7.05 Threats by MR & ED (Part IV)

as retold by RepairmanBob

ED: The Daily Planet. “This was your story, Chloe? How long were you going to wait to publish it? How many people were going to die before you did something about it?”
MR: Sex appears. “Too bad Clark did not get back to you last week with your article.”
ED: “I was not willing to wait. Some one had to stand up to Lex and stop what he was doing. No one else would be hurt like Wes.”
JG: Since when does Lois talk like that?
AoT: Since Erica decided she wanted an Emmy.
MR: Kahn looks at Chloe. “Your cousin got the big story, Sullivan. You should be more like her. That kind of attitude is why she is starting at the City Desk, and you are still in the basement”
ED: Chloe is speechless.
KK: (Looks at AM) You have that down. (Laughs)
ED: "Yes, I considered you for the promotion, Sullivan. Hell, after that article on Lex's pet soldiers a few months ago, I was just about ready to hand it to you. But since then, your work as gone to hell. You articles are always a day or two late, your facts are not as tight, and what was the last major story you broke?"
TW: Wait, why is this happening?
JG: Chloe agreed to get the Clark and the League to approve all of her stories on Lex. She is leaving facts out, or being censored by Clark and Ollie.
TW: But, that makes Clark look like an -
MR: Like an ass. Yes, that was the point.
AM: (Still looks dazed)
ED: Ah, who cares! The girls get to work together! Lois is overjoyed. She thanks Kahn, and rushes over and hugs Chloe. So, how does everyone like it? Lois is at the Daily Planet!
KK: (Grinning, looking at AM) Erica, I can honestly say this is the happiest I have ever been with your writing.
AoT: It certainly is a good turn for your character.
TW: (To MR) Allison is still not talking.
MR: (To TW) This is bad.
JG : (Moves slowly away from the table, puts a hand under his jacket)
AM: (Slowly stands up) I need to get some air.
ED: But how do you like it Allison? We have Lois at the Daily Planet!
AM: (Long, ambiguous look at ED) I need to get some air.
(AM starts walks to the door of the room. Just before she opens to door, KK speaks up).
KK: How do you like those network mandates now, Allison?
(AM turns around, and throws KK a look of pure disgust, then walks out).
ED: Did she like it?
TW+MR: Shit.
TW: (Stands up) I’ll go talk to her.
ED: She liked it, right?
AoT: Go quickly, before she gets to the catering truck.
JG: (Pulls out cell phone) I’ll have security send more guards to the weapons locker.
KK: We have a weapons locker?
JG: Where else would we keep the dart guns?
AoT: Send some people to watch the trailers as well.
MR: And our cars.
ED: Allison liked my scene, right? Right?
KK: I liked it enough for both of us.

MR: OK, new addition. When Lois hugs Chloe, Sex asks "So, how do you feel, Chloe? How do you really feel?" We pan back, to a full view of Kahn's office. Wait one second, and all the windows explode.
ED: What? Why would Chloe do that?
(The rest of the cast looks at ED in shock. KK starts laughing uncontrollably)
ED: What?
JG: How do you not understand this?
MR: Erica, did Allison look happy to you?
ED: Well, maybe a little surprised, but -
KK: (Still laughing) She is pissed! Oh, this is great! Hahahahhah... Oh, Erica, I love you! Even I could never figure out a way to take the Daily Planet away from Chloe!
ED: But I just -
AoT: You put Lois Lane in the Daily Planet.
JG: You trapped Chloe Sullivan in the basement.
MR: You took the Level 33.1 story that has been tied to Chloe's character for years away and gave to Lois.
KK: (stands up, hugs ED) Thank you! I am so happy!

MR: Back to Clark. He has follows the gang who attacked the LuthorCorp truck to another building. He watches from a distance and the leader from the teaser uses his remote control to open the doors.
ED: Cut inside to Hope, Lex and Dr, Richards in the lab. Alarms and flashing red lights go off. Lex rushes to a bank of monitors, which shows the gang members quickly overpowering his guards. Cut to one man in particular, who is giving orders. “Take any lab equipment and research. This is our largest job yet, and it needs to be perfect.” It is the boss from 7.02.
KK: The guy who slit someone’s throat?
JG: Now that is a man who knows how to control his minions. I bet he and Lionel went to college together.

ED: Lois follows Chloe outside of Kahn’s office.
MR: OK, we are going to make some changes, based on... recent events.
ED: I really thought Allison would be happy we were working together more.
TW: (Walks back inside) Allison will be back in a minute. She needed some air.
JG: (Cell phone rings) Weapons locker is secure? Good man.
MR: Chloe and Lois are arguing. Chloe rants that this was her big break, that Jimmy told her she was one big story away from the City Desk job.
ED: Lois looks at her sadly. “Chloe, I told Kahn I did not want the position if it meant taking it from you. I just wanted to let the world know what Lex was doing, and no one would believe it if they saw it in the Inquisitor.”
MR: Chloe looks like she has been slapped “But Jimmy said–“
ED: “Jimmy is a great guy and one hell of a photographer, but as an investigator… well, he thought hooking me up with Clark was a good idea. Enough said. "
MR: “But –“
ED: Lois tries to look compassionate. “Chloe, do you know what Bittleman said? People call you PodChloe behind your back. Kahn said you lost your edge – the drive the be the best reporter in the world. I don’t know what is going on, but I did not steal this job from you, and I am not going to apologize for earning it on my own.”
TW: (Muttering to himself) Please stay outside, please stay outside, please stay outside.
ED: Chloe turns away, looking hurt. Lois grabs Chloe’s shoulder, and we hear her voice - Michael, are you sure about this?
MR: Just go with it, Erica.
ED: Fine, fine. We hear Lois say "How can she be so jealous? I thought Chloe would be happy I was alive, but all she cares about is this stupid story! Damn, what is wrong with her?"
MR: Sex next to Chloe. "She doesn't even care about the story. She stole your promotion and your story, and they are both meaningless to her. How lovely. Nice to see helping Clark and his Boy's Club, playing by their rules and being a Good Little Girl, has paid off so well for you."
ED: Still hearing Lois's thoughts. "I can't believe she is so selfish right now. Why is this all about her?"
MR: Sex says "Yes, since you always make everything all about Chloe. No, wait, that would be the cousin who faked her death to steal your job, or the farm boy who could not be bothered to get back to you on this very article. Does she really understand you this poorly?"
ED: But Lois did not steal her job! Chloe wasn't going to get it anyway!
KK: That is what makes it so funny!
ED: Lois talks out loud. "Chloe, say something."
MR: Chloe replies, "I need to go."
KK: It is just like real life!
ED: Lois tightens her grip. "No, we need to talk. Now."
MR: Chloe's voice drops for a second. "I said. Let. Go!" Chloe pushes Lois away – and over a nearby desk.
ED: When Lois gets up, Chloe is gone. Kahn yells “Get you ass in gear, Lane! We have work to do!” Lois follow Kahn, and in the background we se a door open by itself.


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