ED: Cut to Kahloe, who looks concerned.
AM: Nighttime at the Daily Planet.
TW: Hold on – didn’t Chloe take off for three months?
AM: So?
TW: Wouldn’t the Daily Planet have fired her if she just disappeared for that long?
AoT: Tom has a point. Maybe Chloe can be at a run down hotel.
AM: I need computer access for this scene! A run down hotel will not work!
KK: Chloe needs a computer. What a shock.
ED: It would if she is setting a romantic reunion with Jimmy.
KK: I killed him off. Now, if she wants a romantic reunion with Zombie Jimmy…
AM: No romantic reunion!
MR: Maybe with Lex?
JG: Or Lionel?
AM: We are not building a new set for one scene! Chloe took a leave due to Moria’s death. I will add a scene about it later. Right now Chloe is sitting at a desk, her hands resting on a keyboard. Her hands are not moving, but on screen code is flashing rapidly. Complex mathematical equations start to appear in the air.
MR: Sex appears. “I did not know you had taken courses in advanced statistical theory, meta-human biology and extra-terrestrial chemistry.”
AM: “Very funny. I am looking at the information of Salvation.”
MR: “All of which is useless to you, considering you lack the background in –“
AM: “I have slaved 43 computer networks and every Cray at LuthorCorp and the DoD to break down and analyze the information for me.” The equations begin to shift and flow in space around Chloe. “I should have what I need in less than an hour.”
MR: Sex frowns. “Have you really made up your mind about this? Consider all the good you could do for the world with your abilities!”
AM: “I have hurt people I care about with my abilities. Killed them. That is unacceptable.”
MR: “So Lana Lange died. I am sorry, but boo-hoo.”
KK: I could not agree more.
MR: Back to the FoS. Clark says “I am ready, Jor-El. I need to know what I am facing.” An energy field comes up around Clark – think Vessel. We see a series of images of Krypton. Lots of crystal and happy, pretty people.
JG: “Krypton was a beacon of light in the vast darkness of space. Where there was chaos, we brought order. Where there was suffering, we brought compassion. Where there was barbarism and brutality, we brought justice. Across the universe, the Kryptonian Empire brought enlightenment and peace.“
MR: As he says this, we see Kryptonians on other worlds, helping poor, dirty, less attractive aliens.
KK: God, do we need all the exposition?
ED: Oh, oh, let me do it. I love to do exposition.
AoT: Will I have a scene soon? My husband is flying in this weekend, and the lack of Martha bores me.
JG: Can I finish, please? “On some worlds, there was hostility to the greatness of Krypton.”
TW: Great, now Clark’s ancestors were bastards?
AM: Do you even remember Jor-El season two? Season three? Season four?
KK: And people accuse me of not watching the show.
JG: After last season, I applaud your wisdom. Show some especially ugly aliens attacking the pretty aliens. “They were shown the error of their ways.” Ugly aliens get killed by Kryptonians with cool weapons. “For thousands of years, we guided Known Space.”
AM: Clark looks annoyed. “I don’t care about ancient history. I need to know about the threat to the people I care about.”
JG: “You must understand what came before, Kal-El, if you are to be prepared for what is to come.”
KK: This dialogue sucks. If you were stalling any more, the episode would be playing in reverse.
MR: Haven’t you ever heard of build-up? Creating mood? Setting up a big reveal?
KK: Not on this show.
AM: A LuthorCorp Lab. Lex is talking to Dr. Richards, while Hope watches. Kahloe is laying on a lab table.
MR: “Dr. Richards, you told me Salvation would have an 80% survival rate. You told me we would improve that rate within a few weeks with testing and improvements in processing the drug. So, I would you like to explain,” Lex starts to yell, “this article!” He throws Lois’s article from Darkness at Dr. Richards. Erica, if you would?
ED: Oh, sure. “I told you not to underestimate Lois Lane. She comes from a dangerous family. She is –“ no, no, I am not doing that line.
AoT: What line?
MR: Just say it, Erica.
ED: I am not saying that line!
KK: What is the big deal?
TW: Just stop complaining and say the line, Erica.
ED: Fine! “ She is no Chloe Sullivan, but she is still a threat!”
AM: Now say it again. With more feeling.
ED: What the hell, Allison?
AM: I got fired and Lois has happily been SWF-ing Chloe all season! So excuse me if I am a little bitter!
KK: Embrace you anger. I have.
AM: Dr. Richards tries to respond. “Mr. Luthor, this is a new science! Meta-human physiology is far more complex than any of us would have imagined!”
MR: “I do not want excuses! You had time to perfect Salvation before we started public testing!”
ED: “Come now, Lex. Does shouting at the help really accomplish anything?”
AM: “Mr. Luthor, the initial tests were done on a limited number of subjects, under highly controlled circumstances. It was… unfortunate that these complications arose when we increased the subject pool, but –“
MR: “Complications, Doctor? I would hardly call a 20% mortality rate a complication!
AM: "But that includes -"
MR: No, that does not the deaths we faked to keep interesting subjects! When you consider in the additional 20% of the subjects who undergo crippling physical or mental damage, and your continued inability to stabilize the length of Salvation’s effect, your recent performance has been far less than satisfactory!” Behind Lex, Hope cracks her knuckles.
JG: Why is it Lex rarely shows this kind of backbone?
MR: Because I do not write all the episodes.
TW: Thankfully.
MR: Hey! I always make Clark look good!
TW: You are also obsessed with naked exploding robot women.
MR: It’s like jello! There’s always room for NERW!
KK: That sounds like a new show on Fox this season.
AoT: Or the CW.
JG: I think they already have that in production as a Spring replacement series.
MR: Lex visibly calms himself. “However, I am willing to accept that this is a new area of science, and set backs must be expected. What do you need to improve the quality of Salvation, Dr. Richards?”
AM: Dr. Richards looks like he is about to pee himself. “I need more staff – more than half of my team has been diverted to assist with Project Ares.”
MR: “Done.”
AM: “I need more equipment. The dramatically increased production of Salvation has lead to drug impurities due mechanical breakdown.”
MR: “Easily accomplished.”
AM: “Most of all, I need more samples from Subject C 36. The original Salvation formula was created from a very limited amount of genetic material. With more samples from the original subject, I know Salvation could be improved.”
MR: “And by samples, you mean…”
AM: “Blood, or course. Bone marrow, skin, tissue samples– anything from subject C 36 would be invaluable. And that is to say nothing of what I need to begin the improvements we have discussed for the next generation of PAS. I will do my best, Mr. Luthor, but without more original samples from C 36, “ he looks nervous, ”I am sorry, but I am not sure how much I can –“
MR: “I understand, Dr. Richards.” Lex looks at Dr. Richards with a very ambiguous expression.
KK: Like he wants to kiss him!
AoT: I can believe that.
TW: Will I get another scene soon?
ED: Cut to Kahloe, who looks concerned.
AM: Nighttime at the Daily Planet.
TW: Hold on – didn’t Chloe take off for three months?
AM: So?
TW: Wouldn’t the Daily Planet have fired her if she just disappeared for that long?
AoT: Tom has a point. Maybe Chloe can be at a run down hotel.
AM: I need computer access for this scene! A run down hotel will not work!
KK: Chloe needs a computer. What a shock.
ED: It would if she is setting a romantic reunion with Jimmy.
KK: I killed him off. Now, if she wants a romantic reunion with Zombie Jimmy…
AM: No romantic reunion!
MR: Maybe with Lex?
JG: Or Lionel?
AM: We are not building a new set for one scene! Chloe took a leave due to Moria’s death. I will add a scene about it later. Right now Chloe is sitting at a desk, her hands resting on a keyboard. Her hands are not moving, but on screen code is flashing rapidly. Complex mathematical equations start to appear in the air.
MR: Sex appears. “I did not know you had taken courses in advanced statistical theory, meta-human biology and extra-terrestrial chemistry.”
AM: “Very funny. I am looking at the information of Salvation.”
MR: “All of which is useless to you, considering you lack the background in –“
AM: “I have slaved 43 computer networks and every Cray at LuthorCorp and the DoD to break down and analyze the information for me.” The equations begin to shift and flow in space around Chloe. “I should have what I need in less than an hour.”
MR: Sex frowns. “Have you really made up your mind about this? Consider all the good you could do for the world with your abilities!”
AM: “I have hurt people I care about with my abilities. Killed them. That is unacceptable.”
MR: “So Lana Lange died. I am sorry, but boo-hoo.”
KK: I could not agree more.
7.11 Cure by MR & AM (Part I)
as retold by RepairmanBob
Clark learns Chloe has been hiding a secret. Lex tries to co-opt Chloe's power.
(Cast walks in. AM is talking to TW.)
AM: I can’t believe this is the last time I will be doing one of these script readings.
TW: I am sure your next show will be great, Allison.
MR: Ghost Hunters! Yeah!
ED: I love that show!
AM: (Glares at them both)
KK: Allison, I have the say, these reading will not be the same without you. The rest of these wimps are just too easy to intimidate or manipulate.
AoT: Excuse me?
JG: What?
KK: Except for you two, of course. (Nods to AM) Too easy to manipulate.
ED: What?
AM: I see your point.
MR: Is it true the Lana fans build a countdown clock to Chloe’s death?
KK: They named it the “Die Bitch Die” Countdown. It is kind of sweet.
TW: Or disturbing.
ED: Hey, my fans made one too! They called it “Death to the Imposter!”
AoT: Those folks are really devoted to Smallville.
JG: Frightening. But devoted.
TW: Allison, you have a blog! What are your fans saying?
AM: They build the original clock, and sold the program to the other sites.
MR: (Looks shocked) Your fans want Chloe dead?
AM: (Puts head down.) They named it “The Countdown to Freedom.”
AoT: Now those are some fans who believe in watching television with pity.
JG: You have to appreciate people who feel so little pity when the watch television. I say bravo to them!
MR: Well, at least you get to go out with a bang. If Chloe has to die, you get to write it.
ED: Why did you pick Allison to write it? She has her own scripts!
MR: Kristin set the precedent.
KK: Trust me, it is rather freeing.
MR: And I get all the pork rinds and tequila in her trailer when she leaves.
MR: We start in the white room from the end of Darkness. This one is going to get complicated. Tom, can you read Sex?
AoT: Tom certainly does bring the sex to Smallville.
TW: (Shutters) Sure.
MR: Erica, can you do Kahloe?
AM: (Mutters) And the SWF-ing just keeps on coming. (Louder voice) Chloe’s expression turns hard. “I need that information Lex. And I am not leaving without it.”
MR: “Fortunately for you, we have several comfortable rooms at this site. I did not think you would be so quick to rejoin my studies on meta-humans, but for once I am happy to be proven wrong”
AM: Chloe’s eyes flash orange, and her voice drops. “Don’t push me, Lex.”
MR: Hope steps forward. “No one threatens Mr. Luthor.” She points a gun at Chloe. “Back down now. Last chance.”
AM: Chloe smirks, and the gun flies out of Hope’s hands. It floats in front of Chloe, and is crushed into a ball. “My turn, bitch.” Chloe pushes her hand out, and Hope flies back against a wall.
TW: Sex appears. “This is not what we talked about! Tell Lex why you need the information and he will help you!”
AM: The PAS move forward. One super-speeds at Chloe. He bounces off an invisible wall, and falls to the floor. The other PAS raises her hands, and a red bolt flies at Chloe. She flies to the ceiling, and it just misses her feet. Suddenly four Chloes appear. They circle the two PAS and say in unison, “Think you stop me before I can get to Lex?”
MR: Clark and MM are in the FoS. Everything is still dark.
AM: MM says “The repairs have been completed. You must activate the Fortress and begin your training.” He frowns. “I had had hoped we would have more time, but recent events have made clear that I was a fool.”
MR: “You mean Hassad.”
AM: “Names are merely labels, given in an attempt to understand and control a thing. The man you met has gone my many names through the years. Hassad is as meaningless as the all the others.”
ED: Damn, this guy can use a whole lot of words to say absolute nothing.
JG: He must have been taking lesson from Lionel. Would make a fine businessman.
AoT: Or a politician. Maybe Martha can hire him?
AM: “You will learn the truth of this man, and the one he serves, from Jor-El. You know what to do, Kal-El.”
MR: Clark raises his right hand, holding the Superman crest. Light pours out, striking a large crystal in the center of the fortress. The crystal glows, and refracted light floods out to hit other crystals. They glow, and soon the entire fortress is lit up. We hear a voice. John if you would?
JG: Oh, all right. “Hello, my son.”
MR: The Level 33.1 lab. Lex says “Enough.” The PAS move behind Lex. “If you want the files on Salvation, I want something in return.”
AM: The multiple Chloe’s disappear – and the real one appears standing next to Lex.
MR: “Tell me why you are here. You know as well as I do any information you find could not be used in an article. And I doubt you would be interested in riding Lois’s coattails in warning the public about the dangers of Salvation. So, I have to wonder, what do you really want, Chloe?” Lex moves closer to Chloe, and raises a hand towards her face. “What is so important that you would be willing to break into a heavily secured base and risk jail, or worse, to get it?”
AM: Chloe grabs Lex’s wrist before he touches her. “Better question. How badly do you want me to look inside your head for my own answers? And how much damage would I do getting them?”
MR: Lex smirks. “Very well. A lady is entitled to her secrets.” Lex takes a zip drive out of his pocket. “Here is all the information you expected to find on Salvation. Success ratios, side effects, mortality rates – raw data, not the doctored numbers we have been giving the FDA.” Chloe reaches for it, and Lex pulls his hand back. “I want your word that this is not going to be used against me. After the hatchet job your cousin did, LuthorCorp stock dropped 17%.”
AM: Chloe frowns. “You don’t care why I want it?”
MR: Lex smiles. “Not enough to risk getting you into my… head.”
KK: Heavy innuendo.
ED: Allison, I cannot believe you agreed to this!
AM: That was all Michael.
MR: Small payback for costing me an episode full of exploding naked women robots, but I will take what I can get.
AM: Anyway, it is my last episode. Chloe deserves to get her freak on. Chloe smirks. “And you trust me exactly why?”
MR: “Because I know you. And I know that when you say something, you mean it. So, do you promise that you will not use this information about Salvation against myself or my interests?”
AM: “Yes.” Chloe reaches out to take the zip drive from Lex. Their hands touch – camera zooms in close, as they maintain contact for a few seconds.
MR: We hear Lex’s voice. “Yes, I really am telling the truth.”
AM: Chloe pulls back, and walks backwards towards the door, not breaking eye contact with Lex. She opens the door and disappears.
ED: Kahloe appears. “You had her right here. You could have simply taken her by force, or told her what you really wanted. Instead, you just let her walk away.”
MR: “The essence of Chloe Sullivan is her desire to find the truth. It drives her, pushes her, shapes her entire being. The fact that Chloe is so willing to hide the truth about Salvation reveals just how desperate she really is.”
ED: Kahloe smiles. “You gave Chloe exactly what she wanted.”
MR: “And when she is ready, she will return the favor.” And cue the credits.
Clark learns Chloe has been hiding a secret. Lex tries to co-opt Chloe's power.
(Cast walks in. AM is talking to TW.)
AM: I can’t believe this is the last time I will be doing one of these script readings.
TW: I am sure your next show will be great, Allison.
MR: Ghost Hunters! Yeah!
ED: I love that show!
AM: (Glares at them both)
KK: Allison, I have the say, these reading will not be the same without you. The rest of these wimps are just too easy to intimidate or manipulate.
AoT: Excuse me?
JG: What?
KK: Except for you two, of course. (Nods to AM) Too easy to manipulate.
ED: What?
AM: I see your point.
MR: Is it true the Lana fans build a countdown clock to Chloe’s death?
KK: They named it the “Die Bitch Die” Countdown. It is kind of sweet.
TW: Or disturbing.
ED: Hey, my fans made one too! They called it “Death to the Imposter!”
AoT: Those folks are really devoted to Smallville.
JG: Frightening. But devoted.
TW: Allison, you have a blog! What are your fans saying?
AM: They build the original clock, and sold the program to the other sites.
MR: (Looks shocked) Your fans want Chloe dead?
AM: (Puts head down.) They named it “The Countdown to Freedom.”
AoT: Now those are some fans who believe in watching television with pity.
JG: You have to appreciate people who feel so little pity when the watch television. I say bravo to them!
MR: Well, at least you get to go out with a bang. If Chloe has to die, you get to write it.
ED: Why did you pick Allison to write it? She has her own scripts!
MR: Kristin set the precedent.
KK: Trust me, it is rather freeing.
MR: And I get all the pork rinds and tequila in her trailer when she leaves.
MR: We start in the white room from the end of Darkness. This one is going to get complicated. Tom, can you read Sex?
AoT: Tom certainly does bring the sex to Smallville.
TW: (Shutters) Sure.
MR: Erica, can you do Kahloe?
AM: (Mutters) And the SWF-ing just keeps on coming. (Louder voice) Chloe’s expression turns hard. “I need that information Lex. And I am not leaving without it.”
MR: “Fortunately for you, we have several comfortable rooms at this site. I did not think you would be so quick to rejoin my studies on meta-humans, but for once I am happy to be proven wrong”
AM: Chloe’s eyes flash orange, and her voice drops. “Don’t push me, Lex.”
MR: Hope steps forward. “No one threatens Mr. Luthor.” She points a gun at Chloe. “Back down now. Last chance.”
AM: Chloe smirks, and the gun flies out of Hope’s hands. It floats in front of Chloe, and is crushed into a ball. “My turn, bitch.” Chloe pushes her hand out, and Hope flies back against a wall.
TW: Sex appears. “This is not what we talked about! Tell Lex why you need the information and he will help you!”
AM: The PAS move forward. One super-speeds at Chloe. He bounces off an invisible wall, and falls to the floor. The other PAS raises her hands, and a red bolt flies at Chloe. She flies to the ceiling, and it just misses her feet. Suddenly four Chloes appear. They circle the two PAS and say in unison, “Think you stop me before I can get to Lex?”
MR: Clark and MM are in the FoS. Everything is still dark.
AM: MM says “The repairs have been completed. You must activate the Fortress and begin your training.” He frowns. “I had had hoped we would have more time, but recent events have made clear that I was a fool.”
MR: “You mean Hassad.”
AM: “Names are merely labels, given in an attempt to understand and control a thing. The man you met has gone my many names through the years. Hassad is as meaningless as the all the others.”
ED: Damn, this guy can use a whole lot of words to say absolute nothing.
JG: He must have been taking lesson from Lionel. Would make a fine businessman.
AoT: Or a politician. Maybe Martha can hire him?
AM: “You will learn the truth of this man, and the one he serves, from Jor-El. You know what to do, Kal-El.”
MR: Clark raises his right hand, holding the Superman crest. Light pours out, striking a large crystal in the center of the fortress. The crystal glows, and refracted light floods out to hit other crystals. They glow, and soon the entire fortress is lit up. We hear a voice. John if you would?
JG: Oh, all right. “Hello, my son.”
MR: The Level 33.1 lab. Lex says “Enough.” The PAS move behind Lex. “If you want the files on Salvation, I want something in return.”
AM: The multiple Chloe’s disappear – and the real one appears standing next to Lex.
MR: “Tell me why you are here. You know as well as I do any information you find could not be used in an article. And I doubt you would be interested in riding Lois’s coattails in warning the public about the dangers of Salvation. So, I have to wonder, what do you really want, Chloe?” Lex moves closer to Chloe, and raises a hand towards her face. “What is so important that you would be willing to break into a heavily secured base and risk jail, or worse, to get it?”
AM: Chloe grabs Lex’s wrist before he touches her. “Better question. How badly do you want me to look inside your head for my own answers? And how much damage would I do getting them?”
MR: Lex smirks. “Very well. A lady is entitled to her secrets.” Lex takes a zip drive out of his pocket. “Here is all the information you expected to find on Salvation. Success ratios, side effects, mortality rates – raw data, not the doctored numbers we have been giving the FDA.” Chloe reaches for it, and Lex pulls his hand back. “I want your word that this is not going to be used against me. After the hatchet job your cousin did, LuthorCorp stock dropped 17%.”
AM: Chloe frowns. “You don’t care why I want it?”
MR: Lex smiles. “Not enough to risk getting you into my… head.”
KK: Heavy innuendo.
ED: Allison, I cannot believe you agreed to this!
AM: That was all Michael.
MR: Small payback for costing me an episode full of exploding naked women robots, but I will take what I can get.
AM: Anyway, it is my last episode. Chloe deserves to get her freak on. Chloe smirks. “And you trust me exactly why?”
MR: “Because I know you. And I know that when you say something, you mean it. So, do you promise that you will not use this information about Salvation against myself or my interests?”
AM: “Yes.” Chloe reaches out to take the zip drive from Lex. Their hands touch – camera zooms in close, as they maintain contact for a few seconds.
MR: We hear Lex’s voice. “Yes, I really am telling the truth.”
AM: Chloe pulls back, and walks backwards towards the door, not breaking eye contact with Lex. She opens the door and disappears.
ED: Kahloe appears. “You had her right here. You could have simply taken her by force, or told her what you really wanted. Instead, you just let her walk away.”
MR: “The essence of Chloe Sullivan is her desire to find the truth. It drives her, pushes her, shapes her entire being. The fact that Chloe is so willing to hide the truth about Salvation reveals just how desperate she really is.”
ED: Kahloe smiles. “You gave Chloe exactly what she wanted.”
MR: “And when she is ready, she will return the favor.” And cue the credits.
7.10 Darkness by MR and TW (Part VII)
as retold by Maniac64
MR: We go back to the Luthorcorp warehouse where we see Luthorcorp employees loading boxes into the Intercity Gang’s vans. Clark super-speeds into the warehouse and quickly blocks the door. He looks around and sees that the only people in here appear to be Hassad and 10-15 of his men, who are all looking around the factory and not at the door.”
AM: How convenient.
TW: Clark walks towards them and calls out. “Hello Mr. Hassad.”
MR: Hassad turns around quickly and his men pull out there guns and point them at Clark. “Ah. Hello again Kal-el. What brings you here?”
TW: “I’m here to stop you.”
MR: “I see. Well we can’t have that now can we.” The gang members all start shooting and at the same time Clark starts zooming around the room grabbing all of their weapons. We hear Hassad yelling at them to stop firing.
TW: The gun fire quickly lessens and then stops completely as Clark stops back where he had been standing, now with his arms full of guns. The gang members look at their empty hands in shock as Clarks sets the weapons down and then blasts them with his heat visions until they melt into just a pile of metal.
ED: Dang. That’s cool.
MR: Yeah, this is pretty much our scene to make sure Bryan doesn’t get mad about the relatively little amount of Clark in this episode.
AoT: Why did you write so little Clark Tom?
TW: We had too much other stuff we needed to cover, and I could use a little more time off.
KK: Sounds smart to me.
TW: Clark looks at Hassad, who has a small smile, and his shocked men. “Guns? You know better than that.”
MR: “Those were never meant to be used on you. But you never know who might get in the way. So now what Kal-el? You can never beat me.”
TW: “Do you really think you can stop me Hassad? Or did you just think I’d let you run around my city with your little gang?”
MR: “Oh, I know I can stop you.” He pulls out a strange looking pistol and fires it at Clark. It shoots out a green beam…
TW: Which hits Clark, who screams in pain and falls to his knees.
AoT: Please tell me you aren’t going to make a “Kneel before Zod” reference.
[JG suddenly looks angry and growls]
TW: [looking at both JG and AoT] I wouldn’t think of it.
MR: Hassad smiles. “This was meant for you. Be prepared for everything Kal-el. That is the first rule of victory.” Clark looks up, still in obvious pain. “It’s really too bad I’m not allowed to kill you.”
AM: Not allowed?
TW: Clark also seems confused, but at that moment MM flies in through a window and lands beside Clark. Hey John can you read his part for us?
JG: I suppose I’ll have to. “Hello again…Hassad.” He says in a way that implies that Hassad is not his real name.
MR: “Well well well. Look who’s here. Still following the orders of your old master like a loyal dog?"
JG: "Better a dog than a pitiful scavenger."
MR: “Oh I am much more than a simple scavenger. Of course, you already know that.”
TW: Clark stands up and seems to have recovered. “J’onn? What are you doing here?”
JG: “It would appear that I am saving you.”
TW: Clark looks ashamed and then remembers something. “Except, he said he wasn’t allowed to kill me?” Clark looks toward Hassad. “What do you mean not allowed?”
MR: “The one I serve wants to kill you himself. But don’t worry Kal-el, your time is coming quickly. Soon my master will arrive, and when he does this puny planet will bow at his feet or be destroyed.”
TW: “I will never let you do that! I don’t care who your master his, he is not going to harm this planet!”
MR: Hassad laughs evilly. “Like you could do anything to stop him.” Hassad pulls out a tube shaped object. “We will meet again Kal-el. I look forward to watching you die.” He teleports away in a flash of light, a gust of wind, and that shoomp sound like last week, just as Clark and MM try and get to him. The gang members simply look at them and then put their hands up.
TW: Clark looks at them in disgust. “Just get out of here.”
MR: The men run for the door and shove the crate Clark blocked the door with out of the way and rush out.
TW: Clark looks accusingly at MM. “Do you know what he’s talking about?”
JG: “I do.”
TW: “Who is it? Can he really destroy the Earth?”
JG: “He can, and he will if he isn’t stopped.”
TW: “Who is it? What is his name?”
JG: "I could tell you a name, but what would it mean to you? A name is meaningless without knowledge of what it represents. You must have that knowledge, Kal-El. This is why you must steady the history of your planet.” I like that. Now how about you tell us the name?
MR: Heck no! We want this to be a surprise. For everyone.
AM: Oh come on.
MR: No way.
AoT: Do you want me to beat it out of you?
MR: Do it and I’ll sick Bryan on you. We’re friends remember.
[AoT glares at MR]
TW: You’re all just going to have to wait.
MR: Now back to MM’s little speech.
JG: Fine. “With this knew knowledge it would appear that we have even less time to train you than I thought. From now on you must focus on your training first.”
TW: “I’ll be ready for him.” And at this point the Superman theme starts playing softly in the background and then slowly gets louder.
KK: Your kidding me.
TW: It was Michael’s idea.
MR: What? I like that song. Besides, it fits and will make this scene even more awesome.
JG: I can’t believe you. “I hope so Kal-el, because Krypton’s greatest enemy is coming and you are far from ready.”
TW: “Then get me ready.”
JG: MM smiles. “We will start your training immediately. Though I still fear that we will not have enough time.”
TW: Clark and MM look at each other for a few second as the music plays loudly. We then cut to black.
AM: That’s a pretty good ending.
MR: Oh, it’s not over yet.
AM: It’s not? What could you possibly put after this?
MR: A little more Chloe.
AM: Oh no.
MR: Oh yes. We see a crack of light as a door opens and Chloe slips in and shuts the door behind her. She uses her glow-in-the-dark power to see a little in front of her as she looks for a light switch.
AM: I hate that power.
KK: [at the same time as AM] I love that power.
TW: Chloe gets frustrated because she can’t find a switch. “How the heck do you turn the lights on in this place?”
MR: At that moment the lights flip on as we hear Lex’s voice. “Hello Chloe.”
TW: Chloe whips around and looks in shock at Lex. They are in the empty white room from the teaser.
MR: Lex is sitting in the only chair in the room; Hope stands beside him with a remote in her hands. Behind them stand some PASs. “When I heard that somebody had hacked into the Salvation file I thought it might be you. I’m sad to see I was right.’
TW: Chloe looks on in a mixture of shock and fear and we cut to the credits.
AM: I can’t believe Lex actually set a trap.
MR: Hey, everybody learns eventually.
MR: We go back to the Luthorcorp warehouse where we see Luthorcorp employees loading boxes into the Intercity Gang’s vans. Clark super-speeds into the warehouse and quickly blocks the door. He looks around and sees that the only people in here appear to be Hassad and 10-15 of his men, who are all looking around the factory and not at the door.”
AM: How convenient.
TW: Clark walks towards them and calls out. “Hello Mr. Hassad.”
MR: Hassad turns around quickly and his men pull out there guns and point them at Clark. “Ah. Hello again Kal-el. What brings you here?”
TW: “I’m here to stop you.”
MR: “I see. Well we can’t have that now can we.” The gang members all start shooting and at the same time Clark starts zooming around the room grabbing all of their weapons. We hear Hassad yelling at them to stop firing.
TW: The gun fire quickly lessens and then stops completely as Clark stops back where he had been standing, now with his arms full of guns. The gang members look at their empty hands in shock as Clarks sets the weapons down and then blasts them with his heat visions until they melt into just a pile of metal.
ED: Dang. That’s cool.
MR: Yeah, this is pretty much our scene to make sure Bryan doesn’t get mad about the relatively little amount of Clark in this episode.
AoT: Why did you write so little Clark Tom?
TW: We had too much other stuff we needed to cover, and I could use a little more time off.
KK: Sounds smart to me.
TW: Clark looks at Hassad, who has a small smile, and his shocked men. “Guns? You know better than that.”
MR: “Those were never meant to be used on you. But you never know who might get in the way. So now what Kal-el? You can never beat me.”
TW: “Do you really think you can stop me Hassad? Or did you just think I’d let you run around my city with your little gang?”
MR: “Oh, I know I can stop you.” He pulls out a strange looking pistol and fires it at Clark. It shoots out a green beam…
TW: Which hits Clark, who screams in pain and falls to his knees.
AoT: Please tell me you aren’t going to make a “Kneel before Zod” reference.
[JG suddenly looks angry and growls]
TW: [looking at both JG and AoT] I wouldn’t think of it.
MR: Hassad smiles. “This was meant for you. Be prepared for everything Kal-el. That is the first rule of victory.” Clark looks up, still in obvious pain. “It’s really too bad I’m not allowed to kill you.”
AM: Not allowed?
TW: Clark also seems confused, but at that moment MM flies in through a window and lands beside Clark. Hey John can you read his part for us?
JG: I suppose I’ll have to. “Hello again…Hassad.” He says in a way that implies that Hassad is not his real name.
MR: “Well well well. Look who’s here. Still following the orders of your old master like a loyal dog?"
JG: "Better a dog than a pitiful scavenger."
MR: “Oh I am much more than a simple scavenger. Of course, you already know that.”
TW: Clark stands up and seems to have recovered. “J’onn? What are you doing here?”
JG: “It would appear that I am saving you.”
TW: Clark looks ashamed and then remembers something. “Except, he said he wasn’t allowed to kill me?” Clark looks toward Hassad. “What do you mean not allowed?”
MR: “The one I serve wants to kill you himself. But don’t worry Kal-el, your time is coming quickly. Soon my master will arrive, and when he does this puny planet will bow at his feet or be destroyed.”
TW: “I will never let you do that! I don’t care who your master his, he is not going to harm this planet!”
MR: Hassad laughs evilly. “Like you could do anything to stop him.” Hassad pulls out a tube shaped object. “We will meet again Kal-el. I look forward to watching you die.” He teleports away in a flash of light, a gust of wind, and that shoomp sound like last week, just as Clark and MM try and get to him. The gang members simply look at them and then put their hands up.
TW: Clark looks at them in disgust. “Just get out of here.”
MR: The men run for the door and shove the crate Clark blocked the door with out of the way and rush out.
TW: Clark looks accusingly at MM. “Do you know what he’s talking about?”
JG: “I do.”
TW: “Who is it? Can he really destroy the Earth?”
JG: “He can, and he will if he isn’t stopped.”
TW: “Who is it? What is his name?”
JG: "I could tell you a name, but what would it mean to you? A name is meaningless without knowledge of what it represents. You must have that knowledge, Kal-El. This is why you must steady the history of your planet.” I like that. Now how about you tell us the name?
MR: Heck no! We want this to be a surprise. For everyone.
AM: Oh come on.
MR: No way.
AoT: Do you want me to beat it out of you?
MR: Do it and I’ll sick Bryan on you. We’re friends remember.
[AoT glares at MR]
TW: You’re all just going to have to wait.
MR: Now back to MM’s little speech.
JG: Fine. “With this knew knowledge it would appear that we have even less time to train you than I thought. From now on you must focus on your training first.”
TW: “I’ll be ready for him.” And at this point the Superman theme starts playing softly in the background and then slowly gets louder.
KK: Your kidding me.
TW: It was Michael’s idea.
MR: What? I like that song. Besides, it fits and will make this scene even more awesome.
JG: I can’t believe you. “I hope so Kal-el, because Krypton’s greatest enemy is coming and you are far from ready.”
TW: “Then get me ready.”
JG: MM smiles. “We will start your training immediately. Though I still fear that we will not have enough time.”
TW: Clark and MM look at each other for a few second as the music plays loudly. We then cut to black.
AM: That’s a pretty good ending.
MR: Oh, it’s not over yet.
AM: It’s not? What could you possibly put after this?
MR: A little more Chloe.
AM: Oh no.
MR: Oh yes. We see a crack of light as a door opens and Chloe slips in and shuts the door behind her. She uses her glow-in-the-dark power to see a little in front of her as she looks for a light switch.
AM: I hate that power.
KK: [at the same time as AM] I love that power.
TW: Chloe gets frustrated because she can’t find a switch. “How the heck do you turn the lights on in this place?”
MR: At that moment the lights flip on as we hear Lex’s voice. “Hello Chloe.”
TW: Chloe whips around and looks in shock at Lex. They are in the empty white room from the teaser.
MR: Lex is sitting in the only chair in the room; Hope stands beside him with a remote in her hands. Behind them stand some PASs. “When I heard that somebody had hacked into the Salvation file I thought it might be you. I’m sad to see I was right.’
TW: Chloe looks on in a mixture of shock and fear and we cut to the credits.
AM: I can’t believe Lex actually set a trap.
MR: Hey, everybody learns eventually.
7.10 Darkness by MR and TW (Part VI)
as retold by Maniac64
MR: We cut to 4 vans which drive up to a large warehouse with the Luthorcorp logo on it. Hassad and some of his men get out of the van and look around to see if anyone is watching. They are greeted by a warehouse employee and go inside the building.
TW: We zoom out and see Clark hiding a little ways away watching the van. “So Lex really is working with these guys. Now I’ve just got to figure out what they’re up to.” Clark super-speeds up to the building, then climbs on top of a dumpster and looks in the window. He uses his super-hearing to hear Hassad ask for a list of everything that is stored inside of the warehouse. The employee yells for someone to bring it to him.
MR: And with that we finish another of the mini Clark scenes.
KK: Another one? Man Tom you really let yourself get screwed over on this one.
TW: Hey, at least Clark is doing something productive.
MR: We cut back to the Daily Planet where Lois and Bittleman are in Kahn’s office.
TW: Kahn is reading something. “Hmmm.”
AM: I can’t believe you’re going to SWF Lois into Chloe’s big scene from Thirst.
MR: Erica would you read Lois’s part?
ED: Gladly. “Is that a good ‘hmmm’ or bad ‘hmmm’?”
AM: Oh, for fuck’s sake you’re just stealing from the old script!
MR: “It is an ‘I am trying to intimidate a new employee because I did not get enough special time with my pool boy this morning hmmm.’ Cut the crap, Kahn. The article is good.”
TW: Kahn looks up at Bittleman over her glasses and smiles. “I am so glad you approve of your own article, Ted. That means as little to me as my opinion of Lane’s old newspaper.”
ED: Hey!
TW: “But as the Editor-in-Chief of the most respected newspaper in the world, it is my job to evaluate all the articles that potentially slander billionaires with hordes of angry lawyers.” Kahn smirks. “And not that it is any of your information, but Armando and I had plenty of quality time this morning. Three quality times, in fact.”
MR: Bittleman gags.
ED: “Ms. Kahn, the story is solid. We have interviews, doctors’ reports on these patients, affidavits –“
TW: “What you have, Lane, is an atomic bomb. The advertising dollars we will lose from LuthorCorp alone will get the board screaming for my head.”
MR: “Come off it Kahn. You know the last time Baldy tried that, Oliver Queen himself said he would match our lost ad dollars. He sent you a fruit basket!”
TW: “Luthor’s lawyers will be all over my ass –“
MR: “Considering the size of your ass, that shouldn’t be hard –“
ED: “People need to know.” Kahn and Bittleman both stop and look at Lois. “Lex Luthor is hurting people. Salvation is crippling people, killing people, and no one is doing anything. People deserve to know the truth. Isn’t that what we do?”
TW: Kahn gives Lois a firm look, then smiles. “Glad to see your background did not prevent you from developing journalistic ethics, Lane.”
KK: Wait, so Kahn as testing Lois?
AM: And since when did Lois have journalistic ethics?
TW: Since we needed to replace Chloe. “Front page, shared byline.”
MR: “Damn straight.” Bittleman starts to walk out, then turns around and looks at Kahn. “Just Boo’s name on the byline. I’m bored of seeing my name under every decent article this rag publishes. A change of pace could be fun.” Bittleman walks out. Kahn and Lois look at each other in shock.
TW: Cut to Chloe walking up to the 33.1 lab. There are gaurds at the doors but Chloe sees and open window and flies up through it.
MR: She looks at a map of the building to see where she is, then goes down a flight of stairs.
TW: She is walking down a hallway when a security guard comes around the corner. Chloe freezes.
MR: The guard walks right past her, after which we switch angles and see that Chloe is invisible. She starts moving again and we can barely see here. Like in Predator when they move around and are cloaked.
TW: She gets through another keycard door and walks through a room filled with computers and chemicals. At the other side of the room is a door with “Salvation” written on it.
MR: Chloe puts her hand on the number pad beside the door and after a couple seconds it unlocks. She cracks open the door and we can see that it is dark inside.
TW: And that’s when we go to commercials.
MR: Lionel is lying on the bed in his cell and appears to be sleeping.
TW: We then hear a grunt and a thump from off screen and Lionel sits up and looks out to see MM standing on the other side of the door. He opens the door and walks in.
MR: Lionel smiles. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to find me here. I must say I wasn’t expecting it to happen this quickly. I only regained consciousness a few minutes ago.”
TW: “We must hurry; there are others things that need my attention.”
MR: “I would have to agree. On that front I believe I know where you can find Hassad. He’s at the Luthorcorp warehouse. I’m not sure if he’s still there though, so you will have to hurry.”
TW: “And what about you? Can you get away from here on your own?”
JG: Of course he can, he’s the Magnificent Bastard!
MR: “I’m not going anywhere. At least not yet.”
TW: MM looks surprised. A lot like John right now.
JG: What do you mean I’m not going anywhere?!
MR: Just hold your horses John. You’ll like this.
JG: I had better.
TW: “Why would you stay here?”
MR: “This is where I need to be.” MM looks more confused, again just like John. “We can use this to our advantage. I am sitting right in the heart of Lex’s operations. With me in his little cell he will grow careless, and I can learn even more. You don’t need me on the outside; I can help our cause far more from inside this cell.”
JG: Ah, I see. Very good, Lionel using Lex’s own trap against him.
AM: Okay, but why the heck would you put that in Michael?
MR: Hey, Lex still wins this round and I get to through John in jail. [JG glares at MR] And just because Lionel thinks he can gain an advantage doesn’t mean he actually will.
JG: We’ll see.
TW: MM seems to understand now. “If that is how you feel than I shall leave you. I will check back later to see if you still feel this is the right course of action.”
MR: “In the meantime you need to go take care of Hassad.”
TW: “Indeed. Good luck to you Lionel Luthor.”
MR: “I never rely on luck.”
TW: MM smiles and then shape shifts into a security guard and walks off. Zoom in on Lionel looking confident before he goes back to lying on the bed.
MR: We cut to 4 vans which drive up to a large warehouse with the Luthorcorp logo on it. Hassad and some of his men get out of the van and look around to see if anyone is watching. They are greeted by a warehouse employee and go inside the building.
TW: We zoom out and see Clark hiding a little ways away watching the van. “So Lex really is working with these guys. Now I’ve just got to figure out what they’re up to.” Clark super-speeds up to the building, then climbs on top of a dumpster and looks in the window. He uses his super-hearing to hear Hassad ask for a list of everything that is stored inside of the warehouse. The employee yells for someone to bring it to him.
MR: And with that we finish another of the mini Clark scenes.
KK: Another one? Man Tom you really let yourself get screwed over on this one.
TW: Hey, at least Clark is doing something productive.
MR: We cut back to the Daily Planet where Lois and Bittleman are in Kahn’s office.
TW: Kahn is reading something. “Hmmm.”
AM: I can’t believe you’re going to SWF Lois into Chloe’s big scene from Thirst.
MR: Erica would you read Lois’s part?
ED: Gladly. “Is that a good ‘hmmm’ or bad ‘hmmm’?”
AM: Oh, for fuck’s sake you’re just stealing from the old script!
MR: “It is an ‘I am trying to intimidate a new employee because I did not get enough special time with my pool boy this morning hmmm.’ Cut the crap, Kahn. The article is good.”
TW: Kahn looks up at Bittleman over her glasses and smiles. “I am so glad you approve of your own article, Ted. That means as little to me as my opinion of Lane’s old newspaper.”
ED: Hey!
TW: “But as the Editor-in-Chief of the most respected newspaper in the world, it is my job to evaluate all the articles that potentially slander billionaires with hordes of angry lawyers.” Kahn smirks. “And not that it is any of your information, but Armando and I had plenty of quality time this morning. Three quality times, in fact.”
MR: Bittleman gags.
ED: “Ms. Kahn, the story is solid. We have interviews, doctors’ reports on these patients, affidavits –“
TW: “What you have, Lane, is an atomic bomb. The advertising dollars we will lose from LuthorCorp alone will get the board screaming for my head.”
MR: “Come off it Kahn. You know the last time Baldy tried that, Oliver Queen himself said he would match our lost ad dollars. He sent you a fruit basket!”
TW: “Luthor’s lawyers will be all over my ass –“
MR: “Considering the size of your ass, that shouldn’t be hard –“
ED: “People need to know.” Kahn and Bittleman both stop and look at Lois. “Lex Luthor is hurting people. Salvation is crippling people, killing people, and no one is doing anything. People deserve to know the truth. Isn’t that what we do?”
TW: Kahn gives Lois a firm look, then smiles. “Glad to see your background did not prevent you from developing journalistic ethics, Lane.”
KK: Wait, so Kahn as testing Lois?
AM: And since when did Lois have journalistic ethics?
TW: Since we needed to replace Chloe. “Front page, shared byline.”
MR: “Damn straight.” Bittleman starts to walk out, then turns around and looks at Kahn. “Just Boo’s name on the byline. I’m bored of seeing my name under every decent article this rag publishes. A change of pace could be fun.” Bittleman walks out. Kahn and Lois look at each other in shock.
TW: Cut to Chloe walking up to the 33.1 lab. There are gaurds at the doors but Chloe sees and open window and flies up through it.
MR: She looks at a map of the building to see where she is, then goes down a flight of stairs.
TW: She is walking down a hallway when a security guard comes around the corner. Chloe freezes.
MR: The guard walks right past her, after which we switch angles and see that Chloe is invisible. She starts moving again and we can barely see here. Like in Predator when they move around and are cloaked.
TW: She gets through another keycard door and walks through a room filled with computers and chemicals. At the other side of the room is a door with “Salvation” written on it.
MR: Chloe puts her hand on the number pad beside the door and after a couple seconds it unlocks. She cracks open the door and we can see that it is dark inside.
TW: And that’s when we go to commercials.
MR: Lionel is lying on the bed in his cell and appears to be sleeping.
TW: We then hear a grunt and a thump from off screen and Lionel sits up and looks out to see MM standing on the other side of the door. He opens the door and walks in.
MR: Lionel smiles. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to find me here. I must say I wasn’t expecting it to happen this quickly. I only regained consciousness a few minutes ago.”
TW: “We must hurry; there are others things that need my attention.”
MR: “I would have to agree. On that front I believe I know where you can find Hassad. He’s at the Luthorcorp warehouse. I’m not sure if he’s still there though, so you will have to hurry.”
TW: “And what about you? Can you get away from here on your own?”
JG: Of course he can, he’s the Magnificent Bastard!
MR: “I’m not going anywhere. At least not yet.”
TW: MM looks surprised. A lot like John right now.
JG: What do you mean I’m not going anywhere?!
MR: Just hold your horses John. You’ll like this.
JG: I had better.
TW: “Why would you stay here?”
MR: “This is where I need to be.” MM looks more confused, again just like John. “We can use this to our advantage. I am sitting right in the heart of Lex’s operations. With me in his little cell he will grow careless, and I can learn even more. You don’t need me on the outside; I can help our cause far more from inside this cell.”
JG: Ah, I see. Very good, Lionel using Lex’s own trap against him.
AM: Okay, but why the heck would you put that in Michael?
MR: Hey, Lex still wins this round and I get to through John in jail. [JG glares at MR] And just because Lionel thinks he can gain an advantage doesn’t mean he actually will.
JG: We’ll see.
TW: MM seems to understand now. “If that is how you feel than I shall leave you. I will check back later to see if you still feel this is the right course of action.”
MR: “In the meantime you need to go take care of Hassad.”
TW: “Indeed. Good luck to you Lionel Luthor.”
MR: “I never rely on luck.”
TW: MM smiles and then shape shifts into a security guard and walks off. Zoom in on Lionel looking confident before he goes back to lying on the bed.
7.10 Darkness by MR and TW (Part V)
as retold by Maniac64
TW: We then cut to Chloe who is working on her computer. The camera rotates so that we can see that her hands are just sitting on the keyboard and not actually typing anything, but there is still a bunch of windows flashing across the screen, many of them asking for passwords which are promptly filled in and accepted. A bunch of the windows have the Luthorcorp logo.
MR: Sex walks up behind Chloe. “Well it’s nice to see you doing something productive instead of mourning the loss of that irritating pest Lana Lang.
TW: Chloe doesn’t even look up at him. “I killed her. I can’t forgive myself for that, but if I don’t do something I’ll just go crazy. And we already know how bad that could end.”
AM: Tell me about it.
MR: “I still think you could find better things to do than hacking into Luthorcorp again. You know this wasn’t Lex’s fault, no matter what your cousin might think.”
TW: “I’m not looking into that. I’m searching out the truth about Salvation. The reports on the news may say its great, but the reports inside Luthorcorp aren’t so perfect. Plus, I can’t understand how he’s able to do it, and the only information I can find is that the source is called C 36. Whatever it is Lex wants to keep it a secret.
MR: “Of course he does. If people knew how it was created they could make there own. It’s just smart business sense.”
TW: “The explains why they aren’t broadcasting it to the public, but why keep it such a secret inside the company.”
MR: “Maybe he’s worried someone might hack in and steal the information.”
TW: Chloe looks angrily at Sex and then back to the screen. “There has to be something here somewhere.”
MR: “This is pointless Chloe. There are far better ways for you to be using your abilities.”
TW: “Like erasing people’s memories.”
MR: “I only did that to protect you. I do not regret that decision.”
TW: “Well I do. And I’m done taking your advice.”
MR: “Chloe, your being…”
TW: Sex is interrupted as Chloe brings up another folder and yells “Found it!”
MR: Sex looks over her shoulder and sees that she’s found a folder marked Salvation.
TW: The folder opens and a bunch of information comes up. Chloe looks through it. “Here we go. It looks like the source, whatever it is, is being stored in a room in one of the 33.1 labs. Looks like I’m going to have to go do some investigating.” Chloe brings up a blue print of the lab and prints it off.
MR: “Chloe, are you sure you want to do this.
TW: Why, is this another secret that you’ve kept from me “for my own protection”.
MR: “Of course not. I just don’t want you to rush off and put yourself in danger for no reason.”
TW: Chloe, however, isn’t listening and just grabs her purse and leaves.
MR: And now its time to go back to Lionel’s office where Lex and Hope have just walked in. “Hello Dad. We need to talk.”
TW: When he says this Hope pulls out a pistol and points it at Lionel.
JG: WHAT! Don’t you dare have her kill Lionel.
TW: Don’t worry. It just shoots a tranquilizer.
MR: The screen goes black and then we see as Lionel wakes up. Everything starts blurry and then gets clear. Lionel is lying in a small white room with a bed, toilet, etc. It’s obviously a cell, and it has a glass wall that the door is in.
TW: He looks up as the door opens and Lex enters. Hope slips in behind him and stands next to the door.
MR: “I trust the accommodations are to your satisfaction, Dad.”
TW: John, do you want to…?
JG: Sure. “Housekeeping leaves something to be desired. But then you never were much for hiring good help.”
AM: So it’s more than just his security?
TW: His butler never did much to keep Clark from bursting in at all hours.
AM: I always figured Lex liked that.
MR: Can we get back to the scene? “Maybe we can move you to better room, if you’re cooperative.” Lex pulls out Hope’s pictures of the notebook and drops them in front of Lionel, the symbol of El is on top. “You can start by telling me about this.”
JG: “A repository for some random symbols I’ve come across, nothing more.”
MR: “I don’t think there’s anything random about what you’ve written here. This symbol you’ve labeled Kal-El, for example. Care to expound on that?”
JG: “What would you like me to say? I’m sure you know Kal-El better than I.”
KK: Biblically, even.
MR: “There is the novel concept of the truth. We could share information, work together to protect humanity from this alien threat.”
JG: “I’ve told you the truth, but you don’t believe. I am helping to protect Earth.”
MR: “Careful casting yourself as Cassandra, Dad. Things didn’t end well for her.”
JG: “Cassandra died a pawn of Clytaemnestra’s game. I play my own.”
ED: What is he talking about?
JG: It’s the Oresteia. [ED looks confused] Greek mythology.
ED: Oh it’s one of those Luthor scenes.
TW: Before Lex can respond, his phone rings. He steps outside of the cell but can still be heard.
MR: “Lex. Alright. He wants what? Fine, let him have it. It’s not like we have any great need for it. Also, I want a list of everything he has gotten from us and use it to find out everything he could possibly be making with it. I don’t want to find out that Luthorcorp has been providing some gang with the resources to make a super weapon.”
TW: While Lex is talking Hope’s phone rings. She answers but we don’t hear what she says.
MR: Lex hangs up. “Sorry about that.” Hope walks up to Lex.
TW: “Sir. Someone has accessed the Salvation file.” Lex looks at with interest.
MR: “Really? Well than I guess its time for us to go.” Looking back at Lionel. “I don’t suppose you want to get any more information?” Lionel just looks at him like he’s an idiot.
JG: I think I can manage that.
MR: “Oh well. I guess we’ll have to continue this another time.” Lex and Hope lock the cell and then walk off screen.
TW: We then cut to Chloe who is working on her computer. The camera rotates so that we can see that her hands are just sitting on the keyboard and not actually typing anything, but there is still a bunch of windows flashing across the screen, many of them asking for passwords which are promptly filled in and accepted. A bunch of the windows have the Luthorcorp logo.
MR: Sex walks up behind Chloe. “Well it’s nice to see you doing something productive instead of mourning the loss of that irritating pest Lana Lang.
TW: Chloe doesn’t even look up at him. “I killed her. I can’t forgive myself for that, but if I don’t do something I’ll just go crazy. And we already know how bad that could end.”
AM: Tell me about it.
MR: “I still think you could find better things to do than hacking into Luthorcorp again. You know this wasn’t Lex’s fault, no matter what your cousin might think.”
TW: “I’m not looking into that. I’m searching out the truth about Salvation. The reports on the news may say its great, but the reports inside Luthorcorp aren’t so perfect. Plus, I can’t understand how he’s able to do it, and the only information I can find is that the source is called C 36. Whatever it is Lex wants to keep it a secret.
MR: “Of course he does. If people knew how it was created they could make there own. It’s just smart business sense.”
TW: “The explains why they aren’t broadcasting it to the public, but why keep it such a secret inside the company.”
MR: “Maybe he’s worried someone might hack in and steal the information.”
TW: Chloe looks angrily at Sex and then back to the screen. “There has to be something here somewhere.”
MR: “This is pointless Chloe. There are far better ways for you to be using your abilities.”
TW: “Like erasing people’s memories.”
MR: “I only did that to protect you. I do not regret that decision.”
TW: “Well I do. And I’m done taking your advice.”
MR: “Chloe, your being…”
TW: Sex is interrupted as Chloe brings up another folder and yells “Found it!”
MR: Sex looks over her shoulder and sees that she’s found a folder marked Salvation.
TW: The folder opens and a bunch of information comes up. Chloe looks through it. “Here we go. It looks like the source, whatever it is, is being stored in a room in one of the 33.1 labs. Looks like I’m going to have to go do some investigating.” Chloe brings up a blue print of the lab and prints it off.
MR: “Chloe, are you sure you want to do this.
TW: Why, is this another secret that you’ve kept from me “for my own protection”.
MR: “Of course not. I just don’t want you to rush off and put yourself in danger for no reason.”
TW: Chloe, however, isn’t listening and just grabs her purse and leaves.
MR: And now its time to go back to Lionel’s office where Lex and Hope have just walked in. “Hello Dad. We need to talk.”
TW: When he says this Hope pulls out a pistol and points it at Lionel.
JG: WHAT! Don’t you dare have her kill Lionel.
TW: Don’t worry. It just shoots a tranquilizer.
MR: The screen goes black and then we see as Lionel wakes up. Everything starts blurry and then gets clear. Lionel is lying in a small white room with a bed, toilet, etc. It’s obviously a cell, and it has a glass wall that the door is in.
TW: He looks up as the door opens and Lex enters. Hope slips in behind him and stands next to the door.
MR: “I trust the accommodations are to your satisfaction, Dad.”
TW: John, do you want to…?
JG: Sure. “Housekeeping leaves something to be desired. But then you never were much for hiring good help.”
AM: So it’s more than just his security?
TW: His butler never did much to keep Clark from bursting in at all hours.
AM: I always figured Lex liked that.
MR: Can we get back to the scene? “Maybe we can move you to better room, if you’re cooperative.” Lex pulls out Hope’s pictures of the notebook and drops them in front of Lionel, the symbol of El is on top. “You can start by telling me about this.”
JG: “A repository for some random symbols I’ve come across, nothing more.”
MR: “I don’t think there’s anything random about what you’ve written here. This symbol you’ve labeled Kal-El, for example. Care to expound on that?”
JG: “What would you like me to say? I’m sure you know Kal-El better than I.”
KK: Biblically, even.
MR: “There is the novel concept of the truth. We could share information, work together to protect humanity from this alien threat.”
JG: “I’ve told you the truth, but you don’t believe. I am helping to protect Earth.”
MR: “Careful casting yourself as Cassandra, Dad. Things didn’t end well for her.”
JG: “Cassandra died a pawn of Clytaemnestra’s game. I play my own.”
ED: What is he talking about?
JG: It’s the Oresteia. [ED looks confused] Greek mythology.
ED: Oh it’s one of those Luthor scenes.
TW: Before Lex can respond, his phone rings. He steps outside of the cell but can still be heard.
MR: “Lex. Alright. He wants what? Fine, let him have it. It’s not like we have any great need for it. Also, I want a list of everything he has gotten from us and use it to find out everything he could possibly be making with it. I don’t want to find out that Luthorcorp has been providing some gang with the resources to make a super weapon.”
TW: While Lex is talking Hope’s phone rings. She answers but we don’t hear what she says.
MR: Lex hangs up. “Sorry about that.” Hope walks up to Lex.
TW: “Sir. Someone has accessed the Salvation file.” Lex looks at with interest.
MR: “Really? Well than I guess its time for us to go.” Looking back at Lionel. “I don’t suppose you want to get any more information?” Lionel just looks at him like he’s an idiot.
JG: I think I can manage that.
MR: “Oh well. I guess we’ll have to continue this another time.” Lex and Hope lock the cell and then walk off screen.
7.10 Darkness by MR and TW (Part IV)
as retold by Maniac64
TW: We cut back to Martha as her door opens and Lucius Best walks in. Martha stands and extends her hand but Lucius just starts yelling.
MR: “What in the hell is that bill? What happened to the Senator who was going to help meta-humans? Here I thought we were going to get some protection, instead we end up with the meta-human equivalent of the Patriot Act.”
TW: “It’s a pleasure to see you again too Mr. Best.”
MR: “Except that we aren’t even being treated as terrorists. Oh no, we’re “Entities of Mass Destruction”. We’re not even human beings any more, now we’re just weapons. Weapons that don’t need any rights, just to be controlled and disposed of if they are too dangerous. Heck, this thing is worse than the Patriot Act.”
TW: “I understand your concern Mr. Best. But I assure you I…
MR: “So did you ever intend to help us?”
TW: “I assure you that I am just as disappointed with what happened to my Bill as you.”
MR: “I highly doubt that.”
TW: “I will do whatever I can to help rectify the situation. Howerver, the bill has already been passed, so I suggest you stop complaining and start thinking about helping those people you are supposed to represent.”
MR: “Don’t try and tell me how to do my job.”
TW: “Well it would appear someone has to.”
KK: Oh snap.
AoT: Now that’s the kind of Martha I like. Not some stay at home mom who does nothing but cook and wait for her son.
MR: Like we would do that to her. “How dare you!”
TW: Martha sits down behind her desk, looking calm. “Ever since this bill was modified you have complained to everyone who would listen and quite a few people who wouldn’t. But none of that is doing anybody any good. All you’re doing is making meta-humans look more hostile. This situation is going to require a delicacy. Not yelling.”
MR: “I am doing more than just yelling.”
TW: “Recently there have been more and more disasters and dangers linked directly to meta-humans. The public is scared, and reasonably so. There are people at there with the ability to do truly dangerous things and prior to this bill there was absolutely nothing that could be done to stop them. Now I admit that this bill has gone too far, but something did need to be done.” Lucius finally sits down, but he is obviously still upset. “Now meta-humans can keep yelling and arguing and just making themselves look like more of a threat, or they can start cooperating. Any meta-human that shows that they desire safety as much as everyone else and shows that they are willing to work with the government to bring about that safety will be treated far better than those that keep fighting it.
MR: “So you think if we all play along things will be just fine?” Best says sarcastically.
TW: “I think that anybody who plays along has a far smaller chance of ending up on the wrong end of some of this bill’s nastier allowances. Anyone who has a possibly dangerous power or a power that could be used for violence should immediately sign up to be on the Meta-Human Defense Force. That will prevent anyone from being labeled as a EMD.”
MR: “So you really think we should just go along with all this.”
TW: “I think that would be the wisest course of action yes. You can still voice your displeasure for this bill, but more importantly you need to show that you are reasonable, and looking out for what’s best for everyone. Not just meta-humans.”
MR: “And that’s it. We just live with this horrible bill over our heads threatening to ruin our lives at any minute?”
TW: “For now yes. I am going to do everything in my power to make things right. I am still determined to protect the meta-human population, both from the government and from anyone else who would threaten it. I already have the bill being sent to court to see if they will overturn some of it. Hopefully we will be able to fix the problems that this bill has caused, but it won’t be easy. And I am going to need the cooperation of the meta-human population if we want to accomplish anything.”
MR: “Alright then Senator Kent. You will have our cooperation. For now at least.”
TW: “That’s all I ask.” They shake hands and Lucius leaves. As soon as the door closes Martha puts her head in her hands looking exhausted.
AoT: Now that’s a good scene.
MR: We’re glad you approve.
TW: Next we go through a series of clips, with Lois and Bittleman talking to people. Each scene is in a different room – we can redecorate the Kent house or the mansion for this.
JG: And you expect to pay for this how? I will not have my hair care budget touched for your silly episode.
MR: Sponsorship from Martha Stewart Living.
AM: Suddenly, unemployment looks better and better.
KK: Damn, that is low, even for you two.
ED: What? I like Martha Stewart products?
KK: You would.
JG: Well, she screams at the help and mocks her neighbors. I approve.
MR: A young Asian man. “The told me it would make the pain stop.” He raises a hand that has been melted into a single mass. “This is an improvement?”
TW: An older African American woman. “My daughter just wanted to go to school with other children. Now she’s on life support in Metropolis General Hospital.”
MR: A young Latino girl. “The doctors said I would be able to stop worrying about my powers.” Pan back to show she is in a wheelchair. “They forgot to mention that the seizures Salvation caused would snap my spine.”
TW: An older white man. “My wife wanted her sight back.” Pan to the left, where a woman lays unmoving on a bed. “Those bastards put her into a coma!”
MR: A young Middle Eastern woman. “The doctors said there was an accident. They said my son,” she starts to get choked up, “they said he stopped breathing.”
TW: Lois says, “I am so sorry for your loss.”
MR: “I could not even lay him to rest. The doctors kept his body. They said it was necessary to help other patients.” She breaks down, sobbing. Bittleman picks up the contract the mother signed to put her son into the salvation testing, and shows it to Lois.
TW: “Would you mind if we look at this?”
MR: “Take it. Please, could you bring my son home to me?”
TW: Lois’s face turns hard. “We will do our best.”
TW: We cut back to Martha as her door opens and Lucius Best walks in. Martha stands and extends her hand but Lucius just starts yelling.
MR: “What in the hell is that bill? What happened to the Senator who was going to help meta-humans? Here I thought we were going to get some protection, instead we end up with the meta-human equivalent of the Patriot Act.”
TW: “It’s a pleasure to see you again too Mr. Best.”
MR: “Except that we aren’t even being treated as terrorists. Oh no, we’re “Entities of Mass Destruction”. We’re not even human beings any more, now we’re just weapons. Weapons that don’t need any rights, just to be controlled and disposed of if they are too dangerous. Heck, this thing is worse than the Patriot Act.”
TW: “I understand your concern Mr. Best. But I assure you I…
MR: “So did you ever intend to help us?”
TW: “I assure you that I am just as disappointed with what happened to my Bill as you.”
MR: “I highly doubt that.”
TW: “I will do whatever I can to help rectify the situation. Howerver, the bill has already been passed, so I suggest you stop complaining and start thinking about helping those people you are supposed to represent.”
MR: “Don’t try and tell me how to do my job.”
TW: “Well it would appear someone has to.”
KK: Oh snap.
AoT: Now that’s the kind of Martha I like. Not some stay at home mom who does nothing but cook and wait for her son.
MR: Like we would do that to her. “How dare you!”
TW: Martha sits down behind her desk, looking calm. “Ever since this bill was modified you have complained to everyone who would listen and quite a few people who wouldn’t. But none of that is doing anybody any good. All you’re doing is making meta-humans look more hostile. This situation is going to require a delicacy. Not yelling.”
MR: “I am doing more than just yelling.”
TW: “Recently there have been more and more disasters and dangers linked directly to meta-humans. The public is scared, and reasonably so. There are people at there with the ability to do truly dangerous things and prior to this bill there was absolutely nothing that could be done to stop them. Now I admit that this bill has gone too far, but something did need to be done.” Lucius finally sits down, but he is obviously still upset. “Now meta-humans can keep yelling and arguing and just making themselves look like more of a threat, or they can start cooperating. Any meta-human that shows that they desire safety as much as everyone else and shows that they are willing to work with the government to bring about that safety will be treated far better than those that keep fighting it.
MR: “So you think if we all play along things will be just fine?” Best says sarcastically.
TW: “I think that anybody who plays along has a far smaller chance of ending up on the wrong end of some of this bill’s nastier allowances. Anyone who has a possibly dangerous power or a power that could be used for violence should immediately sign up to be on the Meta-Human Defense Force. That will prevent anyone from being labeled as a EMD.”
MR: “So you really think we should just go along with all this.”
TW: “I think that would be the wisest course of action yes. You can still voice your displeasure for this bill, but more importantly you need to show that you are reasonable, and looking out for what’s best for everyone. Not just meta-humans.”
MR: “And that’s it. We just live with this horrible bill over our heads threatening to ruin our lives at any minute?”
TW: “For now yes. I am going to do everything in my power to make things right. I am still determined to protect the meta-human population, both from the government and from anyone else who would threaten it. I already have the bill being sent to court to see if they will overturn some of it. Hopefully we will be able to fix the problems that this bill has caused, but it won’t be easy. And I am going to need the cooperation of the meta-human population if we want to accomplish anything.”
MR: “Alright then Senator Kent. You will have our cooperation. For now at least.”
TW: “That’s all I ask.” They shake hands and Lucius leaves. As soon as the door closes Martha puts her head in her hands looking exhausted.
AoT: Now that’s a good scene.
MR: We’re glad you approve.
TW: Next we go through a series of clips, with Lois and Bittleman talking to people. Each scene is in a different room – we can redecorate the Kent house or the mansion for this.
JG: And you expect to pay for this how? I will not have my hair care budget touched for your silly episode.
MR: Sponsorship from Martha Stewart Living.
AM: Suddenly, unemployment looks better and better.
KK: Damn, that is low, even for you two.
ED: What? I like Martha Stewart products?
KK: You would.
JG: Well, she screams at the help and mocks her neighbors. I approve.
MR: A young Asian man. “The told me it would make the pain stop.” He raises a hand that has been melted into a single mass. “This is an improvement?”
TW: An older African American woman. “My daughter just wanted to go to school with other children. Now she’s on life support in Metropolis General Hospital.”
MR: A young Latino girl. “The doctors said I would be able to stop worrying about my powers.” Pan back to show she is in a wheelchair. “They forgot to mention that the seizures Salvation caused would snap my spine.”
TW: An older white man. “My wife wanted her sight back.” Pan to the left, where a woman lays unmoving on a bed. “Those bastards put her into a coma!”
MR: A young Middle Eastern woman. “The doctors said there was an accident. They said my son,” she starts to get choked up, “they said he stopped breathing.”
TW: Lois says, “I am so sorry for your loss.”
MR: “I could not even lay him to rest. The doctors kept his body. They said it was necessary to help other patients.” She breaks down, sobbing. Bittleman picks up the contract the mother signed to put her son into the salvation testing, and shows it to Lois.
TW: “Would you mind if we look at this?”
MR: “Take it. Please, could you bring my son home to me?”
TW: Lois’s face turns hard. “We will do our best.”
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