7.03 United by MR and AoT (Part VI)

As retold by RepairmanBob

KK: Hope at the hospital. She tracks down the person stealing the Level 33.1 data – the doctor Lionel talked to in the beginning of the episode.
JG: Lionel always has capable minions.
MR: To bad none of them are as capable as Hope.

KK: Clark is still fighting Steven.
TW: And still getting his ass kicked.
MR: Suddenly, there is a red flash, and Clark has a League communicator in his hand, with a note that says “Wear me.”
JG: What the Radio Fairy is going to help Clark now?
KK: Close.
MR: Clark puts on the communicator, and we hear Ollie’s voice.
KK: “Welcome to the League, Farmboy. Let’s take this tin solider down, so we can go out and celebrate.”
MR: “I’m grateful for the help, Green Arrow, but I have thrown everything I have at this guy, and barely slowed him down. I am just about out of ideas.”
JG: Because I am so dumb.
KK: “The new PAS are definitely a bitch to take down. We have used a mini-nuke to cut through their shields in the past. If we –“
MR: “No nukes!” Clark rushes back at Steven and lands a few blows, with little effect. Clark talks while he fights. “Not in the city!”
KK: “That is why it is called a mini-nuke Farmboy. Blast radius of about ten feet, with most of the damage from the EMP pulse and shockwaves. No radiation. You lure the GI Joe-Bot to an isolated area. If I can shoot him at the same time you use your heat vision –“
MR: “It will take him down, with no civilian losses. Got it.”
KK: “Then what are you waiting for?”
JG: A sale on flannel shirts and nipple clamps, I expect.

MR: Back to Chloe and Lex.
JG: (Pulls out his bag of popcorn)
KK: Chloe is pissed.
AM: I can relate. (Glares at MR)
KK: “One more word, Lex. Say one more word and I will rip the information I need out of your brain, and leave you here to rot. You are a healthy young man. You could live fifty or sixty more years, trapped here in your own personal hell.” Chloe gives Lex a nasty smile.
MR: Lex gets to his feet. “You could do that. You might even get the information you need to stop the meta-human threat. Eventually. But how many innocent people will die while you tear through my brain? You know how hard it is for a child to lose a parent, Chloe. How many little children will need to suffer because Chloe Sullivan” (mocking voice) “Got her feeling hurt by big, mean Lex Luthor?”
KK: Chloe looks pissed, and grabs Lex’s arm. “This isn’t over.”
MR: “Psychic surgery? Be gentle. It’s my first time.”
KK: Ah, just like Clark and Lex in season one.
TW: First time Lex has said that in awhile.
KK: “You know what the say Lex – the first time always hurts.”
JG: Also sounds like Clark and Lex from season one.
MR: They both fade away, like a Star Trek transporter.
JG: Showing your geek root, Michael.
MR: Geek is the new cool. John.
KK: Just keep telling yourself that.

MR: Back to the hospital room. Chloe sits back in her chair, Lex opens his eyes. They are both hot, sweaty and out of breath. Hope is relieved, and rushes to Lex’s side.
TW: (To AM) I warned you not to use your veto. There was no way the censors would have let that line through.
JG: The CW has censors?
KK: Not likely.
MR: “Was it good for you, Chloe?”
AM: As if.
KK: “Don’t flatter yourself, Lex. Now stop that freak you built before anyone else is hurt.”
MR: Lex looks at Hope, who helps him sit up and rolls over a table with the laptop.

KK: Cut to the Clark / Steven fight. Clark has lured Steven to an empty industrial area. “Just get him out in the open, Clark.”
MR: “Doing my best” Clark gets punches 30 feet in the air.
AM: Sweet Lady Irony strikes again.
MR: Yeah that was funny. Steven is begging for someone to help him, and he smashes or throws anything he comes in contact with.

MR: Hospital room. Lex starts to type on the computer. Chloe leans over, and gently touches his bare shoulder.
AM: Is Chloe going to kiss Lex now?
KK: Can we add that?
JG: Yes, can we?
TW: You never learn, do you Allison?
MR: Fun as that might be, you will like this scene Allison. As Lex types, we hear his voice. “Override code 547-63. Subject: Rogers, Captain Steven. Code Omega, full shutdown protocols. Password: Spartan 41.”

MR: Clark ducks a punch, and uses super breath to blow Steven into a wall.
KK: “I have the shot! Get ready, Farmboy!”

KK: Zoom in tight to Steven’s head, then under the skin to the back of his skull. We see a small device attached to the top of his spinal cord.
TW: Lex actually had a plan if a test subject went crazy?
KK: The device lights up, and shoots out electricity. Pan back to Steven, who is covered in blue electricity. He has a massive seizure, then drops to the ground.
JG: Lex had a backup plan!
KK: The retrieval team Hope spoke to earlier runs in and ties Steven to a stretcher. Zoom out to Clark, who stand next to Ollie on a nearby rooftop, watching them take Steven away.

AM: I don’t believe it! Lex had a plan if things went wrong!
MR: Chloe threatens to report what Lex did.
KK: “Human experimentation, destruction of public property, crimes against humanity –
MR: (Lex smiles) “Prove it. As far as the press is concerned, LuthorCorp just captured a dangerous meteor freak. I may even get another key to the city.”
KK Chloe glares.
AM: So Chloe looks dumb again?
TW: She needs proof that Lex was involved.
MR: Which Chloe does not have, unless she can admit she read his mind. “I am just happy LuthorCorp was able to help save the public from another dangerous mutant.” Lex smiles at Chloe. “Won’t the world be a better place when all those dangerous meteor freaks are locked away, Chloe?”
KK: Chloe stands up. “Not all the animals are in the zoo, Lex.” She glares at him. “We are not finished.”
MR: “I will be looking forward to our next conversation. “
AM: She just leaves? She knows Lex was behind everything and she walks out?
KK: Bet you wish you still had the veto right about now.
AM: Shut up.
JG: (Pulls out popcorn bag) Hit him!

MR: Back to DC. Martha is talking to the mutant right advocate. I’m naming him Lucius Best (secret identity of Frozone from The Incredibles).
KK: “ People infected by meteors –“
MR: “We prefer the term meta-humans, Senator Kent.”
KK: “Very well. There are two problems we are facing. Meta-humans are being exploited by people who want to take advantage to their abilities, and regular people feel powerless in the face of individuals with super-human abilities."
MR: “Senator Kent, most meta-humans simply want to live a quiet life with their neighabors. They are a threat to no one.”
KK: “I understand that, Mr. Best. But look at the damage caused by one person..”
MR: That was an isolated case –“
KK: “That resulted in over twenty million dollars in damage and dozens of injuries. People are frightened, and frightened people tend to lash out. I have a proposal that may help us all, human and meta-human, but I will need your help.
MR: Lucius looks surprised. “I am listening, Senator.”


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