7.04 Embedded by AM & ED (Part I)

When Clark joins up with Oliver and company to take out the "final" 33.1 location he's in for a big surprise.

[The cast sit around the writer's table. MR chats to a bored TW about naked exploding women robots. AoT and JG chat about the Drowsy Chaperone. AM & KK avoid making eye contact. AM checks her watch and sighs.]
AM: It's getting late. Let's go ahead and get started.
MR: I thought we were supposed to wait for our new cast member.
JG: You're going to start without your co-author? Can't say I'm all that surprised.
AM: As if you cared.
TW: Why must it be such a secret? Is it a new DP editor?
AM: It's not a DP editor. I wish it were a DP editor.
KK: [Smiles] I think I'll like this new addition.
AoT: Is it Supergirl? I've heard rumors Al and Miles want to have Supergirl.
AM: [Handing out scripts] It's not Supergirl. I wish it were Supergirl.
TW: Who could be worse that Supergirl?
KK: I know I'll like this new addition!
MR: Now that Lex has Hope I don't care who it is. Unless it's Mercy. That would be sweet!
JG: How come they find someone to replace Lois but can't find someone to replace Lionel!?!?
AM: John, you're irreplaceable.
JG: I wish I wasn't.
AoT: I can't believe they're replacing Lois!
KK: They are. Get used to it.
AoT: It makes me sick. I miss Erica!
KK: You miss Erica? You were always threatening to body slam her!
AoT: [Nostalgic] She used to scream like a little girl.
JG: I don't miss the little backstabber!
AM: Michael, stand in until my co-author and new cast member arrives?
MR: What do I get out of it? Do I get Mercy?
AM: You get to read about the defeat of the Justice League.
MR: Really? Lex beats them?
AM: Yup.
TW: What?!?!
MR: Hand me a script!
TW: Clark and Oliver are supposed to to take down the final 33.1 location!
AoT: The synopsis doesn't say they succeed.
AM: John is right.
TW: Success is implied.
KK: Like Lana's death was implied?
TW: Kristen, don't...
KK: Don't what, Tom?
TW: Take Allison's side.
KK: I'm not taking anyone's side.
JG: The synopsis says Clark is in for a big surprise.
MR: Like defeat!
JG: Surprise!
MR: Allison, you're the greatest!
KK: [glares at MR]
MR: I mean you're pretty cool.
KK: [continued glare]
MR: I mean you're, um, ... what am I supposed to read again?

AM: [Pointing in the script] Here.
MR: Surrounded by a mob of freaks Oliver yells that he needs backup.

AM: Cut to Chloe exposition. Impulse and Aquaman are down. She asks Cyborg to cover Green Arrow.
TW: What about Clark?
AM: What about him?
TW: Why can't he do it?
MR: Can we read the damn script, Tom?
TW: I just want to know...
AM: Then let us read it.

MR: Cut to Cyborg. He's patched into the security system. "I'm a little busy." A flash of electricity comes out at him and he falls to the ground.

AM: Back to Chloe, "Cyborg, Cyborg? Can you read me?"

MR: A Luthorcorp jet cockpit mid flight. Two women sit in the pilot seats dressed in black jump suits with black motorcycle/jump helmets on.
AM: The plane approaches an island with smoke rising from several different spots.
MR: The pilot, "You want to parachute into this? If you ask me you have an unhealthy obsession with Lex." It is Mercy! And she's teamed up with Hope! This is like a gift from heaven!
KK: What are you doing, Allison?
AM: What do you mean? The passenger, "I didn't. Just make sure you do your part and everybody goes home happy, partner." she opens the door and jumps out.
KK: You're trying to bribe Michael, aren't you?
MR: It's working!
AM: Just read.
MR: "My part isn't what I'm worried about."

AM: Cut back to Oliver. We hear Chloe, "Cyborg is not responding. How are you doing?"
MR: Show Clark fighting a seven or eight foot freak in the background. Oliver responds, "We have the situation under control!"
AM: Chloe, "It doesn't sound like it from here! I should be there with you!"
MR: The seven foot freak picks up a huge rock. Clark, "I told you it was too dangerous!" He punches him in the abdomen breaking open an IV drip of kryptonite fluid. Clark falls to his knees and the freak knees Clark in the jaw, knocking him flat. Sweet!
TW: Is commentary necessary, Michael?
MR: Oliver, "Hey Sasquatch, how about picking one someone your own size?" He aims his crossbow and scores a direct hit. The wounded freak hurls the rock at Oliver and falls on top of Clark.
TW: Great. Crushed by a freak.
AM: Oliver ducks. The rock hits a wall behind him bringing it down on top of Oliver.
MR: Lex took out the entire league!
AM: The PAS did.
MR: Close enough! Go Lex!
KK: [To AM] I can't believe you!
AM: What? Lana isn't even in this episode!
KK: Trying to win over Michael.
TW: In a second she's going to need to worry about winning over me.
KK: Maybe we should talk, Tom.
AM: [To TW] Can we leave the back stabbing for after the reading?
KK: Who said anything about back stabbing? Unlike some people I know I plan on stabbing you face to face.
AoT: OK, kids, let's pretend we're professionals.
AM: The mystery woman lands near Oliver and detaches her parachute. "Well if it isn't the Green Arrow. Legendary leader of the rag tag group of freaks fighting for 'justice.'" As she walks towards him Oliver reaches for his bow. She kicks it out of his grasp. "Didn't anybody ever warn you about messing with Lex Luthor?"
MR: Lex kicks Clark and company's ass and Hope cleans up the trash! Or is this one Mercy? Oh I don't care! I'm as giddy as a school girl!
AM: She pulls the communicator off Oliver's ear. We hear Chloe, "This is Watchtower. Can anyone hear me? What's going on?"
MR: Mercy, or Hope, or whoever, "Things aren't going very well at all, 'Watchtower'. Your team is defeated."

AM: Cut to Chloe looking worried, "Who is this?"

MR: Back to the island.
AM: "You first." When Chloe doesn't respond, "I didn't think so." She drops the communicator and reaches for Oliver's glasses, "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." She removes his glasses, pauses, and stands. "Oliver Queen. I can't believe it."
MR: "Disappointed?"
AM: "Very."
MR: Oliver is defiant, "Are you going to kill me or not?"
AM: "After what you've done? Believe me, I'm tempted. But I'm not here to kill you." She pulls off her helmet...

[ED bursts in.]
ED: Alright, goddammit! I'm here. What did I miss?
[The cast stare in surprise. JG grits his teeth.]
ED: Who the hell am I kidding?!? I wrote the damn episode, I didn't miss anything!
[ED finds a chair next to JG and sits.]
ED: How's it hanging, John?
[JG bangs his fists on the table.]
JG: What the hell are you doing here?
[ED gives JG a great big bear hug.]
ED: As lovably gruff as ever! I missed you, John!
JG: [Peels ED off him and moves his chair across the table.] Don't touch me backstabber!
ED: [Glancing around] So! How is everybody?
AoT: Kristen wants to kill Allison, John wants to kill you, I want my husband back in town, Tom needs a drink, and Michael wants to do an episode on...
ED: Naked exploding women robots? At least some things are still the same. [Spots the refreshment tray] Ah, cannoli!
TW: Why are you here?
ED: [To AM] You haven't told them?
AM: I hadn't gotten there yet. She removes her helmet, "I'm here to take down Lex."
MR: Shocked, "Lois?"
ED: [Munching cannoli] That's why.
TW: Lois is alive?
ED: It's worse, they cancelled my show!


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