7.04 Embedded by AM & ED (Part VII)

AM: Aboard the other plane the freaks talk quietly among themselves. In the cockpit Oliver adjusts controls.
ED: Clark enters, "We have all Lex's people on the south side of the island safely out of the blast radius. You sure you want to leave them here?"
AM: "They made their own choices, Clark. If they're going to work with the likes of Lex they're not going to get my charity."
ED: Clark looks conflicted.
AM: After a moment's silence Oliver sighs. "Oh, all right. We can try to squeeze them in."
ED: Clark gives his goofy big grin. Now, that's the gayest look of the episode!
AM: No way. It doesn't even compare to Oliver fighting with Clark because Clark was two timing him with Lex.
MR: What? No love for the Clex?
KK: Clex is like an old married couple. The thrill is gone.
ED: Besides, this is the makeup scene. You can't beat makeup sex.
KK: I don't know. There's a lot to be said for angry sex.
ED: Says the girl who's suddenly almost always angry.
KK: Exactly! Maybe I speak from experience.
TW: Then maybe you should be thanking Allison instead of trying to kill her.
AM: Yeah!
KK: There is a lot to be said for it. But not enough to save Allison.
TW: [To AM] I tried.
KK: [writing on her script] You failed.
TW: What are you writing?
KK: Nothing.
MR: [Leans in to look] B. D. [KK smacks his hand] Aye! Ow!
KK: Watch it Rosenbaum!
TW: You're going to punish Clark for that?
KK: Not necessarily. You could redeem yourself.
TW: How?
KK: We'll talk. In private.
AM: Don't forget you owe me, Tom.
KK: I'm about to find out just how much.
TW: [Looks uncomfortable]

AM: Outside the Star City airport. Zinda and Lois are saying goodbye, "Last chance to keep the jumpsuit. You positive you don't want it?"
ED: "Oh, I'm positive." Awkward pause, "Thanks, Zinda."
AM: "Well, Wes was my friend too."
ED: They hug.
AM: "You sure you're going to be OK?"
ED: "Yeah. Eventually."
AM: "You and Oliver... you have the same goals. You just go about them differently."
ED: "I know."
AM: Zinda looks skeptical, "You're going to bite his head off anyway, aren't you?"
ED: "Probably."
AM: "Do what you must, just try not to scar that pretty face of his."
ED: "Zinda..."
AM: "Don't worry, I'm not after your ex... yet."
ED: A police siren sounds off nearby.
AM: "Well, that's probably our cue to go."
ED: "It was good seeing you again, Zinda. Don't be a stranger."
AM: "Same here, Lois." They start walking their separate ways and Zinda stops. "And Lois?"
ED: Lois turns back around to face Zinda.
AM: "You actually weren't half bad... for an amateur."
ED: "Thanks."
AM: Zinda winks before walking off.

AM: Lex's office. Hope stands in front of his desk, at attention.
ED: Lex circles her, he's irate. "I can't believe it! I hand you the Justice League on a silver platter and what do you do?"
AM: Hope is silent.
ED: "Not only do they slip through your fingers they destroy our last facility and take our human assets!"
AM: "I'm sorry sir."
ED: "And we're no closer to finding out who they are or stopping them than ever, are we?"
AM: "Actually sir. I was able to positively identify one individual."
ED: "Finally, progress!"
AM: "Unfortunately this individual's presence may have further compromised the project."
ED: Lex slams the desk, "Who! Who is it!"
AM: "Lois Lane, sir."
ED: "She's dead!"
AM: "She is not. She saw everything and I fully expect her to publish it all. I suggest we dismantle..."
ED: "We're not dismantling anything!"
AM: "If this gets out to the press..."
ED: "Lois is a two bit reporter for a two bit newspaper. She can publish to her heart's content in the Inquisitor. No one is going to believe a word."
AM: "But sir..."
ED: Lionel enters, "I trust I'm not interrupting anything, son?"
AM: Lex to Hope, "You're dismissed."
ED: Hope exits, Lex turns his attention to Lionel "I'm surprised you still have the audacity to show up here."
AM: "I'm magnanimous in my defeat as always, son. Unlike you if my ears don't deceive me."
ED: "This is merely a setback."
AM: "I won't argue semantics. Still, did I hear your associate right? That Lois Lane lives?"
ED: "Mmmm. That's the rumor."
AM: "I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss her, son."
ED: "Lois Lane is nothing more than a pesky gnat."
AM: "If I remember correctly that pesky 'gnat' managed to put an end to your political aspirations."
ED: "No! You did, Dad. You filled the Kent campaign coffers. Surprisingly enough hardly a year later you have a United States Senator at your beck and call."
AM: "Touche, son. Still, though I may have forged the sword it was our dear Ms. Lane who slayed the dragon."
ED: Lex is amused, "Ever ready with the pithy analogy, eh Dad? You should teach a course."
AM: Lionel, however, is not amused. "Watch your back, son." He heads for the door.
ED: Lex calls out after him, "You say that as if you think I don't have a backup plan."
AM: Lionel smiles, "So you're learning?" On his way out, "It's good to know all that money I spent on private school wasn't a complete waste."


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